Monday, May 31, 2010

「兩週一聚」第39期題目『窗外』之 【男女關係: 打開天窗說亮話】



您或許以為那只是Hitchcock 「希治閣」式的劇本,緊張大師的危言聳聽,但試想想,現代網絡世界的科技日新月異,非常強勁的电腦硬件丶軟件,再加上效率奇高的 social network 和 search engines, 無論在世界那一個大城小鎮,大家都可以上網尋找失散多年的同學丶朋友。如果您的舊戀人突然重現,要和您「打開天窗說亮話」,您的感受和反应將会是怎樣?她/他又会不会打翻您鹹丶酸丶苦丶辣丶甜的「五味架」?反之,您又有沒有嘗試上網用 Face Book 或其它聯絡工具去尋找舊情人,或直接打电話或上門找他/她呢?

我不是在此提供個人經驗和意見,只是借題發揮,摘錄丶翻譯,和各位分享一章有關訪問1500 個加拿大人(非官式)的民意測驗報告:

問題(一):您有沒有嘗試尋找和聯絡舊戀人?或者是您的舊情人想和您「打開天窗說亮話」? Have you ever tried to re-establish contact with a person you once had a relationship with, or has a person you once had a relationship with ever tried to contact you?
* 9%不願作答。
* 36%說從未有和舊欢聯絡。
* 37%回答他/她曾嘗試与舊戀人聯絡。
* 40%說舊情人曾嘗試与他/她聯絡。


問題(三): 您覺得自己的婚姻誓言或關係許諾,是会阻礙您和舊戀人聯絡嗎? You may be married or committed, but does it have to mean you are shackled?
* 44%回答願意和舊戀人聯絡: 其中41%說這是完全沒問題啊!! 我願意和他/她通訊交談,大家可以做朋友嘛!! 3%則沾沾自喜,認為有机可乘,可以重拾舊欢,再燃愛情火花!
* 49%不願意和舊戀人聯絡(女人佔多數): 其中38% 說我只会和他/她通訊一次問問近况,但之後實不願繼續來往交談。11%絕对不願意,不会主動去找尋舊戀人,也不願回应他/她的來电,風孽債難償,過去的就成過去,何必重提舊事,重拾舊欢!!
* 約8%回答不知道。

問題(四):您会用什么方法去聯絡舊戀人? What is the best way to re-connect with an ex(boy or girl friend)?
答案(四): 注意總和不是100% Responses are not mutually exclusive
* 53%回答說如果真是需要或有這念頭的話,会上網用 Face Book 或其它 social network 找尋及 link in 舊戀人。
* 52%会用間接一點的方法: 其中32%会請朋友代問舊戀人願不願意聯絡。20%会郵寄手寫信件,表示您仍对他/她仍是念念不忘。
* 22%会搜索他/她的住宅或寫字楼电話,直接打去聯絡direct contact!!!
* l4%会搜索他/她常到的地方,直接跟踪碰上去,詐作有緣相遇 !!! (筆者按: 恐怖! 似是有計謀的 stalking !!)
* 10%重復地說,根本就不願去聯絡,什么方法也不用。

問題(五):聯絡通訊之後,您的感受展望又將会是怎樣呢? OK, so you made a connection, but what does it really mean?
* 62% 答: 男女關係破裂是有原因的,一刀兩斷之後,覆水難收,我是永遠不会和舊戀人重拾舊欢。
* 57%說: 我願意和舊情人繼續通訊,但不是想和他/她重歸於好,只是有興趣聽聽生活近况。
* 55%反对丈夫丶妻子丶愛人与前任舊戀人有任何聯絡。
* 46%不介意時光倒流,舊戀人可以成為朋友嘛!!
* 34%懷疑徘徊在「窗外」那人的企图,舊情人聯絡目的是想「打開天窗說「亮」話」,是死心不息,漂「亮」的假話!!!




Source of Survey Information:

Extracted, translated, and modifed from an article in the May 31, 2010 issue of the Ottawa Sun

Other 2weeks1gather articles:
Please visit

Photo Credit:
希治閣拍攝驚悚懸疑片 "Rear Window"

Saturday, May 29, 2010

2010年5月30日馬拉松賽跑 / Marathon - May 30 2010

I am getting a bit too restless to go to bed !!! But still I need to get some shut-eye. I have set the alarm clock at 04h15 tomorrow morning, five hours from now, ... must not sleep in !!!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

渥太華華人合唱團(悠音)博客網站將公開!/ The Ottawa Chinese Choir (You-In Chorus) Blog Site is Going Public !!!

I have just made the blog site of the Ottawa Chinese Choir (You-In Chorus) accessible to the general public, effective 2010-05-27 22h00 Ottawa time.

Some You-In Chorus members have asked me whether they will be able to locate this blog by searching "Ottawa Chinese Choir" and/or "You-in Chorus". My guess is that most search engines such as Google will direct you to the original, for the following reasons:

* The original site has been around for a long time and it has established solid "historical" relationships with "spiders" and other search engine devices crawling the Internet.

* The site has also been linked, cited and referenced by several Internet directories and registries that categorize "dot com" organizations.

* The pilot blog has gone "public" for exactly two hours (at time of posting) and it has very little content and substance. I suspect there is very little chance that any search engines will be able to find it among the billion and billion of established and ranked websites around the world.

Please note that the pilot blog is still under development and all contents concerning the You-In Chorus should be considered as work-in-progress. As of time of posting, the decision to launch a full-scale migration of info from the original main site to is still pending.

You are more than welcome to provide me with comments or advice.


Photo: The picture was taken on March 21, 2002 when the then Governor General of Canada, the Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson, attended the "Celebration of Diversity" concert at the Ottawa Christ Church Cathedral. (Source: You-In Chorus website)

* The original Ottawa Chinese Choir / You-In Chorus website is at
* The pilot blog site currently being populated and evaluated is at

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

在金斯米爾湖游泳 - 夏天開始!/ Swimming in Kingsmere Lake - Summer Begins !!

What a nice pleasant surprise !!!

On May 25th at around 5 pm, S and two friends plus myself went swimming in Kingsmere Lake within the MacKenzie King Estate. The lake is open to only cottage owners, or those authourized by the National Capital Commission. At this time of the season, the lake is full of newly stocked minnows and the water is very clean - no algae due to phosphate pollution or (unlike some lakes in the Gatineau Park) gasoline from leaking boat motors. As the ambient temp was over 30 deg C, the lake was just right for open-water swim. I put on my goggles and did my bilateral free-style, while the others were splashing around near the dock.

We had a great time and left at around 19h30 before sun down.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

旅遊南非洲 (六): 死亡「它」在等待著 ∕ Travel to South Africa (Part 6): Death Was Waiting Patiently


導遊問: 『您們嗅到獅子的氣味嗎?』我說:『嗅不到。』導遊問: 『您們看到那樹頂的禿鷹嗎?』我答: 『看不見。」他指著泥土說:『這是水牛的足跡,那是犀牛的腳印。』我看到的只是一些爛泥在枯枝中央。突然,導遊緊張地說: 『不要動!!!』,他跟著慢慢地把我和其他人拉後,離開身旁一些灌木。数秒鐘後,他抹了一額汗,鬆了一口氣,指給我們看。各位讀者,在我貼上的攝影图片中,您看到「它」嗎??!!

死亡「它」在等待著 !!

(.... / to be continued)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

旅遊南非洲 (五) : 美麗丶醜惡丶生存 ∕ Travel to South Africa (Part 5): Beauty , Ugliness, and Survival




上網在 YouTube 看到了這個視頻:

孩子: 『多可愛的獅子!!』
父親: 『它們在看什麼? 那边,那边,一隻在路旁覓食的長頸鹿啊!!』
孩子: 『..... 嗚嗚嗚嗚!!!!』

唉!! 那是很殘忍,但也很現實的一課。


旅遊南非洲 (六): 死亡「它」在等待著 ∕ Travel to South Africa (Part 6): Death Was Waiting Patiently

Thursday, May 20, 2010

鐵甲奇俠 2 / Iron Man 2

Earlier this week, I went to the Empire Theatres downtown and took advantage of the Tuesday half-price deal ($4.34 + 0.65 taxes) to watch Iron Man 2. Having difficulties just trying to fix a leaking faucet in the kitchen, I am VERY impressed with our super hero and the super villain's abilities to put together super technologies single-handedly, from a do-it-yourself kit, no less. But then may be I am just a MacGyver wannabe.

Iron Man 2:

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

白頭人送黑頭人 / A Parent's Nightmare

五月十七日早晨,他在朦朧中聽到电臺新聞報告,一個駕自行車的學生哥,在嘉靈道 Carling Avenue 被車撞斃,警方正找尋死者的親屬。


是自己的孩子嗎? B仔的自行車還在屋前嗎? 他出外有戴保護頭盔嗎? 電話鈴鈴地響了,一陣無名的恐懼, 濕透一身的冷汗 !!!




Monday, May 17, 2010

兩週一聚 (三十八期) 「分享心得: 升降机三分鐘演詞」 / 2weeks1gather (#38)「Sharing Know-how: Explain Yourself in Three Minutes, or Less」

我雖然是這次「兩週一聚」的出題人,但自己初寫的几篇草稿,都被投棄入电腦的廢物箱。主要原因是我與人分享心得的時候,總是脫離不了詳細分析的職業習慣。在工作環境中,有程序地將資料廣泛收集,將問題澄清分析,把議案建立丶討論丶然後作一個决定是好事。但在日常生活中,友人卻不耐煩聽我把他的『今日天氣不錯呀!』一句,弄成一篇有關地球氣候轉變的專業論文。提起天氣轉變,報載 Bill Gates 投資科技硏究,發展雲層反射工程專案,.... (哈哈,說笑咋!!)

言歸正傳: 可幸我的職業病不是絕症,医藥治方叫「升降机三分鐘演詞」,方法非常簡單:
我常在机構總部楼下遇到部長,他的寫字樓在最頂24樓,如果我能夠与他步入升降机,在三分鐘之內,由 "How are things going?" 開始,精簡地解釋一個重要議案的來龍去脈,引起对方的關注,臨行前吩咐 "Call my EA (executive assistant) for a meeting",那就是成功。如果部長在到達24楼時還是 glassy eyes 眼光光的望著我,禮貌地說一句 "It's nice talking to you", 那就是失敗。

当然,在朝九晚五「正常工作時間」normal work hours 之內,升降机是擠滿了人,一对一的談話是不可能。但我覺得這「升降机三分鐘演詞」的心理凖備是一個很好的訓練,不論对方是部長丶顧客丶同僚,如果您能夠在三分鐘之內解釋一切,清清晰晰,沒有半點拖泥帶水,沒有長篇大論,那对工作跟進發展是很有幫助。

Imagine at the Pearly Gates, you have exactly three minutes to explain yourself !!!

Tag: 這是屬我的【野人獻曝】系列,啊啊!!!


"The pearly gates" is an informal name for the gateway to the Heaven of Christian beliefs. It is inspired by the description of the New Jerusalem in Book of Revelation 21:21 — The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate being made from a single pearl. The image of the gates in popular culture is a set of large, white or wrought-iron gates in the clouds, guarded by Saint Peter (the keeper of the "keys to the kingdom"); those not fit to enter heaven are denied entrance at the gates, and thus descend into Hell. ...."

Photo Credit 攝影图片:
"Last Judgment" fresco by Michelangelo at the Sistine Chapel, Vatican City, Rome

Related articles:
* 出題人Lotusandcedar "分享心得": 無論在日常生活丶工作環境丶或娛樂消遣,您總会有一些心得經驗,願意和朋友分享。例如我在早期寫了好几篇叫「五項 Top Five」的網誌,是屬於工作和生活的系列。一年之計在於春,學習的時机在等待我們,就請您選擇一個興趣題材,和讀者們分享心得,讓大家開開眼界罷!!
* 2weeks1gather: More articles posted by others, click ----> here.

Monday, May 10, 2010

旅遊英國倫敦: 攝影图片記載 / Travel to London, England: Photo Journal (Part 1)


My trip to South Africa started with an overnight flight across the Pond to London's Heathrow Airport倫敦希斯路機場. Just like many of my trans-Atlantic flights, I spent most of my time watching movies and had gone without sleep for more than 24 hours when dawn broke. The plane touched down at Heathrow when most passengers were still slumbering.

攝影图片 Photo below: Heathrow Airport
Since the flight to Johannesburg was in the evening, my partner and I decided to take the express train to Paddington Station and do some sight-seeing.

攝影图片 Photo below: Paddington Train Station
Except the paper delivery men and cab drivers, there were only a few early risers braving the chilly wind on London Street in the early hours.

攝影图片 Photo below: London Street
Walking around in our Safari outfit, K and I soon discovered that our African attire was poor defence against London's bone-chilling wet-cold weather. We quickly retreated into a near-by restaurant to warm up.

攝影图片 Photo below: A restaurant
A cup of fresh-brewed coffee and a hearty English breakfast with ham, eggs and toast soon raised my bod temp and blood sugar to a chatty level. Despite the cold and damp, we boarded a double-decker bus and did a quick tour around town.

攝影图片 Photo below: Double-decker BIG BUS
I did manage to take several snap shots of the street scenes when it was not raining hard, but K spent most of the journey huddling inside the covered part of Big Bus.

攝影图片 Photos below: London street scenes (note Harrods is no longer owned by Harrods as of date of posting)

I wish I had more time visiting galleries and museums and even dropping by to have a cup of tea with the Queen. But, alas, Africa is calling and we had to head back to Heathrow before sun-set to catch our next flight.

Photo credit:
* First 3 photos of "Heathrow Airport", "Paddington Station", "London Street" from Wikipedia were edited by Haricot
* All other photos were taken in London on November 27, 2009

Sunday, May 09, 2010

2010年5月9日母親節: 甜蜜在我心 / Mother's Day May 9, 2010: A Day to Remember

Photo story by Haricot / 攝影图片故事

Close up: Old B&W post-card of an exhausted young mother lying on the sofa; note the make-up, stockinged feet, high-heels on the floor, unfinished laundry, unpacked grocery, toy teddy-bear, and sandwich.

Caption 1: Sleeping Beauty, after marrying to Prince Charming

Caption 2: Sleep (Web Dictionary): 1: the natural periodic suspension of consciousness during which the powers of the body are restored. 2: a state resembling sleep, a syndrome mostly found among young mothers, as in: oh please put me to sleep. 3: comatose.

The story lines:

(l) 媽記三文治

三文治的一代,上有父母,下有孩子,自己和拍檔夾在中間,三代都要照顧,如果是上班族,朝九脕五做牛做馬不在話下,放工後家務纏身,煮飯丶洗碗丶洗身丶洗衫,孩子上了床之後,坐上梳化,一半电視新聞還未看完,已撐不開眼晴,要爬上床昏睡,所以做母親最渴望的就是一覺好睡,24小時,36小時,48小時,睡過痛快, ....不過可惜母親節只是一天。

(2) "The Young and the Restless" vs "The Old and the Sleepless"

- Mom, tell him to stop bugging me!!
- You two stop fighting or else (or else what? ....).
- Stop that this very minute!! I've had enough. Now, both of you, go to your room!!
- I hate you (X2) !!!
- (Prince Charming walks in) What's for supper, hon?

(3) Father putting children to bed: 快睡吧,小宝宝!! 今天是母親節啊!!!

Hush little baby don't say a word,
Papa's gonna buy you a mocking bird.
If that mocking bird don't sing,
Papa's gonna buy you a diamond ring.
If that diamond ring is brass,
Papa's gonna buy you a looking glass.
If that looking glass get broke,
Papa's gonna buy you a billy goat.
If that billy goat don't pull,
Papa's gonna buy you a cart and bull.
If that cart and bull turn over,
Papa's gonna buy you a dog name Rover.
If that dog named Rover don't bark,
Papa's gonna buy you a horse and cart.
If that horse and cart fall down,
You'll still be the sweetest little baby in town.

(Father whispers quietly: Happy Mother's Day ^_^)

Related articles:* Lotusandcedar 加拿大母親節2008年5月11日/ Mother's Day in Canada May 11, 2008

Saturday, May 08, 2010

非洲鯽 / Tilapia


渥太華是內陸城市,新鮮魚選擇甚少, 在唐人商店, 非洲鯽是唯一可以大量買到的游水魚, 你在水箱挑選生猛肥魚之後,他們會為你清理魚鱗和魚腸,非洲鯽賣價大約是每英鎊5加元。

飲食烹飪: 紅燒方法:

加入兩調羹豉油(醬油),同時加入蔥、薑、糖、醋、料酒、(豆腐,番茄醬)、一至兩杯水, 悶燒5至10分鐘即可。

攝影圖片 Photo credit:
#1: "Freshly caught tilapia" from Wikipedia
#2: "Tilapia ready to be cooked" by lotusandcedar

Text quoted from "非洲鯽" 維基百科 are highlighted in brown above.

Friday, May 07, 2010

歐戰勝利紀念日 / VE Day May 8, 1945

"... 歐戰勝利紀念日,定於每年的5月8日,以紀念1945年5月7日,納粹德國在該天宣佈在第二次世界大戰中無條件投降。每年在這天,歐洲各地,尤其是在二次大戰中勝利和曾經受納粹德國佔領和襲擊的國家,都會以不同方式紀念第二次世界大戰歐洲戰爭的結束,或作為向世界訓示戰爭的禍害。..."

Photo #1: World War II tanks - Sheridan, Abbot, Patton

"... The German Instrument of Surrender was the legal instrument by which the High Command of the German Armed Forces surrendered simultaneously to the Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force and to the Soviet High Command at the end of World War II in Europe. Before the main body of the German military surrendered, there were partial surrenders of components of the German military. This is the main Instrument of Surrender, which was signed on 7 May, 1945, at Rheims, France. The signing took place in a red brick schoolhouse that served as the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF)...."

Photo #2: The German Instrument of Surrender


Only this text in English is authoritative

We the undersigned, acting by authority of the German High Command, hereby surrender unconditionally to the Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force and simultaneously to the Soviet High Command all forces on land, sea, and in the air who are at this date under German control.

The German High Command will at once issue orders to all German military, naval and air authorities and to all forces under German control to cease active operations at 2301 hours Central European time on 8 May and to remain in the positions occupied at that time. No ship, vessel, or aircraft is to be scuttled, or any damage done to their hull, machinery or equipment.

The German High Command will at once issue to the appropriate commanders, and ensure the carrying out of any further orders issued by the Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force and by the Soviet High Command.

This act of military surrender is without prejudice to, and will be superseded by any general instrument of surrender imposed by, or on behalf of the United Nations and applicable to GERMANY and the German armed forces as a whole.

In the event of the German High Command or any of the forces under their control failing to act in accordance with this Act of Surrender, the Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force and the Soviet High Command will take such punitive or other action as they deem appropriate.

Signed at Rheims at 0241 France on the 7th day of May, 1945.

On behalf of the German High Command.


On behalf of the Supreme Commander,
Allied Expeditionary Force.

On behalf of the Soviet
High Command.

Major General, French Army

Photo Credit:
#1 The Ontario Regiment RCAC Museum
#2 Wikipedia German Instrument of Surrender (7 May 1945)

1. English text: Wikipedia Victory in Europe Day
2. Chinese text: Wikipedia 第二次世界大戰歐戰勝利紀念日

Thursday, May 06, 2010

「兩週一聚」第38期題目:【分享心得】 / 「2weeks1gather」#38:【Sharing Your Know-how】

無論在日常生活丶工作環境丶或娛樂消遣,您總会有一些心得經驗,願意和朋友分享。例如我在早期寫了好几篇叫「五項 Top Five」的網誌,是屬於工作和生活的系列。


請儘快往微豆 Haricot 此処報名 (, 及往「兩週一聚」処閱讀「參加辦法」 ( )

交功課日期: 2010年05月15日


以下例子只是我個人的偏好, 各位可以選擇其它題材,和用不同的寫作形式來安排資料:

人事管理五項 / Top Five: Human Resources Management

机構立政五項 / Top Five: Policy-making in Organizations

科技管理五項 / Top Five: Managing Science & Technology

國際事務五項 / Top Five: International Business

談判五項 / Top Five: Negotiation Skills and Techniques

人生基本五項: 五行之金木水火土 / Top Five in Life: The five elements of metal, wood, water, fire and earth ( Part 1 )



貼堂心得作品 作者: Space


加拿大海岸防衛隊 / Canadian Coast Guard

The Canadian Coast Guard (CCG) (French: Garde côtière canadienne - GCC) is the coast guard of Canada. It is a federal agency responsible for providing maritime search and rescue (SAR), aids to navigation, marine pollution response, marine radio, and icebreaking. Unlike some other coast guards, such as the United States Coast Guard, the CCG is a civilian organization with no military or law enforcement responsibilities.

The Canadian Coast Guard is headquartered in Ottawa, Ontario and is a Special Operating Agency (SOA) within the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO).

Please click here to see my other blog article 加拿大海軍百週年 / Centennial of the Canadian Navy May 4, 2010

Source of info:

Photo Credit:
* US Coast Guard Canadian Coast Guard icebreaker Louis St-Laurent and US Coast Guard cutter Healy in the Arctic Ocean on Sep 5 2009

Related website:
* Canadian Coast Guard
* US Coast Guard 美國海岸防衛隊

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

拉羊毛蒙蔽別人的眼睛 / Pull the wool over someone's eyes

英國電訊報 The Daily Telegraph 報導 (Apr 13, 2010):

Cons pull the wool over cops' eyes

兩名犯人從阿根廷一個戒備森嚴的監獄裡逃出, 他們在本地農場偷了羊皮, 偽裝扮成綿羊, 成功地逃避300多名警察捕捉已經有一個多星期。消息人士說,在成千上萬的羊群中, 尋找兩隻假綿羊是非常困難之事。尷尬的監獄發言人無法對此事發表官方評論, 但是一位警方官員暗地裡說: "They can't pull the wool over our eyes forever!!! 他們不能永遠拉羊毛掩蓋我們的眼睛!!!”

(Note: My translation is based on the article from The Dialy Telegraph website at )


"Pull the wool over your eyes"
(Source: )

To deceive欺騙, to hoodwink蒙蔽。

The natural assumption is that this phrase derives from the wearing of woollen wigs, which were fashionable for both men and women in the 16th and 17th centuries. The phrase itself is of 19th century American origin. The earliest available example in print is from the Milwaukee Daily Sentinel And Gazette, October 1839:

"And we ask one question that they dare not firmly answer, whether they are not now making a tolerable attempt to pull the wool over the eyes of the people."

The 'wig' derivation is probably correct but there must be an element of doubt about it as the wearing of wigs had largely died out in the USA by the early 19th century.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

加拿大海軍百週年 / Centennial of the Canadian Navy May 4, 2010

Exactly 100 years ago, on May 4, 1910, royal assent was granted for the establishment of Canada's Department of Naval Service. I would like to dedicate this blog article to those men and women who have risked their lives on the high seas.

攝影圖片 Photo #1, 2 and 3: Department of National Defence (DND) posters to commemorate the Canadian Naval Centennial May 4, 1910-2010.

According to the Canadian Constitution, the Governor General shall act in the Queen's name as Commander-in-Chief of the Canadian Forces

攝影圖片 Photo #4: Here in this photo, our current Governor General of Canada, the Honourable Michaëlle Jean, wears the naval variation of the post's uniform while presenting the newly consecrated Queen's Colour to the Canadian Forces Maritime Command.

攝影圖片 Photo #5: Canadian destroyer HMCS Algonquin

攝影圖片 Photo #6: Ice sculpture of a battle ship

Prime Minister's Statement:

At a ceremony in Ottawa to commemorate the Canadian Navy's 100 years anniversary, Prime Minister Harper offered: "... Over the past 100 years of navy service, more than 600 warships have left our ports with the proud prefix HMCS designating Canadian ships ... These ships served during two world wars, during the Korean War, during many peacekeeping missions particularly in the Persian Gulf during the Afghan mission, in the Arctic and the Caribbean, and in a nutshell, every time it has been called upon to meet a need. ... Between 1939 and 1945, the navy lost more than 2,000 men and 24 ships in the fight for freedom, emerging from the Second World War with the third-largest global fleet ..."

Additional info on the Canadian Navy:

" .... Canadian Forces Maritime Command (MARCOM), also known as the Canadian Navy, is the maritime force of the Canadian Forces. While equal in rank and position, The Chief of the Maritime Staff takes precedence over the Chiefs of the Land and Air Staffs following the tradition of the Royal Navy.

MARCOM is the descendant of the Canadian Naval Service created by the Canadian Naval Service Act May 4,1910 and later on Aug. 29, 1911 designated by royal authority as the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) which was Canada's navy until 1 February 1968. Prior to 1910, the Royal Navy provided the maritime defence of Canada.

In 1968, the RCN was merged with the army and air force to form the Canadian Armed Forces. MARCOM's ships are commissioned as Her Majesty's Canadian ships, and the initialism HMCS designates them as the ships of Her Majesty's Canadian Armed Forces. ...."

Photo Credit:

#1, 2, 3, 6: I took these photos on February 11 at the Confederation Park during the 2010 Winterlude / Ottawa Winter Festival
#4: CBC The National News June 27, 2009
#5: Wikipedia "Canadian Navy"
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