Tuesday, January 25, 2011

旅遊越南 - 中部峴港市和會安市 / Travel to Vietnam - Da Nang and Hoi An

On Jan 23, 2011, K and I took the late flight out of Hanoi and arrived Da Nang late in the evening. You will recall that Da Nang was a major American airport base during the Vietnam War.

According to Wikipedia:

".... During the Vietnam War, the city was home to a major air base that wasused by both the South Vietnamese and United States air forces. The base was considered one of the world's busiest airports during the war, reaching an average of 2,595 air traffic operations daily, more than any airport in the world at that time. The final U.S. ground combat operations in Vietnam ceased on 13 August 1972, when a residual force of the 196th Light Infantry Brigade stood down in Đà Nang. B Battery 3rd Battalion, 82nd Field Artillery Regiment fired the final U.S. artillery round and the 3rd Battalion, 21st Infantry Regiment finished their final patrols. This residual force was known as Operation Gimlet ...."
Wow!! What a difference btwn Hanoi which is the crowded but down-to-earth capital city in the north and this crowded but very westernized city in the south !!! There are casinos with bright flashing lights and expensive looking spa and resort hotels along the way!!! I guess open economy has that kind of "side effects" even on a communist country !!! Anyway, we didn't stay at Da Nang but took a bus to our hotel in Hoi An, an old historical coastal town that is 27 km away.

Unlike Da Nang, this old town called Hoi An is like China back in the 1920 to 1930's. The presence of Chinese influence, language and symbols are everywhere. There are so many historical old buildings that I thought I was going back to pre-world war II Hong Kong. We will be staying in Hoi An for three days, two nights before moving on.

According to Wikipedia:

“.... Hoi An is a city on the coast of the South China Sea in the South Central Coast of Vietnam. It is located in Quang Nam province and is home to approximately 120,000 inhabitants. The city possessed the largest harbour in Southeast Asia in the 1st century and was known as Lâm Ap Pho (Champa City). Between the seventh and 10th centuries, the Cham (people of Champa) controlled the strategic spice trae and with this came tremendous wealth. The boats still used today in Hoi An probably have the same hull shape as those used by the Champas for ocean voyages. The former harbour town of the Cham at the estuary of the Thu Bon River was an important Vietnamese trading centre in the 16th and 17th centuries, where Chinese from various provinces as well as Japanese, Dutch and Indians settled. During this period of the China trade, the town was called Hai Pho (Seaside Town) in Vietnamese. ...”
Hoi An, Southern Vietnam
2011-01-25 15h07 local time

Updated 2011-02-14:
* Wikipedia: 峴港(Đà Nẵng/沱灢),位於越南中部,古都順化的附近,區屬中南沿海地區。此地瀕臨南中國海、下轄五區兩島;距離北方的河內764公里、南方的胡志明市964公里。
* Wikipedia: 會安(Hội An)是位於越南中部濱臨南中國海的一座小市鎮。它隸屬於廣南省,居民有88,000 多人。這座城市在公元第1世紀時即擁有東南亞最大的港口,以Lâm Ấp Phố(占城)知名。


the inner space said...

I guess Da Nang is not Khe Sanh 溪山 marine base
【百度百科】1968年初,越南人民军主力进入溪山(KheSanh)地区,将驻守溪山要塞的美国海军陆战队1个团牢牢围困。该要塞位于一个四面环山的高原之上,长1.6公里、宽0.8公里,控制着通向老挝边境的九号公路。越南人民军仍旧采取围点打援的战术。打算借围困溪山要塞引诱美军大部队前来增援,通过伏击战把溪山守军和援军一起歼灭。为此,越南人民军指挥部投入了第202坦克团对守卫溪山的美国海军陆战队实施包围。。。。。 continue

the inner space said...

【百度百科】1968年1月26日夜,越南人民军第24步兵团在第202坦克团第3连的16辆PT-76型水陆坦克配合下,借助着夜色的掩护,向由500名美国海军陆战队员守卫的溪山要塞外围的老村高地发起围攻。   这是美军在越南战争中第一次被越南人民军的坦克部队包围。在过去,一直是美军出动坦克部队对付越南人民军队和游击队实施进攻,但这一次的情况却彻底相反。许多美国海军陆战队员从未遭遇过越南人民军的坦克,他们惊恐地发现越南人民军不再像以往单靠步兵冲锋,而是由坦克在前面开路。美军纷纷乱了阵脚,慌乱中有人竟然用机枪向越南人民军的坦克盲目地扫射起来。   很快,越南人民军步兵在坦克的引导下突破了美军的外围防线。越军的步兵和坦克相互协同,步兵一旦遭遇美军碉堡,坦克立即上前用坦克炮进行抵近直射,将其彻底摧毁。而只要美国海军陆战队员试图使用90毫米无后坐力炮和火箭筒攻击坦克时,就会立即遭到越南人民军步兵密集的火力压制。在如此打击之下,许多美国海军陆战队员逃离了自己的防卫阵地,撤向第二道防线。   美军随即呼叫空中打击和炮火支援。然而,由于夜间可视度差,美军的炸弹和炮弹不分青红皂白地落在阵地上,误中了不少美军,反倒给美军造成了更大的伤亡。至第二天清晨,战斗结束,越南人民军占领了老村高地,人员伤亡居然少于美军,这完全归功于有坦克参与进攻。   2月初,越南人民军第202坦克团又出动PT-76型水陆坦克继续对溪山要塞内部的蒲登县(BuDop)美军海军陆战队营地发起进攻。但这次遭到了美军海军陆战队的无后坐力炮攻击,被击毁1辆。另有1辆被赶来支援的美军武装直升机击毁。   美军第1骑兵师(直升机部队)展开了长达10天的“飞马”行动,试图打通一条通往溪山的通道,解救被围美军。行动中,美军武装直升机给缺乏有效防空武器的越军坦克部队造成了灭顶之灾,越军第202坦克团损失惨重,仅在2月10 日当天就被击毁了6辆坦克。   紧接着,美国空军又出动B-52“同温层堡垒”战略轰炸机对包围溪山的越南人民军进行狂轰滥炸,总计出动25 48架次,投下了59542吨炸弹,给越军带来了巨大伤亡。4月11日,在坦克和步兵均遭受严重损失后,剩余越南人民军放弃了对溪山的包围,最终化整为零,撤入老挝境内,溪山战役就此结束。   溪山战役是越南战争中越南人民军首次大规模集中使用坦克部队,尽管最后未能达成战役预期目的。但越军由此获得了宝贵的坦克部队作战经验和教训,并且让越军司令部下定决心扩建坦克部队。到1974年为止,越军以中国和苏联援助的大量坦克先后组建了9个坦克团。。。。 continue

the inner space said...

Hari big brother, the same as the 奠邊府 包圍戰 but this time the Americans got released at last.

michelle said...

hi Haricot, enjoy your stay in Hoi An ! I have a very nice memory about this little town !

Haricot 微豆 said...


The computer in this hotel does not display Chinese text and I will have to read your comments later using another computer in another city.

Thx !!!

Haricot 微豆 said...


Yes, Hai An is a lovely historical town. It reminds me of our seafaring ancesters who were trading in SE Asia.

When did you visit Hai An, the sea-side town?

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