Wednesday, February 28, 2007
花開堪折直須折,莫待無花空折枝 (二) / Reminiscing in Front of a Closed Door (Part 2)
清溪水, 慢慢流, 穿過青草地
慢慢流, 聽我唱歌告訢妳
清溪水, 慢慢流
鷓鴣鳥山上叫, 声音很幽怨
老烏鸦在樹梢, 呼声沈而遠
清溪水, 慢慢流, 泉水輕輕湧
请妳们, 莫吵閙
英文歌曲【清溪水, 慢慢流】
彭氏詞 帝姆曲
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
花開堪折直須折,莫待無花空折枝 (一) / Reminiscing in Front of a Closed Door (Part 1)
Friday, February 23, 2007
風寒指數 / Wind Chill Factor
This evening, I met some friends from Europe at their hotel and we went out for supper together. Prior to departure, they had learnt from TV broadcast and the news that Canadian winter would be very cold. But they had never heard of the Wind Chill Factor. So, when the left Europe, it was a balmy +15 degrees and when they got off the plane, the outside temperature was a cool -20 degrees. But they didn't realize that with a wind blowing at 20 km/h, the chilling effect on exposed skin is equivalent to -30 degrees !! I have lived here long enough, so it's no big deal. When it gets cold, I put on a few more layers of warm undies, put on my pair of gloves/mittens, a scarf, and a warm hat to protect my fingies, mouth and neck and the top of my head and off I go. When I am out running, skiing, or skating, I often work up a sweat and have to take off some clothes to cool off. In order to survive in adverse weather conditions, one does not have a choice but to adapt.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
談判五項 / Top Five: Negotiation Skills and Techniques
談判五項 (註:人事管理一方面,我已在上數月提供愚見,不再累敍)
1. 未能取得对方充分的信心和了解。
2. 談判資料、戰略、分析、預期後果等,凖備工作不足 (正是: 知己知彼、百戰百勝)。
3. 沒有一個綜合性的談判程序丶框架,將己方提議放入去,令对方明白。
4. 忘記了在談判細節之前,应該大家討論和同意整件事的大前題。例如:談判的根據原則是什么?談判目的是為了什么?
5. 部或組長自以為是,談判之前,沒有徵求手下員工意見,利用他們的積聚經驗。
Sunday, February 18, 2007
每逢佳節倍思親(中國曆4705年) / Family Happy Together (Chinese Calendar Year 4705)

在加拿大,今天星期日,是舊曆年初一,在此祝各友人新年快樂!! 昨天年三十晚,特別和母親往唐人街,買了些燒烤豬肉(义燒)、半隻琵琶鴨、一塊豬耳丶和一些白飯,回家吃團年飯。母親年紀也不少,自從父親去了世之後,在這裏唯一能依靠的,就是我一個人,所以每逢唐人節日,她就一早起床,朋友的約会也推卻,在家等我的电話。我曾有几次告訢她說:「媽呀媽呀,妳不要太依賴我,現在妳身体尚好,我就鼓勵妳多交朋友,擴大妳的生活圈子。」我也明白母親的心意,每逢佳節倍思親,終身的老伴已不在,不靠親人又靠誰呢?今天年初一,很早就打了個「喊線」給母親,免她在家望著那电話呆坐,等我的消息。我約定在下午往她処,或許和她往唐人街,看看本地某武術館的新年醒獅表演,也会和她打長途电,給一些在北美和香港的親戚賀年。母親啊,我就在這裏,祝妳一個健康、愉快的豬年!!
It is Sunday here in Canada. Happy Chinese New Year everyone !!! Yesterday, I went to Chinatown with my Mom, bought some BBQ pork, half a Peking duck, a chunk of pig ear, some rice and brought it home to celebrate the end of the Year of the Dog. My Mom is a senior. Ever since the passing of my Father, I am the only one she can rely on. So, during every Chinese festival, she will wake up early in the morning, cancel all her appointments with friends and stay home waiting for my phone call. I have told her several times: "Mom, don't become too dependent on me. You are still healthy and I would encourage you to go out meet more friends and expand your social circle." But deep in my heart, I understand her longing for family connection to fill her emotional vacuum, especially during festival time. With the passing away of her life-long companion, who else are there to connect to, if not her immediate family? Today is CNY day, so I made a point of calling her early in the morning so she would not sit at home waiting for the telephone to ring. I have made an appointment to visit her this afternoon and might accompany her to Chinatown to see a lion dance by one of the local kung fu schools. We will make a few phone calls to say happy New Year to close relatives in North America and Hong Kong. More importantly, dear Mother, I wish you here a healthy and happy Year of the Pig !!
Picture 图: 山西省的新年燈籠市場 A customer picks out a Chinese New Year lantern at a street market in the industrial city of Linfen in China's northeast Shanxi province (Photo Credit: Peter Parks/AFP)
Saturday, February 17, 2007
心眼 / In My Mind's Eye
When I was in Primary Two or Three, I went through a period of frustration with this concept of "self". My question was fairly simple: "Why couldn't I leave my own body and see the world through other people's eyes?" What I wanted to verify was whether the world as I saw it was identical to what other people would have seen, if I were them. If the answer was yes, then it would prove "my world" was not just a flick of my own imagination or a product of my mind's eye. However, if the answer was negative, then the "I" as I knew it then, would be in big trouble!! So for a while, I did not go play outside, my mind wondered in the quagmire, and I became quite unhappy over this irresolvable question, to the extent that my Mum thought I was falling ill. I was born an introvert and of course would not share any of my thoughts with anyone. However, being an active person, I just could not stand staying home for any extended period of time. Alas, when my neighborhood kids again came asking me whether I wanted to go bicycling, playing hide-and-seek, and other Chinese games with them, I decided to drop this cul du sec issue and ran outside with them into the sunshine.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
情人節的大風雪 / Snow Storm on Valentine's Day
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
七十二行: 替『維他奶』和『百事可樂』送水 (六) / 72 Occupations: The Thirst Quencher (Part 6)
後記: 我替『維他奶』和『百事可樂』送水的暑期回憶,也就像当年海心小艇一樣,在歲月中漂呀漂呀,不知不覺也是多年了。以前『維他奶』和『百事可樂』的汽水司机,我想都已升級或退休了,那些後生、好氣力的送水弟兄,可能都轉了行。在這悠長的人生旅途中,我足跡走遍了世界很多地方,也做了72行的其它工作。但在我腦海中,那年青的我,卻仍是在那艇中,和我的送水夥伴說笑,看著浪花把海水打上艇上,那一盤一盤的汽水,就和我們胸膛上的汗水一樣,在陽光下閃耀著。
Sunday, February 11, 2007
七十二行: 替『維他奶』和『百事可樂』送水 (五) / 72 Occupations: The Thirst Quencher (Part 5)

最難相信的,就是有些廉價工廠大厦,也是一樣,电梯只上髙層。有一次,在長沙灣某某企業大厦送水(下图),就要將五盤共120枝『百事』叠上手推車,一級一級的抽上楼梯,上到第四層的時候,我已氣力不繼,一不留神,抓不緊那手車,五盤『百事』,落地開花,富貴榮華(後句是吉祥之語),120枝玻璃榴彈爆發,尖銳的碎片橫飛,那時剛巧是午膳時間,樓梯人上人落,有很多人的腳眼腳肚都「掛了彩」,不在話下,我這個禍魁之首就成為眾矢之的, 「巴士阿叔」問候令母身体安康不再話下,最「難頂」的就是那些工廠女工的「X家鏟」、誅九族、滅祖宗、無後代的惡毒咒語,正是:「好佬怕爛佬,爛佬怕潑婦」。無奈是自己的不是,也就只好忍氣吞聲,低頭收拾殘局。
Photo Credit: 【維基百科】图石硤尾徙置區 / 長沙灣
(下結局: 荔園海灘)
Thursday, February 08, 2007
七十二行: 替『維他奶』和『百事可樂』送水 (四) / 72 Occupations: The Thirst Quencher (Part 4)
(下回: 「好佬怕爛佬,爛佬怕潑婦」)
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
七十二行: 替『維他奶』和『百事可樂』送水(三) / 72 Occupations: The Thirst Quencher (Part 3)
当年的深水埗,是比較上複雜的一個區域,雖然追不及鑽石山、老虎岩或九龍城寨的三不管地帶,但人囗密度極髙,三山五嶽幫会人馬,不勝其数。所以到這區做生意的,多少也知道地頭規矩,那個有「底」,那個無「底」,一看便知,無需「盤」問。我們的司机对所有顧客,無論是街边士多東主,或酒楼老板,都非常尊敬。「喂,兄弟,同阿陳生托十盤水入後面冷巷,小心D」意思是在送水之時,在屋後看到什么,就不看到什么,放下240枝汽水之後,取回上次的空樽就出來,不要節外生枝。我們的人事關係很好,顧客至上,有時士多東主也会留司机,和我們三個勞工兄弟渴啤酒,記得有一次天氣嚴熱,我非常口渴, 一時太快飲了一樽大『青島』,酒精上腦,出了舖頭不遠, 双腳一軟,就倒臥在街頭,那些路過的阿婆阿嬸,就停下來看看發生什么事情,圍過水洩不通,七嘴八舌地說:「報警打3個9啦!」「係咪死咗呀?」「佢鍾好後生ga!」真是尷尬 !
(讀者注意: 這是回憶故事篇,作者與任何幫会沒有關係。)
(下回: 「開片呀!」)
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
七十二行: 替『維他奶』和『百事可樂』送水 (二) / 72 Occupations: The Thirst Quencher (Part 2)
Saturday, February 03, 2007
七十二行: 替『維他奶』和『百事可樂』送水 (一) / 72 Occupations: The Thirst Quencher (Part 1)
Friday, February 02, 2007
家園青草綠柔柔 / Green Green Grass of Home
I have quite a busy life in the last few years, trying to juggle all the balls in the air without stopping or allowing any one of them to drop. Such life style exerts tremendous pressure on the mind and impacts on one's overall wellness. But lately, I quite often find myself singing or humming a familiar song or tune in my head while waiting at the bus-stop. This is a good sign as far as I am concerned. For one thing, it shows that deep inside me, my "home garden" has not succumbed to the cold adverse environment of modern day living. Rather, there is a strong ever-green force that keeps "The Green Green Grass of Home" growing, just like the title of that song sung by Tom Jones.
***** Updated Nov 24, 2010 *****
Walking his last mile,
the man and his smile !!
Hold on to your dream,
Beneath that patch of green !!
(If there is any comfort, it's the man's last dream of "The Green Green Grass of Home" that will help him walk his last mile. Yes, we all need our patch of green, in our own numbered dreams !!!)
"The Green Green Grass of Home"
Singer: Tom Jones; Song: Claude "Curly" Putman Jr.
The old home town looks the same,
As I step down from the train,
And there to meet me is my mamma mama and papa;
Down the road I look, and there runs Mary,
Hair of gold and lips like cherries,
It's good to touch the green, green grass of home.
Yes, they all come to meet me,
Arms a-reachin', smilin' sweetly,
It's good to touch the green, green grass of home.
The old house is still standin,
'Though the paint is cracked and dry,
And there's that old oak tree,
That I used to play on.
Down the lane I walk with my sweet Mary,
Hair of gold and lips like cherries,
It's good to touch the green, green grass of home.
Then I awake and look around me,
At the four gray walls that surround me,
And I realize yes I was only dreaming,
For you see, there's a guard and there's a sad old padre,
Arm in arm we'll walk at daybreak,
Then I'll touch the green green grass of home.
Yes, they'll all come to see me,
In the shade of that old oak tree,
As they lay me 'neath the green, green grass of home.
* Wikipedia / Green Green Grass of Home:
"Green, Green Grass of Home", written by Claude "Curly" Putman Jr., is a country song originally made popular by Porter Wagoner in 1965 and Bobby Bare in 1965. It was sung later by Tom Jones in 1966 when it reached number one in the UK Singles Chart on 3 December staying there for a total of seven weeks.
The lyrics
A man returns to his childhood home; it seems that this is his first visit home since leaving in his youth. When he steps down from the train, his parents are there to greet him, and his beloved, Mary, comes running to join them. All is welcome and peace; all come to meet him with "arms reaching, smiling sweetly." With Mary the man strolls at ease among the monuments of his childhood, including "the old oak tree that I used to play on." It is "good to touch the green, green grass of home." Yet the music and the words are full of foreshadowing, strongly suggestive of mourning.
Abruptly, the man switches from song to speech as he awakens in prison: "Then I awake and look around me, at four grey walls that surround me. And I realize that I was only dreaming." He is, indeed, on death row. As the singing resumes, we learn that the man is waking on the day of his scheduled execution ("there's a guard, and there's a sad old padre...on and on [or "arm in arm"] we'll walk at daybreak"), and he will return home only to be buried: "Yes, they'll all come to see me in the shade of that old oak tree, as they lay me 'neath the green, green grass of home."
The Joan Baez version ends:
Yes, we'll all be together,
In the shade of the old oak tree
When we meet beneath the green, green grass of home.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
狗命 / A Dog's Life
On my way to work this morning, the bus was half-full and I was sitting close to the front. A blind man got onto the bus and he had this seeing-eye dog with him. Now, I do not own any pets nor do I have a lot of contacts with our four-legged friends. So, I could only assume it was the type that had been trained as a puppy to become a guide dog. Anyway, after his (or her) master sit down, it settled itself quietly and obediently as any certified guide dog would. I didn't pay much attention until at the next bus-stop, passengers who got onto the bus almost stepped on the dog because they couldn't see it lying on the floor. I almost yelped a few times when people's feet were almost on top of the poor beast. Fortunately, nothing happened, and I was about to get off the bus when the dog fixed (or should I say locked) its eyes on me and wouldn't let go. If it were a predator, then I understood why a prey would freeze by its gaze. But it was not a threatening look. The beast's eyes were deep and dark with no whites and in that pool of darkness, it told me the story of a sad dog's life (hey, I could only use human terms to describe the message I received). It was not that the master was nasty or abusive (being an analytical person, I did check out the general appearance of the dog and the look of its master at that point - there was no tangible evidence of abuse). But rather, the beast was not happy about being a guide dog at all !!!
After that little encounter, I stood up, taking care I would not step on the dog on my way out, and got off the bus. I was busy working all day and never gave it another thought until just now. I have been told many sad stories, met many sad people, but let me tell you, that dog's look was different. As I said, it told of a sad dog's life.
(Postscript: The story is a metaphor, and has little to do with talking to animals as in some Walt Disney movies. 後言: 以上故事含有隱喻,與『和路迪士尼』有關人懂獸語的影片沒有接連。)