Wednesday, October 19, 2011

人生和遺憾 / Life & Regrets

My friend forwarded me an email that contains the following words of wisdom:

"When you were born, you were crying; And everyone around you was smiling. ....
When you die, you're the one who is smiling;
And everyone around you is crying."

Originally, I was thinking "A Life with NO Regrets" - Oh, how nice! But, then I realize somewhere btwn a person's FIRST and LAST CHAPTER, there gotta be some mistakes made along the way, some regretful decisions or events, and even some unfinished business. Life is bitter sweet, but seldom just one or the other. So, here is my modified version:

When you were born, you were crying; 
And everyone around you was smiling. 

When you live, you are treasuring the moment, or trashing the moment;
And everyone around you is smiling or sighing.

When you die, You're the one who is smiling;
And everyone around you is crying.
(Or vice versa, see MID CHAPTER)

Keep on truck'ng !!!


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