Wednesday, December 31, 2008
「兩週一聚: 午夜前的十分鐘」之【我的蘇俄女兒】 / 「Bi-weekly Series: Ten Minutes Before Midnight 」【Where Are You My Russian Daughter?】
Like the pebble on top of a mountain after the Champlain Sea has disappeared, or the stubborn stone that refused to march with the retreating glacier. I have chosen Canada as my final resting place.
But where are you my child, my long-lost daughter born of a Russian father and a Chinese mother?
Pick up each pebble and each stone, and it has a story to tell, only if we would listen. There is no regret, nor do I blame fate or people for losing you, my dear daughter. The history of China is full of turbulence and we are souls caught up in the midst of a storm. When I met your father, Sino-Russian relationship was at its peak. We fell in love with dreams of rebuilding China with soviet technology and the patriotism of a young Chinese girl. We were an innocent couple in love. Then the political wind changed. Our countries parted way, pulling our inter-racial family into an abyss. There was no future for a Chinese girl with Russian blood. You left with your father. I stood on the Wuhan Bridge, all alone, my eyes dried of tears.
For many years, the fog of war engulfed the city; it filled the streets with shouts and slogans; it filled young patriotic hearts with anger and excitement. The fire burnt, my photos, my diaries, my dreams. I could no longer ride with the new tide. Arriving Hong Kong, then on to Canada, my body travelled, leaving my youth behind, far from the city where we once were, a family. The foreign moon shines bright, but no more brighter or dimmer than the one you and I shared many a night. You cuddle close in my arms. The cicadas and the crickets sing their songs. The sweetness of jasmine fills the night.
生逢乩世,我不想指責任何人,我只希望能尋找我失去的女兒。我曾希望總有一天,会接到您們的訊息,但群众的怒火在燃燒著,被「下放」受「勞改」的人身不由己,在那十年多的艱苦歲月,我燒毀了我擁有的相片和日記,而團聚的夢想亦慢慢地隨煙而逝。文革後我輾轉從香港移民到楓叶國,遠離妳出生的家園,在太平洋的彼岸定居,在外國的月亮之下,我懷想妳倚偎在我的胸脯中,在蟬兒和蟋蟀歌声中, 茉莉花香充滿了夏夜。
Tonight, the North Star of the Canadian sky is keeping me company. The constellation of the Chinese sky awaits me. I long for solitude and serenity. I am closing the door, the hope of ever finding my daughter.
When I sleep you will be awake. The pulse of the night slows down to a single last heartbeat. And, in my resting heart shall also rest eternal the gift of my life, my memory of you, my dear daughter.
在這暮年歲月中,我已放棄了和妳團聚的夢想, 或許,皈依我佛,相信隨緣,將会是我人生的一個大解脱,但在我閉上眼之前,我還是会想念着妳,我親愛的蘇俄女兒。
後語: 這一篇不是政治言論,除了一些被删改了的時間丶地方丶人物之外,大部份都是真人真事。
C9 readandeat
mad dog
JO 子
Hongkie At Large
Monday, December 29, 2008
Turn Around - 1960s Kodak ad
The song was also used by Kodak in its commercial back in the 1960's. But the meaning has not been lost to many mothers.
一瞬間妳你已長大成人 / Turn Around and You're Going Out of My Door
Turn Around - by Harry Belafonte, Malvina Reynolds and Alan Greene
(text in brackets are from me)
Where are you going, my little one, little one,
Where are you going, my baby, my own?
Turn around and you're two,
Turn around and you're four,
Turn around and you're a young girl (boy) going out of my door.
Turn around, turn around,
Turn around and you're a young girl (boy) going out of my door.
Where are you going, my little one, little one,
Little dirndls (mittens) and petticoats (snowpants), where have you gone?
Turn around and you're tiny,
Turn around and you're grown,
Turn around and you're a young wife (man) with babes of your own.
Turn around, turn around,
Turn around and you're a young wife (man) with babes of your own.
Source of info / references / Links:
* Song lyrics from
* Xiao Zhu's blog article【尋˙迷】
無肉的百果餡 / The Meatless Mincemeat Pie
很多初來北美的唐人(包括我在內),以為聖誕新節日吃的mincemeat pie是肉末餡餅,但其實它是沒有肉的百果餡,是聖誕大歺之甜品。我查詢【維基百科Wikipedia】,找尋到以下的資料:
"... A mince pie (sometimes also minced, minced meat, or mincemeat pie) is a British festive sweet pastry, traditionally consumed during the Christmas and New Year period. Mince pies normally have a pastry top, but versions may also be found without the top in which case they are known as mince tarts. Mince pies are filled with mincemeat – a preserve typically containing apple, dried fruits such as raisins and sultanas, spices, and either suet or vegetable shortening. Modern mince pies typically do not contain any meat, but because suet is raw beef or mutton fat, mince pies made with suet are not suitable for vegetarians. Individual mince pies are usually 6–7.5 cm in diameter, although larger mince pies, suitable for slicing, may also be baked ...
... The origins of the mince pie lie in the medieval chewet (also spelled chewette), which was a fried or baked pastry containing chopped liver and other meats mixed with boiled eggs and ginger. Dried fruit and other sweet ingredients would be added to the chewet's filling for variety.
By the 16th century mince or "shred" pie was considered a Christmas speciality, although in the 17th century, Oliver Cromwell made the eating of mince pies on Christmas Day illegal. (This law was voted fourth "most ridiculous British law" in a 2007 poll.) In the mid-17th century the liver and chopped meat were replaced by suet, and by the 19th century meat was no longer generally used in the "mince" in either Britain or North America ..."
Source of information / References:
* 2008年聖誕火鳮歺 / The Turkey Dinner of X'mas 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
2008年諾貝爾文學獎 / 2008 Nobel Prize Winner of Literature Jean-Marie Gustave le Clézio
Haricot's Comments:
Thank you for your blog article and the links (Nobel Prize articles re his background and the interview, which I read). In many ways, writers are like painters, they are the instruments through which "reality" (in the eyes of the beholder) expresses itself. I do find that the more an artist or a writer is exposed to different culture, the less cultural eccentric the person will become. To this end, JM Gustave le Clézio has translated his cumulative overseas experience into his work, which is perhaps something that many contemporary Chinese writers should emulate.
Now, I am just a blogger and am light years away from the realm of Nobel Prize winners such as le Clézio. However, I do have a comment on the following quotation:
“... Culture, as I have said, belongs to us all, to all humankind. But in order for this to be true, everyone (and especially children) must be given equal access to culture. The book, however old-fashioned it may be, is the ideal tool ... ”
I can't help but disagree with (or nick-pick) the word "ideal". I can think of at least three books that have been central to both the transaction and transformation of culture: The Bible, The Koran and the Quotations from Chairman Mao. You know where I am going with this one: A tool is only as good as the person(s) interpreting it. As the old adage goes: "Meanings are in people, not in words." So, I would submit that the book (in hardcopy or electronic form) is the ideal tool provided that ..... Well, I will let you fill in the blank.
To see the original blog article "好好讀", please click
Friday, December 26, 2008
2008年聖誕火鳮歺 / The Turkey Dinner of X'mas 2008
* 焗爐火鳮一隻(6.5公斤左右),內有白麺飽和一些香料 (sage鼠尾草/洋蘇葉; savory 木質薄荷; thyme百里香/麝香草; rosemary迷迭香), 用來做填火鳮的配料 stuffing
* 原味火鳮汁
* 薯仔搓牛油
* 烘西葫蘆瓜 butternut squash,以橄欖油丶鹽丶胡椒粉丶和蔥作配料調味
* 有氣泡的蘋果汁 sparkling apple juice
* 甜品 (沒有肉的 mincemeat pies, Yule log 朱咕力蛋糕)
Photo 攝影图片: 火鷄的皮是畧燒焦了,但內裏的肉和 stuffing 卻是非常 juicy 好味!!
Monday, December 22, 2008
教學: 從「不知不覺」到「學無止境」 (一)
(一) 「不知不覺」:
我是不相信「胎敎」,或灌輸給嬰兒「莫札特」音樂丶或其它製做super baby的「高級知識份子」養料,出世之後,嬰兒是不知不覺,這個狀況可以維持数星期 (但也有些人是混沌一生,不赘),之後他/她開始有自我的覌念 (concept of self)和逐漸領悟時間丶事物的永恆性 (concept of permanency e.g. Peek-a-Boo I See You; face recognition; disappearance and re-appearance of people, food, toys, and events)。在孩提時代,父母的的角式責任重大,如以下我在網上找到的一篇提議:
(一) 在教養子女的過程中,父親與母親同樣重要。
(二) 即使父母工作再忙碌,也應撥出時間陪孩子,教導孩子。
(三) 父母應關懷了解孩子身心的成長,並在管教上建立一致的態度,共同找出適合孩子的管教方式。
(四) 重視父母本身的「身教」。父母怎麼做,孩子就怎麼學。
(一) 親子溝通的過程,要有溫馨、祥和的感 覺,若引起彼此之間的僵持或不愉快,則是沒有能力的愛。
(二) 指正孩子,要能引發他的心智成長,若只是一味的要求與責備,則是沒有能力的愛。
(三) 認清孩子的能力,幫助他走出自己的路,若凡事要求他跟別人比,只會更增加他的挫折感。
(四) 培養孩子主動自我指導的能力,使您的愛成為孩子自發成長的動力。
(一) 用關心的眼神,注視對方。
(二) 面帶微笑,專注傾聽。
(三) 點頭示意,表示接納。
(四) 問些問題,增進了解。
(一) 表達意見時,對事不對人。
(二) 只描述具體可見的行為。
(三) 說出自己的感受,而不是指責孩子。
(四) 把握適當時機。
(五) 與孩子一同討論,尋找合適的解決之道。
(一) 即時指正:「阿雄,不可以搶弟弟的玩具。」
(二) 指導正確行為:「阿雄,你很想和弟弟玩是嗎?拿出你的機器人模型,和他一起玩!」
(三) 注意公平性:指正是以行為的對錯為準則,而非年齡。如:忽略了公平性,只是一味地要哥哥讓弟弟,會讓哥哥不服氣,弟弟不講理。
(四) 態度堅定:讓孩子知道他的錯誤是得不到通融的,但要語氣溫和,不須像犯人一般地審問。
● 請看看專家的分析:
(一) 經常被比較為不如人的孩子常會表現:
(二) 經常被比較為比人強的孩子會表現:
● 因此積極的做法是:
(一) 發現與肯定孩子的優點。
(二) 鼓勵孩子欣賞別人的優點,但不可藉別人的優點批評他。
(三) 鼓勵孩子自己跟自己比,有進步就可以了。
(四) 讓孩子體會父母真心愛他。
References / Links:
1. 【如何做一個稱職的父母】 An article posted on a school website
2. 【別害了孩兒的一生】 Carmelina's Opinion on Some Mother's Kid
.... / to be continued 下續
Sunday, December 21, 2008
「偷食」男人的特徵 / Characteristics of an Unfaithful Man
1. 自幼在家庭被寵壞,只替自己利益着想
2. 父母常無條件替他解决困難,他不需負責任
3. 他大言不慚地吹噓, 為求目的,手段不是問題,正如考試「出貓」一樣
4. 他常有机会在寫字楼或其它工作地方接觸女人,由其是較低級下屬
5. 常告訢女伴他忙,要应酬丶工作丶出差丶開会等
6. 他对其她女人顯示,我有財丶有勢丶有情,能照顧妳
7. 他口頭滑,像演戲一樣,內心計算,七情上面
8. 他会对女性施魅力,令她們陶醉,令女人覺得他有男人吸引力,或值得女人憐愛
9. 在派对和有女人的場合,他常有狩獵之心,看凖每一個女人,計算「偷食」机会成数
10. 他或許会有一群「志同道合」的男同事,以工作出差应酬為名,出外「滾」女
11. 他說這些晚宴約会,是男人康樂活動,女性不宜
12. 他的朋友也是在男女關係方面有問題
当然,不是每個「偷食」的男人都有以上特徵,或都是「二世祖」類的花花公子,但如我在【間諜秘笈: 色性丶权力丶金錢 / The Secret Spy Manual: Sex, Power, Money】一篇所說,很多俗世男人都是受不起色性丶权力丶金錢的誘惑,或許這就是為什么,「吃唐僧肉」是对一些女人的另一種誘惑啊 (【港女頌 / Femme Fatale】)!!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
My responses to your comments
Thank you for your comments !!!
Here are the relevant articles:
"鹹水中文 / "Lightly-Salted" Chinese":
"訓練跑馬拉松 / Training for a Marathon"
"旅遊摩洛哥 - 卡薩布蘭卡的沙灘 / Road to Morocco - Beach near La..."
"The Art & Science of Blogging for Beginners"
"威尼斯式面具 5"
"Pictures of Venice / 水城「威尼斯」照片"
"東西文化思想衝突 / Cultural Differences"
市場經濟: 三腳凳子 / Free-market Economy: The Three-legged Stool
* the public sector (federal, regional, and municipal govts, and other organizations that are responsible for public good)
* the private sector (industry and their associations and lobby groups, and other for-profit organizations)
* the general public (the Joe and Josephine on the street, consumers, NGOs, community and special interest groups, etc)
Each of these contributes to the wellness and stability of the society. So, it seems to me there is an abdication of responsibility when the free-market advocates put the blame of the recent economic melt-down on the govts, and the govts on Wall Street, and the public on both industry and the govts.
To me, rights come with obligations. The govts have the right (or are given the right) to govern, and therefore the obligation to make and implement sound policies. The industry has the right to make profit, and therefore the obligation to be responsible corporate citizens. And, as to the general public, they have the right to earn a living (among other things), but also the obligation to participate actively in the management of the society, and not to complain only when things go bad.
A three-legged stool will not stand if one of the legs decides to say: "It's not me. I am not responsible."
* Mind Necessity: "市場經濟的盡頭"
* Wikipedia: "Public Good"
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
名列前矛 / The High Flyer
無獨有偶,我隔鄰房「死黨」阿雄也有一個嚴父,於是在某年上半學期派成績表之前,我們兩個亍坊小童,有商有量,落下决心,就是要將阿雄名列前矛的夢想成為現實。第一: 我們往印刷館映印了阿雄學校的成績表。第二: 我們訂做了「高記」校長的簽名圖章。第三: 我們填寫阿雄上學期的成績表,他所有科目都是名列前矛,不是A就是B+以上。
My responses to your most recent comments with thanks !!!
1. Inner Space:
領導政治組織: 成員,總責,職責,過失,和資歷 / Political Leadership: Choice of team members, Accountability, Responsibility, Blame, & Competencies
2. Inner Space / 筆路 / C.M. / Michelle / Mad Dog / The Man Who Loves Everton / Gwen and Ian / 周游
「兩週一聚: 禮物」之【前人種果後人收】 / 「Bi-weekly Series: Gift 」【For the Next Generation 】
Sunday, December 14, 2008
「兩週一聚: 禮物」之【前人種果後人收】 / 「Bi-weekly Series: Gift 」【For the Next Generation 】
(Updated: 20081217 18:18 EST)
禮物 (共16份 :)
mad dog
The Man Who Loves Everton
Mugen C
Friday, December 12, 2008
1967 油麻地 Yau Ma Tei
Quote from hkpai:
"... 幾百人包圍南九龍裁判署聲援受審示威者。
Support in South Kowloon Magistracy, Yau Ma Tei Over a hundred people ..."
Note: This is intended for historical rather than political record.
香港的艱苦歲月 Difficult years in Hong Kong - 50's~60's
Quote from hkpai: "... 那個年代的香港人不怕艱辛,面對逆景可從頭再來,自力更新。而小 孩子一張張純真的面貌,自然可愛。... "
Thursday, December 11, 2008
公共交通大罷工 ∕ Transit Workers Strike
Today is the second day of work stoppage by the city’s transit workers and the strike is taking a toll on all those who rely on public transportation. While many people decided to stay home yesterday because of the 30 cm of snow that clogged up the roads, most are returning to work today. As there are no buses, many are taking their cars and as a result the downtown core and all the feed roads are completely grid-locked during rush hours. According to news reports, many drivers were stuck in traffic in front of the Parliament Building for almost an hour. All north-south and east-west major routes are jammed early in the morning and late into the evening. Many people are walking to and from work, making trips of up to three hours each way. Some are taking their bicycles, risking their lives through the narrow gaps betwn cars and the snow banks.
While it is a legal strike, some people resent the fact that they are the one that get caught in the cross-fire btwn the union and the city. Small merchants, who depend up to 50% of their annual sale in December and January, are concerned that the strike will keep customers from making shopping trips outside of their neighborhood. University students are afraid they might miss their mid-term exams and fail the term. Many parents, whose kids usually take public transportation, now have to drive juniors to schools. Fixed income elders find themselves stuck in their houses or apartments as they cannot afford to take taxis as an alternate means of transportation. Social workers are concerned seniors who are sick might give up seeking medical help.
So, it is back to the old issue. Is strike the best and only way of leveraging the workers’ bargaining power in a salary and benefits dispute? Should the people who are collateral damage of a legal strike situation be compensated? And, if yes, by whom and by how much? Finally, is the collective good more, or less, important than individual rights?
Monday, December 08, 2008
香港鴨巴甸街, 荷李活道, 文武廟 / Aberdeen Street, Hollywood Road, ManMo Temple in Hong Kong
母親說她和父親結了婚之後,由九龍油麻地搬往鴨巴甸街住,当年父親入息不高,与年輕的配偶,兩口子租了一間狹窄的板間房,母親「佗」 着我的時候,在鴨巴甸街上斜落斜,什為辛苦吃力,但可幸我的袓父母住在附近的荷李活道,所以有緊急事也可以大家互相照应。我記得年幼時阿嫲常帶我往文武廟処玩,又去上環街市買餸,回到祖父母処就和「中間房」木匠的兒子阿榮玩拍「公仔紙」, 但是我們孩子是不准去「尾房」玩,因為那对夫婦住客是吞雲吐霧的(鴉片?)「煙精」。我記得在騎楼望開对面是「飛髪舖」,顧客有兩個選擇,「陸軍裝」或「花旗裝」。楼下是賣柴丶炭丶雜物的舖頭,常常擠滿了買餸的家庭主婦,她們与老板伙記討價還價,或像「開墟」的說一堆不着边際的話兒,或大家閒話家常,和在街上的行人丶小販丶街坊丶小童鬧哄哄的噪声混在一起。鴨巴甸街是我的出生地點,荷李活道是我的玩耍地方,現在看見這些相片,帶來了很多童年的回憶,令我在那天真無邪的歲月中流連忘返。
攝影图片 Photo Credit: Wikipedia
* 香港鴨巴甸街是一條很鈄的路 Aberdeen Street on Hong Kong Island is fairly steep
* 鴨巴甸街和皇后大道中交界 Intersection of Aberdeen Street and Queen's Road
* 荷李活道的文武廟 The ManMo Temple on Hollywood Road, Hong Kong
1. Aberdeen Street 鴨巴甸街:
"... 鴨巴甸街於1840年代規劃,作為華人與洋人的聚居界線。華人需要居住於街道以西的太平山街地區,即上環和西營盤一帶,街道以東則發展成為維多利亞城的市中心。這條道路與香港仔一樣,都是以當時的英國外交大臣鴨巴甸勳爵命名。..."
(References: / )
2. The ManMo Temple on Hollywood Road, Hong Kong 荷李活道的文武廟:
"... Man Mo Temple or Man Mo Miu (traditional Chinese: 文武廟) is a temple in Hong Kong, China, that reveres the God of Literature, Man Tai (文帝), Man Cheong (文昌)and the God of War, and Mo Tai (武帝) or Kuan Ti, Kwan Yu(關羽). It was built in 1847 after two gods, Man the god of literature and Mo the god of war..." "... 東華三院文武廟位於香港上環荷李活道,是香港開埠早期的中式廟宇及於開埠早期於港英政府批准下可以用中國方法進行「斬雞頭,燒黃紙」的宣誓及裁決華人之間的糾紛。文武廟亦為香港一級歷史建築。..."
(References: / )
Sunday, December 07, 2008
百年基石 - 香港地產史話 : 2008-05-10 越過鴨巴甸街
I was born there on Aberdeen Street, Hong Kong 香港鴨巴甸街 !!!
( Source: )
領導政治組織: 成員,總責,職責,過失,和資歷 / Political Leadership: Choice of team members, Accountability, Responsibility, Blame, & Competencies
In his Dec 3, 2008 blog article entitled “Secretary of State Hillary Clinton” (, Inner Space touched on the subject of political leadership and what it entails. Here are my two bits worth of opinion posted on his site:
Space: Here are my comments re: "... 管理學還有兩個理論..."
The choice of employees depends very much on the boss' line of business.
Senior executives of an organization will likely want "smart" employees (read: innovative and strategic thinkers) to deal with high risk, high uncertainty types of business.
On the other hand, operational managers will probably prefer employees who are reliable and independent to carry out prescribed tasks of a more low risk and routine nature.
In terms of accountability, there is no doubt the person at the top is always accountable and responsible for success/failure of an organization, even though he/she might not be the one to be blamed directly. As an illustration, here is a case in point in distinguishing “responsibility” vs “blame”: It is now said that USA President Bush's executive decision to start the Iraq war was based on less-than-accurate intelligence on Weapons of Mass Destruction in that country. So, as far as the intelligence gathering work is concerned, he is responsible, but CIA is to blame.
Finally, a less experienced and younger boss should have no problem leading a multi-discipline team of older and more seasoned subordinates as long as he/she has the mandate and authority (as in the case of the newly elected USA President) and, more importantly, the competencies to fulfill his/her roles and responsibilities as chief executive. (Note: All executive positions would/should have an established competency profile).
Saturday, December 06, 2008
旅遊摩洛哥 – 藝術品 / Road to Morocco – Les Objets d’Art
Friday, December 05, 2008
民主制度 / Democracy System
Space: As mentioned in my blog articles concerning the recent political crisis in Canada: “… 任何政制都不会是十全十美,加拿大的威斯特敏斯特体系Westminster System ... 民主制度也不例外 ...” The success or failure of any democratic system, be it the one in Thailand, Canada, or other nations in the world, depends very much on the history, culture and people(s) of a country at any given point in time. Democracy, and for that matter any political beliefs or systems, is not a kind of take-it-and-you-are-cured magic pill. What is happening in Thailand is very different than and should not be compared to the situation in Canada, even though both countries have recent elections. To pass judgment on the good or bad of democracy based on Thailand and Canada is like saying Japanese and Chinese are the same because they are both Asians and they all look alike. I would submit that the leaders and people(s) of each country or state must experiment, customize and find out which type of political system is the best for them, recognizing that good governance does not happen overnight nor will it remain static.
ps: I take the liberty of linking your article to my blog.
Link to Inner Space: 【民主的兩個例子】
加拿大的議会政治制度 ∕ The Canadian Parlimentary Political System
References and Related Links:
1. Westminster system
2. 西敏制 (威斯特敏斯特体系Westminster System)
3. 政治制度
4. 民主制度分类
5. 加拿大總督的職責 / The Roles and Responsibilities of the Governor General of Canada
6. 加拿大總督: 休閉議会是解决國会政治風波的答案嗎? ∕ Governor General of Canada: Solving the Parliament Crisis by Prorogation?
7. 加拿大總督: 和哈珀總理在2008年12月4日会面 ∕ Governor General of Canada: Dec 4, 2008 Meeting with Prime Minister Harper
8. Inner Space's recent blog article
Thursday, December 04, 2008
加拿大總督: 和哈珀總理在2008年12月4日会面 ∕ Governor General of Canada: Dec 4, 2008 Meeting with Prime Minister Harper
Prime Minister Harper is now speaking outside the door of Rideau Hall. Here is a summary (not exact quotes):
· Yes, permission for prorogation of Parliament has been granted by the GG.
· The Government will present as the first order of business a budget on Jan 26, 2009 when the House of Commons will resume the next parliamentary session.
· Due to constitution tradition, he will not disclose his conversation with the GG.
· It is critical for the three parties to work together with focus on the proposed budget that contains measures to stimulate the economy.
· In response to a journalist’s question regarding his previous attempt to eliminate funding to political parties, the PM pointed out the Government would continue to incorporate input from other parties and stakeholders into the upcoming budget.
· The Block (le Bloc Quebecois) has every legitimate right to be here, but their agenda is very different.
· The PM did not respond directly to the question regarding the launching of an election campaign, but instead emphasized again on the budget and the importance of working together.
I am sure upon hearing the PM’s statement, Canadians from coast to coast will have their opportunities to reflect and discuss over the Christmas and New Year dinner tables.
1. 加拿大總督: 休閉議会是解决國会政治風波的答案嗎? ∕ Governor General of Canada: Solving the Parliament Crisis by Prorogation?
2. 加拿大總督的職責 / The Roles and Responsibilities of the Governor General of Canada
3. Wikipedia: Canadian Political Dispute
4. Privy Council for Canada:
5. Clerk of the Privy Council Office PCO:
6. House of Commons:
加拿大總督: 休閉議会是解决國会政治風波的答案嗎? ∕ Governor General of Canada: Solving the Parliament Crisis by Prorogation?
Harper expected to ask Gov. Gen. to suspend Parliament
Wed Dec 3, 9:40 PM / By Sue Bailey, The Canadian Press
OTTAWA - Stephen Harper prepared for an all-or-nothing meeting with the Governor General by telling Canadians in an extraordinary televised appeal that the opposition coalition poised to topple his government represents a threat to the economy - and democracy. The prime minister will visit Michaelle Jean on Thursday morning. He's expected to ask her to suspend Parliament until January so that he can avoid a confidence vote Monday and hang on to his job long enough to present a budget. Harper dropped his angry demeanour of recent days as he hit the airwaves Wednesday night. But he repeated his vow to use "every legal means at our disposal" to block the opposition from taking power from his Conservatives. He admitted no errors in political judgment. Nor did he offer any new measures - such as moving up the date of the budget to deal with the economic crisis - to placate the opposition Harper condemned the Liberal-NDP coalition, which is backed by the Bloc Quebecois, as a dangerous deal with the separatists - the same separatists he flirted with four years ago. He gave nearly identical four-minute speeches in English and French, with the exception that he referred to the Bloc as "separatists" in English and "sovereigntists" in French, a term preferred by Quebecers. The prime minister told voters the opposition is trying to take power "without your say, without your consent, and without your vote." "At a time like this, a coalition with the separatists cannot help Canada," he said from behind a desk flanked by two Canadian flags. "And the Opposition does not have the democratic right to impose a coalition with the separatists they promised voters would never happen."
In fact, every constitutional expert has said the coalition is legal and legitimate. "I think the attack on democracy is the mob rule that Harper is appealing to," said Ned Franks, professor emeritus at Queen's University and one of the country's most respected constitutional scholars. "(He's) saying that the way people cast their votes isn't the way they should have cast them, and that the government doesn't need the confidence of the House of Commons ... I think that's the real attack on democracy."
Opposition MPs have assailed Harper for what they called a desperate ploy to cling to power despite the fact that proroguing Parliament would preclude any major spending at a time of economic crisis. And they point out that Harper signed a letter with the separatist Bloc in 2004 asking the Governor General to consider letting the opposition govern should the Liberal government of Paul Martin fall.
Liberal Leader Stephane Dion's pre-taped response to Harper aired several minutes late, it's up-close and off-focus framing reminiscent of a YouTube video next to the prime minister's crisp presentation. "Stephen Harper still refuses to propose measures to stimulate the Canadian economy," he said. "His mini-budget last week demonstrated that his priority is partisanship and settling ideological scores. "The Harper Conservatives have lost the confidence of the majority of members of the House of Commons. In our democracy, in our parliamentary system, in our Constitution, this means that they have lost the right to govern."
NDP Leader Jack Layton was on the air next to reinforce that point. "Mr. Harper delivered a partisan attack ... Now he's trying to turn an economic crisis into a political one. But Stephen Harper has broken trust with the Canadian people."
Harper took pains to emphasize that he is working on the economy, outlining several measures the government is taking, including consulting premiers and international partners. But he said new economic initiatives will wait until the federal budget Jan. 27.
Dion insisted Harper must go because of his failure to focus on the economy. "We offer a better way. We say settle it now and let's get to work on the people's business. A vote is scheduled for next Monday. Let it proceed. And let us all show maturity in accepting the result with grace and the larger task of serving Canadians in mind." Liberals squarely blame Harper's mean streak for causing a political showdown the Tories are now using to demonize Quebec separatists. Dion sent a letter to Jean on Wednesday urging her to reject any attempt by Harper to prorogue Parliament.
Catcalls filled the House of Commons for a third straight day as Dion accused Harper of trying to save his political skin at the expense of allowing Parliament to focus on the economy. "Why does the prime minister care more about his own job than allowing Parliament to save the jobs of Canadians?"
Harper shot back that Dion could help save those jobs by co-operating with the teetering Conservatives. "He can reach across the aisle and work with this government, which will be pleased to work with him on saving this economy." Harper announced that he has invited the premiers for a mid-January economic summit, a way of demonstrating that he's working on economic matters despite the political turmoil. Harper precipitated the crisis last Thursday with a provocative economic update that contained no stimulus package, killed public financing for federal political parties, and banned public sector unions from striking for two years.
Desperate back-peddling by the government over the weekend in the face of coalition talks did nothing to stop opposition momentum. The Conservatives turned up the rhetoric Wednesday, going so far as to talk of treason. Ontario MP Bob Dechert accused the Liberals of trying to destroy the country by aligning with the separatist Bloc. "They're getting into bed with the separatists," he said. "They've actually written a deal giving the separatists a veto over every decision of the Canadian government. That is as close to treason and sedition as I can imagine."
The three opposition parties in the House together won just over 54 per of the popular vote in the Oct. 14 federal election. That figure rises to 61 per cent including the Greens who do not have a seat in the House.
The Tories have fired up their formidable campaign machine for an all-out PR blitz against the opposition. The barrage includes radio ads, rallies, and urging supporters to swamp MPs, talk shows and media with calls and e-mails. The coalition was preparing a counterattack. The Canadian Labour Congress, which is organizing rallies in support of the coalition, says it has radio spots ready to go.
Rallies were being organized across the country by supporters on both sides of the bitter parliamentary meltdown. Into the political maelstrom lands the Governor General. Jean, who must decide whether to allow Parliament to prorogue or let the opposition take over, has been working closely with her advisers and constitutional experts, said an official. There is precedent for the vice-regal refusing to dissolve Parliament in the face of a confidence crisis - the King-Byng affair of 1926. But the question of refusing prorogation is uncharted territory.
The coalition would be first change of government without an election since 1926. Under the opposition pact, Dion would serve as prime minister until spring when he is to be replaced as Liberal leader. The deal calls for the coalition to survive at least 18 months.
加拿大總督的職責 / The Roles and Responsibilities of the Governor General of Canada
在十月十四日加拿大聯邦政府大選之後,沒有人預料一個政治大風波,会在短短的数月間在渥太華國会爆發。以下是節錄自Wikipedia 的“2008 Canadian political dispute”:
“ … On November 27, 2008, (the) Finance Minister … provided the House of Commons with his fiscal update. … Since the fiscal update was a vote of confidence on the newly formed Conservative minority government, it had the possibility of bringing down the government … On December 1, 2008, the three opposition parties agreed to defeat the Conservatives in a vote of non-confidence. Under the agreement signed by (the) Liberal … and New Democratic Party leaders, the (Liberal-NDP) coalition government would have … a Liberal prime minister (with Stéphane Dion as the initial prime minister)… The coalition agreement is in force until June 30, 2011. The Bloc Québécois … has agreed … to support the proposed coalition government… However, the Bloc Québécois would not be a direct participant in the coalition itself…
… (Governor General) Michaëlle Jean faces a difficult choice in interpreting her … role as governor general of Canada. Should Prime Minister Harper come to Rideau Hall, he may advise four possible courses of action: 1) Dismiss parliament and call an immediate election, only two months after the last; 2) Prorogue Parliament until January, delaying any possible non-confidence motion by the coalition; 3) Prorogue Parliament for a longer time, up to a year; or 4) he may resign as prime minister and the governor general could permit the coalition headed by Dion to govern …
… On the federal level, the reserve powers of the Governor-General have been used twice in respect to declining the advice of the Prime Minister. The first took place in 1896, when Charles Tupper refused to resign as prime minister following his loss in the election of that year and Governor General Lord Aberdeen refused to sign several appointments, forcing Tupper to relinquish office.
... The second instance was in 1926, during the King-Byng Affair, when William Lyon Mackenzie King's government asked the Governor General at the time, Lord Byng of Vimy, to dissolve Parliament and call an election so that it could avoid a non-confidence motion. Lord Byng of Vimy refused and gave Arthur Meighen, the leader of the Official Opposition, a chance to form the government. Meighen's government was itself defeated in the first non-confidence vote it faced. King, running on a platform which sought to limit the Governor General's powers, was re-elected with a strong majority in the resulting elections…”
Governor General Michaëlle Jean現已減短她在東欧的旅程,趕緊回國解决這政治風暴,她的首要職責是要清楚明白加拿大的歷史前例precedents (例如上述: 1896年Governor General Lord Aberdeen 和拒絕下台的Prime Minister Charles Tupper, 和1926年的King-Byng Affair) ,與及總督的权力界限 reserve powers of the Governor-General。總督莊美楷回加後將会和現任總理哈珀The Rt. Hon. Stephen Harper会面,之後要立刻作一决定,讓選民知道在這世界經濟動蕩危机時刻,誰会領導這個國家。
1. 2008 Canadian Political Dispute:
2. The King-Byng Affair:
3. Reserve Powers of the Governor General:
4. Past and current Governors General of Canada:
Adrienne Clarkson:
Governor General of Canada Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean:
5. My previous two blog articles on the Governor General of Canada (GG) and the Oct 14, 2008 Federal Election:
加拿大總督 / Governor General of Canada (Click View)
2008年10月14日加拿大聯邦政府大選 ∕ Canada's Federal Election Oct 14, 2008 (click View)
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
「兩週一聚: 朋友」之【鐵路人狼】- 後語 / 「Bi-weekly Series: Friends」【The Railroad Gang】- Postscript
我寫的故事多是基於個人之人生旅歷,或在走江湖時之所見所聞。【鐵路人狼】是屬於前者。這故事是記錄当年我在加拿大西部洛磯山脈舖鉄路時所發生的一件事,雖然主題不是關於我自己,但事態的發展卻是和我分不開來。当然由於私隱原因,人物姓名和一小部份詳情是删改了,但總括來說,這故事是真人丶真事, 但至於是不是真英雄,那就讓各位讀者自己定斷了。
Updated list of "friends" as of Dec 2, 2008 23h00 兩週一聚網友﹕
這樣過 Come and Go
The Man Who Loves Everton
mad dog
Mugen C
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
「兩週一聚: 朋友」之【鐵路人狼】(第四集完) / Bi-weekly Series: Friend(s)【The Railway Gang 】Part 4 of 4
朋友的定義真是可以很廣泛,猢羣狗黨可以是朋友,萍水相逢和生死之交的也同樣是朋友。鐵路風波把我們三個背景不同的人聯繫在一起,從人狼生事那天起,我丶Ronny丶和 Big Red就成了朋友。在Ronny 和Big Red眼中,我永遠都会是那個識擒拿手功夫的Chinaman。而在我眼中,他倆雖然是中產階級所謂的「粗人」,沒有多大教育,但心底卻是善良,是路見不平,拔刀相助的江湖好漢。我曾問Big Red他長遠計是什么,他說是想当警察丶軍警丶或保衛員。Ronny年紀還輕,前途应有很多選擇,但他就是喜啫杯中物,喜欢飲啤酒,逢飲必醉,醉後口沒遮攔,常和人在酒巴口角動武,帶著黑眼睛black eye回來工作。
至於Jose那披人皮的冷血人狼,聽說他被鐵路公司炒了之後,在附近小鎮勾引了一個未成年的少女jail bait,發生了性行為,被当地父老驅逐出埠。皇家騎警RCMP來調查他背景的時候,我丶Ronny 丶和Big Red都非常熱心地和那constable合作,加一提供有關人狼的資料。騎警臨走時笑說: "If Jose has friends like you guys, he won't need any enemies." 我們三人不約而同齊声說: "You are damn right, Mister. A friend in need, is a friend indeed!!!"
Monday, December 01, 2008
「兩週一聚: 朋友」之【鐵路人狼】(第三集) / Bi-weekly Series: Friend(s)【The Railway Gang 】Part 3
在午間Richard接到上頭电訊,指示有一列運輸火車將会在這條線經過。"Boys!!! Get everything off the track and take a break!!!"我們七手八腳地將工具和机器移放在最近的鐵路側線岔道,之後便懶洋洋地散坐在路軌旁等候列車。
正当我想趁机打嗑睡的時候,Jose靜靜的在我背後出現,他眼睛牢牢地盯著我說:"You wanna go into the bush?"天真的我回答說:"What for?"Jose一手扯著我的手腕,对著我陰笑說:"You know ...."我立刻明白他的用意。Jose是一隻披上人皮的冷血人狼,曾經有一次他对我說:"I wanna kill someone."我也是天真地問他:"What for?"他竟然漫不經意地說:"I just wanna see what it's like."記起了他以前說的話,我心裏冷了半截,莫不道他就是想用我去祭旗,成全他變態的慾望!!
冷汗從我的額角冒出來,我本能地用擒拿手,反手一扣,姆指就封了他的勞宮穴,正当我要起身逃走的時候,人狼的左手已在腰間掏出一把小刀子,就在這緊急關頭,Big Red突然出現:"Let the Chinaman go!!!" 人狼持刀的手在空中劃了個半圓形,但Big Red比他更快,鋼槓桿朝他腦袋搗來,人狼急忙舉手保護他的天靈蓋,鋼棒滑手而過,但仍在他面上劃了一條血痕。