Friday, December 05, 2008

民主制度 / Democracy System

My comments left on Inner Space’s Dec 5, 2008 blog article 【民主的兩個例子】 :

Space: As mentioned in my blog articles concerning the recent political crisis in Canada: “… 任何政制都不会是十全十美,加拿大的威斯特敏斯特体系Westminster System ... 民主制度也不例外 ...” The success or failure of any democratic system, be it the one in Thailand, Canada, or other nations in the world, depends very much on the history, culture and people(s) of a country at any given point in time. Democracy, and for that matter any political beliefs or systems, is not a kind of take-it-and-you-are-cured magic pill. What is happening in Thailand is very different than and should not be compared to the situation in Canada, even though both countries have recent elections. To pass judgment on the good or bad of democracy based on Thailand and Canada is like saying Japanese and Chinese are the same because they are both Asians and they all look alike. I would submit that the leaders and people(s) of each country or state must experiment, customize and find out which type of political system is the best for them, recognizing that good governance does not happen overnight nor will it remain static.

ps: I take the liberty of linking your article to my blog.



Link to Inner Space: 【民主的兩個例子】


Anonymous said...

Hari 兄:

多謝連結了文章,其實寫下『民主的兩個例子』,只是看到了最近兩個發生在地球兩面,有關民主的兩個例子,旨望 stir up the thoughts,還沒有分析、討論、辯證、反證、下結論的。

令外 兄臺其實也讀了小弟另一篇文章:『Secretary of State Hillary Clinton』,也發表了意見。

不知兄臺有沒有讀埋,我連結了在伸延閱覽:『林肯啟示錄~Team of Rivals 政敵團隊~蔡子強』一文呢?



原本外間以為,9月立法選舉後,曾蔭權便會重組行政會議,並公布新成員名單。但現時已經接近年尾,還是只聞樓梯響。各種傳聞遂不脛而走,例如近日某周刊便說曾蔭權想委任泛民中人進入行會,擴闊自己的決策基礎,但卻遭北京 從中阻撓,一波三折。



end quoting



Anonymous said...

令外 應作 『另外』才對,

Haricot 微豆 said...

Inner Space:

I did read with interest the article 『林肯啟示錄~Team of Rivals政敵團隊~蔡子強 』and would like to offer the following comments:

There are many reasons why a senior executive would want to have a rival/competitor “in the tent”. Perhaps he/she really believes in the Merit Principle (i.e. appointment of the best qualified candidate into a position based on relative merit). This is the reported Lincoln example mentioned in your reference article. However, there could be other reasons. For example: Having a rival/enemy within one’s organization or sphere of influence will help keep the dialogue going and/or keep track of his/her activities. This is not inconsistent with 【孫子兵策】: 『 知己知彼,百戰百勝 』 The百勝 here includes 不戰而胜, such as negotiating a peaceful settlement, co-existence, coalition, or even collaboration.

I look forward to reading your new article and sharing our views.

Haricot 微豆 said...

寫白字 - that happens to me too !!

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