Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year from Green Mountain, Vermont !!!

Here I am sitting in front of an Apple computer in a bed-and-breakfast inn deep in the Green Mountain of Vermont, USA. It has been snowing for the last twenty-four hours and the forest is just completely covered with pristine white snow. This afternoon, I put on my X-country skis and went for a quick trip to the Sugar Bush area and back. The powder snow was almost up to my knee. The snowflakes were falling from the sky and the scenery was just like the miniature world inside a Christmas snow-globe (I wonder if I would have fallen off the face of the earth if a giant were to come along and turn the world upside down). As I glided effortlessly forward, it was like dancing in an outdoor ballroom full of falling snowflakes. Along the way, some kids were tobogganing on a steep hill, laughing and screaming their heads off as they bombed down the snow-packed trail. Ah, the joy of childhood, how I remember those days - except that I was in Hong Kong, there was no snow, and everyone was screaming their heads off !!!

I took a zig-zag course up the hill and then skied down telemark style - bending both legs and keeping the arms out on the side to keep my balance. The powder snow was so thick that doing a face-plant (i.e. falling forward head first into the snow) could actually be fun, but I did not perform one!!!

Back in the inn, the keepers' cats Snowball and Smokey were waiting at the door as I stepped inside. They mewed and wanted to be patted.  I changed into dry clothes, made myself a cup of Vermont coffee, and sit down in front of the fireplace to warm up.

As the year 2007 draws to a close, I must say I am deeply content to be here in the deep of Green Mountain, enjoying the beautiful powder snow, the quietness of the wildness, the crackling fire of the wood-stove, the company of the people around me, and the hospitality of the inn keepers and their cats. 

Happy New Year everyone !!!  


Hyacinthus said...

Happy new year to u2, Haricot!

Anonymous said...


xiao zhu said...

Wow!!Happy New Year!!

新鮮人 said...

有所謂up side down喎,
講嘢啲咁無幻想力嘅說話! :p

新年快樂呀! :)

Anonymous said...


Haricot 微豆 said...

Hyacinthus: You too !!

Haricot 微豆 said...

The Inner Space: 真是新的一年,新的開始!!

Haricot 微豆 said...

Xiao Zhu: Best wishes to you my dear sentimental friend :)

Haricot 微豆 said...


雖然地球無分上下,但很多住在北美的人,仍認為澳洲是在down under!!


Haricot 微豆 said...

Ruth: Thank You!! The song "願望歌May You Always" posted on my blog on Nov 19th is for you too. I wish you happiness in 2008 !!!

Haricot 微豆 said...

紗繪: 滑雪場所有指明和規定那処是安全區Ski Area,那処是禁區Out of Bound。我也希望在二零零八年,您的身子完全復原轉好,大家都開心啦!!!

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