Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Jon and Kate plus 8: 十年的婚姻 / Jon & Kate Plus 8: Ten Years of Marriage

After "sharing" five years of family life in front of the camera, the ten-year marriage of reality-show couple Jon and Kate was officially dissolved in Philadelphia. The somewhat surprise but not exactly unexpected announcement was made at the June 22, 2009 show. As mentioned in my previous blog, I was one of the 10 million viewers of the 2009 season premier of "Jon and Kate plus 8". Unlike Jim Carrey's character in "The Truman Show", there was no new-found reality and freedom behind the torn silver screen, and the crowd in the diner did not cheer. Here are some of Jon and Kate's statements which were made separately in the recording studio.

"We have soldiers over in Iraq, dying for our country, and all these people (paparazzi/journalists) care about is what I eat for lunch."
"When you're living a roller-coaster, sometimes you come off the tracks."
"It's just not good for our kids (for us) to be arguing in front of our kids. If we can't be cordial with one another then we've decided to separate."
"I don't hate Kate but, you know, I have to do what's best for me and my kids."

"Jon has a lot of anger and I'd like him to discuss, but he won't discuss it with me."
"Every now and then he holds a couple of minute conversation and I get a window into his world and that's all."
"I don't really wanna be alone. I don't wanna do this alone."
"Am I thrilled with how things have turned out? No. Did I ever think I'd be in this situation with the way things have turned out? No."
"I had half a day when I let myself fall apart and hyperventilate and sob harder than I've ever sobbed in my life. But by the time I woke up the next morning . . . I had decided, I just need relief now. I need to turn the page."
"I have become very hardened, very crass, very jaded maybe, but that is my survival self saying I will not lay down and die. . . . If I've got to pull this whole ship on my own, I'll do it. I will survive, and they (the kids) will survive."
"It doesn't matter where Jon and I are in our relationship, my kids still matter most to me."
"I love my kids."

(They will have their say when they grow up)

Photo Credit 攝影相片 (Rogers Yahoo News): Happier time of Jon and Kate who renewed their marriage vow 婚姻許諾 in front of their kids and relatives in Hawaii last year.


My other related articles:
* 「兩週一聚 (十五): 五年之後 ...」之【八卦文章】/ 「2weeks1gather (#15): Five Years Later ...」【The Five-year Commitments of Jon & Kate Plus 8】 http://lotusandcedar.blogspot.com/2009/05/five-year-commitments-of-jon-kate-plus.html

* 再談男女關係之間的許諾 / More Thoughts on Commitments in a Man-Woman Relationship http://lotusandcedar.blogspot.com/2009/05/more-thoughts-on-commitments-in-man.html

* "Jon and Kate Plus 8" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_and_Kate_Plus_8


新鮮人 said...


Mugen C said...

是這Reality Show Destroyed their family, destroyed the relationship between Jon & Kate. Too bad, so sad!


the inner space said...

要養八條化骨龍,要照顧八個小孩,一家十口,兩公婆還能返工賺錢嗎?賣個攝錄權搵錢是不錯的 alternative!

HoLLyCow said...


exile from hk said...

Raising 8 kids certainly is hard whether they are doing a reality show or now. I think the newfound money and fame give both Jon and Kate confidence that they didn't have before. Before the show, they had to hold on to each other for financial and emotional support. Now, with all the money and the potential to make even more, they can hire multiple nannies to care for the kids. As far as emotional needs, hey, get real, they would both be dating in no time. I don't even like the show but just want to throw in my two cents.

Haricot 微豆 said...


Your question is currently a subject of debate among viewers of Jon and Kate Plus 8. I mean definitely there have been financial gains 好處 that help towards provide the kids and family with things that the couple otherwise could not afford.

And the downside 壞處, well, their marriage break-down is being unfolded publicly in front of our eyes on the screen and in other media. They will also be judged by their kids in the future.

Haricot 微豆 said...


You are right - the reality show is a double-edged sword.

Haricot 微豆 said...

Space: Yes, the TV contract has been a money-making deal, but it also comes with a hefty price!!

Haricot 微豆 said...


As many have found out, albeit a bit too late (I am thinking of Michael Jackson as well).

Haricot 微豆 said...

Exile from HK:

Thank you for your comments !! So, it seems that's another case of people mixing up the means (making money) and the end (bringing happiness and wellness to the family).


对『目的、旅程、手段』概念作一個分析 / Examining the Concept of 'Means' and 'End'


Anonymous said...

The actor's name is Jim Carey, not John....

Haricot 微豆 said...

Ooops !! Thank you for pointing out my spelling mistake. According to Wikipedia, the name is:

James Eugene "Jim" Carrey

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