Tuesday, December 11, 2007

再說愛情丶痛苦丶人生 / Love, Pain and Life





Keith said...

My Dear Haricot,
Why suddenly all love and pain stuffs? Is it a reminiscence of the long past or ... you are tasting the forbidden fruit :-)

vicky said...

我也有這煩惱, 用購物去轉移視線, 所以冇錢剩, 現在有一大堆化妝品, 根本用不完.

啤酒花™_J said...


Keith said...

Love has a mind of it own. It has its wild side. Even tamed, a wolf can never be a dog.

love and pain seem to be two sides of the same coin--the deeper you love, the more you suffer--remember Tom Hanks in Sleepless in Seatle? On the other hand, I rather experience the magical joy of love and suffer the consequence than not experiencing it at all.

Haricot 微豆 said...

My dear Keith: Perhaps the "suddenness" is actually a gradual build-up? I am just guessing !! Anyway, for me, while forbidden pleasure might be tempting, reciting of the multiplication-table 念乘数表 always saves the day ;-)

Haricot 微豆 said...

Vicky: 每人都有「轉移視線」(意謂:逃避不願直視?)的方法,購物買化粧品相对總比其它方法好,但不要破產啊!!

Haricot 微豆 said...

啤酒花™ : 那在乎個人是可否「拿得起,放得下」。再者,月圓未必就代表心中沒有月缺。但我同意:時間是可以冲淡一切。

Haricot 微豆 said...

Keith: Here are my thoughts ....

* Love is the product of mind(s), and not the other way around (cause/effect).
* You are right: A wolf can never be a dog. But: Even古埃及绝世美人Cleopatra 克娄巴特拉女王 had a poisonous snake as pet. Now, had she not chosen to let the snake bite her, history would have been unfolded quite differently.
* The Buddhists' answer to "The deeper you love, the more you suffer" is to abstain, in which case, Tom Hank would not have had a successful movie (who wants to see such an "unhappy" ending ;-) and the world would have faced a severe labour shortage (I am sure economists are not Buddhists).
* Not being a monk myself (must be the temptation of the forbidden fruit), I agree with you that life is a venture, and nothing ventured nothing gained!!

啤酒花™_J said...

微豆 Haricot:但是,人们说得并不对-时间并不是医治一切创伤的良药。时间只是可以冲淡那些点点滴滴,虽然那些事与物都会“事过境迁”,人们还是会记住那些不愉快的感受!

Haricot 微豆 said...

啤酒花™_J: 痛苦经验印烙在脑子细胞, 之后就是很难忘记,时间能否令人完全「復原」,还是只能冲淡那些点点滴滴,也就因人而异了。

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