Monday, June 15, 2009

【一件小事之初吻】寫後有感 / "No Big Deal - The First Kiss" Postscript



滿紙荒唐言, 一把辛酸淚;
都云作者癡, 誰解其中味。


吻如寶玉淚, 情似楓葉霜;
六月無小事, 暮冬莫感懷。



兩週一聚(十六): 一件小事 之【初吻】/ 2weeks1gather (#16): "No Big Deal"【First Kiss】


wanni said...

About the current header picture -- did you "suddenly" dropped the lettuce and cherry tomato while you were enjoying a sandwich up on the mountain top? It's an interesting shot...the cherry tomato riding on the flying lettuce carpet--off to see the world. :)

HollyCow said...


原來??? You only discovered it NOW!

Haricot 微豆 said...

Wanni: I was cross-country skiing in the hills by myself last winter when I decided to take a lunch break. As I was unwrapping the salad sandwich, I noticed how the blue, red, green of the sky, tomato, and lettuce strongly compliment each other. Being a goof and with nobody around, I gave the cherry tomato a ride on the flying lettuce and took a snap shot. At home, I deleted my hand off the picture et voilà, the salad couple is off to see the world !!

Haricot 微豆 said...


Okay, smarty pants!!! If we always accept without questions, what the previous generations said, then we might as well be a clone of the past. There will be very little innovations or progress. So, for me, it is not "discovering the truth" (as you might have suggested), but rather "validating" the lines from the old classic "The Dream of the Red Chamber" and enjoying its poetic value.

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