Thursday, June 30, 2011
「字由式一週一題 #2」 【最深刻一次: 諾言】 / 「Weekly Free-style Writing #2」【Bone Deep: Promises Promises】
今宵多珍重 (陈百强)
只恐相見亦怱怱 .....
*** Disclaimer: Any resemblance to ppl living in HK or Canada is strictly a coincidence (sob !) ***
Related Link: 周游
Updated 12h30:
最深刻一次 (關淑怡)
Thanks to blogger "V" ( for the YouTube link.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Human Resources Management - The Odd Couple
So imagine this odd couple walking around the metallurgical complex, one short, young looking oriental who was still "wet behind the ear"; and the other a tall, mature looking man who knew everybody.
"Hey Bob, I see you've got yourself a little helper there!" one of the shift-boss yelled.
"Mmm, he is actually my boss," replied Bob, a bit embarrassed.
I was even more embarrassed than Bob because I was feeling bad for both of us. But that was the way the Company was structured: In the process-technology department, engineers, no matter how inexperienced, would always be "senior" in rank over lab technicians. At least that was what the engineers claimed.
As time went by, Bob taught me a lot abt process engineering and shared with me without reservation his years of experience gained from working around the zinc plant and copper smelter. While in title he remained "my" technician, there was no doubt he was the one who did the mentoring and taught me the rope.
Up to this date, I still have my utmost respect for Bob and for his patience to put up with me, a green fresh-out-of-school engineer who knew nothing and yet was supposed to be the "senior" of that odd couple.
After I left the Company, Bob continued to move up the corporate ladder thru the non-R&D branch of the organisation. The last I heard, he was promoted to the position of Mill Superintendent of the Snow Lake Mine operation.
Sent from BlackBerry
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Human Resources Management: The Boss is not Always Right
The conflict occurred when two project officers in my team were fighting over a South-America file. At the time, I was a newly minted director and figured they could settle their differences without my intervention. Alas the dispute dragged on and I finally had to call both employees into my office.
Having heard their cases, I ruled that Ms. K should not lead the file, based on my understanding of the employees' job descriptions. This somewhat bureaucratic decision of mine did not go well with Ms. K and she left my branch soon after.
A couple of years later, I called up Ms. K and asked if I could seek her feed-back on my "performance" as her boss, esp during the period of conflict. She was appreciative of my request and provided me with her frank opinion.
In retrospect, I should have made my decision based on who could have done a better job with the South America file. The responsibility of a director is first and foremost to deliver results, as opposed to adhering to a certain organisational structure. Sure, deviations from an established job description might be ground for a grievance but the risk of losing a high-flyer should not be underestimated.
I am happy to learn from Ms. K yesterday that she is now a director. More importantly, we remain friends !!
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Sunday, June 26, 2011
多惱河之波濤洶湧 / Natalie MacMaster and Donnell Leahy on Violins "Waves of the Danube", Live in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada, 2007
The music played so beautifully here by Natalie and Donnell is called "Waves of the Danube" written by Romanian composer Losif Ivanovici around 1880. In 1946, Al Jolson and Saul Chaplin added lyrics and called it "Anniversary Song".
Below is a YouTube clip posted by musician Bill Mills for his wife ....
Lyrics of "Anniversary Song" (to the tune of "Waves of the Danube"):
Oh how we danced on the night we were wed,
We vowed our true love though a word wasn't said;
The night was in bloom, there were stars in the sky,
Except for the few that were there in your eyes.
Dear, as I held you close in my arms,
The angels were singing a hymn to your charms;
Two hearts gently beating were murmuring low,
Darling, I love you so.
Oh how we danced on the night we were wed,
We vowed our true love though a word wasn't said;
Dear, as I held you close in my arms,
The angels were singing a hymn to your charms;
Two hearts gently beating were murmuring low,
Darling, I love you so.
The night seemed to fade into blossoming dawn,
The sun shone on you but the dance lingered on;
Should we but recall that sweet moment sublime,
We'd find our true love is unaltered by time.
Related links:
Please note: "Waves of the Danube" or "Anniversary Song" should not be confused with "Anniversary Waltz" which is a different song written by Dave Franklin & Al Dubin in 1941.
- YouTube: Andy Williams "Anniversary Song" (I REALLY LIKE THIS VERSION - especially at the end when the couple grow old together)
- YouTube: Connie Francis "Anniversary Waltz" (
- Longer interview and fiddling performance by Natalie and Donnell on TED:
Saturday, June 25, 2011
(宇美)海之咖啡廳: 開放式麥克風 即興表演(吟詩、朗誦、歌唱、演奏、故事、笑話等) / Umi Cafe Open Mic & Jam Session (IMG00236)

Friday nite is "open mic/mike" at Umi Cafe in Chinatown. From abt 7 pm to midnight, the place is jam-packed with ppl listening to music, songs, poetry reading, story telling, and other live entertainment. The average age of the crowd is abt 25-30.
I took this photo on June 24, 2011 at abt 11h30 pm when the night's event was wrapped up, as usual, in the form of a "jam session".
For the price of a few bucks, it's pretty good entertainment !!
Sent from BlackBerry
Reference / Wikipedia:
- "... A jam session is a musical act where musicians play (i.e. "jam") by improvising without extensive preparation or predefined arrangements. Jam sessions are often used to develop new material, find suitable arrangements, or simply as a social gathering and communal practice session. Jam sessions may be based upon existing songs or forms, may be loosely based on an agreed chord progression or chart suggested by one participant, or may be wholly improvisational. Jam sessions can range from very loose gatherings of amateurs to sophisticated improvised recording sessions intended to be edited and released to the public.... "
- "... An open mike or open mic is a live show where audience members may perform at the microphone. Usually, the performers sign up in advance for a time slot with the host or master of ceremonies.... "
(Minor updates Oct 2, 2012: Chinese title and Wikipedia links added)
Friday, June 24, 2011
Love's in the Electrified Air

In the pouring rain
With lightning, thunder & funnel clouds
You sent me a message in the electrified air
Boo who?
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Le Mouton Noir / Black Sheep Inn, Wakefield (IMG00226, 227)

For those who are not familiar with the two Canadian performers, they are famous for their fiddle music. McMaster is from Nova Scotia and Leahy, Ontario.
As usual, I find myself the only Chinese in the crowd.
Photo credit:
I took a picture of the line-up with the river as the background, and a picture of the drinking crowd inside the Black Sheep Inn venue. The show will start at 20h30.
(June 23, 2011 19h15)
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Wednesday, June 22, 2011
「字由式: 一週一題」: 【星期六的早上】 / 「Weekly Free-style Writing」: 【One Saturday Morning】
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
My belated Responses to your Comments posted June 8-22, 2011
If you see your pen-name below, please click the articles to see my responses.
2011 Ottawa Dragon Boats Festival (IMG00225)
- Space
- Space
2011 Italian Festival June 17-19 (IMG00218)
- Space
- 啤酒花™_J
- 啤酒花™_J
- the inner space
- Space
- 新鮮人
Bif Naked's Tattoo: 竺土大仙心 (on the insdie of her right arm
- 啤酒花™_J
- 新鮮人
- Space
雙百人 / 變人: 長生不死 / Bicentennial Man: Immortality
- 啤酒花™_J
講大話,甩大牙!!! (說謊政客的垃圾) / Oh Mr. Weiner - Liar Liar ...
- the inner space
- Exile
Sunday, June 19, 2011
2011 Ottawa Dragon Boats Festival (IMG00225)
Earlier today, K and I watched several dragon boats racing on the open water that is part of the Rideau River. There are over 200 teams competing in the largest dragon boats race in North America. There are also thousands of local and out-of-town spectators sitting on top of the adjacent hill, filling the beer tent in front of the stage, swimming in the river, or just lounging around on the beach.
Based on my observation, the avg age of the crowd must be abt 25. Most of them are in good shape, esp the woman athletes. However, I cannot say the same thing for male spectators in the 40+ category. Most have beer guts!!
Anyway, it's very relaxing just sitting around and enjoying the music on this Father's Day, when Ottawa is hosting a dragon boats race that is based on Chinese tradition and folklore.
Photo credit:
* I used my BlackBerry to take this photo of the toboggan hill next to Mooney's Bay on June 19, 2011 at abt 15h17
20110619 15h20
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Saturday, June 18, 2011
2011 Italian Week Celebrating Italy's 150 years of Unification (IMG00224)
Do you know that 2011 is the 150th birthday of modern Italy? Before unification, the "boot" was divided with different waring factions/empires/kingdoms centred around Rome, Florence, Siena, etc. And of course, further back in time, there was the Great Roman Empire that occupied at one point, all of present-day Europe, much of North Africa and part of the Middle East.
Empires rise and fall. The peoples remain the same. Some emigrate. The culture lives on.
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2011 Italian Festival June 17-19 (IMG00218)

I have a great time tonite. I watched a parade (see photo), ate pochette, listened to Italian, Spanish, English, French and all kinds of music. Ppl were having a good time dancing the night away. And you know what? The night is still young !!!
2011-06-17 23h55
Little Italy, Ottawa
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Thursday, June 16, 2011
Python / Boa - IMG00076
BTW, the photo I posted earlier today is a greentree python which of course is not poisonous, just a squeezer.
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Screen Saver Photo - IMG00079
I don't know whether it is poisonous or not.
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Tuesday, June 14, 2011
含苞待放的牡丹花 / The Budding Peony

Photo Credit:
* Top: Photo taken on June 8, 2011 lunch time at the Experimental Farm, Ottawa
* Bottom: Photo from "Wedding100FUN婚姻資訊網站" (edited)
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Bif Naked's Tattoo: 竺土大仙心 (on the insdie of her right upper arm)

竺 = bamboo
土 = soil
大 = big
仙 = fairy, magician, supernatural being, sage
心 = heart, mind
I recall my secondary school teacher telling me that ancient India was once called "Sky/heaven bamboo country", or 天竺國. Thus the term 竺土 "Bamboo soil" refers to the land of India, or the land of Buddhism.
Upon returning home, with Bif Naked's music still pounding in my head, I looked up her tattoo竺土大仙心 on the net and this is what I found:
According to Wikipedia / Sandokai, 竺土大仙心 is the first line of an ancient Zen poem "Ts'an-t'ung-ch'i"【參同契】 written by the eighth Chinese Zen ancestor Shitou Xiqian石頭希遷 (700–790 A.D.) . It is a fundamental text of the Sōtō school of Zen that is being chanted daily in temples throughout the world. Here is a translated version of the poem in English.
"Harmony of Difference and Sameness" 【參同契】
竺土大仙心 The mind of the great sage of India
東西密相付 is intimately transmitted from west to east.
人根有利鈍 While human faculties are sharp or dull,
道無南北祖 the Way has no northern or southern ancestors.
靈源明皎潔 The spiritual source shines clear in the light;
枝派暗流注 the branching streams flow on in the dark.
執事元是迷 Grasping at things is surely delusion;
契理亦非悟 according with sameness is still not enlightenment.
門門一切境 All the objects of the senses
迴互不迴互 interact and yet do not.
迴而更相涉 Interacting brings involvement.
不爾依位住 Otherwise, each keeps its place.
色本殊質像 Sights vary in quality and form,
聲元異樂苦 sounds differ as pleasing or harsh.
闇合上中言 Refined and common speech come together in the dark,
明明清濁句 clear and murky phrases are distinguished in the light.
四大性自復 The four elements return to their natures
如子得其母 just as a child turns to its mother;
火熱風動搖 Fire heats, wind moves,
水濕地堅固 water wets, earth is solid.
眼色耳音聲 Eye and sights, ear and sounds,
鼻香舌鹹醋 nose and smells, tongue and tastes;
然於一一法 Thus with each and every thing,
依根葉分布 depending on these roots, the leaves spread forth.
本未須歸宗 Trunk and branches share the essence;
尊卑用其語 revered and common, each has its speech.
當明中有暗 In the light there is darkness,
勿以暗相遇 but don't take it as darkness;
當暗中有明 In the dark there is light,
勿以明相睹 but don't see it as light.
明暗各相對 Light and dark oppose one another
比如前後歩 like the front and back foot in walking.
萬物自有功 Each of the myriad things has its merit,
當言用及處 expressed according to function and place.
事存函蓋合 Phenomena exist; box and lid fit;
理應箭鋒拄 principle responds; arrow points meet.
承言須會宗 Hearing the words, understand the meaning;
勿自立規矩 don't set up standards of your own.
觸目不會道 If you don't understand the Way right before you,
運足焉知路 how will you know the path as you walk?
進歩非近遠 Progress is not a matter of far or near,
迷隔山河故 but if you are confused, mountains and rivers block your way.
謹白參玄人 I respectfully urge you who study the mystery,
光陰莫虚度 do not pass your days and nights in vain.
(Source: Internet Sacred Text Archived)
Related Links:
* Please visit Flickr
to see photographer Arne Berg's great pics of Bif Naked and other performers at the June 10-12, 2011 WestFest.
Wednesday, June 08, 2011
雙百人 / 變人: 長生不死 / Bicentennial Man: Immortality

This is in response to the article entitled "重溫" that was posted on June 8, 2011 by my blogger friend "Space". He is looking for a transcript of the speech given by the robot toward the end of the 1999 movie "Bicentennial Man". I listened to the YouTube video and came up with the following:
This is the dialogue btwn the young robot and the World Congress in his first attempt to partition to become a human so he can legally marry his love Portia, a human.
(The robot Andrew Martin asks the Speaker of the World Congress.)
- Are you not in some way artificial at least in part ? Well then, I am human in part too .... this part.
(The robot points to his heart ! But the World Congress decides that because he is an immortal robot, he cannot become a human who is mortal. The Speaker of the Congress explains.)
- Society can tolerate an everlasting machine ... but an immortal human would create too much jealousy and anger.
Feeling dejected and sitting alone in his apartment, Andrew realizes immortality is what defines a robot, but also what bars him from being a human.
- People grow thru time, but for robots, time is endless. .... There is only one thing to do ...
(Andrew finally realizes mortality is a human condition, but is also a condition to be human.)
Time passes. Many years later, he tries a second time to partition. An aging robot gives his speech at the World Congress and Human Rights for Robots. He addresses the second President of the Congress.
- I always try to make sense of things. There must be some reasons I am as I am. As you can see Madam Chairman, I am no longer immortal.
- You have arranged to die?
- In a sense I have. I am growing old. And my body is deteriorating. And like all of you, I will eventually cease to function. As a robot, I could have lived forever. But I tell you all today, I would rather die a man, than to live for all eternality as a machine.
- Why do you want this?
- To be acknowledged for who and what I am - no more, no less. Not for acclaim, not for approval. The simple truth of that recognition. This has been the elemental drive of my existence, and it must be achieved. I am to live or die - with dignity !!
- Mister Martin, what you are asking for is extremely complex and controversial. It will not be an easy decision. I must ask for your patience, while I take the necessary time for the determination of this extremely delicate matter.
- And I will await your decision, Madam Chairman. Thank you for your patience.
(He turns to his love and wipes a tear off his eye.)
On their death bed, the couple are waiting for the moment to arrive. Andrew asks the attending nurse.
- Is it almost time?
- In a few minutes.
(The nurse left. They look at each other. Portia breaks the silence.)
- It doesn't matter what the World Congress says. Why do you need their approval ?
- Old habit. I started my existence as a robot. I do like to be told certain things.
(They reach out for each other's hand; their fingers entwine, and they smile to each knowingly. The nurse announces: It's time. The wall monitor shows the World Congress in session.)
- Ladies and gentlemen, Ms. Marjorie Bota, President of the World Congress.
(The President speaks.)
- According to records of the NorthAm Robotics Company, the robot, also known as Andrew Martin, was powered up at 5:15 pm on April 3, 2005. In a few hours (?), it will be 200 years old, which means that with the exception of Methuselah and other biblical figures, Andrew is the oldest living human being in recorded history. To rectify (?) this proclamation, that I validate his marriage to Portia and acknowledge his humanity.
(On their death bed, Portia listens and smiles. She turns and wants to talk to Andrew, but he is already gone. The nurse checks his pulse and says.)
- I am sorry he didn't see it.
- He didn't need to.
(Portia looks at Andrew's peaceful face and asks the nurse.)
- Can you do me a favour ? Would you mind unplugging me ? It's an order.
(The robot nurse obliges and powers down her life-supporting system.)
- Thank you Galatea.
- It's what the great Andrew Martin used to say: It's glad to be of service.
(The nurse left. Portia turns and looks tenderly at Andrew. Holding his hand, she says ...)
- I will see you soon.
(Their fingers still entwined, she waits for her moment of death to come.)
* The June 8, 2011 article entitled "重溫" by my blogger friend "Space":
《Bicentennial Man》 (雙百人,電影譯作變人)為科幻作家以薩‧艾西莫夫 (Isaac Asimov, 1920-1992) 為紀念美國開國二百年而寫做科幻短篇小說,因此短篇名稱取為《雙百人》。艾氏晚年在出版商撮合下,與另一名科幻作家 Robert Silverberg 將 Bicentennial Man發展為長篇小說《Positronic Man》(正子人)(葉李華,1999)。電影 Bicentennial Man 即以艾氏二篇小說為藍本拍攝而成。
如同葉教授所言,《正子人》雖為科幻小說,然而『科幻』僅是它的形式,小說本身的關懷仍在『人』本身,便如金庸筆下的小說,雖為武俠類型小說,但『武』祇是錦上添花之素材,小說的重心與焦點乃在『俠』字 - 對人的關懷,因而我將《正子人》推薦給我的朋友,另在電影『變人』上映時迫不及待的前去觀賞。在影片放映中,我理解到『變人』其實還有其他的涵義,它不僅是討論了什麼是人的問題,它也可以看為黑奴解放科幻版 -- 將故事設定的時間點往前推數百年,將安德魯角色由機器人改換為黑奴,這個故事架構不會有太大的變動。
在這段有關『財產宣示』的片段後,接續上演的是二小姐的玻璃玩具被摔壞,安德魯想辦法自學木工技巧,以木頭雕了一匹木馬給二小姐這一段。我腦中仍然浮現起一位黑奴被主人發現其藝術造詣,因此主人將這位黑奴的工作減少,以便他在藝術方面繼續發展的畫面。之後浮現了另一個較大的瞭解:這位黑奴所在的家庭必需有相當的經濟資本,唯有經濟的支援,主人才有能力購買一位黑奴 / 機器人做為幫傭,唯有相當的經濟資本,才能讓原先要幫傭的黑奴放著工作去發展自己的能力,而所積留下來的工作,主人可能需要蓄養另一位黑奴才能完成。另一方面,除了經濟資本外,主人還需要有相當的文化修養,他才能欣賞一件藝術的創作更勝於家務的勞動。
因此,這位幸運的黑奴 / 機器人必需幸運到足以同時擁有經濟資本與文化資本二種資源,他才能有機會去發展自我能力。此外,從『變人』中我們可以不時的觀察到,安德魯之所以為安德魯是因為他有著喜愛他的『家人』,而這些家人發揮了他們的社會影響力,包括請好朋友當律師,為安德魯打官司;請銀行界的好友為安德魯 ──史無前例地 ── 開設機器人個人帳戶;因身為機器人,仍然有許多時候受到人類的欺負,此時有安德魯自旅行中認識的好友幫他做完全的改造,讓他外表像個真正的人,使人們再也分辨不出他,無法欺負他……等等,都可以感覺到『社會資本』在其中所扮演的角色,安德魯幸運的利用 / 被提供豐富的社會資本,使他個人的奮鬥得以繼續進行下去。在此時,社會資本便有如阿基米德的槓桿,讓安德魯以『努力』為支點舉起了他的地球(雖然過程是費力的)。
雖然在變人中探討『什麼是人』『科幻黑奴如何獲得人的地位』等議題,但是整部小說 / 電影中女性仍然失去了聲音,作者與導演將目光放在弱勢團體,卻捨去了女性,這一傾向在改編自小說的電影中特別顯眼。
電影中的女機器人加樂提雅一開始便是以一個吵鬧而無大腦的女性機器人出現,甚至因為過於吵鬧,安德魯以電鑽將之釘在牆上。這樣的描述複製了社會上對於女性的想像:『女性是吵雜不休的、女性是不聰明的』,對於一部探討『何謂人』的電影竟然出現此種場景真是讓人心酸難過。即便是到了結局,加樂提雅也改變成一位完全的人形機器人,她還是沒有脫離這個社會對於女性的想像:在結局裡她成為一位護士,而護士在傳統上被視為是女性的工作。於是女性被排除在『人』之外了,她們祇要不要吵鬧就好,如果要工作的話,也祇有護士適合女性,她們不需要有太多的想法,她們所需要的是一切遵照男性的規則走!!導演可以接受一部機器有自我的發展、去追逐自我的生活,但是女性,抱歉,妳們是次等的人類,妳們不需要有自我。於是我對於電影仍有許多的期盼,希望有其他人重拍此部電影,將女性的議題重新來過,甚至將安德魯以女性機器人的角色出現,將整部小說重新改編再現 ── 安德魯所對應的有色人種雖然受到歧視,但是有色人種中的女性受到更多的歧視,如果以女性機器人的角度出發,或許可有更多的議題發揮!!
Tuesday, June 07, 2011
講大話,甩大牙!!! (說謊政客的垃圾) / Oh Mr. Weiner - Liar Liar Pants on Fire !!!
According to Reuters: "I'm deeply regretting what I have done and I'm not resigning," Weiner told a reporter while wiping tears.
Now that the cat is out of the bag (or whatever), Weiner profusely apologized for the inappropriate action taken by a man of his statue (which I am sure is larger than life in his own mind).
And he was also sorry for lying after the news broke out. Remember his feeble cover-ups? Oh, it was an accidental shot of my private part by the hand-held inside my pants pocket. Oh, I was hacked. Oh, it could have been my junk altho I'm not sure ("Why didn't you just look?" one TV talk host jokingly suggested).
As I commented previously in my blog article on Oprah, there are no lack of male role-models for Little Johnny to emulate these days.
Photo Credit:
* The Ottawa Sun - June 7, 2011
Sent from BlackBerry
Updated 20110608:
Here are the comments from communication guru Barry McLoughlin (I took a course from him once)
( ):
Rep. Anthony Weiner [D.NY] and his Near Death Twitter Experience
".... Okay let me get this straight. His Twitter account was hacked. It may or may not be a picture of his genitals. He didn't send it. It looks like a prank. He won't call in the authorities ("it's not a federal case"), but he and his staff are conducting an investigation into it. it all makes sense to me! Take a look at this: If you believe Rep. Weiner, I have an excellent piece of real estate for you... " LOL !!
*** Warning: This video of Mr. Weiner lying thru his teeth on camera is painful to watch!! ***
And here come the tears ....
And here is the Conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart who exposed the Congressman. When being asked why he did not release the other photo, Mr. Breitbart heartfully replied: ".... I am doing this to save his family okay .... (t=2:16)" but quickly warned: "... and if this guy wants to start fighting me again, I have this photo ..."
Monday, June 06, 2011
全馬拉松丶半馬拉松丶十公里賽跑 / Marathons, Half-Marathons and 10K Races
Sunday, June 05, 2011
健身房的壯男健女 / Gym Jam Men & Washboard Women

I am not much of a gym jam man, well, at least not openly :O !! Okay, I might conspicuously steal a few glances at my mid-section where the elusive six-packs are supposed to be. Desperation might seep into my sub-conscious for a few seconds, along with the desire to go vegan. But I know it won't take long before my mind shifts to what I should cook for supper tonight - a medium-rare steak grilled on the BBQ sounds good for the hot Canadian summer. And how abt some pre-buttered Yukon Gold potatoes wrapped in aluminum foil, along with some grilled veggies? To top it all, I will have some gelato for dessert pretty please !!!!
Oh Yummy !!!
I think vanity is definitely a woman's problem ..... at least btwn now and the next time I go to the gym and try to suck in my stomach !!!
Sent from BlackBerry
Photo Credit:
I took these photos in Ottawa, June 5, 2011 with my BB, then edited them at home.
Urban Dictionary
* Gym jam: A song that you listen to whilst working out, a song that gets you pumped up for/in the gym and one that you always listen to whilst 'pumping iron' !!!
* Washboard : Sexy, lean, six pack tummy.
Saturday, June 04, 2011
五月花 / May Flowers
花非花 人人眼花
霧非霧 人人迷霧
Space 兄笑曰:
微豆恍悟: 多謝提醒,我身在異鄉,竟又忘記了是端午佳節!!
Friday, June 03, 2011
攝影皆作: 【紅顏丶禍水 】/ Photo Story: 【Bridge Over Troubled Water 】
Thursday, June 02, 2011
Wednesday, June 01, 2011
Haricot on the Move: A Rant on Hand-held Device vs Net Top Computer vs New Road Bike

So far, I am inclined to favour the BlackBerry option.
Presently, I am sitting outside under the warm Ottawa sun and am trying to type something on my net top computer. The problem is that I can't see anything on the LCD monitor. On the other hand, the BlackBerry is working just fine w no glare bouncing off the little screen. The BlackBerry has also the size advantage as it fits nicely in my pants pocket or my waist pouch. As a runner, skier and an outdoorsy type, size does matter.
On the other hand, I am trying to save money to buy a new and sleek-looking road-bike after the local sport shop refused to do a tune-up on my old faithful CCM 12-speed !!! Despite my plead and my willingness to shell out the exorbitant parts and labour cost, the shop guy stared at me and said: "Your bike is not worth the money. Just pump up the tires, put some oil on the chain, and look for a second-hand bike."
I beg your pardon Sir ? You are hurting my bike's feeling !!! All right, MY feeling. I know it is un-natural to have emotional attachment to an inanimate object. But my 12-speed and I have gone thru a lot together since I bought her upon my arrival to the capital. We rode together to and from work thru the busy traffic of downtown Ottawa and Hull rain or shine for many years. We went thru the ups and downs of my career. We trained together for my first swim-run-bike triathlon. We disappeared into the nite when I was feeling depressed. We went see the blooming tulips in the spring when the sun was shinning. Until the gears got jammed.
That reminds me of an old timer I met when I was working on the railroad tracks in the Canadian Rockies. When I asked him why he always drank alone in his beat-up Chevrolet, he told me simply: "My wife and I used to travel together in this vehicle, till she passed away several years ago." Then he pour another gulp of Johnny Walker down his throat. Just because my 12-speed has passed her prime doesn't mean the memory is gone.
So, here is my plan of action: I will find someone to repair my old bike and find other options to gain wireless access to Internet.
Sent by BlackBerry
Related Links: Please also read other Lotusandcedar articles related to my relationships with bicycles.
* 願望是自製自成的 / Dream Maker
- Chinese/English version
* 自行車與我 ∕ Bicycle and Me:
- Chinese version
- English version
Photo credit:
* Wikipedia