Saturday, January 31, 2009
「兩週一聚: 旅遊」之【修身,齊家,治國,平天下】(三) / 「Bi-weekly Series: Travel」【Refine One-self; Get Married; Govern the Nation; Bring Peace to the World】(Part 3)
「兩週一聚: 旅遊」之【修身,齊家,治國,平天下】(二) / 「Bi-weekly Series: Travel」【Refine One-self; Get Married; Govern the Nation; Bring Peace to the World】(Part 2)
(3) 私人旅遊: 如果公幹出差是和社会有权勢的官員丶商家打交道,那么私人旅遊就是深入民間,明白普羅大众日常生活的學習好机会。我在這裏說的不是包伙食丶狂購物丶及走馬看花那種「跟團」旅遊;也不是在郵輪上享受娛樂設施丶奢華服務丶上岸購物那種「全包」旅遊。我說的是住在賓館民宿丶吃在小食店丶和本地人有交有談那種「自理」旅遊。在我來說,「某某人曾到此一遊」与「某某人曾到此一遊和學習」是有很大分別,前者純粹是個人享樂(這也是無可厚非),後者是以『行萬里路勝讀萬卷書』的心態去跑江湖丶見世面。
(4) 特別旅遊: 最後一類的活動,是包括特別与家人團聚的紅白二事丶義工机構代表大會丶籌款救災運動丶合唱團唱歌表演丶加拿大越野滑雪馬拉松丶羅馬國際馬拉松賽等。這種旅遊可大可小,時間長短亦在乎事情丶場合丶和第三者的决定和影響,所以我將它們統歸納為「特別旅遊」。
年青時反叛性強,說不会接受那一套『修身,齊家,治國,平天下』的老調子, 大言决定要『收身,離家,自覺,遊天下』,現在回想也覺得有點可笑。其實兩個理論都是有點殊途同歸,眼覌今時今日的世界政治和經濟局勢,真正能夠有能力「平天下」的領袖強人,真是寥寥可数,就算是有極髙期望的奧巴馬,他也承認不可能單槍匹馬打天下,是需要其他人合作。所以我相信我們每個人都可以对「平天下」有所貢獻,而旅遊就給我們一個机会去見世面,和与我們不同膚色丶宗敎丶文化的人打交道,幫助建立一個穩定和平的國際体系。
(4) 特別旅遊: 最後一類的活動,是包括特別与家人團聚的紅白二事丶義工机構代表大會丶籌款救災運動丶合唱團唱歌表演丶加拿大越野滑雪馬拉松丶羅馬國際馬拉松賽等。這種旅遊可大可小,時間長短亦在乎事情丶場合丶和第三者的决定和影響,所以我將它們統歸納為「特別旅遊」。
年青時反叛性強,說不会接受那一套『修身,齊家,治國,平天下』的老調子, 大言决定要『收身,離家,自覺,遊天下』,現在回想也覺得有點可笑。其實兩個理論都是有點殊途同歸,眼覌今時今日的世界政治和經濟局勢,真正能夠有能力「平天下」的領袖強人,真是寥寥可数,就算是有極髙期望的奧巴馬,他也承認不可能單槍匹馬打天下,是需要其他人合作。所以我相信我們每個人都可以对「平天下」有所貢獻,而旅遊就給我們一個机会去見世面,和与我們不同膚色丶宗敎丶文化的人打交道,幫助建立一個穩定和平的國際体系。
Friday, January 30, 2009
「兩週一聚: 旅遊」之【修身,齊家,治國,平天下】(一) / 「Bi-weekly Series: Travel」【Refine One-self; Get Married; Govern the Nation; Bring Peace to the World】(Part 1)
年青時我一早就决定是要「收身,離家,自覺,遊天下」,所以旅遊見世面在我來說,是生活情趣中佔很重要的一部份。我歷年旅遊活動大約可分為下列四類: 學生工作; 公幹出差; 私人旅遊; 特別旅遊。
(1) 學生工作: 在香港學生時代,曾有一暑期工是替維他奶、百事送汽水到尖沙咀丶旺角丶深水埗丶石硤尾丶長沙灣丶荔枝角等龍蛇混雜地區,見了很多「世面」。過到來加拿大讀大學時,每個暑假我都会出埠工作,除了賺取下學年洗費支出之外,也是趁机会旅遊,見識加拿大的地方丶風土丶人情。我的暑期工包括: 在卑詩省(British Columbia)西北部的山區Prince Rupert和艾伯塔省(Alberta) 的平原區Wainwright鋪鐵路;在艾省北部和平河區(Peace River) Grande Prairie做鋸木廠工人;在艾省近賈斯珀國家公園(Jasper National Park)的Hinton紙廠做見習工程司等。暑期工作丶旅遊丶見世面,是社会对我這個入世未深青年人的一個洗禮。
(2) 公幹出差: 大學畢業後第一份工作,是受僱於馬尼托巴省(Manitoba)首府溫尼伯(Winnipeg)以北875公里弗林弗倫市(Flin Flon)的一間鑛產公司,我除了在埠內的鋅精煉廠(zinc refinery)和銅熔爐廠(copper smelter)開工之外,也有机会公幹出差,到北美其它城市辦事。搬到來渥太華之後,工作範圍擴大,除了和加拿大各省「行家」聯絡外,也要和外國政府丶商業机構打交道,足跡也就走遍歐洲丶亞洲丶南美丶和北美很多國家。往外國開会,本地的董事總理很多時都会做地主之誼,排備一些官方式的旅遊節目,以娛外賓,所以有很多机会,我是会旅遊古城宮殿,和一些不開放給普通遊客的地方。当然,公幹出差用的是公家錢,所以如果我想在工餘週末自費旅遊,公私費用丶時間一定要分明,萬不可有假公濟私之嫌。
- 出此期題目的 石先生
- Michelle
- 周游
- 媽媽阿四
- natchan
- 木棉_簡單快樂
- The Man Who Loves Everton
- Sherry
- C9 讀與食
- longqt
- 南杏
- lomichee
- mad dog
- Haricot
- 小孜媽
- 倒帶人生
- dark coffee
- arthrunz
- 芸
- 軍師奶
(1) 學生工作: 在香港學生時代,曾有一暑期工是替維他奶、百事送汽水到尖沙咀丶旺角丶深水埗丶石硤尾丶長沙灣丶荔枝角等龍蛇混雜地區,見了很多「世面」。過到來加拿大讀大學時,每個暑假我都会出埠工作,除了賺取下學年洗費支出之外,也是趁机会旅遊,見識加拿大的地方丶風土丶人情。我的暑期工包括: 在卑詩省(British Columbia)西北部的山區Prince Rupert和艾伯塔省(Alberta) 的平原區Wainwright鋪鐵路;在艾省北部和平河區(Peace River) Grande Prairie做鋸木廠工人;在艾省近賈斯珀國家公園(Jasper National Park)的Hinton紙廠做見習工程司等。暑期工作丶旅遊丶見世面,是社会对我這個入世未深青年人的一個洗禮。
(2) 公幹出差: 大學畢業後第一份工作,是受僱於馬尼托巴省(Manitoba)首府溫尼伯(Winnipeg)以北875公里弗林弗倫市(Flin Flon)的一間鑛產公司,我除了在埠內的鋅精煉廠(zinc refinery)和銅熔爐廠(copper smelter)開工之外,也有机会公幹出差,到北美其它城市辦事。搬到來渥太華之後,工作範圍擴大,除了和加拿大各省「行家」聯絡外,也要和外國政府丶商業机構打交道,足跡也就走遍歐洲丶亞洲丶南美丶和北美很多國家。往外國開会,本地的董事總理很多時都会做地主之誼,排備一些官方式的旅遊節目,以娛外賓,所以有很多机会,我是会旅遊古城宮殿,和一些不開放給普通遊客的地方。当然,公幹出差用的是公家錢,所以如果我想在工餘週末自費旅遊,公私費用丶時間一定要分明,萬不可有假公濟私之嫌。
- 出此期題目的 石先生
- Michelle
- 周游
- 媽媽阿四
- natchan
- 木棉_簡單快樂
- The Man Who Loves Everton
- Sherry
- C9 讀與食
- longqt
- 南杏
- lomichee
- mad dog
- Haricot
- 小孜媽
- 倒帶人生
- dark coffee
- arthrunz
- 芸
- 軍師奶
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
加拿大冬天景色: 渥太華的麗都運河(2009年1月) / Canadian Winter Scene: Ottawa's Rideau Canal (Jan 2009)
加拿大首都已漸進入隆冬季節,晚上氣溫常下降至攝氏二丶三十度,我是好走動之人,看到雪花紛飛就心思思想出外運動,所以前数天趁着風雪暫停,太陽還亮的時候,就駕車往在卡爾頓大學(Carleton University)和麗都運河(Rideau Canal)附近的道士湖(Dow's Lake)上玩越野滑雪(cross-country skiing)。以下是我運動完畢之後,趁太陽還未下山之前,映了的一些冬天雪景图片。
以下攝影相片Photo (一): 道士湖是英國十九世紀建築麗都運河之後留下的一個人工湖,夏天風和日麗的時候,我可在此划獨木舟(canoeing)和玩風帆(sailing),冬天湖水結了冰之後就是溜冰(skating)滑雪(skiing)的好去処。
相片 (二): 長達202公里、有47個水閘(locks)的麗都運河,是十九世紀英屬加拿大和美國大戰時候建築的戰略水道,現在是世界「新」七大奇景之一 (New Seven Wonders of the World)。在我攝影的站立點,水道南下可往200公里遠的京士頓市(Kingston),北上可往190公里外的滿地可(Montreal),經聖勞倫斯河(Saint Lawrence River)直出大西洋。
相片 (三): 我每年都会由道士湖沿結了冰的麗都運河北上,溜冰至渥太華巿中心的國会山莊(Parliament Hill),來回14公里。
相片 (四): 這一家大細在冰湖上步行丶溜冰丶和推著雪橇(sled/sleigh)玩,樂也融融。
相片 (五): 樹陰在雪上留下長長的影子,半埋在豐雪中公園長凳,靜靜的看著我這個滑雪者,無声地從河畔經過。
相片 (六): 当天滑雪者在冰湖上烙下的影子。

Related Links: 更多攝影图片和有關文章
(1) 七大奇景之一: 麗都運河 (2008年2月冬天景色) / Seven Wonders of the World: The Rideau Canal (Winterlude February 2008)
(2) 七大奇景之一: 麗都運河 / New Seven Wonders of the World: The Rideau Canal
以下攝影相片Photo (一): 道士湖是英國十九世紀建築麗都運河之後留下的一個人工湖,夏天風和日麗的時候,我可在此划獨木舟(canoeing)和玩風帆(sailing),冬天湖水結了冰之後就是溜冰(skating)滑雪(skiing)的好去処。
相片 (二): 長達202公里、有47個水閘(locks)的麗都運河,是十九世紀英屬加拿大和美國大戰時候建築的戰略水道,現在是世界「新」七大奇景之一 (New Seven Wonders of the World)。在我攝影的站立點,水道南下可往200公里遠的京士頓市(Kingston),北上可往190公里外的滿地可(Montreal),經聖勞倫斯河(Saint Lawrence River)直出大西洋。
Related Links: 更多攝影图片和有關文章
(1) 七大奇景之一: 麗都運河 (2008年2月冬天景色) / Seven Wonders of the World: The Rideau Canal (Winterlude February 2008)
(2) 七大奇景之一: 麗都運河 / New Seven Wonders of the World: The Rideau Canal
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
羅伯特•伯恩斯誕生250周年紀念 / 250th Anniversary of the Birth of Robert Burns

To commemorate the 250th Anniversary of Robert Burns, Soprano Meredith Hall and musicians from La Nef held a concert at the Christ Church Cathedral in Ottawa on January 25, 2009. Meredith Hall's beautiful voice brought tears to the audience who clearly remembered the love and passion of days gone by. The musicians of La Nef were Sylvain Bergeron, playing the lute and Baroque guitar; Robin Grenon, the harp; Elise Guay, the flutes and bagpipes; and Betsy MacMilan, the viola da Gamba. They all did a fantastic job of filling the church with music that has been played around the world for over 250 years.
When I left the church and stepped out into the cold frigid night, I couldn't help but kept on humming "The Lowlands of Holland" and my other favourite tunes on my way to the parking lot.
The evening program entitled "My Love is Like a Red, Red Rose" included the following pieces of music and songs:
Craigieburn Wood; Simmer's a pleasant time; Charlie he's my darling; Comin Thro' the Rye; A collection of airs for guitar; When o'er the hill the e'ening star; Ye banks and Braes; My Tocher's the Jewel; She's Fair and Fause; A Rosebud by my early walk; The Lowlands of Holland; Last May, a braw wooer; I Love my Love in Secret; My Love is Like a Red, Red, Rose; Huntingtone Castle; Lilie Bulera; Wat ye what I got late yestreen; John Anderson my Jo; Niel Gow's lament for the death of his Second Wife; What can a Young Lassie do wi' an Auld Man; and Auld Lang Syne. (bolded = my favourites)
The CD of the same title by Meredith Hall and La Nef can be found at
Monday, January 26, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
愛國的英格蘭女人!! / Sex in the Victorian Era: Close Your Eyes and Think of England !!
新鮮人在網誌【讓人心甜的名字! 】談及『... 你和你的另一半是怎樣稱呼 ...』之時,梁公子把話題一轉,址到做愛一事,我多口說:『以前女人唔准出声 ....』但俺不是上一代人,又怎会知道以前女人閨房之事呢?究竟「唔准出声」這話從何說起,且聽我在此解釋。
"... This was an expression supposedly used in the United Kingdom during the Victorian Era. Traditionally, it was advice given to a woman - usually from a mother to her daughter about to be married - about dealing with sexual intercourse with her husband.
The origins of the phrase are unclear, but it is generally attributed to Lady Alice Hillingdon (1857-1940), supposedly writing in her journal in 1912:
... I am happy now that George calls on my bedchamber less frequently than of old. As it is, I now endure but two calls a week, and when I hear his steps outside my door I lie down on my bed, close my eyes, ... and think of England."
如我在新鮮人処作結論: 『很多人的生丶心理,和行為舉止,都会受当代法律丶習俗丶價值覌所影響或控制。』而愛國的英格蘭女人,也就是一個令人無言以对的例子。
Related Links / Photo Credit:
(1) 新鮮人【讓人心甜的名字! 】
(2) Wikipedia "Women in the Victoria Era"
市民患難見真情 / The True Meaning of Citizenship

(Photo Credit: / Winter Storm in Canada)
Thursday, January 22, 2009
有毒嬰兒奶粉: 繩之於法 / Melamine-tainted Milk: Justice Served

在加拿大法律制度下,我相信犯這類嚴重刑事案的主首被告是不会被処死刑,但家有家法,國有國規,中國毒奶這一事不單止是奸商貪利忘義,殺害嬰兒,而且他/她們的行為对中國貨物品牌 branding丶國內經濟丶和外銷市場都有很大的負面影響,所以在群情洶湧之下,中國司法者殺雞儆猴,是預料之事。
(1) 【中國品牌: 前瞻与後顧 ∕ Brand China: Past and Future】
"... 有鑑於最近發生的「三鹿牌」有毒嬰兒奶粉事件,我用 Google 在網上查參有關中國品牌的評論文章和資料,選貼以下四篇的片斷,以供讀者參考 ..."
"AFP - A Chinese court on Thursday sentenced two men to death and gave stiff jail terms to 19 others over a milk scandal that led to widespread poisoning of babies in China and dairy recalls around the world. The former head of the dairy firm at the heart of the scandal, Tian Wenhua, a 66-year-old woman accused of initially covering it up, was among three people jailed for life. One other person was given a suspended death penalty, a sentence that routinely gets commuted to life in jail, while the rest were imprisoned for terms ranging from two to 15 years, state-run CCTV news reported. The 21 people went on trial in recent weeks for their involvement in making or selling the contaminated milk that last year killed at least six babies and left 296,000 others ill ... " (Photo credit: AFP)
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
美國第44任總統奧巴馬上職第一天 / The 44th US President Obama's First Day at Work
Now that all the fanfare is over (and it was exciting to watch really), the US Prez must put his words into action. So here are some thoughts from the peanut gallery, based on my exchange with Inner Space. If you wish to see the original text and leave comments, please go to:
(1) On the subject of the Prez's policy agenda and Inner Space's concern with 『福利社會主義』、『保護主義』和『計劃經濟』
My comments:
One should first decide what results we want to achieve, then decide on the appropriate tools, and not the other way around. From a governance perspective, there are generally three types of goals/results:
* Social
* Political
* Economic
『福利社會主義』: In terms of social goals, I mean if people are starving and dying on the streets, it will be hard for the US govt to say: Sorry, can't help you cuz we are not a welfare state. Now if you are talking abt "corporate welfare" (aka bailout), then it should fall under the next two categories.
『保護主義』: At least in the short term, it will be political suicide for the US govt to be seen as NOT protecting local jobs and industries.
『計劃經濟』: From a economic perspective, the financial sector is broken and needs fixing. While people do not want socialist-style centralized planning, they are expecting the US govt to intervene into the private sector and turn the US economy around in an orderly fashion. This obviously will involve economic planning by the different levels of govts, industry and other sectors of the society. Even in better days, both national and international monetary institutions are always involved in economic planning. Now, whether they have done a good job or not, that's another matter.
(2) On the subject of 文明衝突 (please see the article posted by Inner Space re 嶺南大學 文化研究系副教授許寶強文章 "文明衝突 與 自由放任的終結~~弗里曼 和 亨廷頓 辭世之後")
My comments:
I do not necessarily subscribe to the "super hero in search of super villains" theory. Sure, socialism and communism have always been the "traditional" villains of the US, but the conflict is more ideology driven and is always in the name of defending US influence, democracy and values. I mean the US did not continue portraying Japan as a villain after WWII. The "Japs" (a derogatory term) could have been an easy target. Nor, was there an open conflict betwn the US and certain Islamic militant groups until after 911. And, I would submit that most Americans did not know much abt the "other" civilization before that fateful day. Here again, the US war against terrorism is not a war betwn civilizations, although some politicians might have taken advantage of the fear factor (異族/異教) and label it as such. Based on my observation that yesterday's friends could become today's enemies, I would submit that most conflicts are caused more by present day foreign policies and international relationships rather than any century-old cultural differences.
(3) On the subject of "自由經濟主義切底被推翻丶被否定了":
My Comments:
One must be clear as to what we mean by 自由經濟主義. On the global scale, there are more and more bilateral economic cooperation (e.g. Canada-Columbia) and multi-lateral economic systems (e.g. WTO, APEC, NAFTA) established to encourage free-trade among nations. Non-tariff trade barriers are taken down and goods and services flow across borders. So the world trend is for "freer" trade albeit with the adherence of certain rules and regulations within an agreed economic structure. So, in this context,自由經濟主義切底被推翻丶被否定了 is not exactly the case. However, I do agree that within a nation, especially in the US, the recent financial woe is a wakeup call to people such as Greenspan who had been pushing for a laissez-faire policy for a long time. But even with planned govt interventions in the form of policies, regs and (gulp!) bailout, I am not sure if one can then conclude自由經濟主義切底被推翻丶被否定了. My sense is that: Once the financial wheels are back on the track and the US economy train starts running again, the private sector (and not the govt) will still be the driver. The govt regulators will keep a close eye on the overall operation, but there will not be a state-run economy.
Again, thank you Inner Space for your interesting blog post.
As I said, please go to his website to see the original text/articles. Link:
(1) On the subject of the Prez's policy agenda and Inner Space's concern with 『福利社會主義』、『保護主義』和『計劃經濟』
My comments:
One should first decide what results we want to achieve, then decide on the appropriate tools, and not the other way around. From a governance perspective, there are generally three types of goals/results:
* Social
* Political
* Economic
『福利社會主義』: In terms of social goals, I mean if people are starving and dying on the streets, it will be hard for the US govt to say: Sorry, can't help you cuz we are not a welfare state. Now if you are talking abt "corporate welfare" (aka bailout), then it should fall under the next two categories.
『保護主義』: At least in the short term, it will be political suicide for the US govt to be seen as NOT protecting local jobs and industries.
『計劃經濟』: From a economic perspective, the financial sector is broken and needs fixing. While people do not want socialist-style centralized planning, they are expecting the US govt to intervene into the private sector and turn the US economy around in an orderly fashion. This obviously will involve economic planning by the different levels of govts, industry and other sectors of the society. Even in better days, both national and international monetary institutions are always involved in economic planning. Now, whether they have done a good job or not, that's another matter.
(2) On the subject of 文明衝突 (please see the article posted by Inner Space re 嶺南大學 文化研究系副教授許寶強文章 "文明衝突 與 自由放任的終結~~弗里曼 和 亨廷頓 辭世之後")
My comments:
I do not necessarily subscribe to the "super hero in search of super villains" theory. Sure, socialism and communism have always been the "traditional" villains of the US, but the conflict is more ideology driven and is always in the name of defending US influence, democracy and values. I mean the US did not continue portraying Japan as a villain after WWII. The "Japs" (a derogatory term) could have been an easy target. Nor, was there an open conflict betwn the US and certain Islamic militant groups until after 911. And, I would submit that most Americans did not know much abt the "other" civilization before that fateful day. Here again, the US war against terrorism is not a war betwn civilizations, although some politicians might have taken advantage of the fear factor (異族/異教) and label it as such. Based on my observation that yesterday's friends could become today's enemies, I would submit that most conflicts are caused more by present day foreign policies and international relationships rather than any century-old cultural differences.
(3) On the subject of "自由經濟主義切底被推翻丶被否定了":
My Comments:
One must be clear as to what we mean by 自由經濟主義. On the global scale, there are more and more bilateral economic cooperation (e.g. Canada-Columbia) and multi-lateral economic systems (e.g. WTO, APEC, NAFTA) established to encourage free-trade among nations. Non-tariff trade barriers are taken down and goods and services flow across borders. So the world trend is for "freer" trade albeit with the adherence of certain rules and regulations within an agreed economic structure. So, in this context,自由經濟主義切底被推翻丶被否定了 is not exactly the case. However, I do agree that within a nation, especially in the US, the recent financial woe is a wakeup call to people such as Greenspan who had been pushing for a laissez-faire policy for a long time. But even with planned govt interventions in the form of policies, regs and (gulp!) bailout, I am not sure if one can then conclude自由經濟主義切底被推翻丶被否定了. My sense is that: Once the financial wheels are back on the track and the US economy train starts running again, the private sector (and not the govt) will still be the driver. The govt regulators will keep a close eye on the overall operation, but there will not be a state-run economy.
Again, thank you Inner Space for your interesting blog post.
As I said, please go to his website to see the original text/articles. Link:
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
美國第44任總統奧巴馬就職典禮 / Inauguration of the 44th US President Mr. Obama
Not only are Americans watching and listening, but every TV and radio station in Canada is broadcasting the event currently taking place in the National Mall of Washington DC. Canadians are paying close attention to our southern neighbour.
Every word said is being heard by the world today; and hopefully every voice no matter how different will be listened to by the new Prez tomorrow.
Every word said is being heard by the world today; and hopefully every voice no matter how different will be listened to by the new Prez tomorrow.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
旅遊摩洛哥: 一些心得丶意見丶資料 / Travel to Morocco: Some experience, suggestions, and information
Is Morocco a safe place to visit?
There are always risks involved with travelling abroad. Some of the more dangerous places I've been to are actually in north America e.g. east end of Vancouver, 49th Street of old Manhattan, and the 'combat zone' of Boston.
Morocco is relatively safe if you exercise the normal precautions as you should when travelling overseas. These include, among other things:
* Don't put yourself into a high risk situation such as taking an unlicensed taxi;
* Stay in the main tourist areas;
* Deal with legitimate local tour guides/companies (so your names are recorded somewhere);
* Put your passport and other valuables in a hidden pouch close to your body/chest;
* Never flesh money, expensive cameras, and jewelry around;
* Keep abreast of any security, health/medical, and other important issues of the region;
* Pay attention to personal hygiene (e.g. Don't use tap water to wash your contact lens or eyes; use only bottled water for drinking and brushing teeth, etc);
* Before leaving home, read several good guidebooks abt the country and region;
* Don't forget to purchase your trip cancellation, health/medical, travel and other insurance BEFORE your trip. Read the fine prints of your contract as to what are covered and what are exempted. Be prepared for emergency situations, esp if you plan to go off the beaten tracks.
In Morocco, female travelers should dress modestly in public places e.g. avoid tank tops, low-cut dresses, body-tight clothing, short shorts, and stilettos. Try to blend in with the locals (no expensive Gucci please). Strangers may try to talk to you. It is not impolite to just shake your head, ignore them and keep on walking, unless you really want to buy their goods or services, or strike up a conversation.
Morocco is an exciting place to visit. I think if one takes the normal precautions and is aware of the local culture and traditions, as well as security, health/medical, and other important issues, then there should be no problems. The best for single female travelers is to join a tour group organized by a licensed and legitimate company.
For more info, please consult the following websites:
(1) "Peregrine Adventures": This is an Australia-based company that has local tour guides in different parts of the world. I was quite happy with the Classic Tour group that I had joint in Casablanca. This tour company appears to be quite popular with many single female travelers from Australia. You may wish to ask you own travel agent to make the booking with Peregrine.
Classic Tour (8 days, 5 cities & 1 village, not a loop trip):
Other tours in Morocco:
(2) Frommer's Morocco (Feb 2008 edition): This is an online book with 448 pages of updated information.
(3) "Imagine le Voyage": This is a Marrakech-based local tour company that is recommended in Frommer's Morocco. Don't expect five stars service, but by local standard, it's reasonable. I made the travel arrangements by visiting their Marrakech office and talking to them in person. The operators speak English, French and Arabic.
Disclaimer: The above must not be considered as professional travel advice. Please consult your travel agent or someone knowledgeable before making any decisions.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
乜乜物物 / Fuddle Duddle
Related link:
Related link:
Friday, January 16, 2009
問蒼天 / The Silent Sky
We look up at the sky and ask: What is the meaning of life?
The same sky looks down and sees billion of faces like us asking the same old question in the last 10,000 years.
Note: The above was my response to Mugen's blog post【從窗簾間縫中見到那藍藍的天】
The same sky looks down and sees billion of faces like us asking the same old question in the last 10,000 years.
Note: The above was my response to Mugen's blog post【從窗簾間縫中見到那藍藍的天】
Thursday, January 15, 2009
「兩週一聚: 色彩」之【摩洛哥】 / 「Bi-weekly Series: Colour」【Morocco】
Further to my previous blog article " 「兩週一聚: 色彩」之【從灰色走出來】 / 「Bi-weekly Series: Colour」【Coming Out of the Grey】, here are some colourful photos I took during my vacation to Morocco back in October/November 2008. I think they fit well with the main theme "colour" which can mean 地方色彩 local colour; 感情色彩 emotional colour; and 文學色彩 literary flavour. I hope you will enjoy all the different vivid local colours 鮮豔本地色彩 of Morocco.
Photo above / 以上图片: A fabric and carpet shop in Morocco
Photo above / 以上图片: Believe it or not, the fabric is made out of cactus silk !!!
Photo above / 以上图片: These are traditional lady slippers hand-made out of leather.
Photo above / 以上图片: Outfit of all colours for Moroccan women (and men too).
Photo above / 以上图片: More clothes made from cactus silk
Photo above / 以上图片: I really like the different shapes and shades of leather lamps, hand-made in Morocco of course.
Photo above / 以上图片: These are metal oil lamps hand-made and hand-painted by artisans in Morocco.
Photo above / 以上图片: You can tell I like the colourful fabric.
Photo above / 以上图片: Morocco is famous for the use of different spices for cooking. Anyone who has been to a souk (market) which is often inside a medina (walled part of an old city) will recognize the cone-shaped heaps in a spice shop.
Photo above / 以上图片: I took this picture inside a spice and herb shop in the souk next to Djemaa el Fna in Marrakesh, Morocco. I believe these are bottles of oil for traditional healing purpose.
Related link:
(1) More colourful photos can be found at:
* 旅遊摩洛哥 – 藝術品 / Road to Morocco – Les Objets d’Art
* 旅遊摩洛哥 - 卡薩布蘭卡的沙灘 / Road to Morocco - Beach near La Corniche, Casablanca
(2) Here is my first article for this round of Bi-weekly Series:
「兩週一聚: 色彩」之【從灰色走出來】 / 「Bi-weekly Series: Colour」【Coming Out of the Grey】
Related link:
(1) More colourful photos can be found at:
* 旅遊摩洛哥 – 藝術品 / Road to Morocco – Les Objets d’Art
* 旅遊摩洛哥 - 卡薩布蘭卡的沙灘 / Road to Morocco - Beach near La Corniche, Casablanca
(2) Here is my first article for this round of Bi-weekly Series:
「兩週一聚: 色彩」之【從灰色走出來】 / 「Bi-weekly Series: Colour」【Coming Out of the Grey】
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
「兩週一聚: 色彩」之【從灰色走出來】 / 「Bi-weekly Series: Colour」【Coming Out of the Grey】
上次寫完「兩週一聚」之【我的蘇俄女兒】後,我答应小珠姐今篇不会是寫灰色的人生故事,所以這半個月中,我驅使腦子儘向好処想,找尋有色彩的主題。在積極態度的影響下,我心眼客覌鏡中自己的影像,不禁自嘲說: 『其實你不用出外探索,只需要看看自己,你的人生經驗不就是一個主題嗎?俺旅途是有高低起落,但積聚的欢樂時光倒也是不少,雖不是燦爛絕頂,但也不是平平無奇,可說是畧有色彩罷。』這話倒是說得沒錯,比較世界角落的貧苦大众和慘經戰亂的難民,我們是幸運得多了,起碼是有瓦頂遮頭,屋內有电和自來水,日有三歺,還有這上網用的玩意兒。在灰色的沈霧中,我們看不清楚過往丶現在丶將來,但决意從灰色走出來,人生的色彩就会從心眼中顯現出來了!!!
Related Links:
(1) 【心眼 / In My Mind's Eye】
(2) “... 瞎了心眼 ...” 【花開堪折直須折,莫待無花空折枝 (四) / Reminiscing in Front of a Closed Door (Part 4)】
(3) NEW: My second submission with many colourful photos: "「兩週一聚: 色彩」之【摩洛哥】 / 「Bi-weekly Series: Colour」【Morocco】 "
(Host for Jan 15th) Mad Dog
Haricot (images)
The Man Who Loves Everton
Mr. Stone
uncle ray
mugen c
「兩周一聚」第七期題目 (一月三十日):「旅遊」 - 任何與旅遊有關的東西均可。(由石先生出題)
Related Links:
(1) 【心眼 / In My Mind's Eye】
(2) “... 瞎了心眼 ...” 【花開堪折直須折,莫待無花空折枝 (四) / Reminiscing in Front of a Closed Door (Part 4)】
(3) NEW: My second submission with many colourful photos: "「兩週一聚: 色彩」之【摩洛哥】 / 「Bi-weekly Series: Colour」【Morocco】 "
(Host for Jan 15th) Mad Dog
Haricot (images)
The Man Who Loves Everton
Mr. Stone
uncle ray
mugen c
「兩周一聚」第七期題目 (一月三十日):「旅遊」 - 任何與旅遊有關的東西均可。(由石先生出題)
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
褓姆式的管制? / Nanny State?

每一個國家或行政區都是需要刑事丶經濟丶環保等法律來維持治安,保護市民的人身安全,和穩定整個社会的繁榮發展。如【維基百科】指出: 『... 正義女神是在法制下的道德力量的擬人化,她的雙眼被蒙住象徵著不偏倚的法律下的平等;天平代表在法律之下人們利益間的權衡;而劍則是指理性在法律中的力量,以及國家執行法律的能力。...』但問題是: 政府在那種情况之下才应該選擇法侓管制作為最適当的行政工具? 換句話說: 法律的管制範圍是否应有界限?而這個界限又是基於什么原理和準則呢?
例子 (一)
政策目的: 減少醉酒駕車
行政工具: 法律控訢
檔案摘要: 三年青人在高爾夫球会酒吧喝醉後車禍失事喪生,政府控告酒吧老板丶酒吧服務員丶高爾夫球理事會所有董事,共十六人(只有三人是当日在場),認為他/她們觸犯法律,不应販酒給醉客。
問題討論: 因醉酒駕車而發生的慘事,法律責任的範圍应伸展至多遠?政府应否「插手」酒吧業的經營方法? 法律控訢那十六人是不是「減少醉酒駕車政策」的最適当工具?
政策目的: 保護婦孺
行政工具: 法律控訢
檔案摘要: 在BC省某小埠,一個52歲的宗教領袖和約26個年紀不等的「妻子」(據說有些只得15歲)生了近80多個孩子。政府控訢他觸犯加拿大的一夫一妻法律,他則反說政府「插手」宗教信仰自由。
問題討論: 據說他的「家庭」成員,大都是支持她/他們的共同「父親」和宗敎領袖。但究竟那些婦孺是被「洗了腦」(他/她們從小就在家受「教育」,不能和主流社会交往),還是政府干預非主流社会的宗教呢?
Photo Credit (Wikipedia) 攝影图片: 加拿大最高法院外的正義女神像Statue of Justice, Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa
References / Related Links:
(1) 法律 Laws:
例子 (一)
政策目的: 減少醉酒駕車
行政工具: 法律控訢
檔案摘要: 三年青人在高爾夫球会酒吧喝醉後車禍失事喪生,政府控告酒吧老板丶酒吧服務員丶高爾夫球理事會所有董事,共十六人(只有三人是当日在場),認為他/她們觸犯法律,不应販酒給醉客。
問題討論: 因醉酒駕車而發生的慘事,法律責任的範圍应伸展至多遠?政府应否「插手」酒吧業的經營方法? 法律控訢那十六人是不是「減少醉酒駕車政策」的最適当工具?
政策目的: 保護婦孺
行政工具: 法律控訢
檔案摘要: 在BC省某小埠,一個52歲的宗教領袖和約26個年紀不等的「妻子」(據說有些只得15歲)生了近80多個孩子。政府控訢他觸犯加拿大的一夫一妻法律,他則反說政府「插手」宗教信仰自由。
問題討論: 據說他的「家庭」成員,大都是支持她/他們的共同「父親」和宗敎領袖。但究竟那些婦孺是被「洗了腦」(他/她們從小就在家受「教育」,不能和主流社会交往),還是政府干預非主流社会的宗教呢?
Photo Credit (Wikipedia) 攝影图片: 加拿大最高法院外的正義女神像Statue of Justice, Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa
References / Related Links:
(1) 法律 Laws:
『... 法律是一系列的規則,通常需要經由一套制度來落實。法律以各種方式影響著每個人的日常生活與整個社會。...... 法律的研究來自於對為何平等、公正和正義等問題的詢問,這並不都總是簡單的。... 』
(2) BC省Bountiful埠一夫多妻案之新聞報導:
(3) 褓姆式的管制 / Nanny State:
Disclaimer: The mentioning of specific cases and/or opinions expressed in this blog do not constitute legal counseling implied or otherwise.
『... 法律是一系列的規則,通常需要經由一套制度來落實。法律以各種方式影響著每個人的日常生活與整個社會。...... 法律的研究來自於對為何平等、公正和正義等問題的詢問,這並不都總是簡單的。... 』
(2) BC省Bountiful埠一夫多妻案之新聞報導:
(3) 褓姆式的管制 / Nanny State:
Disclaimer: The mentioning of specific cases and/or opinions expressed in this blog do not constitute legal counseling implied or otherwise.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
鏟雪車 / The Snow Plough

Related Link: 2007年秋天的大風雪 ∕The Autumn Snow Storm of 2007
Photo Credit / 攝影图片: 鏟雪車 Snow Plough / BBC December 30, 2005
Thursday, January 08, 2009
私奔 / Eloping
德國警方發言人說: 小孩子們沒有錢丶護照丶和車票,只帶了太陽鏡丶泳衣丶和波板糖往非洲結婚。這次私奔事敗,但他/她們成年之後,一定可以繼續這未完成的美夢旅程。
後語: Now, isn't that a sweet story !!!
Reference: 譯自英國BBC (2009-01-05)
Photo: The elopers Mika and Anna-Lenna, and their accomplice.
德國警方發言人說: 小孩子們沒有錢丶護照丶和車票,只帶了太陽鏡丶泳衣丶和波板糖往非洲結婚。這次私奔事敗,但他/她們成年之後,一定可以繼續這未完成的美夢旅程。
後語: Now, isn't that a sweet story !!!
Reference: 譯自英國BBC (2009-01-05)
Photo: The elopers Mika and Anna-Lenna, and their accomplice.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009
異國戀 / Inter-racial Relationships
Ever since the opening up of the Chinese economy, there has been more and more opportunities for interactions between Chinese and "foreigners 老外", especially in big cities such as Shanghai. As a result, there have also been an increase number of inter-racial relationships between men and women of all ages. And, this trend seems to have been spreading into the western world, in proportion to the mobility of students and business personnel overseas. Below is a funny story from someone who had been there.
A Love Story
"... Having spent most of my adult life in Canada, I have known men and women of Chinese descent who have (or had) inter-racial relationships. A significant of them are women, but there are now more and more Canadian-Chinese men going out with Caucasian women. When I first arrived at this city, I would be standing next to my Caucasian date waiting for a table at a restaurant and the maître d' (d'hôtel) would ask: "Table for one, sir?" It wouldn't have struck me as odd if there had been other people waiting in line. In another occasion, we were taking a local boat-tour down the Three Gorges of the Yangtze. We had a private berth. My partner was the only Caucasian woman. So, after much discussions among themselves, one of the locals finally came up to me and asked: "Are you her tour guide?" Oh, of course, I am also offering room service on the side. Here is my business card ..."
Ever heard of the expression "Love is blind"? Don't you think love should also be "colour blind"?
Related link: Here is a love poem I wrote in English/Italian in March 2007
"羅馬永桓城 / La Roma Eternal City"
A Love Story
"... Having spent most of my adult life in Canada, I have known men and women of Chinese descent who have (or had) inter-racial relationships. A significant of them are women, but there are now more and more Canadian-Chinese men going out with Caucasian women. When I first arrived at this city, I would be standing next to my Caucasian date waiting for a table at a restaurant and the maître d' (d'hôtel) would ask: "Table for one, sir?" It wouldn't have struck me as odd if there had been other people waiting in line. In another occasion, we were taking a local boat-tour down the Three Gorges of the Yangtze. We had a private berth. My partner was the only Caucasian woman. So, after much discussions among themselves, one of the locals finally came up to me and asked: "Are you her tour guide?" Oh, of course, I am also offering room service on the side. Here is my business card ..."
Ever heard of the expression "Love is blind"? Don't you think love should also be "colour blind"?
Related link: Here is a love poem I wrote in English/Italian in March 2007
"羅馬永桓城 / La Roma Eternal City"
Monday, January 05, 2009
Road to Morocco - Belly Dancer / 摩洛哥的肚皮舞孃
YouTube video:
The video was taken in November 2008 during my trip to Morocco. The belly dancer was accompanied by a group of traditional musicians. The audience really enjoyed their performance. (
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