This afternoon, I went over across the river to Gatineau to see a Québecois film entitled: "Les grandes chaleurs". The characters were supposed to live in la ville de Québec and the city of Lévis across la fleuve, but the story could have taken place anywhere.
A woman's unfaithful husband had passed away and the 50-something widow was pursued by a 20 years old suitor. She felt guilty professionally because she had counselled the then emotionally disturbed young man two years ago. It was also socially awkward because of the age difference and the reactions from her two matured children, family friends, and the pubic.
However, her resistance melted away in a shower scene when the sight of the young man's naked body was too much for her desire and lust to bear. Nevertheless, she resisted further temptations and was considering the seduction from an older gentleman, her boss.
(*** spoiler alert ***)
Then all hell broke loose when she found out her husband's mistress had been her own sister who also had a liaison with the older gentleman. Feeling betrayed, she no longer felt obliged to fulfill her end of the bargain by upholding the society's morality for everyone. The movie ended with the woman kissing her young lover while they were driving into the sunset of la belle province.
Eh bien !!!
Reference/Photo Credit:
Les grandes chaleurs - Au cinéma dès le 7 août 2009
Gisèle Cloutier, 52 ans, travailleuse sociale, découvre peu avant la mort de son mari et de l’aveu de celui-ci, qu’il a entretenu depuis des années une relation secrète avec une autre femme.
Yannick Ménard, 20 ans, jeune cleptomane incorrigible, est un ancien client de Gisèle au centre jeunesse. Fragilisé par une tentative de suicide, Yannick est secrètement devenu amoureux de Gisèle. Lorsqu’il apprend qu'elle est veuve, il tente par des moyens hors du commun de se rapprocher d’elle.
À la fois fascinée et inquiétée par leur écart d’âge, Gisèle succombe à Yannick, mais la relation naissante est perturbée par les visites impromptues du patron de Gisèle en pleine manœuvre de séduction, de ses deux enfants et de sa sœur. C’est le début d’un enchaînement de quiproquos et de surprenantes révélations… tout ça en pleine canicule.
Space: You are right - revenge hurts.
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