Saturday, October 10, 2009

樟腦 / Camphor

According to Wikipedia, camphor 樟腦 is quite toxic.


On the right hand side of the above-mentioned article, you will notice a "NFPA 704" diamond with four colours (blue, red, yellow, white). The blue contains the health hazard code "2". Zero is not harmful and 4 most harmful. Camphor has the same rating as chloroform 哥羅芳 and is just below chlorine, a killing gas that is rated 3.

As a general rule, when using any types of natural or man-made chemicals, it is always a good idea to do some research to learn abt its toxicity and decide on the risks vs benefits.

BTW, hydrogen cyanide has a health hazard rating of 4 under the "NFPA 704" system (i.e. almost instant death). I remember wearing face-mask and full cover-all when I was working in a gold mine that used HCN to extract the precious metal. There were warning signs all over the place: DO NOT EAT or DRINK IN THIS AREA.

Note: The above was quoted from my comments posted at Fresh Designer's blog article 衣櫃的一角


新鮮人 said...

衣櫃裏只有一陣"谷束味"! =)

Haricot 微豆 said...

新鮮人: 看到您文中的備註,謝謝!!

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