
豆兒品性開朗, 思想四季萌芽,
笑曰: 貂不足,狗尾續!
嘆曰: 狡兔死,走狗烹!
故曰: 微豆臥虎,臭味相投,相得益彰,順理成章!
1. "系統": 系統思維/ System Thinking (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systems_thinking)
2. "臥虎藏龍": Chinese proverb - Just like lions crouching low in the grass and dragons hiding behind clouds, you never know who are out there waiting or observing in silence. It is made famous in the western world by the movie based on a 1920 kungfu story of the same name. 中國北京1920年代武俠小說作家王度廬的【鐵鶴五部】中的第四部。【臥虎藏龍】以九門提督之女玉嬌龍和沙漠大盜羅小虎的愛情悲劇為主線。玉嬌龍出身名門,身懷絕技,為父兄官譽不能不嫁給魯翰林,卻始終深愛大盜小虎。她偷了【九華秘笈】而處處受江湖人物圍攻堵截,只好切斷貴族家庭關係,跑去和小虎一溫綺夢,然後又孤劍單騎,遠走大漠。(臥虎藏龍http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-hk/%E8%87%A5%E8%99%8E%E8%97%8F%E9%BE%8D) (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crouching_Tiger,_Hidden_Dragon)
3. "貂不足,狗尾續!": "狗尾續貂" is a Chinese proverb that literally means when you run out of expensive mink fur, use cheap dog fur and hope nobody can tell the difference. 西晉八王之亂,趙王司馬倫矯詔晉惠帝禪位,自稱皇帝,專惠帝為太上皇。改元建始。由於濫封爵位過甚,時人為之諺曰:『貂不足,狗尾續。』 (司馬倫http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-hk/%E5%8F%B8%E9%A9%AC%E4%BC%A6)
4. "機關算儘": A poem in the Dream of the Red Chamber that foretells the character王熙鳳 is too smart for her own good. 【紅樓夢】批死了王熙鳳的名句『機關算盡太聰明,反算了卿卿性命。生前心已碎,死後性空靈。』
5. "問鼎": In Chinese history and culture, possession of one or more ancient dings鼎 is often associated with power and dominion over the land. Therefore, the ding is often used as an implicit symbolism for power. The term "inquiring of the ding" (问鼎) is often used interchangeably with the quest for power. 【晉書•王敦傳】『既素有重名,又立大功於江左,專任閫外,手控強兵,群從貴顯,威權莫貳,遂欲專制朝廷,有問鼎之心。』(鼎http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ding_(vessel))
6. "先斬後奏": The privilege bestowed by the Emperor to kill/execute first and report later.大臣官員若持有皇帝御賜的粗尚方寶劍則享有先斬後奏的特權,不但代表着無上權力,也是大臣官員的殊榮。(尚方寶劍http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-hk/%E5%B0%9A%E6%96%B9%E5%AF%B6%E5%8A%8D)
7. "狡兔死,走狗烹": Historical quote from 范蠡, who upon successfully helping Emperor 越王勾踐 to regain his empire, submitted his resignation based on the observation that "When all the birds are killed, the bow will be put down; and when the last cunning rabbit is dead, the hunting dog will end up in the pot." 西元前494年,吳王夫差為報父仇與越國在洞庭山決戰,越王勾踐大敗,僅剩5000兵卒逃入會稽山,。范蠡進諫:「屈身以事吳王,徐圖轉機。」勾踐臥薪嘗膽,夫婦在吳國為奴三年。范蠡是越國「十年生聚,十年教訓」的策劃和組織者。為了實施滅吳戰略,他與文種擬定興越滅吳九術之一的「美人計」,在薴蘿山浣紗河訪到德才貌兼備的巾幗奇女——西施,西施深明大義獻身吳王,裡應外合興越滅吳。范蠡事越王勾踐二十餘年,卒於滅吳,成就越王霸業。但范蠡認為在有功於越王之下,難以久居,「飛鳥盡,良弓藏;狡兔死,走狗烹」。他深知勾踐為人「長頸鳥喙」,可與共患難,難與同安樂,遂與西施一起泛舟齊國,變姓名為鴟夷子皮,帶領兒子和門徒在海邊結廬而居。(范蠡http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-hk/%E8%8C%83%E8%A0%A1)
8. "僧道草石之緣": Again, I am quoting from The Dream of the Red Chamber 紅樓夢, which was originally known as The Story of the Stone 石頭記. The Story was told supposedly by a couple of travelling Buddhist monk and Taoist priest 一僧一道。In the preface (a story within a story), a sentient Stone, abandoned by the goddess Nüwa when she mended the heavens aeons ago, begs a Taoist priest and Buddhist monk to bring it with him to enjoy in the worldly world. It could have been an ordinary vacation story, except that when in heaven, the Stone (Divine Attendant-in-Waiting 神瑛侍者) kindly rescued a withering plant that was dying of thirst. Feeling eternally grateful, the sentient plant (The Crimson Pearl Fairy 絳珠仙子) has promised to repay the Stone with her earthly love and womanly tears. So once a promise is made, the universal mechanism of 因果緣份 is set in motion and the debt must be paid in full so the cycle can be completed. An otherwise ordinary vacation story is thus turned into a heart-wrenching love story with a tearful beginning, middle, and end. The main story begins with the Stone, Divine Attendant-in-Waiting, being reincarnated on earth as the main character, Jia Baoyu 賈寶玉 (賈is phonetically equivalent to "假fake", and Baoyu means "precious jade", a stone). The Crimson Pearl Fairy (絳珠仙子) is incarnated as Baoyu's sickly cousin, the emotional 林黛玉Lin Daiyu, who loves Baoyu. The Stone, however, is predestined in this life to marry another cousin, 薛寶釵Xue Baochai. This love triangle against the backdrop of the family's declining fortunes forms the most well-known plot line in the novel. As promised, Lin Daiyu has to repay the Stone with all the womanly tears and love she embodies during their earthly journey. Well, it is a heavenly complicated novel .... 女媧鍊石補天,剩一塊石未用。這補天頑石(通靈寶玉)經過修鍊已經有了靈性。一僧一道攜它變幻為美玉帶入塵世。適逢神瑛侍者對一株絳珠仙草有澆灌之恩,又動了凡心下凡遊歷人間。絳珠仙草後修鍊成女體,聞訊亦隨之下凡,打算把一生所有的眼淚還他。僧道二人欲了結這段公案,並將石頭(通靈寶玉)夾帶其中。元宵時節,霍啟不慎丟失了英蓮。葫蘆廟失火禍及甄家,落魄的甄士隱被一僧一道點化,解出《好了歌注》出家。窮困的賈雨村反而由貧入官。賈府是金陵四大家族之一,受有功勛,分為寧榮二府,族中最長者為賈母,最疼生來口中就含有一塊通靈寶玉(補天頑石)的孫兒賈寶玉(神瑛侍者)。賈寶玉生來不喜讀聖賢書,卻愛與青春女性玩耍,為此與其父賈政關係緊張。林黛玉(絳珠仙草)此時入居賈府。劉姥姥為了生計,也一進榮府。學堂內發生一場大混戰,賈府男子眾人,醜態盡出 ....... 。(紅樓夢http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-hk/%E7%BA%A2%E6%A5%BC%E6%A2%A6)
嗬嗬嗬嗬兩位兄台s 比曰:臥虎藏龍!
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