Friday, October 31, 2008

「兩週一聚: 我有一部時光機」之【紅髪女孩 (續集) 】 / 【The Red Hair Girl (End Game) 】: Bi-weekly Potluck Series (submitted article under the theme " My Time Machine")

上回說到何健在矇矇矓矓中,似乎是看到紅髪女孩看著他微笑,在那一剎那間,他感到天旋地轉,四肢無力,倒流的時光,像怒海巨浪一樣,向他迎頭冲擊,就在他幾乎支持不下之際 .......

"Are you okay, Ken?"

Startled by the voice behind him, Ken turns around and finds his boss Bob looking at him with some concerns.

"Oh, I am fine, Bob."

"That's good. As I was saying, please go over the papers submitted by the two applicants and decide who is going to be your principle researcher."

Now, Ken starts to remember.

The date was, or rather is, October 30, 1988. Their pharmaceutical company is one of many in a fierce competition to map the DNA sequence of a persistent virus that has plagued the lives of many children in developing countries. Since sequencing technology is not exactly Ken's forte, his boss Bob has asked him to hire a post-doc to solve the problem.

"I sort of prefer the red-head over the brunette," says Bob half-jokingly. "But of course, we are professionals and I'll let you be the judge of who best qualifies for the position."

"Of course! Of course!" Ken replies, watching Bob leaving the office.

Ken reviews the two unfolded files in front of him. Here is the brunette's résumé and her thesis on DNA sequencing. It is good work but not exactly something that will lead to the break-through that has yet to happen. Ken knows this because he already has the scientific knowledge and answer from the future. On the other hand, the work of the red-head - Ken feels bad identifying female workers by their physical appearances - is exemplary and she will very likely make the discovery on her own without any intervention from Ken. There is no doubt she is the preferred candidate. There is just one little problem: Ken knows the future. He and the brunette will eventually have an office romance, fall in love, get married, and have children.

So on this day October 30, 1988, Ken makes the most important decision of his present and future life. He takes the brunette's file into Bob's office.

For the next 20 years, Ken "knowingly" fulfills his destiny. He uses his knowledge from the future to help his principle researcher "discover" the sequencing technology. The pharmaceutical company is able to find a cure that will save the lives of many yet-to-be born children in the third world. His career thrives and they "spontaneously" fall in love, get married and have children.

As to the red-head who was not hired, she falls into a depression and eventually commits suicide. And Ken has known it too.

後言: 世界就是這樣的不公平的嗎?為了私人感情,阿健就是選擇了他未來的妻子,但如果他不這樣做,他的未來後代就不会成人長大,所有被保存的美好家庭丶事业都会化為泡沫!!至於那紅髪女孩,為什么她每年都会在阿健的後花園中出現呢?她是寃鬼回魂丶再世投胎丶還是她妻子夢想未出生的女孩子?既然阿健和妻子都不是頂尖兒DNA測序法專家,那么他們的知識又從那裡來呢?

Happy Halloween !!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

「兩週一聚: 我有一部時光機」之【紅髪女孩】/ 【The Red Hair Girl】: Bi-weekly Potluck Series (submitted article under the theme " My Time Machine")

每一年,当天氣漸漸轉涼,阿健都会等待那紅髪女孩的來臨。他妻子問:「你幹什么呆呆的站在窗旁,望著咱們的後花園?」 阿健沒有立刻回答。他看着楓樹上的葉子,一片一片地隨風飄下,園裏的花草都變黃了,堆在泥土上的落葉,在下午陽光的透射下,替後花園泛上了一遍紅色。





Reference Link: 「兩周一聚: 我有一部時光機」

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

建國 - 行政重點和基礎設施 (其一) / Nation Building - Priorities and Infrastructure (Part 1)

“You need good tools and people to do a good job.”

I drafted this article in early April 2008, when the rising of China中囯崛起, the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, and other related issues were being hotly discussed among bloggers and mainstream media alike. Here is the formula I wrote down at the time, on the subject of nation building:

Nation Building建國 = A(1,2,3,..)+B(1,2,3,..)+C(1,2,3,..)+D(1,2,3,..)+E(1,2,3,..)+ etc....


A=economics, B=education, C=governance, D=sports such as the Olympics, E=other priorities, ...

(Note: Obviously, each nation will have to determine what the priorities are at the national and regional levels at any given point in time and space.)


1=transactional infrastructure changes
2=transformational infrastructure changes
3=other systemic changes, ...

(Note: All systemic changes must take into consideration both "hard" and "soft" winning conditions in order to achieve national priorities. For example: Physical installations such as water treatment plants are "hard" infrastructure, but their successful operation and maintenance will depend very much on the workers' knowledge and experience, or "soft" infrastructure. This concept applies to both transactional and transformational infrastructure changes.)

....... Next: Case Studies / to be continued 待續

***** Updated 20140210 *****


Let's look at the types of leadership that are associated with transactional and transformational changes. According to Wikipedia:

Transactional Leadership, also known as managerial leadership, focuses on the role of supervision, organization, and group performance; transactional leadership is a style of leadership in which the leader promotes compliance of his followers through both rewards and punishments. Unlike Transformational leadership, leaders using the transactional approach are not looking to change the future, they are looking to merely keep things the same. Leaders using transactional leadership as a model pay attention to followers' work in order to find faults and deviations. This type of leadership is effective in crisis and emergency situations, as well as when projects need to be carried out in a specific fashion.
"Adhering to the path-goal theory, transactional leaders are expected to do the following:
  • "Set goals, articulate explicit agreements regarding what the leader expects from organizational members and how they will be rewarded for their efforts and commitment, and provide constructive feedback to keep everybody on task".
  • Transactional leaders focus on increasing the efficiency of established routines and procedures and are more concerned with following existing rules than with making changes to the structure of the organization.
  • Thus, they operate most effectively in organizations that have evolved beyond the chaotic, no-rules stage of entrepreneurial development that characterizes so many new companies.
  • Transactional leadership establishes and standardizes practices that will help the organization reach maturity, emphasizing setting of goals, efficiency of operation, and increase of productivity. "

Transformational Leadership enhances the motivation, morale, and performance of followers through a variety of mechanisms. These include connecting the follower's sense of identity and self to the project and the collective identity of the organization; being a role model for followers that inspires them and makes them interested; challenging followers to take greater ownership for their work, and understanding the strengths and weaknesses of followers, so the leader can align followers with tasks that enhance their performance.

The full range of leadership introduces four elements of transformational leadership:
  1. Individualized Consideration – the degree to which the leader attends to each follower's needs, acts as a mentor or coach to the follower and listens to the follower's concerns and needs. The leader gives empathy and support, keeps communication open and places challenges before the followers. This also encompasses the need for respect and celebrates the individual contribution that each follower can make to the team. The followers have a will and aspirations for self-development and have intrinsic motivation for their tasks.
  2. Intellectual Stimulation – Such leaders encourage their followers to be innovative and creative. They encourage new ideas from their followers and never criticize them publicly for the mistakes committed by them. The leaders focus on the “what” in problems and do not focus on the blaming part of it. They have no hesitation in discarding an old practice set by them if it is found ineffective.
  3. Inspirational Motivation – the degree to which the leader articulates a vision that is appealing and inspiring to followers. Leaders with inspirational motivation challenge followers to leave their comfort zones, communicate optimism about future goals, and provide meaning for the task at hand. Followers need to have a strong sense of purpose if they are to be motivated to act. Purpose and meaning provide the energy that drives a group forward. The visionary aspects of leadership are supported by communication skills that make the vision understandable, precise, powerful and engaging. The followers are willing to invest more effort in their tasks, they are encouraged and optimistic about the future and believe in their abilities.
  4. Idealized Influence – the degree to which the leader acts as a role model for their followers. Transformational leaders must embody the values that the followers should be learning and mimicking back to others. If the leader gives respect and encourages others to be better, those influenced will then go to others and repeat the positive behavior, passing on the leadership qualities for other followers to learn. This will earn the leader more respect and admiration from the followers, putting them at a higher level of influence and importance. The foundation of transformational leadership is the promotion of consistent vision, mission, and a set of values to the members. Their vision is so compelling that they know what they want from every interaction. Transformational leaders guide followers by providing them with a sense of meaning and challenge. They work enthusiastically and optimistically to foster the spirit of teamwork and commitment.


Saturday, October 25, 2008

香港歷史: 二次大戰時的勝利友 / History of Hong Kong: The Lawless Mobs during World War II

In my last response to San Wen Ji (, I erroneously described 勝利友 as lawless mobs who terrorized the citizens of HK immediately after World War II. Actually, this happened at the beginning of the Japanese occupation 三年零八個月when the British commanders were losing ground to the invaders and Chinese gangs took advantage of the power vacuum and roamed the streets of the Kowloon Peninsula.

References and photo credits: Wikipedia

"... 香港保卫战,又称香港攻防战、香港战役、十八日战事,是指第二次世界大战之中自1941年12月8日日本进攻英属香港至同年12月25日香港沦陷期间的战役。这次战役后,日军开始了在香港的“三年零八个月”管治。..."

"... 日军并于第二日占领青衣及直扑荔枝角。总部感到大陆兵团随时有被大包围危险,加上九龙总警司向旅长宣告警察放弃九龙,街上汉奸(即自称“胜利友”的黑社会分子)四处抢掠,英军被迫放弃九龙半岛。直至12月12日傍晚,除鲤鱼门北岸的魔鬼山外,九龙新界都已完全陷于日军。12月13日,最后留守九龙的拉吉普营乘驱逐舰撤离到香港岛,九龙沦陷。..."

My Responses: 勝利友... fighting alligators... going round and round... affirmative... bonk out

Dear San Wen Ji / 新鮮人 / 啤酒花™_J / imak / Inner Space:

I just responded to the comments you made in the following blog articles.

* 《盲流感》 / "Blindness" the movie
* 2008年秋天景色: 渥太華河畔 / Autumn 2008 Scenery: The Ottawa River Bank
* 2008年: 馬拉松丶半馬拉松丶10K賽跑 ∕ 2008: Marathon, Half-marathon, 10K Races

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and opinions - much appreciated


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

2008年秋天景色: 渥太華河畔 / Autumn 2008 Scenery: The Ottawa River Bank



Monday, October 20, 2008

YouTube: Nabucco "Va' pensiero, sull'ali dorate" / YouTube:《拿布果》“飞吧!思想,乘着金色的翅膀!”

Please see previous Blog article as well.

Nabucco "Va' pensiero, sull'ali dorate" / 《拿布果》“飞吧!思想,乘着金色的翅膀!”

Photo 1: Metropolitan Opera
Photo 2: The performance

Va pensiero sull'ali dorate
va ti posa sui clivi e sui colli
ove olezzano tepide e molli
l'aure dolci del suolo natal
del Giordano le rive salutadi Sionne le torri atterate
Oh mia patria si bella e perduta
Oh membranza si cara e fatal

This is the song that I have been practicing as member of the local Chinese choir. It was composed by Giuseppe Verdi. Under the name "Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves", the song was later translated into English. However, I think the Italian lyrics are much better.

Enjoy this beautiful song conducted by James Levine (1973–present) Principal Conductor; Music Director from 1975 on, of the Metropolitan Opera at the Lincoln Center Plaza in New York City!!!

Reference and Photo Credit: Wikipedia

".....《拿布果》 (Nabucco)是由朱塞佩·威尔第Giuseppe Verdi)作曲的4幕歌剧意大利文剧本由索莱拉Temistocle Solera)改编自圣经故事及Anicet-BourgeoisFrancis Cornu 的话剧。《拿布果》于1842年3月9日米兰史卡拉歌剧院Teatro alla Scala)首演。 威尔第在《拿布果》谱写出著名的合唱曲"Va' pensiero, sull'ali dorate" (“飞吧!思想,乘着金色的翅膀!”,也称为“奴隶大合唱”),是这出歌剧最经典的片段。....."

Saturday, October 18, 2008

2008年: 馬拉松丶半馬拉松丶10K賽跑 ∕ 2008: Marathon, Half-marathon, 10K Races

我在10月中跑完了最後一個馬拉松之後,2008年度的賽跑季節又暫告一段落。在過去6個月,我一共跑了兩個全馬拉松(42.2K marathon x 2)丶一個半馬拉松(21.1K half-marathon)丶和一個中程賽(10K race)。根據加拿大賽跑家John Stanton說,通常每一個馬拉松是需要約18個星期和900公里的訓練路程,但我是「火麒麟,週身癮」,那有時間跑那近2250里的長程,所以在春季未溶雪前,我都是以滑雪丶溜冰來代替,到了夏季才真正穿上跑步鞋作戶外訓練運動。

這個冬天,我沒有買alpine/downhill skiing高山滑雪的seasonal pass,所以在未來5個月,我的視線將轉移至越野滑雪cross-country skiing (classic and skating)。如果形勢許可,会再如上一個季節一樣,找團去享受冬天露營滋味。
* Comments on chi / qi breathing, posture, motions and other techniques in running, skiing and trail running:

Friday, October 17, 2008

《盲流感》 / "Blindness" the movie

“全人類失明,世界化爲一片白色,恐慌蔓延全球 !! 隨之而來的是憤怒、軟弱、慾望、乘虛而入 ……但是: 看到的,看不到了。看不到的,看得到了。”

"When the white-blindness epidemic strikes the population, the whole world turns upside down. The line between right and wrong becomes murky. Terror and panic reign. Anger, cowardice, sexual exploitation and animal behaviours raise its ugly heads .... But behold: Those who can see, can no longer see. And, when they cannot see, they finally see."

Source of Chinese text and movie poster above: "荷里活電影手冊 MovieSoon HK" (


Updated Oct 25, 2008 re my response to San Wen Ji's comments:

Thursday, October 16, 2008

2008年10月14日加拿大聯邦政府大選 ∕ Canada's Federal Election Oct 14, 2008

十月十四是加拿大聯邦政府大選日,我大清早起床,早歺也沒有吃,就趕緊取道往投票站凖備工作。在上訓練班時,Election Canada加拿大選舉部負責人已經提醒各工作人員,要在投票站開門前一小時到達,不可遲到,同時亦要帶備整日用的食糧和飲品,因為每個站只有兩個授了权的代表,互相做对証人,不可以因為私人午膳或喝咖啡休息而誤了大事。幸好我是馬拉松長跑運動員,習慣了長時間勞動和不思飲食,所以由早上8時半不停做至晚上11時半(共約15小時),对我來說是不成問題。

我的投票站是近本埠的唐人亍,所以除了加拿大的法文和英文兩個Official Languages法定語言之外,我的廣東話(粵語)和半鹹半淡的台山和普通話也是大有用場。在投票站最主要的工作,是要証明和核对每個投票人的名字和地址,所以我和「拍檔」都要很有禮貌地要求入站的人,出示有效的証件,或做宣誓或其它手續,否則不可以發出選票。对很多本地出生、及有投票經驗的加拿大公民,這当然不是問題,但对那些不認識選舉過程丶和從未參加過投票的人,我們就要加以詳細解釋手續,希望他∕她們明白這些規例是基於選舉法律,而不是投票站工作人員故意留難,並懇請那些暫沒有隨身攜帶有效証件的公民,在關門前再次回來登記和投票。


Saturday, October 11, 2008

旅遊多倫多市中: 唐人亍和肯辛顿市場街景 ∕ Travel to Downtown Toronto: Chinatown and Kensington Market street scenes

我在9月26晚往多倫多欣賞Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra巴罗克乐团的表演節目Viva L'Italia ,第二天星期六趁有空閒時間,就由民宿旅店沿Spadina Avenue士拜丹拿亍南下,在多倫多市中Chinatown唐人亍和Kensington Market肯辛顿市場週圍地區逛逛,看看亍景人物,又映了几張攝影图片,在此貼下,以供同好。

攝影图片(一) Photo Credit Wikipedia: 加拿大安大畧省多倫多市鳥瞰图。

攝影图片(二): 士拜丹拿亍有很多平價貨賣,點擊放大這图片,您可以看到擺賣女裝貨品的價錢,都在十元以下。我在這処附近的商店,買了一些劃國畫的毛筆丶黑墨丶油彩丶和宣紙。

攝影图片(三): 這小販賣的是從西岸運來的生猛太平洋花蟹,我要等到顧客散疏了點才有机会拍攝這相片。小販後面有平價鮮榴櫣,每磅7毫9仙。牆壁上貼有現任加拿大國会議員Olivia Chow鄒至蕙的選舉宣传標語,她夫婿是加拿大新民主黨黨魁傑克·林頓。
攝影图片(四): 這兩位阿姆是否是亍边無牌小販就不知道了,但她們賣的少量herbs和疏菜似乎又是在後花園新鮮摘的。

攝影图片(五): 唐人亍有很多中西合璧的城市藝術擺設。門+車=閳?

攝影图片(六): 鮮艷奪目的新鮮生果,大部份是從亚洲丶美國丶南美丶南非等溫暖地方種植出產,價錢也不太貴(例如:中東運來的生蜜棗,賣$1.79一磅)。
攝影图片(七): 這是肯辛頓市場主要入口,以前這処是猶太人區,越戰時有很多美國避兵伇者在此聚集,變成了反戰嬉皮仕中心,現多是Caribbean 加勒比和其他有色人種在此居住。肯辛頓市場是加拿大National Historic Site國家歷史文化保留區。

攝影图片(八): 我在這肯辛頓市場小型歺館吃了兩次brunch,一杯無糖的chai latte,和一客crêpe w/ lightly fried plantain羊角香蕉, fresh fruit, icing sugar and whip cream. Yum !! Yum !!
攝影图片(九): 這是在肯辛頓市場區內的一間叫King's Café(覌世音素食)中式西化的齋舖,我覺得他們的手法也很特別,中西合璧,很有風味。

1. Chinatown, Toronto, Ontario, Canada: 2. Kensington Market, Toronto, Ontario, Canada:

Friday, October 10, 2008

貪求無厭 / Greed will always feed the beasts

According to the October 2, 2008 Ottawa Citizen (*), here are the earned income from 2002 to 2006 of five top mortgage corporation leaders (in US dollars):

$ 311.9 million - Richard Fuld, CEO, Lehman Brothers
$ 295.7 million - Angelo Mozilo, CEO, Countrywide Financial
$ 155.3 million - James Cayne, CEO Bear Stearns
$ 87.4 million - Stan O'Neal, CEO Merrill Lynch
$ 60 million - Martin Sullivan, CEO, American International Group

The issue of accountability is now being raised by critics who think these CEOs were being rewarded for reckless investments that eventually brought ruin to shareholders, their companies, the finance sector, and then the US and world economic order.

According to the newspaper, only two CEOs are willing to forfeit part of their earnings. Angelo Mozilo agreed to gave up about $ 36 M in severance pay and a $ 400 K per year consulting contract. The other is Robert Willumstad, former CEO (Martin Sullivan is his predecessor) of AIG, American International Group, who would waive his right to a $ 22 M severance pkg. The AIG boss reportedly said he "... couldn't in good conscience accept the deal when AIG shareholders and employees had lost so much money."

Well, it appears these two CEOs are the exceptions rather than the rules. The others are keeping their earning, thank you very much. As I said in Inner Space's Sept 29, 2008 blog:

Don't worry, be happy.
Greed will always feed the beasts.
A little poison? That's not treason!
Put up and shut up -
while I wait for my stock to go up !!!

Reference (*): Steven Edwards and Sheldon Alberts, The Ottawa Citizen, page A11: "Bagnall: Huge bonuses paid on inflated earnings" October 2, 2008

Thursday, October 09, 2008

小小世界 (補註) ∕ It's a Small World After All (Supplementary)

Supplementary to the original Oct 9 post:

The finance ministers meeting in Washington DC, USA, are from the G-7 and not G-8 countries.

Oct 10 2008

小小世界 ∕ It's a Small World After All

今天美國Dow Jones股市指數繼續下潟,跌破了9000點大關,而G8國家財政部長亦会召開緊急会議,希望尋求合作机会,共同解决這個由美國帶起的危机。在世界金融風暴陰影之下,有很多人亦会因此而加固反美之心,認為美國歷年政府管理失善,对華爾亍採取放手丶放任政策,至令全世界經濟制度陷入險境,是股市下瀉禍魁之首。姑勿論資本主义和自由市場政策的利弊,隨著科技丶通訊和運輸的發展,我們這個世界是愈來愈小,如果一個國家要擠入世界的經濟巿場主流的話,就多少也要放棄閉關自守式的保護主义,要冒与其它國家(包括美國)同生共死的風險。不過話得說回來,如果以美國為首的世界經濟系統是有內在問題,我相信歐盟和其它國家也不会坐視不理,它們將会想到其它選擇,希望一方面能解救目前的經濟危机,而另一方面就減低对美國銀行业的依賴和聯系性,在這個小小世界建立一個更穩定和平衡的經濟系統。

YouTube video:

Friday, October 03, 2008

微軟視窗作業系統XP的繁体中文輸入法手寫字盤 ∕ Microsoft Windows XP's Input Method Editor IME Hand writing Pad for traditional Chinese

多謝各位網友的耐性和支持,壞了几近兩星期的电腦終於回復正常,軟件的安裝設置,包括Windows XP的繁体中文輸入法∕手寫字盤 (Input Method Editor / IME Pad - Hand writing zh-tw) ,現在都操作如常。

雖然市上中文輸入方法有很多種,例如倉頡丶拼音、注音等,但我就是比較上保守一點,仍喜欢自己一筆一劃的將每一個中文字寫出來,忘記了的話就翻查电腦Windows XP的檢字表,或上網用英法中字典翻譯,或用Google核对,看看多少人是肯或否定我的寫法。如果上列三個方法都行不通,我就向母親求救,她雖然是上了年紀,但在中文記憶這部門卻比我這「浸了鹹水」的後一軰還強得多。

以下是我在上兩星期收集有關Windows XP中文輸入法的資料,在這裏供有意使用者參考。

1. 維基Wikipedia: 【中文輸入法】

2. 微軟Microsoft:

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Computer Issue

I still cannot use the Input Method Editor IME for (traditional) Chinese that comes with the Windows XP. This is frustrating and is hindering my blogging activities. I will have to resolve this issue with the technician who I suspect did not install the IME files.
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