一靜: 氣下丹田,心如止水.
一動: 形意合一,臨危不亂.
This is what I visualize when I am practising my Qi:
* Rest: Qi settles in the Dan Tian; Mind stays calm as still water.
* Move: Form and mind merge as one; Will thrives amidst chaos.
I often use these two "mantras" (for lack of a better word) to gather myself together before I go too far down like a fallen kite.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
The Diva Renée Fleming / 女高音 Renée Fleming
昨天友人告訴我,女高音Renée Fleming 在羅馬表演,可惜我沒有機會去欣賞.法國之世界日報說得好: 『她完美的歌喉能到達所有的調子,有無窮的氣量,充滿情感之音色,像生果一般的鮮艷甜蜜,她就是音樂界「十全十美」的定義.』明天我會趕去買她的新牒 "Homage - Age of the Diva" . 如果您想聽她的歌聲,請到 http://www.decca.com/features/reneefleming/homage_site/ 她也有自己的相片和新作品消息在http://www.reneefleming.com/ . Wikipedia 也有這位女高音的資料在: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renee_Fleming .
I wish I were at Renée Fleming's performance in Rome last week. As the French newspaper Le Monde says about her: "Voix parfaite sur toute les tessiture, souffle infini, timbre charnel, fruité ... Renée Fleming est la perfection même." Her new CD "Homage - Age of the Diva" will come out tomorrow and I will make sure I get one. Renée has such a great voice. I would suggest you listen to her on Decca's http://www.decca.com/features/reneefleming/homage_site/ (try it, the songs are great) and also visit her official website http://www.reneefleming.com/ (nice picture of the singer and info on her new releases). She is also mentioned on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renee_Fleming .
I wish I were at Renée Fleming's performance in Rome last week. As the French newspaper Le Monde says about her: "Voix parfaite sur toute les tessiture, souffle infini, timbre charnel, fruité ... Renée Fleming est la perfection même." Her new CD "Homage - Age of the Diva" will come out tomorrow and I will make sure I get one. Renée has such a great voice. I would suggest you listen to her on Decca's http://www.decca.com/features/reneefleming/homage_site/ (try it, the songs are great) and also visit her official website http://www.reneefleming.com/ (nice picture of the singer and info on her new releases). She is also mentioned on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renee_Fleming .
Sunday, October 29, 2006
鏡花緣 / The Floating World of Mirrors and Flowers
When I first read the story "Heartless City" in one of the Chinese Classics "The Floating World of Mirrors and Flowers" (my translation), I was in junior high and did not have much experience. My book report was basically a transfer of words from book to paper with little understanding of the authour's deeper meaning. Now that I am, relatively speaking, more mature, my interpretation of the same story is quite different. Without sounding too negative, I do find that there are people coming from the Heartless City living among us. You may encounter them at work, in love affairs, or during wars. You just can't tell that under the suit or dress, there is a big hole where the heart should be.
Haricot / 微豆
When I first read the story "Heartless City" in one of the Chinese Classics "The Floating World of Mirrors and Flowers" (my translation), I was in junior high and did not have much experience. My book report was basically a transfer of words from book to paper with little understanding of the authour's deeper meaning. Now that I am, relatively speaking, more mature, my interpretation of the same story is quite different. Without sounding too negative, I do find that there are people coming from the Heartless City living among us. You may encounter them at work, in love affairs, or during wars. You just can't tell that under the suit or dress, there is a big hole where the heart should be.
Haricot / 微豆
Saturday, October 28, 2006
鹹水中文 / "Lightly-Salted" Chinese
以前出外做留學生,是叫做「浸鹹水」, 意謂坐船過洋讀書.他們學成回鄉之後,就說得一口不鹹不淡的英文.反觀住在楓葉國多年的「華僑」,很多像我一樣,工作生活起居,用的都是英文和法文,中文少用生疏,很多時說的就是「鹹水中文」了,不知各位訪友察覺否?
In the old days of the ocean liners, people used to describe students going overseas for their education as "soaking in sea-water", a term that also inferred to their heavily Chinese-accented English upon their return. For Chinese Canadians who have lived here for a long time and are using mainly English and/or French on a daily basis, I wonder whether their Chinese is evolving the other way. Come to think of it, do you notice any English or French "accent" in the way I write my Chinese? Oui ou non?
In the old days of the ocean liners, people used to describe students going overseas for their education as "soaking in sea-water", a term that also inferred to their heavily Chinese-accented English upon their return. For Chinese Canadians who have lived here for a long time and are using mainly English and/or French on a daily basis, I wonder whether their Chinese is evolving the other way. Come to think of it, do you notice any English or French "accent" in the way I write my Chinese? Oui ou non?
戀與愛 / Falling in Love
今晚在家看 Captain Corelli's Mandolin (Nicolas Cage and Penelope Cruz, 2001), 其中有一片段,老婦告訴那年青主角說: 「戀愛就未必是愛,雙戀完畢之後那段長長的旅程才是愛.」您們認為她說得對嗎? (也請看San Wen Ji 散文集: 愛的定義)
In the movie Captain Corelli's Mandolin (Nicolas Cage and Penelope Cruz, 2001), there is a scene in which the old woman was telling the main character: "Falling in love is not love, the long journey after is." Don't you think there is certain truth to that?
In the movie Captain Corelli's Mandolin (Nicolas Cage and Penelope Cruz, 2001), there is a scene in which the old woman was telling the main character: "Falling in love is not love, the long journey after is." Don't you think there is certain truth to that?
Thursday, October 26, 2006
初雪與初戀 / First Snow and First Love
I looked out the window this morning and watched flakes of snow floating down from the sky. For some odd reasons, first snow often makes me feel happy and melancholy at the same time. Perhaps, it reminds me of first love - an exciting beginning that is not expected to last.
I looked out the window this morning and watched flakes of snow floating down from the sky. For some odd reasons, first snow often makes me feel happy and melancholy at the same time. Perhaps, it reminds me of first love - an exciting beginning that is not expected to last.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
訓練跑馬拉松 / Training for a Marathon
Whether a marathon is going to be easy or hard may depend a lot on the health of a person's mind and body as well as his/her time goal. If an individual does regular exercise and the doctor tells him/her there is no problem with running long distance, then the training might take any where from four to six months. During this period, a set time goal may determine the required weekly milage and speed. Here is a suggested website to get people started:
Whether a marathon is going to be easy or hard may depend a lot on the health of a person's mind and body as well as his/her time goal. If an individual does regular exercise and the doctor tells him/her there is no problem with running long distance, then the training might take any where from four to six months. During this period, a set time goal may determine the required weekly milage and speed. Here is a suggested website to get people started:
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
旅遊南美洲阿根廷首都布宜諾斯艾利斯 / Travel to Buenos Aires Argentina South America
(下文由豆瓣 http://www.douban.com/people/Haricot/mirror 轉來此処共閱)
我曾探訪阿根庭的首都Buenos Aires,非常喜欢那地方,它有「南美巴黎」之稱,有很多建築物就像從歐洲搬來的一樣.我起程離開加拿大時是初冬,到達南美就是初夏,有可能是天氣關係,就覺得那裏真的有很濃厚的拉丁美洲熱情風味,男和女都穿得很上潮流,毫不保守.如果您有机会逗留,就一定要嘗嘗那边的夜生活.他們的晚歺是在九時以後才開始,吃完几乎是十一時至午夜,剛好是探戈舞精彩表演的開場時間,真是旦旦笙歌!阿根庭和大多拉丁美洲國家(除巴西外)都是說西班牙語,我因懂法文,故此看指示街招都不大有問題,但交談就是另一回事了.我不知由您処到南美要多少時間,但由Buenos Aires到Uruguay的首都Montevideo就只是一水之隔,不妨一遊.其他國家,如智利,巴西都不太遠,也可趁机遊覽.往南美最好是参加旅行團,自理旅遊也可,但就要非常非常之小心,很多我到過的南美地方,保安和看更的都有机關槍,黑店和黑的士行兇也有聽聞.大城巿旅遊區就沒多大問題.
微豆 / Haricot
我曾探訪阿根庭的首都Buenos Aires,非常喜欢那地方,它有「南美巴黎」之稱,有很多建築物就像從歐洲搬來的一樣.我起程離開加拿大時是初冬,到達南美就是初夏,有可能是天氣關係,就覺得那裏真的有很濃厚的拉丁美洲熱情風味,男和女都穿得很上潮流,毫不保守.如果您有机会逗留,就一定要嘗嘗那边的夜生活.他們的晚歺是在九時以後才開始,吃完几乎是十一時至午夜,剛好是探戈舞精彩表演的開場時間,真是旦旦笙歌!阿根庭和大多拉丁美洲國家(除巴西外)都是說西班牙語,我因懂法文,故此看指示街招都不大有問題,但交談就是另一回事了.我不知由您処到南美要多少時間,但由Buenos Aires到Uruguay的首都Montevideo就只是一水之隔,不妨一遊.其他國家,如智利,巴西都不太遠,也可趁机遊覽.往南美最好是参加旅行團,自理旅遊也可,但就要非常非常之小心,很多我到過的南美地方,保安和看更的都有机關槍,黑店和黑的士行兇也有聽聞.大城巿旅遊區就沒多大問題.
微豆 / Haricot
Monday, October 23, 2006
Sunday, October 22, 2006
田園之樂 / The Beautiful Countryside
田園之樂 / The Beautiful Countryside

Not far away from where I live, there is a farm that is my favorite marathon training ground. At this time of the season, there are hundreds of Canadian geese and other varieties of birds feeding on the grains that are left over from the fall harvest. The geese usually start their journey somewhere near the Artic Circle and every year they will pass by this area en route to their southern destinations thousands of miles away. Whenever I go running in the farm area, I always take the opportunity to enjoy the fall scene and take some pictures of the countryside.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
破產公司破產 / Liquidation Company Went Bankrupt
Sunday, October 15, 2006
跑馬拉松 / Running Marathons
I just finished my 6th running marathon and am taking a week off to give the body a chance to recover. Some people said life itself is a marathon, albeit a very long one, and in both the physical and emotional sense. If the comparison holds, then the question arises as to why all the efforts when the end does not seem to justify the means. Au contraire, I would submit that the quest to find out the capability and limits of ourselves (and of our partners and co-runners) is really a part of defining our existence. From that perspective, it's not so much the success or failure of our race at the end that is important, but rather the knowledge of who we are during the journey. The internal motivation of self-discovery differentiates those who continue and those who give up because of a lack of external reward.
微豆 / Haricot
I just finished my 6th running marathon and am taking a week off to give the body a chance to recover. Some people said life itself is a marathon, albeit a very long one, and in both the physical and emotional sense. If the comparison holds, then the question arises as to why all the efforts when the end does not seem to justify the means. Au contraire, I would submit that the quest to find out the capability and limits of ourselves (and of our partners and co-runners) is really a part of defining our existence. From that perspective, it's not so much the success or failure of our race at the end that is important, but rather the knowledge of who we are during the journey. The internal motivation of self-discovery differentiates those who continue and those who give up because of a lack of external reward.
微豆 / Haricot
Friday, October 13, 2006
Thursday, October 12, 2006
燦爛的一生 / Beautiful Moment in Life
I was on my way for a long-run in the countryside when my attention was drawn to the colourful flowers planted near a farm. I couldn't resist the temptation and instead of doing my week-end 30 K, I cut the distance down to 10 K and spent the rest of the day taking pictures. Under the setting autumn sun, both flowers and human shared the same goal, and that was to make the best of our time in this brief but beautiful moment in life :-)
I was on my way for a long-run in the countryside when my attention was drawn to the colourful flowers planted near a farm. I couldn't resist the temptation and instead of doing my week-end 30 K, I cut the distance down to 10 K and spent the rest of the day taking pictures. Under the setting autumn sun, both flowers and human shared the same goal, and that was to make the best of our time in this brief but beautiful moment in life :-)
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
"A dragon floundering in shallow water is teased by the shrimps" Part 4 / Final
(English translation of October 9th posting)
In Part 3 of this Asian Dragon story, my friend was adamant about adjusting or adapting to the western culture. The internal conflict appears to be at the rational and emotional front. Rationally, he understands the urgent need to resolve his adjustment problem and to better understand the requirements of the workplace in this western society. Emotionally, however, his own ethnic identity, ego/pride, and other background factors just would not allow him to give up so easily, in whole or in part, the way he was brought up, his own personal values/believes and the very concept of who he really is.
Disconnection between two realities: There are roughly two types of reality - subjective and objective (similar to subjective and objective dangers in mountaineering terms). The former is obviously a result of personal thinking, perspectives, and understanding while the latter is the objective environment, natural and without bias. Without passing judgment, I can accept the fact that a person's perception is his/her own reality and that my friend's reality is what he sees with his own eyes. However, if there is a significant discrepancy between his subjective reality and what really is happening at his workplace, then there is a disconnection. I told my friends: "I am not suggesting that you should turn yourself into a half-westerner, and for that matter, a half-Asian or half of anyone. I just would like you to understand the old saying: When one enters a country, one asks about the laws (what are allowed and disallowed); and when one enters a region/village, one asks about the local traditions (so you will not offend the locals). You are now in Canada where the life style, the thinking processes and work environment are very different from those on the other side of the big pond (Pacific Ocean). However, a person may understand and still does not want to accept the reality. I will be frank: Reminiscing too often the glorious days of "golden scepter and iron horses" and indulging in heroic stories of yesteryears usually do not help new immigrant workers move from the past into the future. The objective environment is constantly changing outside of our subjective reality. The needs of our family are changing. We are growing old as we speak. The time machine is moving forward regardless of our glorious and heroic past. If we do not learn to become adaptable and flexible (within limits of course), the disconnection between the two realities will eventually bring about our career demise. My suggestion is for you to find a good balance between your rational and emotional needs. Do what you can within your limits to improve yourself at work. Plant your foot firmly on the ground and face the facts and reality. Learn from others their strengths to overcome your shortcomings. And, while recognizing that the past is a part of your life from which you learn and draw experience, you must remind yourself too that the future is also there within your grasp."
My friend reacted positively and said: "What you just said make sense. Perhaps I have my feet planted on two sampans (straddling the fence) and my heart un-settled. For too long, I have made no commitments to either go or stay. I know I can change if I am willing and if I put my mind to it. The decision would have been much easier if I were single without my wife and son. At this juncture, I still need to digest what we have talked about, consult with my family, and then make a decision regarding my career. I really appreciate your advice and your taking the time to coach me."
Epilogue: My friend fully understands that my role as volunteer career coach is really just that, to provide suggestions and advice. He still has the full responsibility, to himself, his family and the society, of making the final decisions and facing the consequences of such decisions. The 4-part series "A dragon floundering in shallow water is teased by the shrimps" is just a simple story reflecting on the expectations, conflicts and thinking of a new immigrant worker in the Canadian workplace. Now, whether my Asian dragon friend will eventually go back into deeper water, stay in the shallow pond, or morph himself from an Asian dragon into a local dragon, I will not know for several more years.
In Part 3 of this Asian Dragon story, my friend was adamant about adjusting or adapting to the western culture. The internal conflict appears to be at the rational and emotional front. Rationally, he understands the urgent need to resolve his adjustment problem and to better understand the requirements of the workplace in this western society. Emotionally, however, his own ethnic identity, ego/pride, and other background factors just would not allow him to give up so easily, in whole or in part, the way he was brought up, his own personal values/believes and the very concept of who he really is.
Disconnection between two realities: There are roughly two types of reality - subjective and objective (similar to subjective and objective dangers in mountaineering terms). The former is obviously a result of personal thinking, perspectives, and understanding while the latter is the objective environment, natural and without bias. Without passing judgment, I can accept the fact that a person's perception is his/her own reality and that my friend's reality is what he sees with his own eyes. However, if there is a significant discrepancy between his subjective reality and what really is happening at his workplace, then there is a disconnection. I told my friends: "I am not suggesting that you should turn yourself into a half-westerner, and for that matter, a half-Asian or half of anyone. I just would like you to understand the old saying: When one enters a country, one asks about the laws (what are allowed and disallowed); and when one enters a region/village, one asks about the local traditions (so you will not offend the locals). You are now in Canada where the life style, the thinking processes and work environment are very different from those on the other side of the big pond (Pacific Ocean). However, a person may understand and still does not want to accept the reality. I will be frank: Reminiscing too often the glorious days of "golden scepter and iron horses" and indulging in heroic stories of yesteryears usually do not help new immigrant workers move from the past into the future. The objective environment is constantly changing outside of our subjective reality. The needs of our family are changing. We are growing old as we speak. The time machine is moving forward regardless of our glorious and heroic past. If we do not learn to become adaptable and flexible (within limits of course), the disconnection between the two realities will eventually bring about our career demise. My suggestion is for you to find a good balance between your rational and emotional needs. Do what you can within your limits to improve yourself at work. Plant your foot firmly on the ground and face the facts and reality. Learn from others their strengths to overcome your shortcomings. And, while recognizing that the past is a part of your life from which you learn and draw experience, you must remind yourself too that the future is also there within your grasp."
My friend reacted positively and said: "What you just said make sense. Perhaps I have my feet planted on two sampans (straddling the fence) and my heart un-settled. For too long, I have made no commitments to either go or stay. I know I can change if I am willing and if I put my mind to it. The decision would have been much easier if I were single without my wife and son. At this juncture, I still need to digest what we have talked about, consult with my family, and then make a decision regarding my career. I really appreciate your advice and your taking the time to coach me."
Epilogue: My friend fully understands that my role as volunteer career coach is really just that, to provide suggestions and advice. He still has the full responsibility, to himself, his family and the society, of making the final decisions and facing the consequences of such decisions. The 4-part series "A dragon floundering in shallow water is teased by the shrimps" is just a simple story reflecting on the expectations, conflicts and thinking of a new immigrant worker in the Canadian workplace. Now, whether my Asian dragon friend will eventually go back into deeper water, stay in the shallow pond, or morph himself from an Asian dragon into a local dragon, I will not know for several more years.
"A dragon floundering in shallow water is teased by the shrimps" Part 3
(English translation of October 2nd posting)
In Part 2, my friend thought I was talking about the thinking processes of the English, French and Chinese people. Before he could go on, I quickly shook my head and said: "No, no, no ! Wouldn't life be simple and our world easier to manage if we would just label people by their nationalities and be able to predict their thinking and behaviors? We would not need that many foreign diplomats and international negotiators at the United Nations !"
Individual and generalization: The problem at the workplace is that some people do label visible minority workers and subconsciously have a pre-conceived notion of their behaviours and performances based on certain stereotypes. For example: The word "inscrutable" has been used as a description of Asian men and often a reason to explain why they never speak up at meetings. Some even go further and generalize that Asian workers make poor team players and could not be trusted. Who knows what is going on in that devious and inscrutable mind ? Yet, it would never occur to the critics that perhaps there is a language barrier, or because the workers are not used to speaking up in front of their superiors without permission. In which case, there is really no justifiable ground to question the trust worthiness of these employees or their ability to do teamwork. Since my colleague has been to Canada for only three years and still thinks and acts like a fresh-off-the-plane Asian immigrant, I suggested that perhaps he would need to learn to become more flexible by adjusting and adapting the western culture, mingling with the locals, and becoming a part of this multi-cultural society without giving up too much of his personal identity, background value and ethnic culture.
My friend was absolutely dismayed with my suggestions and his face just dropped. "I come over here to make a living but not to kow-tow to anyone. I hope you are not suggesting that I should turn myself into a half-westerner ?" Oh dear ! It appears I have landed myself a thankless volunteer job as career coach.
< please wait for the conclusion of the Asian Dragon Story in Part 4 >
In Part 2, my friend thought I was talking about the thinking processes of the English, French and Chinese people. Before he could go on, I quickly shook my head and said: "No, no, no ! Wouldn't life be simple and our world easier to manage if we would just label people by their nationalities and be able to predict their thinking and behaviors? We would not need that many foreign diplomats and international negotiators at the United Nations !"
Individual and generalization: The problem at the workplace is that some people do label visible minority workers and subconsciously have a pre-conceived notion of their behaviours and performances based on certain stereotypes. For example: The word "inscrutable" has been used as a description of Asian men and often a reason to explain why they never speak up at meetings. Some even go further and generalize that Asian workers make poor team players and could not be trusted. Who knows what is going on in that devious and inscrutable mind ? Yet, it would never occur to the critics that perhaps there is a language barrier, or because the workers are not used to speaking up in front of their superiors without permission. In which case, there is really no justifiable ground to question the trust worthiness of these employees or their ability to do teamwork. Since my colleague has been to Canada for only three years and still thinks and acts like a fresh-off-the-plane Asian immigrant, I suggested that perhaps he would need to learn to become more flexible by adjusting and adapting the western culture, mingling with the locals, and becoming a part of this multi-cultural society without giving up too much of his personal identity, background value and ethnic culture.
My friend was absolutely dismayed with my suggestions and his face just dropped. "I come over here to make a living but not to kow-tow to anyone. I hope you are not suggesting that I should turn myself into a half-westerner ?" Oh dear ! It appears I have landed myself a thankless volunteer job as career coach.
< please wait for the conclusion of the Asian Dragon Story in Part 4 >
Monday, October 09, 2006
"A dragon floundering in shallow water is teased by the shrimps" Part 2
(English translation of September 28th posting)
As I said previously in Part 1, my colleague wanted some advice to help revitalize his stagnant career. So I asked him point-blank: "You are a global trotter who can call anywhere home. Haven't you considered going else where or even returning to where you were born and raised?" He responded: "I left my village feeling that the world would be my oyster and that my career would have no problem flourishing in Canada given my experience. My relatives and friends had a big going away banquet for my family and they were proud of me. Now, look what is happening today. My career is in limbo and I don't know where to go from here. It will be a great loss of face for me to return home. Besides, my wife has a fairly good job and boss and my son is working hard at school. My current plan is to stay put. The most important things are to resolve my adjustment problem and to understand what are expected of me at the workplace." Upon hearing his response, I recognized he was a practical, down-to-earth person who was willing to learn. So I offered him the following advice:
Thinking processes: In this multi-cultural society, diversity also means there are different ways of thinking and expressing oneself. For example: Person A may first identify the issue at hand, analyze the situation and options, and then end up with his/her conclusions; while person B may start with the conclusions first, then substantiate them with a few key rationales and illustrations. However, person C may start with a long context piece from a seemingly abstract angle, then add in all kinds of research and anecdotes to the main theme or issue, and then come up with some diagnostiques, observations, and/or remarks. Now imagine if the three persons are not knowledgeable of the others' thinking processes. What do you think the chance of them working well together? Person A will probably accuse B of jumping to conclusions without a complete analysis. B will rather hear A's bottom line instead of having to put up with the drawn-out analysis. Both A and B may find C too abstract and wish he/she would go straight to the point instead of beating around the bush. On the other hand, C may feel A and B are superficial people who only address the symptoms and are not able to objectively see the big picture and to fully comprehend the context and the concepts of the underlying issues.
Before I could continue, my friend hit me on the shoulder and exclaimed: "I understand exactly what you are saying ! You are talking about the English, French and Chinese people !"
< Stay tuned for Part 3 >
As I said previously in Part 1, my colleague wanted some advice to help revitalize his stagnant career. So I asked him point-blank: "You are a global trotter who can call anywhere home. Haven't you considered going else where or even returning to where you were born and raised?" He responded: "I left my village feeling that the world would be my oyster and that my career would have no problem flourishing in Canada given my experience. My relatives and friends had a big going away banquet for my family and they were proud of me. Now, look what is happening today. My career is in limbo and I don't know where to go from here. It will be a great loss of face for me to return home. Besides, my wife has a fairly good job and boss and my son is working hard at school. My current plan is to stay put. The most important things are to resolve my adjustment problem and to understand what are expected of me at the workplace." Upon hearing his response, I recognized he was a practical, down-to-earth person who was willing to learn. So I offered him the following advice:
Thinking processes: In this multi-cultural society, diversity also means there are different ways of thinking and expressing oneself. For example: Person A may first identify the issue at hand, analyze the situation and options, and then end up with his/her conclusions; while person B may start with the conclusions first, then substantiate them with a few key rationales and illustrations. However, person C may start with a long context piece from a seemingly abstract angle, then add in all kinds of research and anecdotes to the main theme or issue, and then come up with some diagnostiques, observations, and/or remarks. Now imagine if the three persons are not knowledgeable of the others' thinking processes. What do you think the chance of them working well together? Person A will probably accuse B of jumping to conclusions without a complete analysis. B will rather hear A's bottom line instead of having to put up with the drawn-out analysis. Both A and B may find C too abstract and wish he/she would go straight to the point instead of beating around the bush. On the other hand, C may feel A and B are superficial people who only address the symptoms and are not able to objectively see the big picture and to fully comprehend the context and the concepts of the underlying issues.
Before I could continue, my friend hit me on the shoulder and exclaimed: "I understand exactly what you are saying ! You are talking about the English, French and Chinese people !"
< Stay tuned for Part 3 >
與現實環境脱節: 現實大約可分主觀和客觀兩種, 主觀現實是滲上了很多個人的思想見解和角度,客觀現實就是自然環境.在這裏不說誰是誰非, a person's perception is his/her own reality 在我朋友眼中,他看到的就是他的現實,但如果他的主觀現實和工作環境現實分歧太大, 就會產生嚴重的脱節問題.我對朋友說:「我不是建議您做半個西人,我只想您明白:入國問禁,入境問俗,這邊的生活方式,思想系統,工作環境是和太平洋的彼岸有很大分別.但是明白並不等於接受.恕我直言,很多移民常懷憶「想當年金戈鐵馬」,陶醉在過往的「英雄史」,卻忘記了今時不同往日,我們主觀以外的客觀環境在轉變,我們的家庭需要在轉變,自己的年龄也隨歲月增加,時代巨輪是不停地向前推進,在加拿大這邊做事如果沒有彈性,不能習慣和適應,就會與現實環境脱節,被時代洶汰了.我提議您將理智和情感作一個平衡,有能力改善的就改善,在這邊做工.要實事求事,取他人之長補自己之短.無錯,過往是我們生命的一部份,是一個歷史經驗的好教訓,但未來卻仍是在我們掌握之中.」
與現實環境脱節: 現實大約可分主觀和客觀兩種, 主觀現實是滲上了很多個人的思想見解和角度,客觀現實就是自然環境.在這裏不說誰是誰非, a person's perception is his/her own reality 在我朋友眼中,他看到的就是他的現實,但如果他的主觀現實和工作環境現實分歧太大, 就會產生嚴重的脱節問題.我對朋友說:「我不是建議您做半個西人,我只想您明白:入國問禁,入境問俗,這邊的生活方式,思想系統,工作環境是和太平洋的彼岸有很大分別.但是明白並不等於接受.恕我直言,很多移民常懷憶「想當年金戈鐵馬」,陶醉在過往的「英雄史」,卻忘記了今時不同往日,我們主觀以外的客觀環境在轉變,我們的家庭需要在轉變,自己的年龄也隨歲月增加,時代巨輪是不停地向前推進,在加拿大這邊做事如果沒有彈性,不能習慣和適應,就會與現實環境脱節,被時代洶汰了.我提議您將理智和情感作一個平衡,有能力改善的就改善,在這邊做工.要實事求事,取他人之長補自己之短.無錯,過往是我們生命的一部份,是一個歷史經驗的好教訓,但未來卻仍是在我們掌握之中.」
Monday, October 02, 2006
個人與整體: 問題就是在加拿大工作,有很多時候,少数民族的個人思想和辦事能力常被人廣泛化,例如 "inscrutable"就常被人看作是亞洲人的特徵,是公司開會時他們少發言的原因, 膚淺者就說亞洲來的員工不能夠team work合作,或批評他們的出發點,懷疑這些foreigners外來人是否直得公司信任.卻不會想到這些員工的英文不是母語,或不習慣在未得上司許可前就發言,種種原因,和team work 合作及trustworthy信任沒有關係.我告訢朋友,由於他來了只有三年多,言語和思想可能仍帶有濃重的亞洲風味,或許為了適應環境,他做工最好要有多點彈性,一方面要保存個人的背景,經驗,和文化,另一方面就要和這邊的人混合接觸融化,作為這個多元文化社會整體的一份子.
個人與整體: 問題就是在加拿大工作,有很多時候,少数民族的個人思想和辦事能力常被人廣泛化,例如 "inscrutable"就常被人看作是亞洲人的特徵,是公司開會時他們少發言的原因, 膚淺者就說亞洲來的員工不能夠team work合作,或批評他們的出發點,懷疑這些foreigners外來人是否直得公司信任.卻不會想到這些員工的英文不是母語,或不習慣在未得上司許可前就發言,種種原因,和team work 合作及trustworthy信任沒有關係.我告訢朋友,由於他來了只有三年多,言語和思想可能仍帶有濃重的亞洲風味,或許為了適應環境,他做工最好要有多點彈性,一方面要保存個人的背景,經驗,和文化,另一方面就要和這邊的人混合接觸融化,作為這個多元文化社會整體的一份子.
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