以下是網友「雪凌」解題:“... 自以為俠義的行為, ... 結果一番好心人家不領情還給臉色你看。 相信我們都或多或少遇過這種“我本將心向明月,奈何明月照溝渠”滿腔熱情遇上兜頭冰水,...."
The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions
It all started years ago when I was a teenager working as an office boy one summer in Hong Kong. Beside serving teas and running errands all over Central District 中環, I took an interest in learning short-hand and typing, two skills that were monopolized by secretaries, of which 99.99% were women.
Fast forward to my first job in Canada.
Me the Junior Engineer: "Hi, could you type up this report for me please?"
Secretary: "I am quite busy now. You will have to wait till tomorrow."
Me the Innocent (with the intention of helping her out): "Not to worry!! Can I use your typewriter after you leave work today? I will type the report myself."
Seasoned Secretary (who took my comment as a slight): "Oh!! So you will type it yourself, eh? Be my guest !!! (assuming I don't know how to type)"
The next day, upon finding that I DID type up the report, the secretary mentioned this highly "unusual" incident to the big boss.
Superintendent: "I heard you are typing your own reports now (said so with a somewhat sarcastic and reprimanding tone)."
Me the Underling (replied defensively): "I was just trying to help her out because she was so busy."
Big Boss-man: "You are an engineer (of which 99.99% are male in his universe). Engineers DO NOT type."
Me the Male Engineer: "But I KNOW how to type!!"
Big Engineer (grinning): "Then wear a skirt!!"
Talking abt a good intention that had gone awry !!!
Needless to say, I did not wear a skirt, but I do have the last laugh !!!
* 網友「雪凌」解題: http://mypaper.pchome.com.tw/1012061234/post/1320300136
* 其它有關 『好心著雷劈』(我翻譯為 "The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions") 的文章: http://2weeks1gather.wordpress.com/
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
旅遊南美洲秘魯:【與海獅嬉泳】 / Travel to Peru, South America:【Frolicking with Sea Lions】

「兩週一聚」十一月專題 : 「旅遊大事小記」之【與海獅嬉泳】 / 2weeks1gather's 「Monthly Feature for November」【Frolicking with Sea Lions】
在2008年2月尾至3月中在秘魯旅遊時, 曾坐船由El Callao卡亞俄海港出發,探訪離岸直線約10公里,在太平洋中海獅聚集的 Palomino群島。因為途中經過的大島 Isla San Lorenzo 是軍警禁區,所以船長要繞道而行,不敢太靠近封鎖線。據他說多年前,囚禁在島上監獄內的反政府份子(「光明之路」Sendero Luminoso 和「圖帕克-阿馬魯革命行動」游擊隊MRTA)發難暴動,上任強人 阿爾韋托•藤森謙也 Alberto Ken'ya Fujimori 拒絕談判,下令軍机轟炸,把監獄與犯人一併毀滅,移為平地。但現在藤森自己也在監獄服刑,南美國家的政治也是複雜!!
船長把小輪繞道過了禁區之後,在Palomino群島中找了一個下錨的地方,跟著叫我們跳進海裏,和海獅一起游泳。雖然我水性不差,在渥太華有「自由里泳」的訓練基礎,但這波濤洶湧的海洋,和加拿大平靜的湖泊河川比較,卻是有天淵之別。再者,那些海獅身体龐大 (維基百科: 雄獅身体可長達2.73米及重至350多公斤),如果它們想要咬我一口,或扯著要我和各獅兄丶獅妹潛水嬉戲,我寡不敵众,沒頂被溺的机会什高。就在我猶豫不决之際,其它遊客已像投崖旅鼠一樣,噗通丶噗通的投海「自殺」去了!! 唉,為了保存「唐人」的面子声譽,我也只有硬著頭皮,跟著他們跳將下去!!
Photo Credit 攝影图片: I took all the photos except the first one.
Related links:
* Please see my other blog articles and photographs on "旅遊南美洲秘魯 / Travel to Peru, South America"
* Other 「兩週一聚」 articles: http://2weeks1gather.wordpress.com/
* "South American Sea Lion" Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_American_Sea_Lion
Monday, November 23, 2009
最普遍的老年癡呆症(腦退化症): 阿茲海默病 (二) 探索大腦之旅 / Senile Dementia of the Alzheimer Type (SDAT): Part 2 "Brain Tour"

參加旅程: 這趟旅程共有16張互動的幻燈片.
大腦之旅為你解說腦部運作的奥祕和阿滋海默症對它的影響. 當你在看每一張幻燈片時,請將滑鼠點到橘色的醫學詞句上, 圖片即會顯示相關部分的位置, 然後,點箭頭符號即可前往下一頁.
Chinese: http://www.alz.org/brain_chinese/
Brain Tour: There are 16 interactive slides. As you view each slide, roll your mouse over any colored text to highlight special features of each image. Then, click on the arrow to move to the next slide.
English: http://www.alz.org/alzheimers_disease_4719.asp#
Reference: All coloured text and the photo are from the Alzheimer's Association.
Related Link: Previous article 【最普遍的老年癡呆症(腦退化症): (一) 科學資料節錄 / Senile Dementia of the Alzheimer Type (SDAT): Part 1 "Scientific Perspective"】http://lotusandcedar.blogspot.com/2009/11/dementia-part-1-scientific-perspective.html
Next: Click below for Part 3
Sunday, November 22, 2009
最普遍的老年癡呆症(腦退化症): (一) "阿滋海默症科學資料節錄" / Senile Dementia of the Alzheimer Type (SDAT) Part 1 "Scientific Perspective on Alzheimer's Disease"
The purpose of this series of articles is to provide additional information and different perspectives to my previous blog article entitled "最普遍的老年癡呆症(腦退化症): 人去楼空 / Senile Dementia of the Alzheimer Type (SDAT): He no longer lives here." Let me start by acknowledging the comments made by Best Actor. His suggestion of "人未遠去樓永不空" has reminded me the human side of the story, one that focuses on the patient as well as those who are providing love, care and support to the individual. So, here is the first article.
Part 1: Scientific Perspective
1.1 Ten Signs
According to the Alzheimer's Association, there are roughly ten warning signs:
這是不是阿滋海默症? Ten Warning Signs of Alzheimer's Disease (Chinese)
阿滋海默症是一個腦部退化的疾病,它的起因無人知道, 現在仍未有治瘉的方法。為了幫助您去認識此病症的警告訊號,阿滋海默症協會設計了列出此病常見病徵的檢查列表。請查閱以下的列表, 並在令您擔憂的病徵旁加上√ 這個符號。如果您在檢閱完以下的列表後,在多項病徵旁都加上這個√符號,您應替有那些病徵的人士約見醫生進行全面的檢查。
1. 短期記憶損失影響工作技能
2. 執行熟悉的工作時有困難
3. 語言上有困難
4. 失去對時間和地點的認知力
5. 判斷力減弱
6. 抽象思維的困難
7. 忘記東西放在何處
8. 情緒或行為的改變
9. 個性的轉變
10. 失去自發性
1.2 Three Stages
Most scientists agree that people with Alzheimer's usually fall into one of the three categorise or stages, as described by Wikipedia below:
早期症狀於最初發病 2-3年,健忘(尤其新近發生的事)、缺乏創造力、進取心,且喪失對原有事物的興趣與工作衝勁。
中期症狀於最初發病的 3-4年後,對於人、事、地、物漸無定向感,注意力轉移,且一般性理解能力減低。此外,會重覆相同的語言、行為及思想,而情緒不穩,缺乏原有之道德與倫理的標準,常有迫害妄想的人格異常等現象,但無病識感。偶爾會出現"黃昏症候群"。
1.3 Mild Cognitive Impairment
Here is a HBO video that is part of "The Alzheimer's Project" entitled "Identifying Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)". It is worthwhile watching this 23+ minutes video to gain a better understanding of Alzheimer's Disease through two real case-studies.
References: * "這是不是阿滋海默症?" http://www.alz.org/national/documents/Chinese_10_warning_signs.pdf (2008 阿滋海默症協會. 版權所有 此為阿滋海默症協會之正式出版品.但非附屬之機構與個人亦可散佈此出版品.惟此散佈不構成阿滋海默症協會對該機構與個人或其行為之贙同或支持. 要取得更多資訊,請打電話: 或瀏覽綱頁 http://www.alz.org/) * Wikipedia: 阿茲海默病 http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-hk/%E9%98%BF%E5%85%B9%E6%B5%B7%E9%BB%98%E7%97%85 ; Alzheimer's Disease http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alzheimer%27s_disease * HBO video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrvFi0OXc90&feature=channel) ***** DISCLAIMER: Any information contained in articles posted on my blog "Lotus and Cedar" must not be construed as medical advice. Please consult with your doctor(s) or other medical professionals for their expert opinions. ***** Next: Nov 23, 2009 最普遍的老年癡呆症(腦退化症): (二) 探索大腦之旅 /Senile Dementia of the Alzheimer Type (SDAT) Part 2 "Brain Tour" http://lotusandcedar.blogspot.ca/2009/11/httpwww.html
Part 1: Scientific Perspective
1.1 Ten Signs
According to the Alzheimer's Association, there are roughly ten warning signs:
這是不是阿滋海默症? Ten Warning Signs of Alzheimer's Disease (Chinese)
阿滋海默症是一個腦部退化的疾病,它的起因無人知道, 現在仍未有治瘉的方法。為了幫助您去認識此病症的警告訊號,阿滋海默症協會設計了列出此病常見病徵的檢查列表。請查閱以下的列表, 並在令您擔憂的病徵旁加上√ 這個符號。如果您在檢閱完以下的列表後,在多項病徵旁都加上這個√符號,您應替有那些病徵的人士約見醫生進行全面的檢查。
1. 短期記憶損失影響工作技能
2. 執行熟悉的工作時有困難
3. 語言上有困難
4. 失去對時間和地點的認知力
5. 判斷力減弱
6. 抽象思維的困難
7. 忘記東西放在何處
8. 情緒或行為的改變
9. 個性的轉變
10. 失去自發性
1.2 Three Stages
Most scientists agree that people with Alzheimer's usually fall into one of the three categorise or stages, as described by Wikipedia below:
早期症狀於最初發病 2-3年,健忘(尤其新近發生的事)、缺乏創造力、進取心,且喪失對原有事物的興趣與工作衝勁。
中期症狀於最初發病的 3-4年後,對於人、事、地、物漸無定向感,注意力轉移,且一般性理解能力減低。此外,會重覆相同的語言、行為及思想,而情緒不穩,缺乏原有之道德與倫理的標準,常有迫害妄想的人格異常等現象,但無病識感。偶爾會出現"黃昏症候群"。
1.3 Mild Cognitive Impairment
Here is a HBO video that is part of "The Alzheimer's Project" entitled "Identifying Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)". It is worthwhile watching this 23+ minutes video to gain a better understanding of Alzheimer's Disease through two real case-studies.
References: * "這是不是阿滋海默症?" http://www.alz.org/national/documents/Chinese_10_warning_signs.pdf (2008 阿滋海默症協會. 版權所有 此為阿滋海默症協會之正式出版品.但非附屬之機構與個人亦可散佈此出版品.惟此散佈不構成阿滋海默症協會對該機構與個人或其行為之贙同或支持. 要取得更多資訊,請打電話: 或瀏覽綱頁 http://www.alz.org/) * Wikipedia: 阿茲海默病 http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-hk/%E9%98%BF%E5%85%B9%E6%B5%B7%E9%BB%98%E7%97%85 ; Alzheimer's Disease http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alzheimer%27s_disease * HBO video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrvFi0OXc90&feature=channel) ***** DISCLAIMER: Any information contained in articles posted on my blog "Lotus and Cedar" must not be construed as medical advice. Please consult with your doctor(s) or other medical professionals for their expert opinions. ***** Next: Nov 23, 2009 最普遍的老年癡呆症(腦退化症): (二) 探索大腦之旅 /Senile Dementia of the Alzheimer Type (SDAT) Part 2 "Brain Tour" http://lotusandcedar.blogspot.ca/2009/11/httpwww.html
Thursday, November 19, 2009
中華人民共和國加入世界貿易組織八週年 / The 8th Anniversary of China's Accession to WTO

(This blog article is posted on 2009-11-19, immediately after the official visit of US Prez Obama to the PRC. It will be updated as required btwn now and the 2009-12-11 anniversary date)
China was granted "official observer" status by GATT on November 6, 1984. It took a record-breaking 15 yrs of negotiations for China to become a member of WTO, on December 11, 2001. Despite skepticism from both within and without China at the beginning, successive Chinese leaders have been able to implement key economic reforms in compliance with WTO requirements and launch China toward a more market-based economy. For the last two decades or so, the growth of the Chinese economy is breath-taking and has surprised many nay-sayers.
However, the transformation has its ups and downs as well as gains and losses. For example: It was not easy for the older hardliners who had been fighting "capitalists" most of their adult lives, only to see their own country going the free-market way albeit socialist style. It was not easy for officials of State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) to lean the meaning of competitiveness, although the word "profit" was being picked up fairly quickly (which then begged the question: for whom?) The provincial, regional and municipal governments also had to work with Beijing on a renewed governance model with the decentralization of economic planning and control.
As well, there are many challenges ahead and here are just some examples (not in any order of priority):
* the balance act btwn political and economic reforms, both in terms of pace and degree
* further reform of the financial sector, banking system, judicial system, etc., as well as the undertaking of other commitments to comply with WTO protocols and regulations
* pressure from the Obama Administration in areas of trade deficit, devaluation of the Renminbi, removal of trade barriers/irritants (e.g. IP rights), more import into China, protection of American jobs back home, etc.
* pressure from EU in areas of human rights, Tibet, the environment and other social, economic, environmental, and geo-political issues
* the intricate and delicate links btwn investment-trade and China's foreign policies with respect to Iran, North Korea, Russia, Africa allies, global terrorism, etc.
* strategies concerning Sustainable Consumption and Production - from greenhouse gases emissions to the availability of renewable and non-renewable resources (energy, rare-earth elements, ...) to the protection of the environment and health and wellness of people - while maintaining high enough employment to prevent social discontent and unrest.
* economic competitions and threats from other BRIC countries, in terms of labour cost, quality of goods and services, branding, innovations, science and technology, productivity, exchange rate, and other competitiveness-related issues.
To end on a light note after a somewhat serious discussion, I would like to present the readers with a parody I wrote based on the first line of the classic movie "Casablanca".
"Casabanker" / Act 2009: There is always Doha !! / First line:
Narrator: "... With the coming of the Second Economic Order, many eyes in imprisoned derivatives turned hopefully, or desperately, toward the freedom of the trade. China became the great embarkation point. But, not everybody could get to the market directly, and so a tortuous, roundabout trail sprang up - Singapore to Beijing ... across land and oceans to Doha ... Just like the last days of GATT - then by train, or auto or plane across the rim of Africa, to Marrakesh, Morocco. Today, the fortunate ones through money, or influence, or luck, might obtain building permits and scurry to Beijing; and from Beijing to the new Disney World. But the others wait in Never Ever Land ... and wait ... and wait ... and wait."
Cut and take five !!!
* IMDb Memorable Quotes from Casablanca http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0034583/quotes
* 關稅與貿易總協定(General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, GATT)
* 世界貿易組織 (World Trade Organization, WTO)
* Wikipedia http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/WTO: "... 2001年12月11日:中華人民共和國經過15年的談判正式加入,這是關貿總協定/世貿歷史上談判時間最長的一次。香港和澳門則在1995年1月1日世貿正式成立時加入,兩地分別主權移交到中華人民共和國後,其在世貿的名稱也換為中國香港和中國澳門。.."
* China's Observer Status granted by GATT 1984-11-06
GENEVA, NOVEMBER 6 1984 (IFDA) -- The Peoples Republic of China was granted Tuesday observer status in GATT and its bodies. While the GATT Council acted by consensus on this, the actual legal position of China was still a matter of dispute. China was one of the original signatories of GATT in 1947. But in 1950, the "Republic of China" or Taiwan, which then occupied the seat, withdrew from GATT - a withdrawal that the Peoples Republic of China has not accepted as legal. In making its application, the Chinese did not specifically speak about "observer status", but asked for the right to attend GATT meetings, and its intention to consult and coordinate with Contracting Parties, and that this would facilitate a decision by the Peoples Republic of China on the membership in GATT. The Chinese letter had made clear that it was without prejudice to its legal stand. While everyone welcomed the grant of observer status to China, United States would appear to have specifically reserved the U.S. legal position with regard to China. If the Chinese legal position were to be accepted, in order to acquire full GATT rights, it would not have to negotiate with individual countries on exchange of concessions - a necessary pre-requisite for new members before their protocol of accession would be accepted.
But it was clear that none of the present GATT members would accept this - since in effect it would enable China to get all the benefits of over three decades of mutual concessions by others in trade liberalisation, without China itself having to do anything.
Important note:
***** This article was written based on information from public and media reports. Readers are strongly advised to cross reference and verify all information contained herein. Your comments and updated info are most welcome *****
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
不愛小孩的聖誕老人 / When Santa doesn't like kids
It has been reported that a shopping-mall Santa will not let kids who have not been vaccinated sit on his lap.
Mommy, Santa is not being nice :(
Mommy, Santa is not being nice :(
香港大帽山 / Tai Mo Shan, HK
I just watched a YouTube video clip "Climbing the Tai Mo Shan mountain range" by Michael Rogge (he has posted a lot of vintage footage of old HK). Watching his video reminds me of one trip I had tried to undertake but was cut short ....
Many years ago, I went back to HK and on my itinerary was a trip up Tai Mo Shan. I started at the bottom near the village but got lost and was soon surrounded by a pack of vicious village dogs. They were abt to attack when I made a hasty retreat from their territory. Needless to say my hike was cut short and I never made it to the summit !!!
Given another chance, I would bring along two of my collapsible hiking/ski poles to defend myself. They worked wonderfully when I was hiking on Lipari Island (Italy) where I successfully asserted my "alpha-male" right-of-way through some growling Sicilian dogs.
Related links / References:
* Photos of Lipari Island, Italy 【山徑人生 / Find My Own Track】 http://lotusandcedar.blogspot.com/2009/06/find-my-own-track.html
* 攝影图片 / Photo Credit: Wikipedia

"... 大帽山(英文:Tai Mo Shan)是香港最高的山峰,海拔957米,比第二高的山峰鳳凰山高23米。大帽山處於新界的中部,山體廣闊,坡度相對平緩,其附近範圍被劃入大帽山郊野公園之內。附近則為大欖郊野公園及林村郊野公園。大帽山位於荃灣區和元朗區交界,並有小部分屬於大埔區。由於大帽山在春天時經常出現大霧的情況,絕大部份香港人會將大帽山誤以為叫做「大霧山」。 ... "
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
經濟轉型: 消費國變出口商,世界工廠變消費國 / Global Economy: Import, Export and Consumerism
Below is the transcript of my comments posted on Space's Nov 16, 2009 blog article entitled "威士忌 Whisky 為自己"
Thank you for putting all the relevant info in one place. I did read your WHOLE article, incl Prez Obama's speech.
In his address to the target audience in and outside of Japan, incl Democrats and Republicans alike in the US, there are many foreign policy messages that seem to be key to the future relationships btwn the US and her allies, enemies, and those in btwn.
Prez Obama mentioned China in his speech many times, partly to deal head-on with Japan's fear of a renewed US-China relationship at the expense of Japanese interest, but also to send a strong signal to Beijing prior to his visit. Of course, let's not be naïve and think that this was the first trial balloon launched to seek a Chinese reaction. For a major Presidential speech that was expected to garner world attention, a lot of bilateral leg-work would have been done by diplomats through official and unofficial channels. Also, one should not underestimate the pre-emptive statement made by China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson on November 11th re China's positions on Tibet and other issues. All to say, there had been messages back and forth btwn the two countries before Prez Obama stepped onto Chinese soil.
I think the key point in his speech abt China is that the US intends to change the imbalanced US-China trade relationship. Currently, US consumerism is out of control and the World's Factory, China, is reaping the profit by importing billion dollars of goods into the US while keeping the value of the Renminbi (artificially) low.
I note that you've already posted a lot of info on Prez Obama's visit to China. So I will save some of my comments for later.
Attachment: A report from Ming Pao for your info.
明言經濟轉型 消費國變出口商
(Source: 明報2009年11月15日 星期日 05:10 hk.news.yahoo.com/article/091114/4/f6ax.html)
Thank you for putting all the relevant info in one place. I did read your WHOLE article, incl Prez Obama's speech.
In his address to the target audience in and outside of Japan, incl Democrats and Republicans alike in the US, there are many foreign policy messages that seem to be key to the future relationships btwn the US and her allies, enemies, and those in btwn.
Prez Obama mentioned China in his speech many times, partly to deal head-on with Japan's fear of a renewed US-China relationship at the expense of Japanese interest, but also to send a strong signal to Beijing prior to his visit. Of course, let's not be naïve and think that this was the first trial balloon launched to seek a Chinese reaction. For a major Presidential speech that was expected to garner world attention, a lot of bilateral leg-work would have been done by diplomats through official and unofficial channels. Also, one should not underestimate the pre-emptive statement made by China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson on November 11th re China's positions on Tibet and other issues. All to say, there had been messages back and forth btwn the two countries before Prez Obama stepped onto Chinese soil.
I think the key point in his speech abt China is that the US intends to change the imbalanced US-China trade relationship. Currently, US consumerism is out of control and the World's Factory, China, is reaping the profit by importing billion dollars of goods into the US while keeping the value of the Renminbi (artificially) low.
I note that you've already posted a lot of info on Prez Obama's visit to China. So I will save some of my comments for later.
Attachment: A report from Ming Pao for your info.
明言經濟轉型 消費國變出口商
(Source: 明報2009年11月15日 星期日 05:10 hk.news.yahoo.com/article/091114/4/f6ax.html)
Monday, November 16, 2009
加拿大移民: 生物擴散論 / Canadian Immigrants: Anemochory (Biological dispersal)
"... Biological dispersal refers to a species movement away from an existing population or away from the parent organism. Through simply moving from one habitat patch to another, the dispersal of an individual has consequences not only for individual fitness, but also for population dynamics, population genetics, and species distribution. Understanding dispersal and the consequences on an ecosystem level requires understanding on the type of dispersal, the dispersal range of a given species, and the dispersal mechanisms involved. ..."
(Source: Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anemochory)
但也有很多動物的遷徙是單程式,落足停居之所是在乎生存環境丶資源供求丶氣候運行丶和羣体轉變。例如萬物之靈的人類,也是從非洲 (或您信仰的伊伊甸樂園,或其它發源地) 以擴散方式,發展至四大文明古國,直至今時今日,人類已遷徙至地球每一個角落,太空漫遊,開拓月球丶火星亦不再是科幻小說。
從自然生物擴散論來看,移民遷徙,是生物以擴散來繁殖和改良品種,這個生命演進的過程,对個体丶母体丶和整個天然系統都有進化和改善的作用。從個人生活覌點來看,生命是一個旅程,出身長大的地方,我当然有很多童年回憶,雖是紅棉絮丶蒲公英亦会有懷鄉之念。但在這電訊網絡全球化丶科技日新月異的21世紀中,我是相信: "Root is where I come from. Home is where I settle."
Photo Credit Wikipedia / 攝影圖片: 紅棉絮, 蒲公英
(Source: Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anemochory)
但也有很多動物的遷徙是單程式,落足停居之所是在乎生存環境丶資源供求丶氣候運行丶和羣体轉變。例如萬物之靈的人類,也是從非洲 (或您信仰的伊伊甸樂園,或其它發源地) 以擴散方式,發展至四大文明古國,直至今時今日,人類已遷徙至地球每一個角落,太空漫遊,開拓月球丶火星亦不再是科幻小說。
從自然生物擴散論來看,移民遷徙,是生物以擴散來繁殖和改良品種,這個生命演進的過程,对個体丶母体丶和整個天然系統都有進化和改善的作用。從個人生活覌點來看,生命是一個旅程,出身長大的地方,我当然有很多童年回憶,雖是紅棉絮丶蒲公英亦会有懷鄉之念。但在這電訊網絡全球化丶科技日新月異的21世紀中,我是相信: "Root is where I come from. Home is where I settle."
Photo Credit Wikipedia / 攝影圖片: 紅棉絮, 蒲公英
( Dandelion 譯自法文 dent-de-lion,這不是說蒲公英族牙尖嘴利,只不過是因為蒲公英葉子的形狀象獅子尖牙齒罷 :)
Sunday, November 15, 2009
加拿大移民: 老死還鄉丶落葉歸根 / Canadian Immigrants: Live and Die in Canada
網友 Space兄在香港暮秋,望漂零黃葉,有感而發,寫了【秋葉】一文,指出以前中國往外地謀生人仕,都跟隨中國傳統『樹高千丈,落葉歸根!』的習俗,不願客死異鄉。無奈近十多二十年,很多外向華籍移民,不單止自願「移植」歐美、澳洲、加拿大,收納後更被視為“上等人”云云。Space 兄在唏噓之餘,把老死還鄉丶落葉歸根的中國習俗現代化,以“環保意義”做大前題,指出沒有落葉「回歸」,母樹欠缺落葉滋潤,泥土養份虛耗,樹木不能健康生長。
俺是移植楓葉國多年的加籍華人,雖然Space 兄可能是無心插柳,把「還鄉」接枝談到了「環保」,但他【秋葉】一文,卻令我讀後心有感懷,所以在此搜斷枯腸,尋文索字,找了一些資料,再呈上攝影圖片兩幅,配以一詞半語,萬望Space兄臺及各位讀者鑑賞查証。
下續: 移民定居,是和【生物擴散論】有關 .....
Reference: 【秋葉】 http://mindnecessity.blogspot.com/2009/11/decomposer-yard-waste-decompsition.html
俺是移植楓葉國多年的加籍華人,雖然Space 兄可能是無心插柳,把「還鄉」接枝談到了「環保」,但他【秋葉】一文,卻令我讀後心有感懷,所以在此搜斷枯腸,尋文索字,找了一些資料,再呈上攝影圖片兩幅,配以一詞半語,萬望Space兄臺及各位讀者鑑賞查証。
下續: 移民定居,是和【生物擴散論】有關 .....
Reference: 【秋葉】 http://mindnecessity.blogspot.com/2009/11/decomposer-yard-waste-decompsition.html
Saturday, November 14, 2009
兩週一聚 (二十六期) 「寫給自己的信」 / 2weeks1gather (#26)「Letter to Myself」
隨筆信是很容易寫,可是那「自己」卻是很難定斷,那是昨日丶還是今日的「我」? 昨日的我,把那人生流水帳寫得太淋漓詳盡了,由其是那情之一物,三千煩惱絲,剪不斷,理還乱! 今日的我,將回憶往事一磚一石,築成了護城河,沒有吊橋的堡壘,敵不進丶我不出,在圍牆中自由生活,心如止水,樂也融融。平日閑時無事,看那日出日落,春風秋雨,北雁南飛。要是寂寞無聊,提起神筆一揮,動鼠一點,那蜆蚌中的世界裂嘴应声而開,剪貼的網誌成了話劇,自己也笑啊啊的置身其中。惱人的倒是那螢光幕中模糊的面孔,也看不清楚是不是我自己的反影,在午夜夢迴之際,他好像在說:『勿忘看寫給你的電郵,歲月蹉跎,切記勿誤。』
附貼: 【寫給明日之「我」的信】(二零零九年十一月十五日寄出)
My other blog articles:
* 蜆蚌世界 / Photo Story: Small Happy World http://lotusandcedar.blogspot.com/2009/05/photo-story-small-happy-world.html
* 情之一物 / Heart Love Relationships http://lotusandcedar.blogspot.com/search/label/%E6%83%85%E4%B9%8B%E4%B8%80%E7%89%A9%20Heart%20Love%20Relationships
Related links:
* 今次出題網友「南杏」 【Blog聚】關於第二十六期(15/11)題目
* 其它「寫給自己的信」http://2weeks1gather.wordpress.com/
附貼: 【寫給明日之「我」的信】(二零零九年十一月十五日寄出)
My other blog articles:
* 蜆蚌世界 / Photo Story: Small Happy World http://lotusandcedar.blogspot.com/2009/05/photo-story-small-happy-world.html
* 情之一物 / Heart Love Relationships http://lotusandcedar.blogspot.com/search/label/%E6%83%85%E4%B9%8B%E4%B8%80%E7%89%A9%20Heart%20Love%20Relationships
Related links:
* 今次出題網友「南杏」 【Blog聚】關於第二十六期(15/11)題目
* 其它「寫給自己的信」http://2weeks1gather.wordpress.com/
Thursday, November 12, 2009
最普遍的老年癡呆症(腦退化症): 人去楼空 / Senile Dementia of the Alzheimer Type (SDAT): He no longer lives here
Here are the comments I left at Inner Space's blog entitled "陪著你走":
Space: ... 但我在看到前中文大學校長 高錕教授,得到諾貝爾物理學獎,電視臺跑到他在美國南加州,灣區矽谷鄰近山景城的家中訪問,他的太太 黃美芸女士說:『光纖之父』已經不在了。聽完新聞後,不禁唏噓,腦海中記起這首歌“陪著你走”。報載:『高錕老人癡呆,忘了光纖,忘不了太太。妻子:「不再是以前那個人!」』
Haricot: ... At the time when the Nobel Prize winner was announced, many people were saying: Oh, how romantic!! He "listened" to her like a child !! They were such lovely couple together !!
In my opinion, people were romanticizing the situation because they wanted it to be a happy and proud occasion for all Chinese. But is dementia really that romantic?
An old-age colleague of mine is currently a sufferer of dementia. He can no longer remember my name even though we had worked together before. He tries hard to continue a conversation, but can no longer articulate a point or recall past events. There is always someone accompanying him when he is going places. He often forgets where he is and is prone to taking other people's jacket or leaving behind his own belongings.
There is nothing romantic about dementia, especially if you are the prime care-giver who has the exhausting 24/7 responsibility of looking after someone you once loved but is no longer there.
As Mrs. 黃美芸 said:「不再是以前那個人!」 She is trying hard to put up a brave face and represent a married couple in public. But for all intensive purpose, the Nobel Prize winner's wife was there by herself, taking care of the shell of her former husband - 人去楼空。
References: Wikipedia
* 老人癡呆症(失智症)http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-hk/%E5%A4%B1%E6%99%BA%E7%97%87
* Dementia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dementia
* 阿茲海默氏症 http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-hk/%E9%98%BF%E5%85%B9%E6%B5%B7%E9%BB%98%E7%97%85
* Alzheimer's disease http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alzheimer%27s_disease
* Inner Space's blog "Mind Necessity" 陪著你走 https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=17028869&postID=261883706178446259
* 最普遍的老年癡呆症(腦退化症): (一) "阿滋海默症科學資料節錄" / Senile Dementia of the Alzheimer Type (SDAT): Part 1 "Scientific Perspective on Alzheimer's Disease" http://lotusandcedar.blogspot.com/2009/11/dementia-part-1-scientific-perspective.html
* 最普遍的老年癡呆症(腦退化症): (二) 探索大腦之旅 / Senile Dementia of the Alzheimer Type (SDAT): Part 2 "Brain Tour" http://lotusandcedar.blogspot.com/2009/11/httpwww.html
Update: 2009-11-13: I would like to thank Best Actor for his comments. I stand to be corrected. I will incorporate his input into the article below. A revised version should be available tonight.
Update: 2009-11-16: I have difficulties keeping the blog article coherent and whole again with all the revisions. So, I have decided to write another article with a new title that is more in line with Best Actor's idea, something like "另一覌點: 人未遠去樓永不空". Stay tuned !!!
Updated: 2009-11-19: All basic materials are compiled and ready. Writing has begun !!
Updated: 2009-11-22 and 23: Part 1 and 2 of the new series of articles have been written and posted. (see Related Links above)
Space: ... 但我在看到前中文大學校長 高錕教授,得到諾貝爾物理學獎,電視臺跑到他在美國南加州,灣區矽谷鄰近山景城的家中訪問,他的太太 黃美芸女士說:『光纖之父』已經不在了。聽完新聞後,不禁唏噓,腦海中記起這首歌“陪著你走”。報載:『高錕老人癡呆,忘了光纖,忘不了太太。妻子:「不再是以前那個人!」』
Haricot: ... At the time when the Nobel Prize winner was announced, many people were saying: Oh, how romantic!! He "listened" to her like a child !! They were such lovely couple together !!
In my opinion, people were romanticizing the situation because they wanted it to be a happy and proud occasion for all Chinese. But is dementia really that romantic?
An old-age colleague of mine is currently a sufferer of dementia. He can no longer remember my name even though we had worked together before. He tries hard to continue a conversation, but can no longer articulate a point or recall past events. There is always someone accompanying him when he is going places. He often forgets where he is and is prone to taking other people's jacket or leaving behind his own belongings.
There is nothing romantic about dementia, especially if you are the prime care-giver who has the exhausting 24/7 responsibility of looking after someone you once loved but is no longer there.
As Mrs. 黃美芸 said:「不再是以前那個人!」 She is trying hard to put up a brave face and represent a married couple in public. But for all intensive purpose, the Nobel Prize winner's wife was there by herself, taking care of the shell of her former husband - 人去楼空。
References: Wikipedia
* 老人癡呆症(失智症)http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-hk/%E5%A4%B1%E6%99%BA%E7%97%87
* Dementia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dementia
* 阿茲海默氏症 http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-hk/%E9%98%BF%E5%85%B9%E6%B5%B7%E9%BB%98%E7%97%85
* Alzheimer's disease http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alzheimer%27s_disease
* Inner Space's blog "Mind Necessity" 陪著你走 https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=17028869&postID=261883706178446259
* 最普遍的老年癡呆症(腦退化症): (一) "阿滋海默症科學資料節錄" / Senile Dementia of the Alzheimer Type (SDAT): Part 1 "Scientific Perspective on Alzheimer's Disease" http://lotusandcedar.blogspot.com/2009/11/dementia-part-1-scientific-perspective.html
* 最普遍的老年癡呆症(腦退化症): (二) 探索大腦之旅 / Senile Dementia of the Alzheimer Type (SDAT): Part 2 "Brain Tour" http://lotusandcedar.blogspot.com/2009/11/httpwww.html
Update: 2009-11-13: I would like to thank Best Actor for his comments. I stand to be corrected. I will incorporate his input into the article below. A revised version should be available tonight.
Update: 2009-11-16: I have difficulties keeping the blog article coherent and whole again with all the revisions. So, I have decided to write another article with a new title that is more in line with Best Actor's idea, something like "另一覌點: 人未遠去樓永不空". Stay tuned !!!
Updated: 2009-11-19: All basic materials are compiled and ready. Writing has begun !!
Updated: 2009-11-22 and 23: Part 1 and 2 of the new series of articles have been written and posted. (see Related Links above)
Monday, November 09, 2009
新創數字系統 / New Number System
In response to Kempton's October 24, 2009 math game, I developed a proposed "operator" that should work to solve his problem. Here is the exchange for the record:
(A) Kempton's Challenge:
香港 (八港) – 新創數字系統 (數字遊戲)
一= 八
二= 八八
三= 八八八
四= 八八八八
五= 八八八八八
六= 八八八八八八
七= 八八八八八八八
八= 八八八八八八八八
九= 八八八八八八八八八
十 = 八八八八八八八八八八
十一 = 八八八八八八八八八八八
( 八八八 ) 乘 ( 八八 ) = 八八八八八八
( 八八八八八八八) 加 ( 八 ) = 八八八八八八八八
有興趣的讀者可以在 comment 玩一吓呢個數字遊戲。
(B) My October 26, 2009 Response:
It is definitely feasible to have a new system that is based on the number 8. The challenge is to link the new base-8 system to the existing number system being used outside of Hong Kong. Let me try ….
Let Xn denotes the number n, where n = 1,2,3,4,..
Proposed operator to map the two systems:
Xn = (8)*[sum of: 10exp(n-1), 10exp(n-2), 10exp(n-3), ... , 10exp(n-n)]
X4 = (8)*[10exp(3)+10exp(2)+10exp(1)+10exp(0)]
= (8)*[1000+100+10+1]
= 8888
X3 = (8)*[10exp(2)+10exp(1)+10exp(0)] = 888
X2 = (8)*[10exp(1)+10exp(0)] = 88
X1 = (8)*[10exp(1-1)] = 8
IMHO, the proposed operator should work.
Kempton's Blog: 香港 (八港) – 新創數字系統 (數字遊戲) http://ca8hk.wordpress.com/2009/10/24/eight-kong-number-game/
(A) Kempton's Challenge:
香港 (八港) – 新創數字系統 (數字遊戲)
一= 八
二= 八八
三= 八八八
四= 八八八八
五= 八八八八八
六= 八八八八八八
七= 八八八八八八八
八= 八八八八八八八八
九= 八八八八八八八八八
十 = 八八八八八八八八八八
十一 = 八八八八八八八八八八八
( 八八八 ) 乘 ( 八八 ) = 八八八八八八
( 八八八八八八八) 加 ( 八 ) = 八八八八八八八八
有興趣的讀者可以在 comment 玩一吓呢個數字遊戲。
(B) My October 26, 2009 Response:
It is definitely feasible to have a new system that is based on the number 8. The challenge is to link the new base-8 system to the existing number system being used outside of Hong Kong. Let me try ….
Let Xn denotes the number n, where n = 1,2,3,4,..
Proposed operator to map the two systems:
Xn = (8)*[sum of: 10exp(n-1), 10exp(n-2), 10exp(n-3), ... , 10exp(n-n)]
X4 = (8)*[10exp(3)+10exp(2)+10exp(1)+10exp(0)]
= (8)*[1000+100+10+1]
= 8888
X3 = (8)*[10exp(2)+10exp(1)+10exp(0)] = 888
X2 = (8)*[10exp(1)+10exp(0)] = 88
X1 = (8)*[10exp(1-1)] = 8
IMHO, the proposed operator should work.
Kempton's Blog: 香港 (八港) – 新創數字系統 (數字遊戲) http://ca8hk.wordpress.com/2009/10/24/eight-kong-number-game/
Saturday, November 07, 2009
說服力 / The Power of Convincing
在網上找到這條 YouTube 視頻短片【衣櫥故事 / The Closet】,轉貼在此給讀者瀏覽。在某種程况下,說服力真是非常重要啊!!! >_<
Video Credit: 這追琢入妙丶耐人尋味的緋聞小故事,是由法國 Canal+ 製作
-> Never Underestimate the Power of a Great Story !!!
* "Canal+": Wikipedia "Canal+ is a French premium pay television channel launched in 1984. It is owned by the Canal+ Group, which in turn is owned by Vivendi SA. The channel broadcasts several kinds of programming, mostly encrypted. The un-encrypted programmes can be viewed free of charge on Canal+ and on satellite on Canal+ Clair." (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canal_plus)
* YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7MVtgXMclI
Video Credit: 這追琢入妙丶耐人尋味的緋聞小故事,是由法國 Canal+ 製作
-> Never Underestimate the Power of a Great Story !!!
* "Canal+": Wikipedia "Canal+ is a French premium pay television channel launched in 1984. It is owned by the Canal+ Group, which in turn is owned by Vivendi SA. The channel broadcasts several kinds of programming, mostly encrypted. The un-encrypted programmes can be viewed free of charge on Canal+ and on satellite on Canal+ Clair." (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canal_plus)
* YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7MVtgXMclI
Thursday, November 05, 2009
打尖去打豬流感針 / H1N1 Vaccinations of "Expecting" Hockey Players
It has been reported that some professional hockey players (yes, those big burly manly men who body-check and punch each other out on ice) jumped the queue and received H1N1 flu shots ahead of pregnant women, seniors and others who were waiting patiently in line. In Calgary, the report ignited such an outrage that one staffer in the government's Alberta Health Services was fired.
But wait a minute! Before we jump into the rink to join the mêlée and beat those big guys up, we should give the fellows the benefits of the doubt. Perhaps they, and their team officials, might have misinterpreted the word "expecting" and thought hockey players do belong to the vaccination priority group, along side with expecting mothers. Sure, these professionals expect a lot. They expect, among other things, multi-million dollar contracts, expensive fast cars, woman/girl friends as the case maybe, the right to be traded so they can negotiate for bigger multi-million-dollar contracts, and the list can go on. I am sure they must have misinterpreted the notice - excuse their English. So, what if they don't have a university degree - Bill Gate didn't have one either. Beside, as one of their team spokesman said: Hockey is a contact sport and players exchange bodily fluids during games, along with punches. Ah, I got it. They are at risk, travelling from cities to cities, sacrificing their health to entertain us, the public. In a life-boat scenario, it is obvious who should stay and who should be pushed overboard.
Regardless, it's too late to ask for the vaccine back. Perhaps, the hockey players can give away some free tickets to the public as a compensatory gesture for jumping the queue. Now, don't sneeze at the idea just because you don't have the flu shots.
* CBC Nov 5, 2009: "... Team vaccinations raised questions: No such reasons were given by either the Calgary Flames or the Abbotsford Heat following revelations players on both teams apparently jumped the queue to get swine flu vaccinations last week. An Alberta health official was fired for arranging the shots for the Calgary Flames, and B.C.'s provincial health officer Perry Kendall said health authorities would be investigating the doctor who gave the Abbotsford players the vaccine. "There has been no authorization given by me or any of B.C.'s medical officers or health authorities for any professional sports team to receive early access to H1N1 vaccine. And we don't plan to be giving priority access to professional sports teams or to amateur sports teams either," Kendall said Wednesday. The H1N1 vaccine is currently being offered in B.C. only to people under 65 with a chronic condition, children between six months and five years, pregnant women and some health-care workers, because of a shortage of supply. So far in B.C. 15 deaths have been linked to the virus and more than 360 people have been hospitalized." (Source: http://www.cbc.ca/canada/british-columbia/story/2009/11/05/bc-chilliwack-bruins-swine-flu-vaccine.html?ref=rss)
* CBC Nov 4, 2009: "... A staff member has been fired after an Alberta Health Services probe into why some members of the Calgary Flames and their families received the H1N1 shot without lining up at public clinics. "Disciplinary action has been taken, resulting in the dismissal today of the most senior staff member involved," said a statement released by the health board on Wednesday. "An investigation is continuing and may result in further disciplinary action." ... " I think it sends the message that this will not be tolerated," said Alberta Health Minister Ron Liepert, adding that he does not know who the dismissed worker is, or why he or she decided to approve the clinic — held on Friday at an unnamed health centre — for the hockey team. ... "The Flames and their doctors requested the vaccination for their members from Alberta Health Services last week based on information available to them at the time, said team president Ken King on Tuesday. "The team would not have chosen to get the shot had they known there would be a vaccine shortage," King added ..."
(Source: http://www.cbc.ca/canada/calgary/story/2009/11/04/alberta-h1n1-flu-shot-calgary-flames-investigation.html)
But wait a minute! Before we jump into the rink to join the mêlée and beat those big guys up, we should give the fellows the benefits of the doubt. Perhaps they, and their team officials, might have misinterpreted the word "expecting" and thought hockey players do belong to the vaccination priority group, along side with expecting mothers. Sure, these professionals expect a lot. They expect, among other things, multi-million dollar contracts, expensive fast cars, woman/girl friends as the case maybe, the right to be traded so they can negotiate for bigger multi-million-dollar contracts, and the list can go on. I am sure they must have misinterpreted the notice - excuse their English. So, what if they don't have a university degree - Bill Gate didn't have one either. Beside, as one of their team spokesman said: Hockey is a contact sport and players exchange bodily fluids during games, along with punches. Ah, I got it. They are at risk, travelling from cities to cities, sacrificing their health to entertain us, the public. In a life-boat scenario, it is obvious who should stay and who should be pushed overboard.
Regardless, it's too late to ask for the vaccine back. Perhaps, the hockey players can give away some free tickets to the public as a compensatory gesture for jumping the queue. Now, don't sneeze at the idea just because you don't have the flu shots.
* CBC Nov 5, 2009: "... Team vaccinations raised questions: No such reasons were given by either the Calgary Flames or the Abbotsford Heat following revelations players on both teams apparently jumped the queue to get swine flu vaccinations last week. An Alberta health official was fired for arranging the shots for the Calgary Flames, and B.C.'s provincial health officer Perry Kendall said health authorities would be investigating the doctor who gave the Abbotsford players the vaccine. "There has been no authorization given by me or any of B.C.'s medical officers or health authorities for any professional sports team to receive early access to H1N1 vaccine. And we don't plan to be giving priority access to professional sports teams or to amateur sports teams either," Kendall said Wednesday. The H1N1 vaccine is currently being offered in B.C. only to people under 65 with a chronic condition, children between six months and five years, pregnant women and some health-care workers, because of a shortage of supply. So far in B.C. 15 deaths have been linked to the virus and more than 360 people have been hospitalized." (Source: http://www.cbc.ca/canada/british-columbia/story/2009/11/05/bc-chilliwack-bruins-swine-flu-vaccine.html?ref=rss)
* CBC Nov 4, 2009: "... A staff member has been fired after an Alberta Health Services probe into why some members of the Calgary Flames and their families received the H1N1 shot without lining up at public clinics. "Disciplinary action has been taken, resulting in the dismissal today of the most senior staff member involved," said a statement released by the health board on Wednesday. "An investigation is continuing and may result in further disciplinary action." ... " I think it sends the message that this will not be tolerated," said Alberta Health Minister Ron Liepert, adding that he does not know who the dismissed worker is, or why he or she decided to approve the clinic — held on Friday at an unnamed health centre — for the hockey team. ... "The Flames and their doctors requested the vaccination for their members from Alberta Health Services last week based on information available to them at the time, said team president Ken King on Tuesday. "The team would not have chosen to get the shot had they known there would be a vaccine shortage," King added ..."
(Source: http://www.cbc.ca/canada/calgary/story/2009/11/04/alberta-h1n1-flu-shot-calgary-flames-investigation.html)
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
上海華特迪士尼主題公園 / Walt Disney Theme Park in Shanghai

Seventy some years old Snow White probably knows the secret of old Walt, but hey, she was put into deep sleep for at least twenty years during China's Cultural Revolution. And why should she spill the beans now, knowing that the long wait for Chinese Prince Charming is going to materialize in the form of a castle, and a theme park, to be built for a cool US$3.5 billion (eat your heart out, Hong Kong Disneyland).
And, as for Mickey, well, he never likes the N American slang Mickey Mouse Business, so here is his big chance to start anew where business means money and money is good.
May you rest in peace Mr. Walter Elias Disney.
* "Walt Disney" Wikipedia:
"... Testimony before Congress: Disney was a founding member of the anti-communist Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals. In 1947, during the early years of the Cold War, Disney testified before the House Un-American Activities Committee, where he branded Herbert Sorrell, David Hilberman and William Pomerance, former animators and labor union organizers, as Communist agitators. All three men denied the allegations. According to Peter Schweizer, a conservative author of the time, Archives of the Soviet Union released by the Russian government implicate Sorrell as a Communist spy. However, Sorrell testified before the HUAC in 1946 but there was insufficient evidence to link him to the Communist Party. Disney accused the Screen Actors Guild of being a Communist front, and charged that the 1941 strike was part of an organized Communist effort to gain influence in Hollywood." (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walt_disney)
* New York Times: "China Approves Disney Theme Park in Shanghai"
Nov 3, 2009 LOS ANGELES — After a courtship of about 20 years, the Walt Disney Company has won approval from the central government of China to build a Disneyland-style theme park in Shanghai, Robert A. Iger, Disney’s chief executive, said Tuesday.
The agreement for a Shanghai Disneyland is a landmark deal that carries enormous cultural and financial implications. Analysts estimate the initial park — not including hotels and resort infrastructure — will cost $3.5 billion, making it one of the largest-ever foreign investments in China.
The initial resort, with a mix of shopping areas, hotels and a Magic Kingdom-style theme park, will sprawl across 1,000 acres of the city’s Pudong district — with the theme park occupying about 100 of those acres. It would be a little bigger than Disneyland in Anaheim, Calif., and on par with the parks in Paris and Tokyo. It is expected to open in five or six years.
Disney’s plans are ambitious: If further development of the resort happens as expected over the coming decades — still a big if — it will encompass more than 1,700 acres and have a capacity rivalling Disney World in Florida, which attracts about 45 million annual visitors.
The company’s goal is to create an engine that will drive demand among China’s 1.3 billion residents for other Disney products, from video games to Broadway-style shows to DVDs. Disney typically relies on the creation of new Disney TV channels to pump its brand abroad, but China’s limits on foreign media have made that impossible. The approval, notably, did not come with concessions from China on the television front.
Mr. Iger called the approval “a very significant milestone” in a statement, taking care to praise China as “one of the most dynamic, exciting and important countries in the world.” A spokeswoman declined to elaborate on details. Throwing open its doors to such a uniquely American — and permanent — entertainment experience is a milestone for China, which has aggressively protected its culture from Westernization in general and Hollywood in particular. Only 20 non-Chinese films are allowed to be shown in theaters each year, for instance, and those are often edited.
“Disney, perhaps the most iconic American brand of all, is supercharged in this department,” said Orville Schell, director of the Asia Society’s Center on U.S.-China Relations.
It was unclear what convinced China to finally approve the deal after years of off-again, on-again talks. The prospect of creating tens of thousands of jobs at a tough economic moment might have played a role, Mr. Schell and other analysts said.
Others have speculated that the timing involved President Obama’s inaugural visit to China later this month.
Mr. Schell said he saw something more at work. “It’s a signal that now they will tolerate a certain kind of Western investment,” he said.
Disney will own about 40 percent of the Shanghai resort, with the remainder owned by a holding company formed by a consortium of Chinese companies selected by the government, according to people with knowledge of the plan but who were not authorized to speak publicly.
Only the Magic Kingdom-style portion of the project needed Beijing’s approval; Disney will now negotiate with Shanghai authorities on construction plans, but that is considered a matter of process.
Details about rides are still being worked out, but there are to be a smattering of classic attractions and new rides developed specifically for Shanghai, perhaps incorporating Chinese stories and history.
Disney is often accused of force-feeding its products to international markets and thus homogenizing culture. The company’s heavy-handed creation of Disneyland Paris in the early 1990s, for instance, was a public relations disaster; French farmers with pitch forks protested Disney.
But the company, under new leadership since 2005, has worked to erase that imperious reputation by bending to the quirks of local markets and taking on local partners. Where appropriate, it has incorporated local customs; the decision to serve alcohol at Disneyland Paris helped turn that resort into a financial success.
Disney has opened a chain of language schools in Shanghai, taking care to promise that the goal is to teach children to speak English, not to indoctrinate them with Princesses 101. (The company’s characters, however, are very visible at the centers.)
Disney, which already does more business in China than most foreign media companies, has more than 600 employees in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. Merchandise like plush toys and Mickey Mouse apparel is sold at about 6,000 branded locations.
The company delivers about a dozen hours of television programming (“Mickey Mouse Clubhouse”) to local stations each week, and its Broadway unit has toured “The Lion King,” among other shows.
But Disney executives have set a high bar for international growth, saying publicly before the recession that about 50 percent of the company’s annual profit could originate overseas within a few years; now it is about a quarter of revenue and operating income.
The company picked Shanghai largely because of its transportation network; moving guests in and out of a huge resort and feeding them while they are there pose enormous logistical challenges. About 300 million potential customers live within two hours of the site, located between the city’s airport and downtown.
“Strategically, we know that our theme parks represent a huge tent pole for the Disney brand wherever we put them,” Jay Rasulo, chairman of Walt Disney Parks and Resorts, said in August during an interview about the division’s growth plans.
The announcement marks the culmination of a courtship that began in July, 1990, when Zhu Rongji, then the mayor of Shanghai, made a trip to the original Disneyland in Los Angeles with four other Chinese mayors and came home determined to have a Disneyland in his city. Mr. Zhu rose through the ranks to become premier of China from1998 to 2003 and was a consistent champion of the project, said Michael Rowse, the Hong Kong government official who played a central role in negotiating the establishment of Hong Kong Disneyland, which opened four years ago.
The Shanghai approvals come as Disney works to keep its domestic theme parks healthy amid the global economic downturn. Unlike most theme park operators, Disney has managed to keep attendance high by applying steep discounts to hotel rooms and dining.
Keith Bradsher contributed reporting from Hong Kong.
(Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/04/business/global/04disney.html)
Photo Credit: Reuters "Hong Kong Disneyland 2005"
~~ 月圓轉好 / Song of the Full Moon ~~
Monday, November 02, 2009
唐人要面子丶講排場, 是浪費的惡習嗎? / Saving Face, a wasteful Chinese tradition?

Recently, someone who had quite often attended meetings in China told me the following story:
Apparently, some restaurants have their meal-rates linked in direct proportion to the rental cost of the meeting/banquet rooms. So, when there are lots of guests, the room has to be big, and the cost of meal is inflated, regardless of whether the host wants that much food to eat or not (and never mind abt the quality). At the end of the event, it is most likely the host and foreign visitors will not ask for doggy-bags. The left-over food then becomes another "side-benefit" 下欄 for those working in the restaurant.
I told my friend: Well, at least the food is not wasted, even though the practice of charging the food-bill based on room-size sounds like a rip-off to me.
However, I can also see that the restaurants might be taking advantage of the Chinese tradition of "saving face". Let's face it (excuse my pun): Not an insignificant number of Tang people would go to great length and spend tonnes of money to show that they are "rich" and can "afford" to be wasteful. By having more food than anyone possibly can eat, they send the message of 有餘 and 家庭/國家富有 to their guests. But, as I mentioned in my comments to Fresh Designer: 如果上至官僚下至平民,個個要面子,樣樣講排場,咁就真係浪費金錢!!
It's abt time to ask: Isn't this so-called "face saving" practice a wasteful Chinese tradition?
Link: Fresh Designer Oct 11 2009: http://freshdesigner.blogspot.com/2009/10/blog-post_11.html (note: my article is not to pass judgment against his friend)
Photo Credit: China Daily News 2007
Apparently, some restaurants have their meal-rates linked in direct proportion to the rental cost of the meeting/banquet rooms. So, when there are lots of guests, the room has to be big, and the cost of meal is inflated, regardless of whether the host wants that much food to eat or not (and never mind abt the quality). At the end of the event, it is most likely the host and foreign visitors will not ask for doggy-bags. The left-over food then becomes another "side-benefit" 下欄 for those working in the restaurant.
I told my friend: Well, at least the food is not wasted, even though the practice of charging the food-bill based on room-size sounds like a rip-off to me.
However, I can also see that the restaurants might be taking advantage of the Chinese tradition of "saving face". Let's face it (excuse my pun): Not an insignificant number of Tang people would go to great length and spend tonnes of money to show that they are "rich" and can "afford" to be wasteful. By having more food than anyone possibly can eat, they send the message of 有餘 and 家庭/國家富有 to their guests. But, as I mentioned in my comments to Fresh Designer: 如果上至官僚下至平民,個個要面子,樣樣講排場,咁就真係浪費金錢!!
It's abt time to ask: Isn't this so-called "face saving" practice a wasteful Chinese tradition?
Link: Fresh Designer Oct 11 2009: http://freshdesigner.blogspot.com/2009/10/blog-post_11.html (note: my article is not to pass judgment against his friend)
Photo Credit: China Daily News 2007
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