Thursday, June 28, 2007
漢徘,徘句 (續集) / Chinese and Japanese Haiku (Part 2)
看到網友Xiao Zhu 那処,文人雅仕(当然包括小朱姐在內), 徘句排得真好,所以也在這裡起稿,將拙作放在她処,湊湊熱鬧。
ㄑㄑXiao Zhu 網址在: 這裏 >>
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
彩霞滿天 / Je m'en souviens
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
嫁雞隨雞,嫁狗隨狗 / Gender Equity
(請往Xiao Zhu【郎心如鐵】的網誌処,看與她原稿有關的精彩評論。)
Monday, June 25, 2007
漢徘,徘句 / Chinese and Japanese Haiku
In a Cul de Sac -
Grid-locked. A thought:
You too, can you canoe?
是形容身在死胡同裡 cul de sac,繼續鑽牛角尖grid-locked,不是辦法,突然想起是有生路的,所以有can you canoe 之句,是連上了『人生在世不稱意,明朝散髮弄扁舟』的意境。
以前古徘句 (Chinese and Japanese Haiku) 是以 5-7-5 的詩体來寫三行絕句,也有音韻的規定。但外文徘句,因為是用 abcd等,故此未必能跟隨古規,但無論是中、日、外徘句,最主要是能令讀者,意会和分享那短暫、一剎那的時光。
little boy
discovers the world---
puddle after puddle
(Bertus de Jonge)
the old pond:
a frog jumps in
the sound of water
day's end
emptying the beach
from my shoe
(Pamela Miller Ness)
watching the ducks
season after season
a wooden heron
(Michael Gunton)
quietening the mind
deep in the forest
water drips
1. 上憶土岐翁, 囊書相贈許相從, 遺愛綠蔭濃。
2. 幽谷發蘭馨, 上有黃鸝深樹鳴, 喜氣迓俳人。
3. 綠蔭今雨來, 山花枝接海花開, 和風起漢俳。
遲點有閑情,再会多閱讀有關中、日、外文的徘句 (Chinese, Japanese and Foreign Language Haiku)。
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Siboney - Ruben Gonzalez (Buena Vista Social Club)
As mentioned earlier, here is "Siboney" as played by Ruben Gonzalez.
康妮法蘭西絲 Connie Francis and Ernesto Lecuona's Malagueña (Lyrics)

Malaguena de ojos negros
Malaguena de mis suenos.
Me estoy muriendo de pena
Por tu sole tu querer.
Malaguena rebonita te queiro besar.
Malaguena de ojos negros
Malaguena de mis suenos.
Me estoy muriendo de pena
Por tu sole tu querer.
Malaguena rebonita te queiro besar.
(English Lyrics : Marian Banks)
"Fly away!" Said my carefree heart
"To the pace where daydreams start".
"Fly away!" Said my heart to me.
"To the shore of the moonlit sea"
"T'is the gypsy code to be fancy-free;
When I see a road,
Oh that's the road for me!
My Malaguena, your eyes shamed the purple sky.
You were as fair as I dreamed you would be;
I loved and left you for I never could deny
The gypsy strain in me.
Lightly as a song, going where I please;
Journeying along with every vagrant breeze.
Up a hill, down a stream
I follow in a dream.
Long have I travelled my love
Since the night we met,
Seeking in wandering
A way to forget.
But it's no matter by what path I may depart
I can't escape from my Malaguena.
Lyrics Source:
Photo Credit:
Connie Francis' International Fan Club
最佳20世紀的歐西歌曲 / Songs of the Century (5)
According to Wikipedia, a Malagueña is a woman living in the Spanish port city of Málaga on the southern coast of Spain in the province of Andalucia. There are two Malagueña types of folk music, the Venezuela genre and the Flamenco style. Now, I can only assume that when Ernesto Lecuona was writing the music and the Spanish lyrics of the song, he had the Flamenco style in mind. My assumption is based on the fact that Malagueña is the sixth movement of the piano suite Andalucía. For those of you who are not too familiar with Ernesto Lecuona, he also had written Siboney (Canto Siboney), a song that was later sung by Connie Francis and incorporated by Wong Kai Wai into his film 2046. As many music lovers will agree, Ernesto Lucuona's talents and achievements have helped bring Cuban music to the international forefront and he is indeed one of the true iconic figures of the 20th century. I will add a rendition of Lecuona's Siboney by Ruben Gonzalez of the Buena Vista Social Club in my blog in the near future.
Connie Francis 康妮法蘭西絲
I must say I am biased when it comes to adding Connie Francis 康妮法蘭西絲 to my Top Five instead of iconic singers such as Billie Holiday, Fats Waller, Joan Baez, Bob Dylan, etc. In fact, Connie Francis has never been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, a fact that is not lost with her supporters at the Connie Francis International Fan Club.
While I am not too crazy about some of her songs, I do enjoy very much her record Connie Francis Sings Spanish And Latin American Favorites of which Malagueña and Siboney were featured. I also admire her personal courage and struggle to bounce back after being raped following a performance at the Westbury Music Fair in New York. According to Wikipedia, the attack caused her to divorce Joseph Garzilli as she had become emotionally withdrawn for several years despite her husband's positive support. She resumed her career in 1989 and has been touring the world since then, renewing acquaintances with her loyal fans in different countries. She was in Europe, Asia (including Hong Kong) and more recently in San Francisco.
艾拉•費茲潔拉 和 路易斯•阿姆斯特朗 Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong's Summertime
To listen to Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong's Summertime, please click here:
最佳20世紀的歐西歌曲 / Songs of the Century (4)

Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong's Summertime
In this rendition, by Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald's clear, toned voice (her vocal range spanned three octaves) is a sharp contrast to Louis Armstrong's low, raspy one. The result is a duet piece that brings out the spirit of the African American folk music in the deep south. One could almost feel the warm breeze blowing, hear the fish jumping, and see the cotton plantation under the sun.
Janis Joplin's Summertime
On the other hand, the rendition by Janis Joplin is - and there is only one way to describe her music - very much like Janis Joplin. The piece was recorded live in Gröna Lund in 1969, about a year before her death in 1970 at age 27, of heroin and alcohol O.D. Just like all her music, Janis Joplin sang this with her soul, and while one might not feel the breeze and see the cotton, it was the human spirit and emotion that come out the music and her strong raspy voice. One could say she lived, and ruined her life to the fullest. But, as one YouTube comment says: "Everyone has a timeline on life. Whether she did drug or not, it was her time to go. Honor her brilliance, not her downfall. "
(Photo Credit 图片: Janis Joplin and Ella Fitzgerald from Wikipedia)
Saturday, June 23, 2007
路易斯•阿姆斯特朗 Louis Armstrong - What A Wonderful World (interpretation)
路易斯•阿姆斯特朗 Louis Armstrong - What a Wonderful World (Live)
最佳20世紀的歐西歌曲 / Songs of the Century (3)

You would think from the title that the song will make people feel happy, but au contraire, there is a sense of sadness when one listens, looks at all the simple but beautiful things in this world, and wonders why human beings continue to foul up our own nest. According to Wikipedia, the song was released in 1968 and became popular in the UK but not the US. It was not until 1987 when the song was used in Robin Williams' movie "Good Morning America" that it became a hit. Armstrong's passion was so effective in stirring up people's emotional response that immediately after 9-11, the song was reportedly being put on an unofficial no-play list in the United States media.
There are several versions of the song on the Internet. I chose two for posting:
* The first one is a live recording by Armstrong himself.
* The second is an audio-visual interpretation of the song by a YouTube user.
Both video clips are of reasonable good sound quality. Hopefully, they will provide a listener with the opportunity to reflect on the simple joy of life and make a pilgrim's progress.
Friday, June 22, 2007
海倫雷迪 - 我是女人 (1972年) / Helen Reddy - I Am Woman 1972
Please note this post is a continuation of my blog article 最佳20世紀的歐西歌曲 / Songs of the Century (2)

The "I am Woman" era and stardom
... In 1972, Reddy co-wrote, with Australian musician Ray Burton, the song "I Am Woman," which became a worldwide feminist anthem, worldwide hit, and her first U.S #1 hit on the Billboard Hot 100 singles chart. Reddy has attributed the impetus for writing "I Am Woman" and her early awareness of the women's movement to expatriate Australian rock critic and pioneer feminist Lillian Roxon. Reddy is quoted in Fred Bronson's The Billboard Book of Number One Hits as saying that she was looking for songs to record which reflected the positive self-image she had gained from joining the women's movement, but couldn't find any, so "I realized that the song I was looking for didn't exist, and I was going to have to write it myself."
The single actually barely dented the charts on its initial release in the summer of 1972, but it wasn't long before female listeners adopted the song as an anthem and began requesting it from their local radio stations in droves, spurring it on to re-enter the charts in September and become a hit. "I Am Woman" earned a Grammy Award for Female Pop Vocal Performance and at the awards ceremony she concluded her acceptance speech by famously thanking God "because She makes everything possible" ...
Here is "I am Woman" from YouTube:
Reference: Wikipedia Helen Reddy
最佳20世紀的歐西歌曲 / Songs of the Century (2)

I will cheat a little by naming my second choice with two songs: "Que Sera Sera" by Doris Day 桃樂絲黛 and "I Am Woman" by Helen Reddy. Don't get me wrong, the two singers were in their own rights top performers and their songs stayed on the pop chart for a long long time. I am combining them because if you view them together, they really tell how women's value and perception have changed over the years.
In the Doris Day 桃樂絲黛 song, the girl asked the mother "... will I be pretty, will I be rich ..." and the mother provided her with the "... whatever will be, will be ..." outlook in life. But, in the Helen Reddy song, it was woman-power "... I am strong, I am invincible, I am woman ..." The sex revolution of the sixties essentially rejected the virtuous Doris Day type of woman and with Helen Reddy's song, the so-called Women's Lib movement began (along with MS magazine, the burning of the bras, etc.) In the seventies, it was definitely within a woman's reach to control her own life and destiny!!
Ironically, the pendulum seems to have swung back now and girls/women these days are again appealed by being beautiful, rich and famous. I mean, consumer demand is the only reason why a major US channel is willing to pay $1 million dollar to interview an already rich heiress who just spent slightly more than a month in jail. Okay, okay, I hear you. Don't get us all started. So here are the songs: "Que Sera Sera" and "I am Woman". Enjoy !!!
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Click here for the article on Helen Reddy and the song "I am Woman":
海倫雷迪 - 我是女人 (1972年) / Helen Reddy - I Am Woman 1972
Thursday, June 21, 2007
美國著名民謠歌手唐麥克林 Don McLean - American Pie
(Youtube web:
"American Pie" by Don McLean is a complex song, it is hard to sing/play and the lyrics have mystified music lovers since it was released in 1971. The song starts with the deaths of Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and J. P. Richardson, Jr. (The Big Bopper) in a plane crash in 1959 ("... the day the music died ... "), and ends in 1970 when the US was entwined in the Vietnam War. Many music lovers interpreted the lyrics with the historical events at the time (the cold war, the assassination of JFK, the hippie generation, the drugs, etc) and the evolution of rock-and-roll with the rise and fall of iconic stars (Elvis, Dylan, Beatles, Rolling Stones, Janis Joplin, etc). For example, the third verse says:
When the jester sang for the king and queen in a coat he borrowed from James Dean
And a voice that came from you and me
Oh and while the king was looking down, the jester stole his thorny crown
Bob Dylan was likely the jester wearing a wind breaker that was similar to the one worn by James Dean in the movie "Rebel without a Cause". Dean had died young in a car crash and was the icon of the rebellious generation that grew up during the Korea and Vietnam Wars. Many interpreted the King and Queen as Elvis Presley and Connie Francis, although some suggested they were Peter Seeger and Joan Baez, who are folk singers ("... voice that came from you and me ..") The last line of the third verse could signify the rise of Dylan and the decline of Elvis, the King.
All in all, I always enjoy listening to this song and consider it as one of my top five favorites.
最佳20世紀的歐西歌曲 / Songs of the Century (1)
* the song has "texture" and "depth";
* the song writer and performance artist are able to stir up a strong and deep emotional response in the listeners;
* the song reminds people of an important moment in space and time, or represents the "state-of-art" in music during a particular era.
Armed with the above criteria, I then reviewed the 365 songs listed in Wikipedia's "Songs of the Century". I made a first cut of about 30, then narrowed them down to five. So, here is my first choice: "American Pie" by Don McLean.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
五行之相生相剋 / The Five Elements

(Wikipedia 图片:五行 )
人生基本五項: 五行之金木水火土 / Top Five in Life: The five elements of metal, wood, water, fire and earth ( Part 4 )
下列是我的一個提議,怎樣能將這五因素,組成一個分析用的框架,衡量人生各方面的輕重,幫助我們轉換職業或提早退休的决定。图表內的四個例子,是我的想像,而不是訪問得來的資料。(Please double-click below to enlarge tables).

Tuesday, June 19, 2007
人生基本五項: 五行之金木水火土 / Top Five in Life: The five elements of metal, wood, water, fire and earth ( Part 3 )
火 Health (physical + emotions):
以前常聽人說,閣下「虛火上昇」,或某某人「性烈如火」,都是用來形容一個人的身体和感情的健康狀况, health = physical + emotions 二者不可缺其一。如果現時那份工作是難受,上司經理又挑剔,長期來說,会对身和心都有壞影響。在感情方面來說,如果工作是令我們精神負擔大,或影響我們和家庭愛人的關係,這個就不單止是個人因素了。故此在轉換職業,或提早退休的去留决定中,金錢入息戓許是重要,但我認為長久計,健康因素就更加多倍重要,俗語有云:『人出錢,您出命』,值得嗎?有長俸,但沒有命享,那又怎樣?我初到這埠時,有一個非常好人的上司,他48歲時在高爾夫球場旁,買了一間洋房,作為退休別墅,9個月之後,他突然暈倒,3個月之後因腦癌而逝世,死時49歳,連自己的退休金也享受不到了。
土 Spiritual:
有云:『塵歸塵,土歸土』我認為這不是消極,而是現實。無論有或沒有宗教信仰,我們遲或早都会想到人生的意義。在人生五項,這因素是最基本,最主覌,和最抽象的。舉例: 年輕的讀者或許覺得 "The world is my oyster !!" 中年的会想到『我的前半生和後半生』,而信教的暮年者或会感到 "Now that I have done my job, I need to do what God really sends me here for." 在轉換職業或提早退休的計劃中,我們应該要想想這個大前提。What is your value-added to the human race?做人是為了什么?
Thursday, June 14, 2007
人生基本五項: 五行之金木水火土 / Top Five in Life: The five elements of metal, wood, water, fire and earth ( Part 2 )
木 Social:
水 Intellect:
【孫子兵策】說: 『... 水無常形,故兵形如水... 』,智慧心思是也。在每日工作期間,我們不停的動用腦根,以我來說, intellectual challenge這因素是頗重要,沒有思想智慧,人和植物就沒大分別, I think therefore I am。但轉工或退休之後,這情形会不会突然改変?腦子細胞会不会生銹?新環境是否会令人「悶得要死」?
下次会談最後的兩個考慮因素, 「火 Health」和「土 Spiritual」
Slight Delay in Responding to Comments
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
人生基本五項: 五行之金木水火土 / Top Five in Life: The five elements of metal, wood, water, fire and earth ( Part 1 )
金 Finance:
金錢是現代社会和國際貿易的基本單位,日常生活購物,無財不行 (real and plastic monies)。在人生覌念來看,知足者貧亦樂,但也有人將財產和物質佔有慾,放在生命的第一位。眼覌現在很多狂炒股票的外圍投資者,他們会不会歷史重演,重踏数十年前部份香港市民的破產命運,輕則做了「大閘蟹」,重則跳楼自殺,金玉滿堂的希望成為泡沫呢?金錢入息或許是重要因素,但它只是五行其中一瓣。
Sunday, June 10, 2007
轉換職業或提早退休的計劃 / Planning for Job Change or Early Retirement
什么是長期性的後果?大部份人会立即想到金錢和入息問題,辭了現時這份工作職位,長遠的生計又怎辦?但不辭的話,又做得不愉快,朝九望晚五,週一望週末,完全失去了年青時的鬥志。在我來說,工作 - 包括打理家務、義工和其它不受薪的責任 - 是人生重要的一部份,是我們对整體社会的貢獻,但在個人來說,工作就不是完全替代了人生(或許為工殉職者是例外),如果我們只顧慮金錢入息,而不考慮其它因素,恐怕長期性的後果仍是不愉快。
(下續: 人生基本五項)
2007年4月17日網誌: 『隱仕陶淵明【 歸園田居】/ Tao Yuan Ming, the Hermit Poet "Return to the Countryside": ... 誤落塵網中,一去三十年 / I didn't see it coming, this fallen angel of habit; Till it was too late, thirty years hence.』
2007年4月13日網誌: 『個人生活與職業的快擇 / Work Life Balance』
2007年4月10日網誌: 『轉工作單位 / New Portfolio and Career Path』
2006年11月7日網誌: 『修身,齊家,治國,平天下 / Refine One-self; Get Married; Govern the Nation; Bring Peace to the World』