(六) 尾声
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
香港學校故事: 義氣 (五) ∕ A Secondary School Story: The Sacrifice (Part 5)
(五) 從容就義
話說我們三人前無去路,後有追兵,狩獵者變成被狩獵的,被糾察隊擒獲,Mr. Cheng 餘怒未熄,揪著我們三個人,想知道誰是事件主腦人!!! 那時我們都已嚇得魂不附体,我心想到,如果因此事而被逐出學校,前途毀滅,又怎能向父母解釋交代。Silly張見我們三人面無人色,就更加嚴厲地說: "I want to know who is the agitator. Tell me or I will take all three of you silly boys to the Principal's Room to see Mr. X." 他一提起校長「聖名」我們的心就涼了一大截,校長是一個六十歲多的英國人,是出名的懲罰者,聽說他用來施笞刑的藤條是双夾有兩姆指粗,打在沒穿褲的後面就留下血紅的疤痕,預先揸上的萬金油也不会有減痛的效用。
在此危急關頭,江仔挺身而出,抬起頭來,用不愄的眼光望著Mr. Cheng說: 『這全是我的主意,整件事与他們無關。』這時楼梯上下已擠滿了看熱鬧的學生,众人議論紛紛,Silly張不想冒險,既然「攪手」承認控罪,自願祭旗,他也就不想在學生面前擴大事件。於是他对訆察說: "Bring this silly boy to see me in the Staff Room."
当日下午,我們的班主任接過從校役帶入來課室的「留堂簿」Detention Book,我和姓催的「死黨」臉白如紙,不約而同望向江仔,但見他神態自如,大有視死如歸之感。老師宣讀江仔罪行: 『煽動學生,侮辱師長,留堂兩次,併記大過;如有再犯,笞刑体罰,開除學籍。』全班學生寂靜無声,江仔在「留堂簿」上簽了名之後,一言不發,返回了自己座位。我和姓催的心裡都知道,他是為我們接受了懲罰,為我們這些畏死的從容就義。
(下續: 尾声)
話說我們三人前無去路,後有追兵,狩獵者變成被狩獵的,被糾察隊擒獲,Mr. Cheng 餘怒未熄,揪著我們三個人,想知道誰是事件主腦人!!! 那時我們都已嚇得魂不附体,我心想到,如果因此事而被逐出學校,前途毀滅,又怎能向父母解釋交代。Silly張見我們三人面無人色,就更加嚴厲地說: "I want to know who is the agitator. Tell me or I will take all three of you silly boys to the Principal's Room to see Mr. X." 他一提起校長「聖名」我們的心就涼了一大截,校長是一個六十歲多的英國人,是出名的懲罰者,聽說他用來施笞刑的藤條是双夾有兩姆指粗,打在沒穿褲的後面就留下血紅的疤痕,預先揸上的萬金油也不会有減痛的效用。
在此危急關頭,江仔挺身而出,抬起頭來,用不愄的眼光望著Mr. Cheng說: 『這全是我的主意,整件事与他們無關。』這時楼梯上下已擠滿了看熱鬧的學生,众人議論紛紛,Silly張不想冒險,既然「攪手」承認控罪,自願祭旗,他也就不想在學生面前擴大事件。於是他对訆察說: "Bring this silly boy to see me in the Staff Room."
当日下午,我們的班主任接過從校役帶入來課室的「留堂簿」Detention Book,我和姓催的「死黨」臉白如紙,不約而同望向江仔,但見他神態自如,大有視死如歸之感。老師宣讀江仔罪行: 『煽動學生,侮辱師長,留堂兩次,併記大過;如有再犯,笞刑体罰,開除學籍。』全班學生寂靜無声,江仔在「留堂簿」上簽了名之後,一言不發,返回了自己座位。我和姓催的心裡都知道,他是為我們接受了懲罰,為我們這些畏死的從容就義。
(下續: 尾声)
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
香港學校故事: 義氣 (四) ∕ A Secondary School Story: The Sacrifice (Part 4)
(四) 「Silly張」一點也不silly
等了良久,我們在課室門後看到張老師經過,三人就從課室衝出來,大喊: 『早晨呀! Silly張!!!』跟著轉頭就向走廊樓梯那方向逃。別看少我們這位上了40歲的老師,他的反应力和靈敏度卻是不弱於我們十來歲的小伙子。我們還未開出三步,就聽到背後有書本被掉下地面的声音,跟著就是一声忿吼,和一陣在走廊內急促追趕腳步的回音。在那時候,我們的心都呯呯声的從口裏跳出來,又恨娘兒不生多我們兩條腿,在計劃中從未想到狩獵者是会變成被狩獵的。身後追趕的腳步声愈來愈近,我們飛身衝入樓梯進口,隔兩級四級地從三楼(跳)落至二楼,Silly張半禿的頭在三樓処伸出來,他知道我們這些bad boys 是想往飯堂逃。正当我們凖備慶祝逃亡成功之際,Silly張的禿頭又在三楼伸了出來,但這次,他是喊: 『Prefects !!! Stop those three boys !!! 』察!察!察!不知那几個糾察從那裏突然出現,攔阻了我們的去路,Silly張慢條斯理的從三樓下來,他是知道小息期間,樓梯每一層都是有糾察駐守的。
等了良久,我們在課室門後看到張老師經過,三人就從課室衝出來,大喊: 『早晨呀! Silly張!!!』跟著轉頭就向走廊樓梯那方向逃。別看少我們這位上了40歲的老師,他的反应力和靈敏度卻是不弱於我們十來歲的小伙子。我們還未開出三步,就聽到背後有書本被掉下地面的声音,跟著就是一声忿吼,和一陣在走廊內急促追趕腳步的回音。在那時候,我們的心都呯呯声的從口裏跳出來,又恨娘兒不生多我們兩條腿,在計劃中從未想到狩獵者是会變成被狩獵的。身後追趕的腳步声愈來愈近,我們飛身衝入樓梯進口,隔兩級四級地從三楼(跳)落至二楼,Silly張半禿的頭在三樓処伸出來,他知道我們這些bad boys 是想往飯堂逃。正当我們凖備慶祝逃亡成功之際,Silly張的禿頭又在三楼伸了出來,但這次,他是喊: 『Prefects !!! Stop those three boys !!! 』察!察!察!不知那几個糾察從那裏突然出現,攔阻了我們的去路,Silly張慢條斯理的從三樓下來,他是知道小息期間,樓梯每一層都是有糾察駐守的。
Monday, June 23, 2008
香港學校故事: 義氣 (三) ∕ A Secondary School Story: The Sacrifice (Part 3)
(三) 放一個下馬威!!!
有一天放小息之時,我和一個姓江,一個姓催的「死黨」,一行三人,在學校三楼出了課室,準備從走廊盡頭的楼梯下食堂。剛巧,Silly張授課完畢,双手抱滿了書本和教材,從走廊盡頭迎著我們行來。通常學生遇見張老師,都要點頭說声: " Good Morning/Afternoon, Mr. Cheng"。但這次,我不知道是不是我們三個年青人在一起時,胆子加埋是比三人大,還是智商總和比三人少,竟然会不約而同地想出向Mr. Cheng 放一個下馬威。我們閃身轉回入課室中,江仔暗声提議說: 『等佢行過之後,我地一齊大声叫Silly張,然後搏命沿走廊落樓梯。』我們估計,小息時間,走廊盡頭和樓梯進口那边行人不多,逃走路線暢通無阻,而Mr. Cheng携帶書本又多,一定不能追得上我們這三個年輕的。計劃已定,我們三人就埋伏課室門後,等待Silly張經過。
有一天放小息之時,我和一個姓江,一個姓催的「死黨」,一行三人,在學校三楼出了課室,準備從走廊盡頭的楼梯下食堂。剛巧,Silly張授課完畢,双手抱滿了書本和教材,從走廊盡頭迎著我們行來。通常學生遇見張老師,都要點頭說声: " Good Morning/Afternoon, Mr. Cheng"。但這次,我不知道是不是我們三個年青人在一起時,胆子加埋是比三人大,還是智商總和比三人少,竟然会不約而同地想出向Mr. Cheng 放一個下馬威。我們閃身轉回入課室中,江仔暗声提議說: 『等佢行過之後,我地一齊大声叫Silly張,然後搏命沿走廊落樓梯。』我們估計,小息時間,走廊盡頭和樓梯進口那边行人不多,逃走路線暢通無阻,而Mr. Cheng携帶書本又多,一定不能追得上我們這三個年輕的。計劃已定,我們三人就埋伏課室門後,等待Silly張經過。
Sunday, June 22, 2008
香港學校故事: 義氣 (二) ∕ A Secondary School Story: The Sacrifice (Part 2)
(二) 金字塔式教育
Saturday, June 21, 2008
香港學校故事: 義氣 (一) / A Secondary School Story: The Sacrifice (Part 1)

前言: 網上故事,人物事件,是虛是實,無從考究,也就当是「小說」類罷。
Disclaimer: Any resemblance to people, places and events in real-life is strictly coincidental.
(一) Silly 張
在這間古老紅磚綠瓦的中學校院裏,每個學生都知道「Silly張」是一位不好惹的先生,对其他老師,學生們都可以親切的叫声阿Sir 或阿Miss,小息時又可以同声同氣地和他們用中文談笑,但对這位在英倫大學畢業的張老師,您倒不可以隨便地和他攀上同胞同族的關係。第一: 不論是上課丶小息丶在校園丶或亍上,他一定要學生們尊敬地稱呼他為Mr. Cheng; 第二: 可能他对自己外國留學的背景感到驕傲,又或許他是要对我們的英國校長表示認同,Mr. Cheng只和學生說英語。第三: 他常以silly字眼來形容和眨低學生的身份和意見,所以學生在背後暗地裏都叫他的花名做「Silly 張」。
Disclaimer: Any resemblance to people, places and events in real-life is strictly coincidental.
(一) Silly 張
在這間古老紅磚綠瓦的中學校院裏,每個學生都知道「Silly張」是一位不好惹的先生,对其他老師,學生們都可以親切的叫声阿Sir 或阿Miss,小息時又可以同声同氣地和他們用中文談笑,但对這位在英倫大學畢業的張老師,您倒不可以隨便地和他攀上同胞同族的關係。第一: 不論是上課丶小息丶在校園丶或亍上,他一定要學生們尊敬地稱呼他為Mr. Cheng; 第二: 可能他对自己外國留學的背景感到驕傲,又或許他是要对我們的英國校長表示認同,Mr. Cheng只和學生說英語。第三: 他常以silly字眼來形容和眨低學生的身份和意見,所以學生在背後暗地裏都叫他的花名做「Silly 張」。
Photo Credit 攝影图片: http://commons.wikimedia.org/ Authour: WahTee
Friday, June 20, 2008
男人好色与女人購物: 先天還是後天? / Sex and Shopping: "Nature" vs "Nurtured"
The following are my comments on a recent blog article that suggests "... Men think about sex every 5 minutes and women abt shopping every 60 seconds ..."
We need to make a distinction btwn "nature" vs "nurtured". I would think that for BOTH men and women, sex is a basic instinct (no reference to Stone), while shopping is not. The reason why there is a gender difference could be attributed in part to gender inequality and social conditioning. For example (with all respect to Inner Space): "女性很需要安全感 Women need security" is not a universal truth and "而這是由她的男人, 無私的不停地供應 This financial/materialistic security is provided endlessly and unselfishly by men" is an indication of the economic disadvantages of women in a society. Both have little to do with the nature of women, but rather how they are being nurtured and treated by family, friends, mass media, and society in general. As pointed out quite rightly by Xiao Zhu, a lot of our behaviours are driven by our values 價值覌。The foregoing argument applies similarly to men as well.
*** Please see Fresh Designer's blog article 睇嘢和買嘢! for more information ***
My comments: "Nature vs Nurtured"
We need to make a distinction btwn "nature" vs "nurtured". I would think that for BOTH men and women, sex is a basic instinct (no reference to Stone), while shopping is not. The reason why there is a gender difference could be attributed in part to gender inequality and social conditioning. For example (with all respect to Inner Space): "女性很需要安全感 Women need security" is not a universal truth and "而這是由她的男人, 無私的不停地供應 This financial/materialistic security is provided endlessly and unselfishly by men" is an indication of the economic disadvantages of women in a society. Both have little to do with the nature of women, but rather how they are being nurtured and treated by family, friends, mass media, and society in general. As pointed out quite rightly by Xiao Zhu, a lot of our behaviours are driven by our values 價值覌。The foregoing argument applies similarly to men as well.
*** Please see Fresh Designer's blog article 睇嘢和買嘢! for more information ***
Thursday, June 19, 2008
外交關係和政策: 不戰而勝 / International Relationship and Policy: Winning without Warring
*** 請看新鮮人在2008年06月14日寫的【我有一個夢想!!】原文和詳細評論 ***
*** 請看新鮮人在2008年06月14日寫的【我有一個夢想!!】原文和詳細評論 ***
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
魯迅 (周樹人) 論文和雜文選 / Quotations from Lu Xun (Zhou Shuren)

《華盖集 - 忽然想到 十》1925年6月11日
《華盖集 - 忽然想到 十》1925年6月11日
Photo Credit and References:
* 【魯迅論文雜文160圖】 (ISBN 7-80603-353-X/Z.66 )
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
回覆網友留言 / Responses to Comments (with thanks)
*** Hyacinthus:「港女頌 (鏈接文章兩篇) / Femme Fatale (Two Related Articles)...」;「港女頌 / Femme Fatale」;「夏天的花園 ∕ Summer Garden」
*** 新鮮人「港女頌 / Femme Fatale」
*** the inner space:「对「原住民寄宿學校」的道歉 / Indian Residential Schools Apology...」
*** CM:「对「原住民寄宿學校」的道歉 / Indian Residential Schools Apology...」
*** 啤酒花™_J: 「夏天的花園 ∕ Summer Garden」
*** Hyacinthus:「港女頌 (鏈接文章兩篇) / Femme Fatale (Two Related Articles)...」;「港女頌 / Femme Fatale」;「夏天的花園 ∕ Summer Garden」
*** 新鮮人「港女頌 / Femme Fatale」
*** the inner space:「对「原住民寄宿學校」的道歉 / Indian Residential Schools Apology...」
*** CM:「对「原住民寄宿學校」的道歉 / Indian Residential Schools Apology...」
*** 啤酒花™_J: 「夏天的花園 ∕ Summer Garden」
Monday, June 16, 2008
港女頌 (鏈接文章兩篇) / Femme Fatale (Two Related Articles)
(請看上文: 【港女頌】打油詩 http://lotusandcedar.blogspot.com/2008/06/femme-fatale.html)
(一) 某「臥虎藏龍」先生对【怒插港女】的評語 / Sexual Politics, Gender Equity, and Showing Off (2007年9月26日 Lotus and Cedar)
(序: 網絡是跨越世界的公用媒介,讀者中不乏臥虎藏龍之人仕。某先生因其職責關係,故此只能用筆名發言,請諒。)
微豆: 您看完了【怒插港女】網誌上的数篇文章,有怎樣的感想?
臥虎: 首先我覺得那語帶相關的題目非常刺眼,如果作者說是開玩笑,那實在就是一點也不好笑,選用的暴力字眼是太過份了。
微豆: 但那些文章內容呢?
臥虎: 作者的寫作能力是出乎意料的好,文章引用了很多中西參考書籍,可說是受過教育和社会洗禮的知識份子。但雖然他打響了『男女平等』的口號,以保衛男性尊嚴為名,但主題卻仍走不出了「色性」的出發點。
微豆: 我不大明白您的意思,可否作個舉例?
臥虎: 如果作者是以『男女平等』作為大前題,那麼他就不需要用Tracy和George做愛的故事來做背景,諷刺「港女」的弱點。那是sexual politics, 不是gender equity。說俗一點,前者是「媾女」,後者是「人权」。
微豆: 那麼您对那個和【怒插港女】作者打对頭劇,住在九龍塘高尚住宅區,賺中環高薪的28歲女律師覌感又如何?
臥虎: 網絡森林,龍蛇混雜,我們怎知道作者的真實身份、年歲、和背景。如果【蘭開夏道】作者自報的個人資料是凖確,我就覺得她是非常淺簿和自視過高,以為在港大畢業,在外國浸了数年鹹水,就完全明白了歐美上流社会的舉止風俗,看不起那些「落後」的中國「土包子」和「土包女」。真正來說,她自傲自豪的時裝la mode,在羅馬、巴黎、紐約就真是a dime a dozen。
微豆: 但您不能否認,她在香港是受高薪的職業女律司,值得「一麈 」罷?!!
臥虎: 如此說來,我與部長往外國參加的國讌,與各國大使館ambassadors和 military attachés 打交道的相片,豈不是都应該登上網誌,自吹自擂?我總覺得一個人的成熟美,一個人的self acceptance,不論是男是女,都是有之內而形於外,不用攻擊別人來抬高自己。「港男」「港女」的是是非非,噓噓嚷嚷,我想都是我們成熟過程中的一個小枝節。
微豆: 多謝您的評語,我知您職責在身,不能暢所欲言。待我們留意事情發展,看看兩位網主,会不会隔洋掛免戰牌罷。
*【怒插港女】網主之 "不叫"
*【蘭開夏道】網主之 "以貌取人
(二) 【從風雨而飛】的新開始 ∕ A New Beginning after the Storm (2007年9月28日 Lotus and Cedar)
Having spent more time this morning reading Elvis' blog posts he left behind in HK, I am beginning to have a better grasp of what he was trying to say. While 臥虎 has identified a few overarching issues (such as sexual politics and gender equity) based on the exchange btwn Elvis, Daisy, and others; my friend might have missed the essence of the author's more basic message, and that is: We are all products of the society and it's up to us to take actions and make things better (as opposed to: If you can't beat them, join them).
While I doubt very much if the vacated 擂臺 in HK will ever regain its previous glory, popularity and excitements, I look forward to reading Elvis' new UK-based blog 【從風雨而飛】。I am sure he will find new adventures in Europe and continue to enlighten his readers in HK and across the pond with interesting stories and viewpoints.
*【從風雨而飛】Elvis' UK-based blog
(一) 某「臥虎藏龍」先生对【怒插港女】的評語 / Sexual Politics, Gender Equity, and Showing Off (2007年9月26日 Lotus and Cedar)
(序: 網絡是跨越世界的公用媒介,讀者中不乏臥虎藏龍之人仕。某先生因其職責關係,故此只能用筆名發言,請諒。)
微豆: 您看完了【怒插港女】網誌上的数篇文章,有怎樣的感想?
臥虎: 首先我覺得那語帶相關的題目非常刺眼,如果作者說是開玩笑,那實在就是一點也不好笑,選用的暴力字眼是太過份了。
微豆: 但那些文章內容呢?
臥虎: 作者的寫作能力是出乎意料的好,文章引用了很多中西參考書籍,可說是受過教育和社会洗禮的知識份子。但雖然他打響了『男女平等』的口號,以保衛男性尊嚴為名,但主題卻仍走不出了「色性」的出發點。
微豆: 我不大明白您的意思,可否作個舉例?
臥虎: 如果作者是以『男女平等』作為大前題,那麼他就不需要用Tracy和George做愛的故事來做背景,諷刺「港女」的弱點。那是sexual politics, 不是gender equity。說俗一點,前者是「媾女」,後者是「人权」。
微豆: 那麼您对那個和【怒插港女】作者打对頭劇,住在九龍塘高尚住宅區,賺中環高薪的28歲女律師覌感又如何?
臥虎: 網絡森林,龍蛇混雜,我們怎知道作者的真實身份、年歲、和背景。如果【蘭開夏道】作者自報的個人資料是凖確,我就覺得她是非常淺簿和自視過高,以為在港大畢業,在外國浸了数年鹹水,就完全明白了歐美上流社会的舉止風俗,看不起那些「落後」的中國「土包子」和「土包女」。真正來說,她自傲自豪的時裝la mode,在羅馬、巴黎、紐約就真是a dime a dozen。
微豆: 但您不能否認,她在香港是受高薪的職業女律司,值得「一麈 」罷?!!
臥虎: 如此說來,我與部長往外國參加的國讌,與各國大使館ambassadors和 military attachés 打交道的相片,豈不是都应該登上網誌,自吹自擂?我總覺得一個人的成熟美,一個人的self acceptance,不論是男是女,都是有之內而形於外,不用攻擊別人來抬高自己。「港男」「港女」的是是非非,噓噓嚷嚷,我想都是我們成熟過程中的一個小枝節。
微豆: 多謝您的評語,我知您職責在身,不能暢所欲言。待我們留意事情發展,看看兩位網主,会不会隔洋掛免戰牌罷。
*【怒插港女】網主之 "不叫"
*【蘭開夏道】網主之 "以貌取人
(二) 【從風雨而飛】的新開始 ∕ A New Beginning after the Storm (2007年9月28日 Lotus and Cedar)
Having spent more time this morning reading Elvis' blog posts he left behind in HK, I am beginning to have a better grasp of what he was trying to say. While 臥虎 has identified a few overarching issues (such as sexual politics and gender equity) based on the exchange btwn Elvis, Daisy, and others; my friend might have missed the essence of the author's more basic message, and that is: We are all products of the society and it's up to us to take actions and make things better (as opposed to: If you can't beat them, join them).
While I doubt very much if the vacated 擂臺 in HK will ever regain its previous glory, popularity and excitements, I look forward to reading Elvis' new UK-based blog 【從風雨而飛】。I am sure he will find new adventures in Europe and continue to enlighten his readers in HK and across the pond with interesting stories and viewpoints.
*【從風雨而飛】Elvis' UK-based blog
港女頌 / Femme Fatale
不過,現在雨過天晴,我又離開了前任机構的敏感職位,雖然這首「打油詩」仍是很risqué (露骨),但我也把它貼上網絡,就作為本站一個記錄罷。
不過,現在雨過天晴,我又離開了前任机構的敏感職位,雖然這首「打油詩」仍是很risqué (露骨),但我也把它貼上網絡,就作為本站一個記錄罷。
Friday, June 13, 2008
对「原住民寄宿學校」的道歉 / Indian Residential Schools Apology
(Foreword: This was written in response to The Inner Space's blog article 【種族文化】 https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=17028869&postID=7213107970715480889)
In the "bad" old days, there were many society values and perspectives that are, by today's standard, unacceptable and wrong. Canadians witnessed on June 11, 2008 the official apology by the elected leader of the nation. The Apology is similar to the one made by the Australian Govt earlier this year but focuses mostly on the forced assimilation and mistreatment of aboriginal children "enrolled" in the Fed Govt's Indian Residential Schools program.
As I mentioned in my previous comments (see Lotusandcedar "殺滅原居印第安孩子的根源" / "To Kill the Indian in the Child"), there are major differences betwn Canada's Indian Residential Schools program and China's treatment of Tibetans. Here are a few key ones:
1. Scope and Applicability: The Canadian Prime Minister's Apology focuses specifically on the estimated 150,000 aboriginal children and the 87,000 living survivors, their parents, families, and the communities that were adversely affected by the Indian Residential Schools policy and program that started in the 1870's. The Settlement Agreement (including the monetary compensation of approx CAD$2B, and the Indian Residential Schools Truth and Reconciliation Commission) was also negotiated specifically for the Indian Residential Schools case. On the other hand, the issue on China's treatment of Tibetans is much broader and encompasses more than just children. It has a lot to do with how China wants to govern the region in terms of, among other things, social and economic reforms and the distribution of power betwn the Han and Tibetan peoples.
2. Timeline: The Prime Minister's Apology is for the duration of the Indian Residential Schools system. However, based on my somewhat limited knowledge of Chinese history, the Tibet issue began in the 1940's and the 1950's. So we are talking about different events that happened on a different scale over a different timeline.
3. Context and Nature of Issues:
The Apology deals specifically with the Indian Residential Schools case; it does not make references to human rights and other broader issues. There are also differences in the context and nature of issues confronting Canada and China. Here are some thoughts.
3.1 The aboriginals are the first peoples who, according to anthropologists, migrated approx 25,000 years ago from Asia to the Americas through the land connection that is now the Bering Straits. Thousands of years later, the Europeans arrived and took over their lands and resources. To the aboriginals, the context and nature of the issues have to do with the negotiations betwn the First Nations and the peoples who came later (e.g. treaties, land and resource claims, self-governance, etc).
(References: See my blog articles re Chief Seattle's Speech http://lotusandcedar.blogspot.com/2008/02/visiting-moose-cree-first-nation-part-2.html), and the one re the Contacts with Europeans. http://lotusandcedar.blogspot.com/2008/02/visiting-moose-cree-first-nation-part-3.html
3.2 The PRC recognizes the Tibetans as an ethnic minority group and has always considered them as part of the Chinese family (56民族). So, the context and nature of the issues have more to do with finding the best way to co-exist, either as one nation (PRC position) or as separate nations (Tibet "separatists" position).
3.3 As to issues related to human rights, obviously Canada is apologizing to the survivors of the Indian Residential Schools and the aboriginal communities for wrongs that had been committed before any modern-day Human Right legislations were in place. To this end, Canada is taking actions and is determined to resolving Human Right issues through multilateral forums such as the United Nations and internal legislative bodies such as the federal and provincial Human Rights Commissions. To the best of my knowledge, China does not have any Human Right Commissions and is taking a very different approach in dealing with cases and issues brought to its attention. The real or perceived lack of transparency in this regard has always been a bone of contention with many western countries.
In summary, I would submit that one should avoid drawing a complete parallel betwn Canada's Indian Residential Schools case and the China-Tibet case. Further, Canada's official apology is a positive step forward in healing the wound that was the Indian Residential Schools. While there are challenges ahead, many see it as a signal that the Federal Government is listening and is taking remedial actions. As they say, it is better late than never. I would also submit that the Apology does not therefore undermine Canada's position on the promotion of human rights, nor should one call Canada a hypocrite. To err is human. The important thing is what one does after.
My additional comments in response to the statement "... 加國有一招好毒 Canada has a poisonous agenda ..." from another blogger:
梁公子: There are social-economic problems in Canada, but I would dispel the notion of "加國有一招好毒!" as if there is currently a country-wide, calculated conspiracy against the aboriginal peoples here in Canada. I have known many aboriginal friends and colleagues who are leaders in their own right, who contribute to the good of their communities and Canada as a whole.Stereotyping First Nation peoples as "drunkard Indians" and laying the "blame" on Canada (presumably non-aboriginals) will lead to further division and not the reconciliation that one wants. (Friday, June 13, 2008 10:18:00 PM)
In the "bad" old days, there were many society values and perspectives that are, by today's standard, unacceptable and wrong. Canadians witnessed on June 11, 2008 the official apology by the elected leader of the nation. The Apology is similar to the one made by the Australian Govt earlier this year but focuses mostly on the forced assimilation and mistreatment of aboriginal children "enrolled" in the Fed Govt's Indian Residential Schools program.
As I mentioned in my previous comments (see Lotusandcedar "殺滅原居印第安孩子的根源" / "To Kill the Indian in the Child"), there are major differences betwn Canada's Indian Residential Schools program and China's treatment of Tibetans. Here are a few key ones:
1. Scope and Applicability: The Canadian Prime Minister's Apology focuses specifically on the estimated 150,000 aboriginal children and the 87,000 living survivors, their parents, families, and the communities that were adversely affected by the Indian Residential Schools policy and program that started in the 1870's. The Settlement Agreement (including the monetary compensation of approx CAD$2B, and the Indian Residential Schools Truth and Reconciliation Commission) was also negotiated specifically for the Indian Residential Schools case. On the other hand, the issue on China's treatment of Tibetans is much broader and encompasses more than just children. It has a lot to do with how China wants to govern the region in terms of, among other things, social and economic reforms and the distribution of power betwn the Han and Tibetan peoples.
2. Timeline: The Prime Minister's Apology is for the duration of the Indian Residential Schools system. However, based on my somewhat limited knowledge of Chinese history, the Tibet issue began in the 1940's and the 1950's. So we are talking about different events that happened on a different scale over a different timeline.
3. Context and Nature of Issues:
The Apology deals specifically with the Indian Residential Schools case; it does not make references to human rights and other broader issues. There are also differences in the context and nature of issues confronting Canada and China. Here are some thoughts.
3.1 The aboriginals are the first peoples who, according to anthropologists, migrated approx 25,000 years ago from Asia to the Americas through the land connection that is now the Bering Straits. Thousands of years later, the Europeans arrived and took over their lands and resources. To the aboriginals, the context and nature of the issues have to do with the negotiations betwn the First Nations and the peoples who came later (e.g. treaties, land and resource claims, self-governance, etc).
(References: See my blog articles re Chief Seattle's Speech http://lotusandcedar.blogspot.com/2008/02/visiting-moose-cree-first-nation-part-2.html), and the one re the Contacts with Europeans. http://lotusandcedar.blogspot.com/2008/02/visiting-moose-cree-first-nation-part-3.html
3.2 The PRC recognizes the Tibetans as an ethnic minority group and has always considered them as part of the Chinese family (56民族). So, the context and nature of the issues have more to do with finding the best way to co-exist, either as one nation (PRC position) or as separate nations (Tibet "separatists" position).
3.3 As to issues related to human rights, obviously Canada is apologizing to the survivors of the Indian Residential Schools and the aboriginal communities for wrongs that had been committed before any modern-day Human Right legislations were in place. To this end, Canada is taking actions and is determined to resolving Human Right issues through multilateral forums such as the United Nations and internal legislative bodies such as the federal and provincial Human Rights Commissions. To the best of my knowledge, China does not have any Human Right Commissions and is taking a very different approach in dealing with cases and issues brought to its attention. The real or perceived lack of transparency in this regard has always been a bone of contention with many western countries.
In summary, I would submit that one should avoid drawing a complete parallel betwn Canada's Indian Residential Schools case and the China-Tibet case. Further, Canada's official apology is a positive step forward in healing the wound that was the Indian Residential Schools. While there are challenges ahead, many see it as a signal that the Federal Government is listening and is taking remedial actions. As they say, it is better late than never. I would also submit that the Apology does not therefore undermine Canada's position on the promotion of human rights, nor should one call Canada a hypocrite. To err is human. The important thing is what one does after.
My additional comments in response to the statement "... 加國有一招好毒 Canada has a poisonous agenda ..." from another blogger:
梁公子: There are social-economic problems in Canada, but I would dispel the notion of "加國有一招好毒!" as if there is currently a country-wide, calculated conspiracy against the aboriginal peoples here in Canada. I have known many aboriginal friends and colleagues who are leaders in their own right, who contribute to the good of their communities and Canada as a whole.Stereotyping First Nation peoples as "drunkard Indians" and laying the "blame" on Canada (presumably non-aboriginals) will lead to further division and not the reconciliation that one wants. (Friday, June 13, 2008 10:18:00 PM)
"殺滅原居印第安孩子的根源" (鏈接文章) / "To Kill the Indian in the Child (Related Articles)"
(1) Lotusandcedar:
探訪克裡駝鹿族國 ∕ Visiting the Moose Cree First Nation (Part 1)
探訪克裡駝鹿族國 ∕ Visiting the Moose Cree First Nation (Part 2) http://lotusandcedar.blogspot.com/2008/02/visiting-moose-cree-first-nation-part-2.html
探訪克裡駝鹿族國 ∕ Visiting the Moose Cree First Nation (Part 3)
探訪克裡駝鹿族國 ∕ Visiting the Moose Cree First Nation (Part 4a)
探訪克裡駝鹿族國 ∕ Visiting the Moose Cree First Nation (Part 4b)
(2) The Inner Space:
【種族文化】 https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=17028869&postID=7213107970715480889
探訪克裡駝鹿族國 ∕ Visiting the Moose Cree First Nation (Part 1)
探訪克裡駝鹿族國 ∕ Visiting the Moose Cree First Nation (Part 2) http://lotusandcedar.blogspot.com/2008/02/visiting-moose-cree-first-nation-part-2.html
探訪克裡駝鹿族國 ∕ Visiting the Moose Cree First Nation (Part 3)
探訪克裡駝鹿族國 ∕ Visiting the Moose Cree First Nation (Part 4a)
探訪克裡駝鹿族國 ∕ Visiting the Moose Cree First Nation (Part 4b)
(2) The Inner Space:
【種族文化】 https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=17028869&postID=7213107970715480889
Thursday, June 12, 2008
"殺滅原居印第安孩子的根源" / "To Kill the Indian in the Child"

Text of Prime Minister Stephen Harper's "Indian Residential Schools" apology Wednesday June 11, 2008:
Mr. Speaker, I stand before you today to offer an apology to former students of Indian residential schools.
The treatment of children in Indian residential schools is a sad chapter in our history.
In the 1870s, the federal government, partly in order to meet its obligation to educate aboriginal children, began to play a role in the development and administration of these schools.
Two primary objectives of the residential schools system were to remove and isolate children from the influence of their homes, families, traditions and cultures, and to assimilate them into the dominant culture.
These objectives were based on the assumption aboriginal cultures and spiritual beliefs were inferior and unequal. Indeed, some sought, as it was infamously said, `to kill the Indian in the child.' Today, we recognize that this policy of assimilation was wrong, has caused great harm, and has no place in our country.
Most schools were operated as `joint ventures' with Anglican, Catholic, Presbyterian or United churches.
The Government of Canada built an educational system in which very young children were often forcibly removed from their homes, often taken far from their communities.
Many were inadequately fed, clothed and housed. All were deprived of the care and nurturing of their parents, grandparents and communities.
First nations, Inuit and Metis languages and cultural practices were prohibited in these schools.
Tragically, some of these children died while attending residential schools and others never returned home.
The government now recognizes that the consequences of the Indian residential schools policy were profoundly negative and that this policy has had a lasting and damaging impact on aboriginal culture, heritage and language.
While some former students have spoken positively about their experiences at residential schools these stories are far overshadowed by tragic accounts of the emotional, physical and sexual abuse and neglect of helpless children and their separation from powerless families and communities.
The legacy of Indian residential schools has contributed to social problems that continue to exist in many communities today.
It has taken extraordinary courage for the thousands of survivors that have come forward to speak publicly about the abuse they suffered.
It is a testament to their resilience as individuals and to the strength of their cultures. Regrettably, many former students are not with us today and died never having received a full apology from the government of Canada.
The government recognizes that the absence of an apology has been an impediment to healing and reconciliation.
Therefore, on behalf of the government of Canada and all Canadians, I stand before you, in this chamber so central to our life as a country, to apologize to aboriginal peoples for Canada's role in the Indian residential schools system.
To the approximately 80,000 living former students, and all family members and communities, the government of Canada now recognizes that it was wrong to forcibly remove children from their homes and we apologize for having done this.
We now recognize that it was wrong to separate children from rich and vibrant cultures and traditions, that it created a void in many lives and communities, and we apologize for having done this.
We now recognize that, in separating children from their families, we undermined the ability of many to adequately parent their own children and sowed the seeds for generations to follow and we apologize for having done this.
We now recognize that, far too often, these institutions gave rise to abuse or neglect and were inadequately controlled, and we apologize for failing to protect you.
Not only did you suffer these abuses as children, but as you became parents, you were powerless to protect your own children from suffering the same experience, and for this we are sorry.
The burden of this experience has been on your shoulders for far too long. The burden is properly ours as a government, and as a country.
There is no place in Canada for the attitudes that inspired the Indian residential schools system to ever again prevail.
You have been working on recovering from this experience for a long time and in a very real sense, we are now joining you on this journey.
The government of Canada sincerely apologizes and asks the forgiveness of the aboriginal peoples of this country for failing them so profoundly. We are sorry.
In moving towards healing, reconciliation and resolution of the sad legacy of Indian residential schools, implementation of the Indian residential schools settlement agreement began on September 19, 2007.
Years of work by survivors, communities, and aboriginal organizations culminated in an agreement that gives us a new beginning and an opportunity to move forward together in partnership.
A cornerstone of the settlement agreement is the Indian Residential Schools Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
This commission presents a unique opportunity to educate all Canadians on the Indian residential schools system.
It will be a positive step in forging a new relationship between aboriginal peoples and other Canadians, a relationship based on the knowledge of our shared history, a respect for each other and a desire to move forward together with a renewed understanding that strong families, strong communities and vibrant cultures and traditions will contribute to a stronger Canada for all of us.
God bless all of you and God bless our land.
Mr. Speaker, I stand before you today to offer an apology to former students of Indian residential schools.
The treatment of children in Indian residential schools is a sad chapter in our history.
In the 1870s, the federal government, partly in order to meet its obligation to educate aboriginal children, began to play a role in the development and administration of these schools.
Two primary objectives of the residential schools system were to remove and isolate children from the influence of their homes, families, traditions and cultures, and to assimilate them into the dominant culture.
These objectives were based on the assumption aboriginal cultures and spiritual beliefs were inferior and unequal. Indeed, some sought, as it was infamously said, `to kill the Indian in the child.' Today, we recognize that this policy of assimilation was wrong, has caused great harm, and has no place in our country.
Most schools were operated as `joint ventures' with Anglican, Catholic, Presbyterian or United churches.
The Government of Canada built an educational system in which very young children were often forcibly removed from their homes, often taken far from their communities.
Many were inadequately fed, clothed and housed. All were deprived of the care and nurturing of their parents, grandparents and communities.
First nations, Inuit and Metis languages and cultural practices were prohibited in these schools.
Tragically, some of these children died while attending residential schools and others never returned home.
The government now recognizes that the consequences of the Indian residential schools policy were profoundly negative and that this policy has had a lasting and damaging impact on aboriginal culture, heritage and language.
While some former students have spoken positively about their experiences at residential schools these stories are far overshadowed by tragic accounts of the emotional, physical and sexual abuse and neglect of helpless children and their separation from powerless families and communities.
The legacy of Indian residential schools has contributed to social problems that continue to exist in many communities today.
It has taken extraordinary courage for the thousands of survivors that have come forward to speak publicly about the abuse they suffered.
It is a testament to their resilience as individuals and to the strength of their cultures. Regrettably, many former students are not with us today and died never having received a full apology from the government of Canada.
The government recognizes that the absence of an apology has been an impediment to healing and reconciliation.
Therefore, on behalf of the government of Canada and all Canadians, I stand before you, in this chamber so central to our life as a country, to apologize to aboriginal peoples for Canada's role in the Indian residential schools system.
To the approximately 80,000 living former students, and all family members and communities, the government of Canada now recognizes that it was wrong to forcibly remove children from their homes and we apologize for having done this.
We now recognize that it was wrong to separate children from rich and vibrant cultures and traditions, that it created a void in many lives and communities, and we apologize for having done this.
We now recognize that, in separating children from their families, we undermined the ability of many to adequately parent their own children and sowed the seeds for generations to follow and we apologize for having done this.
We now recognize that, far too often, these institutions gave rise to abuse or neglect and were inadequately controlled, and we apologize for failing to protect you.
Not only did you suffer these abuses as children, but as you became parents, you were powerless to protect your own children from suffering the same experience, and for this we are sorry.
The burden of this experience has been on your shoulders for far too long. The burden is properly ours as a government, and as a country.
There is no place in Canada for the attitudes that inspired the Indian residential schools system to ever again prevail.
You have been working on recovering from this experience for a long time and in a very real sense, we are now joining you on this journey.
The government of Canada sincerely apologizes and asks the forgiveness of the aboriginal peoples of this country for failing them so profoundly. We are sorry.
In moving towards healing, reconciliation and resolution of the sad legacy of Indian residential schools, implementation of the Indian residential schools settlement agreement began on September 19, 2007.
Years of work by survivors, communities, and aboriginal organizations culminated in an agreement that gives us a new beginning and an opportunity to move forward together in partnership.
A cornerstone of the settlement agreement is the Indian Residential Schools Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
This commission presents a unique opportunity to educate all Canadians on the Indian residential schools system.
It will be a positive step in forging a new relationship between aboriginal peoples and other Canadians, a relationship based on the knowledge of our shared history, a respect for each other and a desire to move forward together with a renewed understanding that strong families, strong communities and vibrant cultures and traditions will contribute to a stronger Canada for all of us.
God bless all of you and God bless our land.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
夏天的花園 ∕ Summer Garden

(一) 童真
輕輕的告訢我:『Forget Me Not』
悠長的歲月 我仍是不会忘記妳
(二) 化蝶
(三) 好時光 (作者: 風子)
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
旅遊尼亞加拉瀑布 / Travel to Niagara Falls
六月一和二日与母親及她的友人,旅遊大多倫多巿和尼亞加拉瀑布。還記得父母親未移民之前,曾帶他們到瀑布大開眼界,今次舊地從遊,父親已不在人世,實在感到有點悵然。看到瀑布的水奔騰冲下半公里下的陕谷,之後流入安大略湖Lake Ontario,途經多倫多Toronto和蒙特利爾Montréal,然後沿著3260公里長的埾勞倫斯河fleuve Saint-Laurent,波濤洶湧地冲出大西洋,又不知道当日離去的水,会再到那年那月舊地重游,重返回尼亞加拉瀑布源頭呢?
附貼我拍攝的視頻影像和相片My video clip and photographs: 尼亞加拉瀑布 Niagara Falls (Canadian Horseshoe Falls)
附貼我拍攝的視頻影像和相片My video clip and photographs: 尼亞加拉瀑布 Niagara Falls (Canadian Horseshoe Falls)
Reference Information (Wikipedia):
"... 尼亞加拉瀑布位處美國、加拿大之界,以山羊島為中分,美境内稱美国瀑布,寬三百六十一米,加境内稱馬蹄形瀑布,寬七百九十二米,故總寬一千一百五十三米,高五十二米,源于尼亞加拉河,常年水豐,旅者不絕。 ..."
"... 尼亞加拉瀑布位處美國、加拿大之界,以山羊島為中分,美境内稱美国瀑布,寬三百六十一米,加境内稱馬蹄形瀑布,寬七百九十二米,故總寬一千一百五十三米,高五十二米,源于尼亞加拉河,常年水豐,旅者不絕。 ..."
Related blog article: "In Memory of Haricot Senior"
Monday, June 09, 2008
野菜: 嫩蕨菜 / Wild Plants: Fiddlehead Ferns

蕨類植物是地球最古老的生物之一,比恐龍歷史還久,根據網上維基百科全書Wikipedia: 『...一些蕨類被當做食物來食用,包括蕨、莢果蕨和分株紫萁的嫰蕨。另外,過溝菜蕨亦被一些赤道上的人們做為食物食用。... 某些蕨類植物為有毒的野草或外來種,此類植物包括海金沙、滿江紅和球子蕨 ... ,「分株紫萁」的嫩蕨亦可做為蔬菜食用。 ... 莢果蕨其嫩蕨在北美被當做蔬菜食用 .... 嫩蕨在日本被當做蔬菜食用,而且被相信是導致日本胃癌高比率的原凶之一。它也是這世上最重要的農業雜草,尤其是在英國高地,且時常使牛隻和馬匹中毒。....』
由此覌之,如果沒有充實凖確的認識和經驗,嫩蕨菜是和其它野菜一樣,乱吃是会有高度的危險性。不過,在有牌食物商店出售的 fiddleheads,亦多会是農場種的產品,应該是很安全。買fiddleheads要專選擇那些嫩丶小丶和像提琴上渦卷形頭形的,伸直或老了的蕨菜是不宜食用,而且還有可能会有毒。新鮮的 fiddleheads 帶回家後最好同日煑用,用清水洗淨,切除了那些棕色的雜毛後,將綠嫰的蕨菜放入滾水泡十分鐘丶或用水蒸二十分鐘,之後用油和調味品,清炒或作配菜和蝦丶鳮丶牛丶豬肉用。
攝影圖片Photograph: (上图)/我攝: 在商店買可吃的 fiddleheads 嫩蕨菜。(下图)/ Wikipedia 不可以吃的野生蕨。
Friday, June 06, 2008
我愛夏日長2008 (附列夏天食品) ∕ Canadian Summer 2008 (with Grocery List)
攝影圖片(在後花園拍) ∕ Photograph (taken in the backyard): 夏季的食物 Summer Foods
相片(一): 青嫩的提琴頭 (野生植物) fiddle heads,以五瓣紫色的鬱金香花作陪襯
相片(二): (由左至右L to R)
* 青豆, 法國式長麵飽, 香蕉, 中東式簿麵飽pita bread, 橙, 梨子, 露筍asparagus,
* 酸奶yoghurt, 黃丶紅丶橙三色甜胡椒sweet pepper
* 草莓strawberries, 提琴頭 (野生植物) fiddle heads
* 鮮牛奶1% milk, 串燒式牛肉beef kabobs, 鱒魚塊trout filet, 雞心chicken hearts, 蘑菇mushrooms, 加鈣鮮橙汁 fresh OJ with calcium
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
血腥娛樂 / Blood Sport

I do not have an answer.
However, I do recall what my aboriginal friend said during my Ski-with-the-Cree trip earlier this year: "One should hurt or kill another living thing only for survival and one then should have the decency to pay respect and say thank you."
Acknowledgment: I would like to thank Inner Space for his "dark side" comments that have provided me the food-for-thoughts for this article
图片 Photograph Credit - Wikipedia: Jean-Leon Gerome's painting "Pollice Verso" ("Thumb Down!!" which meant death to the defeated gladiator)
簷下鳥巢 (結局) / Blackbird's Family (End of Story)
In the last few days, the soffits holding the nest began to bend due to the combined weights of the nest and the growing birds. Because of the steep roof, I could not climb up there to give my feather friends a helping hand. During the night, the wind must have picked up and the whole thing came crashing down. In the morning, I was expecting the worst. However, looking out from the second-floor window, I couldn't find any trace of the blackbirds around the crash site. Now there are cats in the neighbourhood, but they prowl mostly in the yards and I have never seen them on the steep roof. So, I assume that the young birds had survived the disaster and flew away on their own. In the afternoon, mother bird flew back to the broken nest a few times, probably looking for any missing babies. Hopefully, the blackbird family have found each other and are re-united in their new nest.
Photograph 攝影相片: The gaping hole where the nest and soffits once were.
Photograph 攝影相片: The gaping hole where the nest and soffits once were.
Sunday, June 01, 2008
簷下鳥巢 / Blackbird's Family
Several weeks ago, I heard this racket inside the soffit just outside the second floor window. At first, I thought the squirrels had gotten inside the crawl-space between the ceiling and the roof. Upon closer inspection, I noticed that there were little twigs and grass sticking out through the cracks between soffits that were blown open during the last winter storm. A couple of blackbirds had made a new nest to start a family.
At first, I was going to serve eviction notice to my uninvited feather friends for trespassing. However, I wasn't able to get close enough to determine whether they had already laid eggs in their little nest. So, I decided to wait and see. Sure enough, after about a week, little squeaky noises started to emanate from inside the little crack. The Blackbirds have established their family. Both parents became extremely busy and they flew back and forth non-stop, bringing either more organic materials to line the nest or juicy meals to feed the birdies.
Then last week, one of the bird disappeared. Now, I don't know what had happened, whether their marriage was for the birds (so to speak), or one of the parents died. Anyway, the remaining blackbird never gave up and s/he was working twice as hard to care for the family. I could tell because the noises made by the little ones are getting stronger by the day.
I look forward to the day when the young ones will learn how to fly and I will be able to fix the soffit. Meanwhile, I am enjoying bird-watching in my front-yard and feel like I am part of the family.
Photograph 攝影相片: (a) Blackbird gathering food in the front-yard. (b) Flying home to care for the family (behind the cracked soffits is where the family live)
At first, I was going to serve eviction notice to my uninvited feather friends for trespassing. However, I wasn't able to get close enough to determine whether they had already laid eggs in their little nest. So, I decided to wait and see. Sure enough, after about a week, little squeaky noises started to emanate from inside the little crack. The Blackbirds have established their family. Both parents became extremely busy and they flew back and forth non-stop, bringing either more organic materials to line the nest or juicy meals to feed the birdies.
Then last week, one of the bird disappeared. Now, I don't know what had happened, whether their marriage was for the birds (so to speak), or one of the parents died. Anyway, the remaining blackbird never gave up and s/he was working twice as hard to care for the family. I could tell because the noises made by the little ones are getting stronger by the day.
I look forward to the day when the young ones will learn how to fly and I will be able to fix the soffit. Meanwhile, I am enjoying bird-watching in my front-yard and feel like I am part of the family.
Photograph 攝影相片: (a) Blackbird gathering food in the front-yard. (b) Flying home to care for the family (behind the cracked soffits is where the family live)
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