Friday, September 28, 2007

【從風雨而飛】的新開始 ∕ A New Beginning after the Storm

Having spent more time this morning reading Elvis' blog posts he left behind in HK, I am beginning to have a better grasp of what he was trying to say. While 臥虎 has identified a few overarching issues (such as sexual politics and gender equity) based on the exchange btwn Elvis, Daisy, and others; my friend might have missed the essence of the author's more basic message, and that is: We are all products of the society and it's up to us to take actions and make things better (as opposed to: If you can't beat them, join them).

While I doubt very much if the vacated 擂臺 in HK will ever regain its previous glory, popularity and excitements, I look forward to reading Elvis' new UK-based blog 【從風雨而飛】。I am sure he will find new adventures in Europe and continue to enlighten his readers in HK and across the pond with interesting stories and viewpoints.



Keith said...

This Elvis is full of it. He has not left HK for England, but he did go into hiding since someone threatened to track him down and beat him up.

Daisy is pretentious, but Elvis crossed the line doing her in his perverted fantasy. Men shouldn't ridicule women that way neither in their faces nor hiding behind faked internet identity.

Since I found out this blogger, I haven't spent time surf around too much. I visited some of your blogger friends' site (through the links here) and they are mostly nice blogs. Reading stuffs like Daisy and Elvis's are novelty for me. But I won't say I want to go back and read more.

vicky said...


Haricot 微豆 said...

Keith: The blogsphere is always a "readers beware" type of gathering place and I am sure you have come across characters (esp in YouTube) that are beyond the realm of civility. I agree we should respect the boundaries of acceptable good tastes, social etiquettes, and legislations in the countries we live in. At the same time, I would submit the very fact that we are here speaks volume to the privilege of being able to express opinions, albeit hiding behind true identities (which is actually a choice). Bloggers may disagree, but such are the rules of free speech. Anyway, I too am taking a break from the issue (see latest post).

Haricot 微豆 said...

Vicky: Almost like "reality TV" :)

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