Friday, February 20, 2009

我的奧斯卡金像獎? / What Would You Win an Oscar For?

I visited Mad Dog's blog and played (for the first time) one of those web-based games. This one is called "What Would You Win an Oscar For?" Here is the result and my comments:

I would win an Oscar for, guess what: Best Costume Design !!

* You are imaginative, artistic, and very unique. You are a natural designer. You can picture entire movies in your head. You are incredibly visual.
* As long as you can remember, you've always had a flare for fashion. You like to experiment with looks. You like dressing up in costumes and outfits. And not just for Halloween!

Well, I think the first part is quite accurate. I am a very visual person and I write with my mind's eye. I like different combinations of colours, as evident from my photography, paintings and other creative work.

But the second part is perhaps a bit off. I can't say I have a flare for fashion. Yes, I like the artistic design aspect of the clothing industry but I do not spend time in front of the TV gluing to the fashion channel. I also wonder whether the thousands of Euros spent on ONE designer handbag is better used for buying a week's worth of essential supply for a village in some developing countries.

So, I don't think you will find my name on any designer's clothes anytime soon, nor will I be rich enough to buy that handbag for my best friend after all !!! It's fun playing the game though - thanks Mad Dog :)

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