Monday, December 31, 2007

Please Be Patient with Me :)

Since this computer belongs to the inn keeper, I might not be able to respond to any of your comments. Please be patient with me. l will try to get back to you asap, if not here in Vermont, then in Canada. Thank you for your understanding !!!

(Green Mountain)


2008年1月l4日註 (see comments from 米果):
【对『目的、旅程、手段』概念作一個分析 / Examining the Concept of 'Means' and 'End' 】的網址是:

Happy New Year from Green Mountain, Vermont !!!

Here I am sitting in front of an Apple computer in a bed-and-breakfast inn deep in the Green Mountain of Vermont, USA. It has been snowing for the last twenty-four hours and the forest is just completely covered with pristine white snow. This afternoon, I put on my X-country skis and went for a quick trip to the Sugar Bush area and back. The powder snow was almost up to my knee. The snowflakes were falling from the sky and the scenery was just like the miniature world inside a Christmas snow-globe (I wonder if I would have fallen off the face of the earth if a giant were to come along and turn the world upside down). As I glided effortlessly forward, it was like dancing in an outdoor ballroom full of falling snowflakes. Along the way, some kids were tobogganing on a steep hill, laughing and screaming their heads off as they bombed down the snow-packed trail. Ah, the joy of childhood, how I remember those days - except that I was in Hong Kong, there was no snow, and everyone was screaming their heads off !!!

I took a zig-zag course up the hill and then skied down telemark style - bending both legs and keeping the arms out on the side to keep my balance. The powder snow was so thick that doing a face-plant (i.e. falling forward head first into the snow) could actually be fun, but I did not perform one!!!

Back in the inn, the keepers' cats Snowball and Smokey were waiting at the door as I stepped inside. They mewed and wanted to be patted.  I changed into dry clothes, made myself a cup of Vermont coffee, and sit down in front of the fireplace to warm up.

As the year 2007 draws to a close, I must say I am deeply content to be here in the deep of Green Mountain, enjoying the beautiful powder snow, the quietness of the wildness, the crackling fire of the wood-stove, the company of the people around me, and the hospitality of the inn keepers and their cats. 

Happy New Year everyone !!!  

Friday, December 28, 2007

加拿大冬天雪景: 大家熱熱鬧鬧就好了 / Canadian Winter Scene: Be Happy When the Sun Shines

今早起床,陽光普照,氣溫只是零下一兩度。我開了一杯自製的Chai Latte之後,穿上了大衣,連手襪和帽子也不戴,就走出門外,看看晨早的雪景。街上行人不多,相信有很多人仍在放聖誕假期,在被窩中沈睡夢鄉。一杯溫暖的奶茶貼著我的胸口,屋簷上的冰條 icicles,在陽光下開始溶化丶蒸發。在這裏過嚴冬的數隻黑烏鴉ravens,也趁著這好天氣,在樹上你吵我鬧,嘩嘩大叫。不久,兩隻松鼠也從樹洞伸出頭來,看看那些烏鴉鬧的是什么活劇。加拿大冬天中的生命,就是這樣,有机会就要爭取時間,享受那溫暖的太陽,珍惜那好時光,因為嚴寒的冬天還未過一半,在一月和二月,氣溫將会下降至零下二十至三十度,那時大家想要這么熱鬧,也就未必可能了。

(懾影图片: 屋簷上掛的冰條,抱著積雪的樹枝)

聖誕大歺 / Christmas Dinner

Here is the menu on Christmas day:

A bottle of Champaign;

One oven-baked stuffed turkey complete with gravy and cranberry sauce;

Mashed rutabaga;

A glass of Champaign;

Mashed potato with herbs;

Light fried Brussels sprouts with fresh garlic;

More Champaign :)

Steamed pudding with Christmas sauce;

Freshly brewed coffee;

Chocolate coated cookies;

Another sip of Champaign mixed with fresh orange juice this time ...
(You get the picture @_@ )

(Photo 攝影图片: 聖誕大歺)

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Gone Cooking !!!

I have to go prepare Christmas dinner and will respond to your comments after ... talk to you all later !!!

2007年聖誕日: 國王, 皇后,和芭蕾舞孃 / 2007 Christmas Day: The King, The Queen and The Ballerina

Ballerina: "I wish I could be as rich and beautiful as the Queen."

Queen: "I wish I could be as light and free as the Ballerina."

King: "Don't mind me, I am just the King around here."

Even with their dreams unfulfilled,

(what do you expect from three figurines on a Christmas tree)

they still live happily thereafter.

Merry Christmas Everyone !!!

Monday, December 24, 2007

聖誕前夕 / Christmas Eve



以上是十二月廿四日聖誕前夕,在Xiao Zhu網誌上的留言,她的原文請到這裏看: "聖誕..."

2007年12月 聖誕和新年 / December 2007 Christmas and New Year

Season's Greeting
Joyeux Nöel
聖誕及新年快樂 !!!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

人力資源管理: 在工作環境可否有友情或愛情? ∕ Human Resources & People Management: Should we sanction friendship and love affairs at the office?

從踏入社会做工開始,就發覺無論是「文」(例如: 行政 Administration),或是「武」(Science and Technology 科技等),所有職業或專業性的同事, 大部份都遵守一條「隱形」的工作道德規例Protocol on Values and Ethics,就是大家尊重对方,不会培養出和工作决定有利益衝突Conflict of Interest 的友情或愛情。但对一小部感性重(但未必一定是理性輕)的同事,很多時就真是說時易,做時難。人与人之間,在工作環境日久相処,大家都会由陌生人,經時日轉變為同事,但問題就是: Professionals 職業人員应否(而不是可不可以)越超那隱形的界限,進入了朋友,或什至戀人的關係領域?


在我個人來說,工作場所中,我可能心裡对一兩個同事較友善,但外表上仍是一視同人,公私是很分明,儘量減少了在工作和友情之間的利益衝突。例如昨天和机構的總裁道別,我和他相識的時日不少,臨別時總有點惆悵之感,但習慣了職業上的關係,仍只是大家握手道別,說声Au Revoir。在我的告別会farewell party,和几位友好的同事道別,我也沒有灑下半滴離別的眼淚。或許人們会說我是「墨守成規」,但在工作場所找尋友情或愛情,我還是不願冒那利益衝突的風險。或許遲點当我情緒回復「正常」的時候,我会和總監和其他友好同事聯絡。

真正的友情是可以經時間考驗,但建築在利害上的人事關係,我相信是会很快被冲淡和忘掉。Give relationship its freedom. If it comes back, it is yours. If it doesn't, it never was.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

2007年秋天的大風雪 ∕ The Autumn Snow Storm of 2007

(攝影图片: 2007年秋末大風雪襲擊加拿大)

窗外的橫風橫雪終於緩慢了下來,雖然飄雪仍在冷空氣中飛舞,但沒有風寒指數wind chill factor,出面零下十五度的天氣還不太差。我戴上帽子和手套,穿上了大褸和雪靴,一踏出門外,身体就半沈沒在屋外的積雪中,想不想這個秋末從美國Texas「德克薩斯」州上來的大風雪,竟帶來了這么多煩惱。我原本是打算駕車出外逛逛,欣賞夜靜的雪景,但看看埋在深雪中的汽車,也就打消了這個念頭。回到屋內,順手拈了本加拿大小說家 Margaret Atwood 「瑪格麗特‧愛特伍」作的 "Life Before Man",躲入溫暖的被窩,靜靜等待風雪夜後黎明的降臨。

Related Link: 風寒指數 / Wind Chill Factor

Sunday, December 16, 2007

蠶兒和螞蟻的故事 (2007) / The Silkworm and the Ant Story (2007)

Little Silky woke up sulky.
Standing on his hind-legs he felt tippy.
All around him his siblings were busy;
Eating nothing but heaps of mulberry.

"Why are you feeding us my dear maiden?
What is in your mind while being patient?
Do I not deserve an answer?" cried the silkworm.
"Where are my neighbours with their silk oh so laden?"

But the factory owner refused to answer.
A sly smile, then her eyes seemed wide and tender.
With gentle fingers she cleared the leaves and picked up Little Silky;
For a moment he could see the worm-farm and even farther.

Ocean of mulberry trees stretched out to the horizon;
With million of silkworms clinging and feeding like prawns.
From tiny hairline babies to oversized yellow adults;
Their lives resembled an orgy of one big eating marathon!!

"This is meaningless," complained the silkworm.
"I will stop eating until I can really come to term."
Thinner and thinner Little Silky had become;
But under the wrinkly skin his mind was steadily firm.

"You are starving yourself for no good reason.
You will only bring forth your own desperation!!"
Little Silky lifted his head and looked around;
But there was just the wind touching rows of moving curtains.

"Over here on the ground," said Little Anty.
"Stop looking for meaning that is way too fancy.
Our purpose in life is to work, work, and work.
Spit your silk so people can look pretty and pansy."

"Eat till your belly bloat yellow and transparent.
Weave your cocoon just like your long lost parents.
When they put you all dressed into boiling water;
It's only to kill you and make the silk more softened."

"Arrrrh!!" screamed the silkworm his white coat ashen.
"I am not ready to meet my Maker up there in heaven!!"
Without a word Silky started to eat and make his retreat;
Into the shadow and behind the mulberry curtain haven.

Legend has it that of all the silkworms abound in the farm;
Only one broken cocoon was ever left on the ground.
On a bright moon-lit night above the ocean of mulberry trees;
There was a little moth celebrating its freedom newly found.

後語 Postscript: 如蠶作繭,自困其身


The above is based on my memory of Yeh Sheng-Tao's children story "The Silkworm and the Ant" written in 1931. However, I cannot say with certainty that the story eneded actually with the silkworm metmorphorsizing into a moth. If anyone has the original text, please feel free to share.

(攝影图片 ∕ Photograph image: (Wikipedia) 作繭自困 ∕ Silkworm cocoons)

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

再說愛情丶痛苦丶人生 / Love, Pain and Life




愛情與人生 / Love and Life

我在讀大學時被愛情困纏,真是欲生欲死,做有很多自毀的事情,但在眼淚濛濛之中,我仍是有一個求生的念頭,知道時間是可以冲淡痛苦,知道風雨之後是有天明,知道我的知識和經歷,是可以幫助很多沒有机会入學的人。我不是聖人(Mother Theresa),但我知道我在這世上的用処(usefulness)是超越我自私和用事的感情。現在回想,我很幸運当年沒有放棄一切,時間的確是把我磨煉得更堅強和成熟,在這悠長的人生旅途中,我也實在幫助了很多人,也開創了自己的事業,再次投入新戀情,旅遊世界,享受了很多欢樂的時光。人生是多瓣和多片面的(life is multifaceted),愛情只是其中一部份,請不要為一小部而放棄了全部。


Sunday, December 09, 2007

送行 / Send-Off

上星期机構的同事主管,在總部舉行送行儀式,boardroom內擠滿了人,除了我自己部門熟識的人之外,其他在工作上有聯絡的外界partners 和stakeholders也有出席,最令我感動的是有一些已退了休的上司和僱員,聽到我離職的消息,也特別回來机構,送我一行。其實我也曾多次替他人送行,不過這一次是自己在「水銀燈」下,感覺也就不同。正是:『勸君更盡一杯酒,西出陽關無故人。』

Thursday, December 06, 2007

滿地可(蒙特婁理工學院)大屠殺 / Tuerie de l'école polytechnique de Montréal / Montreal Massacre at Ecole Polytechnique

十八年前,在一九八九年十二月六日,加拿大滿地可14名工程部女學生被狂漢 Marc Lépine (né Gamil Gharbi) 在校園槍殺,記憶猶新丶猶駭!!! 十八年後,全國下半旗及靜默一分鐘紀念。她們在生時還是那么年輕,未死之前,瞳孔是充滿著美好的希望丶職業丶和前途。

Geneviève Bergeron (n. 1968)
Hélène Colgan (n. 1966)
Nathalie Croteau (n. 1966)
Barbara Daigneault (n. 1967)
Anne-Marie Edward (n. 1968)
Maud Haviernick (n. 1960)
Maryse Laganière (n. 1964)
Maryse Leclair (n. 1966)
Anne-Marie Lemay (n. 1967)
Sonia Pelletier (n. 1961)
Michèle Richard (n. 1968)
Annie St-Arneault (n. 1966)
Annie Turcotte (n. 1969)
Barbara Klucznik-Widajewicz (n. 1958)

(攝影图片 / Photo Credit: Wikipedia

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

開懷集 / Raising Fund (Fun)

1. Skeptics Society: "... Please be reassured that this is a real newsletter from your Society requesting your financial support. All donations must be in real money. On second thought, we will accept only certified cheques."

2. Poor People United: "... Your donation will help fight poverty around the world. We will inform you of where to send money once we have sufficient fund to re-activate the rental mailbox."

3. Anarchy Americana: "... Our proposed governance structure with the Regional Director of Branch 3A reporting to the National Executives will ensure all authorities, roles and responsibilities are clear to everyone. Please mail your vote as well as your membership renewal fee by end of this month."

4. Magic-Cure-All: "... According to Mrs. Smith, despite her husband's failing health, he spent his dying years perfecting this cure-all drug that will prolong life as we know it. Please send your donation to Doctor Smith's Memorial Fund, attention Mrs. Smith."

5. Brooklyn Bridge for Sale: I have some prime land in Florida as well. Please send your inquiry, I mean enquiry, to this blog.


Tuesday, December 04, 2007

「黑莓」手机 / BlackBerry Handheld Device


無可否認,有了手机,朝九晚五可以變成24/7,週末也会成為工作時間表的一部份,所以有很多擁有「黑莓」的同事,承認是上了不能自拔的"crackberry"「莓」毒癮,在工作踏車mouse treadmills上跑到面紅耳熱,還是不能停下來。

「黑莓」手机和我將会在月尾分手,手机雖然是死物inanimate object,但個人和机器双位一体這么多年, 分手時總有點悵然的感覺,就像監犯重獲自由之前,对那多年的獄室,仍是有點留戀。

攝影图片:「黑莓」與黑莓之間的快擇 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Saturday, December 01, 2007

大衛柯能堡之【巨塔殺机】: 鉄石心腸 / David Cronenberg's "Eastern Promises": Hard Men and Women

(Photo Credit: 大衛柯能堡之【巨塔殺机】 / David Cronenberg's "Eastern Promises"; 維果莫天森 Viggo Mortensen; 娜歐蜜華茲 Naomi Watts; 文森卡索 Vincent Cassel)

You recognize the type when you get to know them - angular face (over a round one), tight lips, calculating minds, and a half-smile that seems to telepath "We can be friends, but don't ever screw around with me." Actually those are the softer ones among the hardest - at least they telepath !!

Don't get me wrong. I have known lots of good people in my life and I expect to meet more during my journey. But, the presence of hard men and women does not escape our notice in the movie "Eastern Promises" directed by David Cronenberg. They are like ghosts among the living, always lurking in the background; like razors in the cold wind, sharp and feelingless.

So, how do they become hard men and women? Is there a genetic disposition to becoming one - cold blood that runs through hot veins? Or should they blame it on their upbringing, perhaps by parents who did not cuddle their children or show affection in public? Or by society that weeds out the kind-hearted and rewards the hardened survivors?

I don't have an answer; and I did not get one from David Cronenberg.
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