Wednesday, February 25, 2009

日博夜博 / Bloghead

Here I am, finding myself in front of the computer surfing the net again. This is second life. Meanwhile, in the REAL world (aka primary life), the sun is shining, the birds are chirping and the ski hill is calling. Okay, okay, a few more words, just a few more words and I will be on my way. But then, I forget what I was going to say. Oh, yes: "What a bloghead !"

(With reluctance and resignation, the blogger tears away from the computer, grabs the ski boots and goes out.)


xiao zhu said...


michelle said...

ski boot? are you in the mountain again !!

Unknown said...

you are at your ski trip again??
this one doesn't sound like your usual blogging style... funny.


啊澤 said...

don't just do something, sit there!!!


啤酒花™_J said...

haha...bloghead? something wrong with ya? enjoy!

Anonymous said...

once i knew a friend from Canada, he told me: O man! ice-hockey is life!
is skiing your life Haricot? i mean apart from bloghead-banging:)

have a nice ski!

Haricot 微豆 said...

Xiao Zhu:

唔好嚇我呀,我唔係突然變性喎,只不過您好少見我風趣個面咋 >_<

Haricot 微豆 said...


I actually did three winter sport in the last three days:
* Speed skating
* Downhill/alpine skiing
* X-country skiing

I skated on the frozen canal in Ottawa and skied the Gatineau hills across the river on the Quebec side. Those hills are all less than 600 metres and they are not considered mountains.

Haricot 微豆 said...


Yup, I am now into spring skiing and look forward to the sugar-lump snow.

Maybe I should change my writing style more often from now on :)

Haricot 微豆 said...


Haha !!! Very funny - that actually happened a few times and I ended up blogging all day and never left my seat !!!

Haricot 微豆 said...


Nothing is the wrong with me. Besides, Nancy called Charlie Brown "blockhead" all the time and she seems okay, I think.

Yes, I did enjoy my time in the park, thanks !!!

Haricot 微豆 said...


Canadians have six months of winter. So, winter sport indeed takes up a full half-life.

The other half is to go skinny-dip in the lake at night during the summer. But I will leave that photo op for another time *_^

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