Sunday, September 17, 2006

Summer returns

Yesterday, I saw some geese flying in formation over my house heading north and I waved my hands and yelled (as if they would understand) "Hey you guys are flying in the wrong direction, south is THAT way!!!" Well, guess what, their leader was right. Today the temperature hits 25 deg C and summer has returned, at least for a short little while.

In this northern country, we have a relatively long winter and every plant and animal has learnt to take advantage of warm sunny weather. I was out running in the afternoon and there were actually more people in the park than during mid-summer. There were old couples walking hand-in-hand, new parents pushing strollers, youngsters chasing each other, dog walkers accompanying their four-legged friends, and even people in formal dresses attending a wedding event at the Ornamental Garden.

Don't get me wrong, I actually enjoy a lot of outdoor winter sports (as long as the mercury is warmer than minus 15 degrees C) but hey I will take whatever nature has to offer and enjoy this moment in life while summer continues to linger on.

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