Wednesday, May 21, 2008

華裔音樂家刘芳的琵琶和古筝演奏 (首篇) / Chinese Traditional Musical Instruments - Pipa and Guzheng by Liu Fang


Reference: The posted video and the following info are from YouTube

This is a dramatic piece from the Chinese traditional pipa repertoire called "The Ambush From All Sides"(十面埋伏) performed by Liu Fang (劉芳)during a solo recital in the Pierre-Mercurre Hall of the Centre Pierre-Peladeau in Montreal on March 27, 2002. It was recorded by Mr. Zhou Fan of Montreal Multi-cultural TV, Chinese channel.

With its highly virtuoso programmatic effects and tremendous power, this piece is regarded as the most representative of the "martial repertoire" of classical pipa solo. It describes the glorious victory of Liu Bang over Xiang Yu in 202 BC. It follows the same theme as "The King doffs his Armor", however, from a totally different view point. There is no information about the composer, but some researches indicate that this piece might be dated back as early as the Chinese Tang Dynasty (618-917AD).


Keith said...

I love those music. Is there a download for the music but not the video clips?

Haricot 微豆 said...

Keith: It took me a while to find the audio clips. Rhapsody has some and you can listen to the first 25 songs for free. I have posted the link on my blog this afternoon for your enjoyment. There are other download sites, but they all charge abt 99 cents per song. Anyway, you can always support the artist by ordering her CDs.

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