Friday, February 27, 2009

從雷根的「供給面經濟學」至捲土重來的「凱恩斯主義經濟學」 / From Reagan's Supply-side Economics to the Keynesian Resurgence

I read with interest my blog friend Inner Space's Feb 26, 2009 blog article entitled "目光遠大+ 志向宏大 = 花費巨巨巨大" in which he is seeking an answer to an economic policy question:

>> ... 作者蔡子強質疑問: 『好景不景都要派錢﹖有時我真的很困惑,經濟好景時,他們固然要政府派錢,美其名是「還富於民」;但相反,到了經濟不景時,卻一樣要政府派錢,理由便改作「紓解民困」,按著這樣的邏輯,究竟政府幾時才不用派錢呢﹖』... 以上這個問題我一直存有疑問,總是找不到答案,今天總算有人提出來了,看來這人也沒有答案。

Here is my attempt to answer his question by quoting some of the Wikipedia essays written by professionals (who are more qualified than someone like me) and to also provide some of my thoughts on the on-going world economic crisis.

I think the apparent contradiction of the policies of the HK govt mentioned in Inner Space's blog is due to a recent shift in thinking of the world's economic thinkers in the past year or so, from Supply-side Economics to Keynesian-based policies.

1. Supply-side Economics

1.1 Parts of Theory:
"「還富於民」... 經濟好景,政府派錢" "supply creates demands for goods and services"

1.2 What happened recently:
"... In 2003, President Bush signed the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003. Income tax rates were immediately reduced and rebate checks issued (without waiting for the new fiscal year). Federal revenues in FY2003 were $1,665 billion, $360 billion lower than in FY2000. Federal revenues in FY2004 were 1,707 billion, $318 billion lower than in FY2000. Federal revenues in FY2005 were $1,888, $137 billion lower than in FY2000, but by 2006 revenue had completely recovered (in inflation adjusted dollars), with receipts at $2,037 Billion, $12 billion higher than 2000. The cumulative total of federal revenues less than in FY2000 for the fiscal years 2001-2005 was $1.142 trillion, with that amount expected to be recovered by 2011, with 2012 expected to produce an additional $400 billion in excess revenue over 2000. ..."

(Source: Wikipedia

1.3 My Thoughts (Feb 27, 2009):
With the economic downturn, the $1.142 trillion deficit obviously will NOT be recovered by 2011. Instead, the US govt's revenue will continue to decrease and the deficit, to increase. On Feb. 26th 2009, President Obama announced his $3,600,000,000,000 budget, stating heavy deficit is a necessary evil to turn the economy around. To many, 2008-09 marks the end of the supply-side economics and free-market economy that peaked during the Reagan era (Reaganomics - small government, big business). Suddenly, we see a come-back of the Keynesian supporters or converts.

2. 2008–2009 Keynesian Resurgence

2.1 Parts of Theory:
"「紓解民困」... 經濟不景,政府派錢"
"... Keynes advocated what has been called countercyclical fiscal policies, that is policies which acted against the tide of the business cycle: deficit spending when a nation's economy suffers from recession or when recovery is long-delayed and unemployment is persistently high—and the suppression of inflation in boom times by either increasing taxes or cutting back on government outlays ... "
"... Two aspects of Keynes' model had implications for policy:
First, there is the "Keynesian multiplier", first developed by Richard F. Kahn in 1931. Exogenous increases in spending, such as an increase in government outlays, increases total spending by a multiple of that increase. A government could stimulate a great deal of new production with a modest outlay if:
1. The people who receive this money then spend most on consumption goods and save the rest.
2. This extra spending allows businesses to hire more people and pay them, which in turn allows a further increase consumer spending ..."

(Source: Wikipedia

2.2 What happened recently:
"... In the wake of the Financial crisis of 2007-2008 the free-market consensus began to attract negative comment even by mainstream opinion formers from the economic right. In March 2008, free-market guru Martin Wolf, chief economics commentator at the Financial Times, announced the death of the dream of global free-market capitalism ... A series of major bailouts followed, starting on September 7 with the announcement that the U.S. government was to nationalize the two firms which oversaw most of the U.S. subprime mortgage market — Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. In October, the British Chancellor of the Exchequer referred to Keynes as he announced plans for substantial fiscal stimuli to head off the worst effects of recession, in accordance with Keynesian economic thought. Similar policies have been announced in other European countries, by the U.S., and by China ... China was one of the first nations to launch a substantial fiscal stimulus package, and the Financial Times reports that both government officials and private investors are seeing signs of recovery, such as rises in commodity prices, a 13% rise in the Chinese stock market over a period of 10 days (at time of reporting), and a big increase in lending — reflecting the government's success in using state owned banks to inject liquidity into the real economy. The article also reports some analysts are saying it is too soon to be sure the Chinese recovery will last ...
... Senior analysts have not yet found similar grounds for optimism about an early recovery for western economies. Martin Wolf, financial editor at the FT, has said that the US stimulus package may not be sufficiently large, and has advocated "shock and awe" tactics, meaning much more robust intervention. Wolf also sees "temporary public control" of troubled banks as a necessity, and has criticized the ineffective policy of using public money to insure banks against loss or buy toxic assets ...
... For policymakers and their supporters around the world, Keynesian solutions are currently seen as representing the best option for shielding their populations from arbitrary market forces - and possibly as engines for addressing inequality, achieving social progress and accelerating the transition to a green economy. Nevertheless the Keynesian revival has attracted considerable criticism ..."

(Source: Wikipedia

2.3 My Thoughts (Feb 27, 2009):
The global economy is so intertwined these days that no one country (e.g. China, USA, G-7 countries, OAS members) or major economic systems (EU, WTO, APEC, ASEAN, NAFTA, and other multilateral co-operations) can act alone and expects to isolate itself from the crisis. Even with the talk of interventions from the UN, IMB and World Bank, some countries have already gone bust or are in the process of going under (e.g. Iceland, Hungary). We can only hope that the resurgence of Keynesian-based policies and rescue plans will help the world's economic recovery in the "short-term", but whether we are fixing the symptoms or the cause of the problem is another question. Indeed, if the problem is an evolving one (depression in the 1930's, oil crisis in the 70's, and more downturns and Black Fridays in the 80's and 90's, and the present crisis), then the best we can hope for is to tailor the solutions as we move along and try to maximize the period of stability and ride out the inevitable troughs in the future.

I will end this blog article with the following (sorry, I can't remember where I read it): "In the past, our kids had a wish-list, and the adults would pay for it. But now, the adults have a wish-list, and our kids will pay for it, for many years to come !!" Hopefully, this will not come to pass.


Anonymous said...

Obama's 2010 Budget: $3,600,000,000,000 and it will halve the federal deficit by the end of his first term.

睇過不少評論,稱為 pro-socialism 的筆郅!

奧巴馬推行美國特色的社會主義,citibank將會是變相的國營銀行,nationalization 似符是他的唯一板斧,大政府主義,把原來已經不小的美國政府,再極度膨脹擴大。

Hari 兄,can you shed some light as to how he can halve the federal deficit by the end of his first term.

Anonymous said...

Apparently most Americans like his budget proposal. Pres. Obama received high approval rating after he delivered his plan.

There will always be people who don't agree with him. That's ok.

I think he is doing very well. He is the man for the job and most Americans know it.

Anonymous said...

some follow up

奧巴馬政府愈推啲方案救 wall street main street,

Anonymous said...

I remember one thing Pres. Obama said.

"My policy is not about making Wall Street happy. I work for the American people".

My thought is that Americans see a bigger problem ahead of us. We had enjoyed the phony prosperity for years. The whole thing is like a Ponzi scheme collapsed right in front of our eyes. We know Wall Street cannot fix our problems. That's why despite the Wall Street decline, Pres. Obama still enjoys high approval rating.

If you read his budget carefully, only small number of Americans will end up paying more federal income taxes. Those who make more than US$250,000 a year (couples filed jointly).

The painful reality is that every American will be paying more taxes at state level, like sales tax and state income tax. But we are willing to do that to solve the problems.

Sounds like the rest of the world is anxiously waiting for Obama to save the stock market. Probably won't happen in short term. America is trying to fix the fundamental issues in this country, not phony wealth that is driven by greed and speculation.

Haricot 微豆 said...

Inner Space:

>> ... can you shed some light as to how he (President of USA) can halve the federal deficit by the end of his first term.

Haha !! If I know the State secret, I will not be here writing this blog (I'll be either dead, or very rich :)

Seriously, I don't think anyone can say for sure that it will be done. There are just too many uncertainties in betwn now and the end of his first term. However, hope/positive thinking seems to be a good and healthy currency for everyone at this point.

Haricot 微豆 said...

Exile from HK:

>> ... I think he is doing very well.

I tend to agree. Of course there are people who hope he will fail, esp those from the far right who vow to fight anything that smells or looks like "socialism" and/or "communism".

Haricot 微豆 said...

Inner Space:

>> ... 華爾街對 obama 認真唔畀面

I don't think "face" is a decision criterion for desperate "gamblers" of the stock market. Can you imagine a gambler in a casino who makes his/her decisions based on what's best for the public good?

Haricot 微豆 said...

Exile from HK:

I recall environmentalists used to have problems convincing industrialists that they should spend some of their profit on protecting the health of citizens and the environment. They were being laughed out of the room, until some leaders began to see the importance of being "sustainable" and started talking abt the responsibilities of being a "corporate citizen". Of course, government laws and regulations also have a great impact on people's behaviors. Now-a-days, it is not uncommon to see green mission statements and the internalization of externalities in company reports to share holders.

The desire to make money is not a bad motivation factor in the context of the western economy. But what we need are more corporate citizenship, enforceable legislations and policies, as well as other regulatory and non-regulatory tools to ensure excessive greed is being kept in check. I agree with you: Let's rebuild the foundation of our new economy on solid, tangible goods and services instead of on greedy speculations.

Anonymous said...

Rush Limbaugh calls on conservatives to take back nation,Saturday at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington.

"We want every American to be the best he or she chooses to be," he says

Limbaugh says conservatives need to choose right candidate to take back nation

He accuses President Obama of inspiring fear in Americans to push his agenda

Opponents had put out political ad implying Limbaugh was de facto head of GOP

On the occasion Obama in his SAT weekly address to the nation:

Ending by saying:“I know these steps won’t sit well with the special interests and lobbyists who are invested in the old way of doing business, and I know they’re gearing up for a fight as we speak. My message to them is this: So am I.”

Well,好戲還在後頭,bipartisanship? didn't he once say that?

林肯總統打了一場南北內戰,obama 也效法他的偶像,在美國國內發動打場內戰。

Anonymous said...

"My message to them is this: So am I.”

I love my President. He does what most American voters chose him to do. He is a true leader, not just a politician. I believe that he will make the best possible decision for ME and for most Americans. Hey, I am happy as a clam. At least I am not bitter and angry like some republicans :-)

Anonymous said...

在CNN網頁上看到幾幅有趣的 cartoons by Politics Cartoonist Bob Lang
1. No room for you
2. The other bill
3. Always read the small print and finally
my most flavourite among the 4
4. Final deduction ~ We are so screwed!

Haricot 微豆 said...


Within the context of the US' domestic democracy and legislations, it is fair game for opposition members to disagree with the President, who represents the government in power, and to lobby citizens to accept different viewpoints or options. In the end, public support (directly or thru elected representatives and in the forms of elections/referenda, non-confidence votes, public opinion polls, and even impeachments, etc) will determine the people's decisions on the nation's course of action. This kind of fight is obviously quite different from the American Civil War in Lincoln's era. And, let's hope the American people will keep it that way.

Haricot 微豆 said...

Exile from HK:

All those elected are politicians but not all politicians are leaders.

Similar to what I said to Space above, it's fair game for some Republicans to feel put off.

Haricot 微豆 said...


Thank you !!! I viewed all four of your references. Bob Lang is a good cartoonist with a good sense of humour too. So, we won't hold his conservatism view against him (just kidding!!).

When I viewed number 4 (your favourite), I mis-read the title as "Final Destination" (the horror movie). Maybe it is just my subconscious mind acting up (Aaah!! Save us from the crash !!).

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