Tuesday, December 05, 2006

冬至 / Old Man Winter

「冬天老人」終於在這裡駐腳了!上星期,天氣還是溫暖的十五度攝氏,但前数天,突然來了一場冰雨,城市由深秋的灰黃色,一夜之間,變成了白茫茫的一遍,氣溫也下降至零下五度左右俳佪。我們較年青的當然高興啦,因為滑雪、溜冰、冬天露營等的冬天活動季節開始了。苦了卻是那些上了年紀的,地上封了冰雪,寸步難行。我的母親也自閉在家,呆了兩整天。可幸城市的清雪工人,不分晝夜,剷了街上和行人路的積雪,又灑了鹽來溶解結了冰的地面,母親又可自由出入,我也小一點担心了。您或許会問: 為什麽這裡叫「冬天老人」,不叫「冬天阿婆」呢?那我就不知道了。

"Old Man Winter" is finally here to stay! Last week, the weather was a nice +15 degree C. Then several days ago, we were hit by freezing rain. Overnight, the city changed its colour from a late autumn kind of yellowish grey to pure white. The temperature too dropped and hovered around -5 degree C. Of course, (relatively) young folks like us were just jumping with joy; it's the beginning of another season of skiing, skating, winter camping and other winter activities. Unfortunately, "Old Man Winter" was bad news for the older folks, who could hardly walk on the ice and snow covered roads. My mother basically locked herself up for two whole days. Lucky for her and other seniors, the city's snow crew worked hard days and nights, removed the accumulated precipitation off the streets and sidewalks, and sprinkled salt to melt the icy surface. Finally, much to my relief, my mother was able to go out again. Now, you might ask: Why do people say "Old Man Winter" and not "Old Woman Winter"? That, I must say I don't know.


vicky said...

Quite wonderful, although snow cause many trouble, for people live in city like me, never see snow, i guess it's beautiful just like the picture in your profile.

Haricot 微豆 said...

Hi Vicky: If the weather is going to be cold, it might as well snow !!! It is beautiful in the hills when it is snowing. I especially enjoy cross-country skiing in the bush, when the air is fresh and the snow flakes just sparkle in the air. Moonlight skiing is another one of my favourites, when it is quiet all round. Well, Vicky, you will just have to take a trip to the nearest snowy mountain to experience winter :)

vicky said...

Oh, i am quite busy, if i have time & money, i probably will visit my friend in Waterloo & Mississauga, I don't know whether there is snow mountain or not.

If i don't need to work, i really want to stay in my friend's place for a month.

Haricot 微豆 said...

Hi Vicky, both Waterloo and Mississauga are in southern Ontario and there are no snowy mountains near by (little ski hills maybe). I look at the globe and the closest mountain chain is the Adirondacks in north-eastern New York State. The highest peak there is Mount Marcy which is 1629 metres high. I did a lot of rock and ice climbing there. One winter, I went there with my cross-country skis. It took me four hours to ski up and two hours down (including rests, lunch, getting lost, path finding, etc). FUN FUN FUN !!!

It would be nice to be able to take a month off, summer or winter :)

Anonymous said...

I can tell that going from Europe to Canada this Xmas is going to kill me. It's so hot over here right now I have to work in my shirt sleeves. The birds, too, are all going to die when it turns cold, and it likely will, as they have neglected to migrate.

Haricot 微豆 said...

Based on today's weather, your body may go thru a thermal shock from say +17 to -5 deg C, that's almost a difference of 22 deg C !! YIKES !!!

I thought migratory birds operate on seasonal alarm-clocks. You are right, it's bad news for those who linger.

Eden said...

oooo... snow ...
I've not seen fallen snow before. Neither have i tried skiing, esp. for me who hv a bad sense of balance. ..haha

Haricot 微豆 said...

Hi Eden: Someone asked me once whether living in Canada was like living in the freezer compartment of your home fridge. The answer is No!! Winter is part of the natural environment. I always feel delighted walking outside when the snow is falling (except in a blowing snow storm).

You do need a good sense of balance when you are on downhill skis. However, you will be all right on cross-country skis (for flatland skiing).

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