Monday, December 27, 2010

渥太華公民醫院:2010年聖誕節 / Ottawa Civic Hospital: Christmas 2010

Mom is spending Christmas 2010 at the Civic Hospital, along with all the other patients who could not go home.

The doctors, nurses and other staff on duty are really nice to her despite the language barrier. They all try to make their patients feel at "home" during the holiday season. There is even a decorated Xmas tree in the hallway across from the nurse station.

I must say I am quite impressed with the medic care and services provided by the Civic Hospital.

BlackBerry Photo:
* Xmas tree in the hallway Dec 27, 2010, Civic Hospital, Ottawa 渥太華公民醫院

橋頭咖啡館 / Bridgehead Cafe

Here I am sitting in my favourite neighbourhood cafe sipping my favourite chai latte & blogging via my BlackBerry. The place is half full. Missing are the federal public servants who have the day off.

Most shops are open today and many are advertising Boxing-Week sale. Since I have already got the BB, I will save my money on future travelling rather than on more merchandise.

Btwn materialistic goods & experience, I often choose the latter. Correction: A Fireball sailboat would be nice (I owned one b4), if someone can do the maintenance work :O

BlackBerry Photo:
* Moi-meme: Pic taken inside Bridgehead cafe 橋頭咖啡館 w BB

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

Friday, December 24, 2010

瑪麗•卡薩特 / Mary Cassatt

According to Wikipedia Mary Cassatt:
"... Mary Stevenson Cassatt (May 22, 1844 – June 14, 1926) was an American painter and printmaker. She lived much of her adult life in France, where she first befriended Edgar Degas and later exhibited among the Impressionists. Cassatt often created images of the social and private lives of women, with particular emphasis on the intimate bonds between mothers and children ..."

根據維基百科 瑪麗•卡薩特:
".... 瑪麗•斯蒂文森•卡薩特(Mary Stevenson Cassatt,1844年5月22日-1926年6月14日)是美國畫家和版畫家,但她一生中大部分時間是居住在法國,並成為印象派畫家。卡薩特善於描繪女人,尤其是母子關係的作品。...."

The following was posted via email:

I just read Michelle's comment but can only reply it here. Glad to learn that the photo shows up well on my blog.

Attachment: Here is a painting by one of my favourite painters
(Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network)

黑莓 曲線手機 / BlackBerry Curve

I have renewed my wireless contract w the local Internet provider and received, as a "loyalty retention" reward, one BlackBerry Curve for abt $10. It's not a bad machine, compared to what I had several yrs ago. The only thing is that it won't read/write Chinese.

As well, I am paying only for the use of email accts but not direct access to Internet. I can therefore post text onto my blog and read comments but won't be able to view anything else on the BB. Perhaps when the price comes down a bit, I will subscribe to the full data plan.

Photo of a painting using the BlackBerry Curve

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

人生四部曲「生丶老丶病丶死」: (二)【冬天, 春天】 / Life's Four Seasons: Part 2【Winter, Spring】



Photo Credit:
Wikipedia: "The Tale of Peter Rabbit" By Beatrix Potter

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

人生四部曲「生丶老丶病丶死」: (一)【已誕生的孩子】 / Life's Four Seasons: Part 1【Birthing of a Child】






Photo Credit
Wikipedia: 瑪麗医院 Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong

Thursday, December 16, 2010

詹姆斯·布朗 與 盧奇亞諾·巴伐洛堤 - "男人世界" / James Brown & Luciano Pavarotti - "It's a Man's World"

Here is the YouTube video "It's a Man's World" recommended to me by my choir friend D who heard another version of the same song at the National Arts Centre's Motown Show on December 11, 2010.

While the two greats James Brown & Luciano Pavarotti were very different in terms of music and style, they respected each other and did an excellent job on the piece.

Enjoy !!!


* Wikipedia: 占士·布朗
"..... 詹姆士·喬瑟夫·布朗二世(James Joseph Brown, Jr.,1928年5月3日-2006年12月25日)非洲裔美國歌手,有「靈魂樂教父」之稱,被認為對20世紀的流行音樂有至深的影響。占士·布朗生涯為知名歌手、作曲家、樂團團長及音樂唱片製作人。布朗將福音音樂及節奏藍調帶入靈魂樂及放克(Funk),對許多其他類型的音樂也都有影響,如:搖滾樂、爵士樂、雷鬼、Disco、舞曲、電子樂、afrobeat及嘻哈。....."

* Wikipedia:
"..... 盧奇亞諾·巴伐洛堤(Luciano Pavarotti,1935年10月12日-2007年9月6日),是20世紀後半葉的世界三大男高音之一,別號「高音C之王」。....."

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

開懷篇 / C'mon Lighten Up !

I am sharing with you the following ten jokes from my friend. I like #1 and #8 the best. How abt you?









丈夫立即回答:「你嫁不了魔鬼!法律規定,近親不准結婚 ....... 」


一天, 老張到市場買牛皮,老張:「這個牛皮防水嗎?」























主婦 A 說:「我的兒子是 Priest (神父),當他走進大廳時,人們都叫他 Father (父親)。」

主婦 B 說:「哼!那沒什麼,我的兒子是 Bishop (主教),當他走進大廳時,人們都叫他 Your Grace (閣下)。」 !

主婦 C 說:「我的兒子是 Cardinal (紅衣主教),當他走進大廳時,人們都叫他 Your Eminence (殿下)。」

主婦 D 慢慢說:「我的兒子身高 200 公分 、兩塊大胸肌、翹屁股、一 張帥氣臉,

當他走進大廳時,所有的女人都驚叫『 Oh! My God! 』









小明吵著爸爸要他說歷史故事 ....

小明的爸爸:「好啦!從前從前有一隻烏龜 ... 」


小明的爸爸:「好啦!好啦!宋朝的時候,有一隻烏龜 .... 」





攝影圖片Photo Credit
* I took this photo on Sep 27, 2010 near 168 Renfrew Street, Glasgow, across from the Glasgow School of Art, Scotland 蘇格蘭格拉斯哥藝術學院.

Related links:
* 開懷集 / Raising Fund (Fun)
* 中 英 法 笑話 / Humours, Jokes, les blagues

Monday, December 06, 2010

愛爾蘭,凱爾特,鄉村,流行音樂: 西爾斯嗓 / Irish, Celtic, Country, Pop Music: The Searson

On Nov 27, 2010, on our way to the Searson concert at St Brigid's Catholic Church near the ByWard Market, K and I came upon a drunkard man lying on the side walk at Cumberland and St Patrick. We called 911 and spent some time with the man before leaving him in the good hands of the Ottawa Police officer (An account of the incident was described in my Dec 2, 2010 blog article entitled "街頭露宿者: 有幸有不幸 / Homeless Street People: Tonight, the Lucky One"). We arrived at the church just as the concert was about to begin.

It was our first time listening to the Searson. I must say my knowledge of this genre of music (a fusion of Irish, Celtic, Country and Pop) is perhaps biased by the folk music I listened to while travelling in Scotland. My favourite fiddling music consists of one instrumental piece played in the movie "The Last of the Mohicans". So, it was a pleasant surprise to listen to and learn from the new, delightful interpretation of the Searson who have put the Irish traditional music into a contemporary context. They are truly talented musicians and I look forward to hearing more of their music (now that I have one of their CDs).

Here are more info abt the Searson from their official website :

"... Growing up in the Ottawa Valley, Ontario, Canada, Erin, Heather and Colleen Searson began performing for audiences at a young age. Each sister was filled with an appreciation of music at an early age and from this, developed a contemporary style of high energy, roots, Celtic, country and pop, a sound they are known and loved for. The three multi-talented sisters play a variety of instruments and are all expert step dancers.
- Erin plays a boogie style of piano, organ, and mandolin.
- Colleen is on fiddle and joins Erin in the lead vocals
- Heather is on bass
Rounding out the live show they are joined by Mary Gellner, a talented and passionate musician on drums and percussion. With talent that remains full of fierce energy, Searson continues to astound their audiences with unguarded sincerity in their vocals, raw fiddling and ferocious stepdancing. Searson has been taking North America and Europe by storm, performing an average of 150 shows a year.

"It is very important for the world to know and share where we come from, who we are, and most importantly to have a deeper sense of respect and education of Canadian culture through music." said the Searson.

"The spectators were carried away by the cool rhythms, the roaring percussion, the funky...electric bass sounds. Above all, Colleen Searson turned out to be a true devil's violinist. She played her Fiddle so that the bow threatened to glow." said Diathelm Textoris of Lünen, Germany.

Searson has recorded five albums in their illustrious career. A Different kind of Light (2008), Searson Live (2005), Follow (2004), House Party (2002), and finally their newest addition Ignite ( fall 2009).

References / Bios / Photo credit:
* Searson official website:
Related links:
* Wikipedia: Celtic music
"..... Often, the term Celtic music is applied to the music of Ireland and Scotland because both lands have produced well-known distinctive styles which actually have genuine commonality and clear mutual influences; however, it is notable that Irish and Scottish traditional musicians themselves avoid the term "Celtic music," except when forced by the necessities of the market. The definition is further complicated by the fact that Irish independence has allowed Ireland to promote 'Celtic' music as a specifically Irish product. In reality, the terms 'Scots/Scottish' and 'Irish' are purely modern geographical references to a people who share a common Celtic ancestry and consequently, a common musical heritage. .....Today there are Celtic-influenced sub genres of virtually every type of popular music including electronica, rock, metal, punk, hip hop, reggae, new age, Latin, Andean and pop. Collectively these modern interpretations of Celtic music are sometimes referred to as Celtic fusion. .... "
* Wikipedia:
"..... 就概念本身而言,沒有任何真正的音樂主體可以被精確地描述為凱爾特音樂 (Celtic music),但這個名稱依然被確定下來,既指口頭傳播的傳統音樂,也包含被錄製下來的流行音樂。.....通常,凱爾特音樂這個名稱用來指愛爾蘭和蘇格蘭音樂,因為這兩個地方都產生了聞名於世的與眾不同的音樂風格,而這2種風格實際上有着名副其實的共同特徵和明顯的相互影響。但值得注意的是,愛爾蘭和蘇格蘭的傳統音樂人自己卻迴避使用「凱爾特音樂」這個名稱,除非迫於市場的需要。他們的音樂形式被世人所知是因為愛爾蘭人和蘇格蘭人在英語世界的重要作用,尤其在美國,這種作用給美國音樂帶來了意義深遠的衝擊,特別是藍草和鄉村音樂。威爾斯,康沃爾,萌島,布列塔尼,加利西亞,坎塔布里亞和阿斯圖裡亞及葡萄牙北部的音樂也被認為是凱爾特音樂。布列塔尼的傳統格外強烈,在那裡,大小凱爾特節會貫穿全年。在威爾斯,古老的詩歌音樂比賽年會仍然存在。另外,海外的凱爾特人文化群體的音樂作品也充滿生氣,特別是在加拿大和美國。....."
* The Nov 27, 2010 Searson concert was performed at the :
St. Brigid's Centre for the Arts in Ottawa (previously Saint Brigid's Catholic Church 1890-2006)

Friday, December 03, 2010

解釋第二輪量化寬鬆措施(QE2) +資本主義危機 / Quantitative Easing II (QE2) Explained + Crisis of Capitalism

Below are two videos with very different perspectives on the recent financial crisis. Video 1 assigns most of the blame to the US Government in general and the Federal Reserve in particular. Video 2 postulates that perhaps ".... it is time to look beyond capitalism towards a new social order that would allow us to live within a system that really could be responsible, just, and humane ...."

I don't necessarily agree/disagree with either view, but do find both videos well-made and quite entertaining. Enjoy !!!

Video 1: Quantitative Easing II (QE2) Explained

Video 2: Crisis of Capitalism

* Video 1: "Quantitative Easing Explained" (or watch the YouTube clip posted by Malekanoms )
* Video 2: "Crises of Capitalism"
* Quantitative Easing: "Wikipedia/Currency War"

Thursday, December 02, 2010

街頭露宿者: 有幸有不幸 / Homeless Street People: Tonight, the Lucky One

Please click to see details of the church's inside depicted in the photo below渥太華 2010年11月27日晚:

星期六晚上我和K穿上大衣手套,冒著加拿大初冬的寒風,往市中的舊「聖碧姬天主教堂Saint Brigid's Catholic Church」,看本地「西爾斯嗓Searson」樂隊的表演。我們在拜華德街市(ByWard Market)附近的美利街(Murray Street)泊了車,沿著金巴倫道(Cumberland Street) 北上,行了不久,在暗淡的街燈下,我看到有一個人上身仰臥在行人路旁,一動也不動,但兩腳卻是伸出馬路,汽車飛馳电掣在他身边輾過,險像還生。我和K趕忙把他拉上回行人路上,一看便知這人已是酩酊大醉,中了酒精毒。

『He is completely out; you better call 911 !!!』K对我說
『Okay, I will dial emergency on my cell; you keep an eye on him !!』

我和K都知道為了拯救一個倒臥在街中的醉漢,我們今晚可能会看不成「西爾斯嗓Searson」樂隊的表演,但是救人一命,勝做七級浮屠,助人於危,救人於難, 是義不容辭的一件事!!!我和K也不用討論,就開始在路旁忙著打911緊急電話,照顧那位凍得半死的街頭露宿者,和等候公安警察救護的來臨。



突然,他在我懷中醒來,半睜著眼对我說:『I am cold ...。』
K 安慰他說:『Sir, just hang in there, help is on the way ... 』

我扶着那醉漢在我懷裏,希望能在寒流溯風中給他一點溫暖,但這位先生欲是要和我掙扎,扯着我的大衣要站起來,K害怕他会帶醉踏入路中給汽車撞到,就对我喊著說:『Don't let him stand up ...』,对面的一個過路人遙遠看到兩個男人在黑暗的街頭上斗纏,又有一個穿高跟鞋的女人在呼叫,他就要立刻衝過來替她解圍。

就在這吵吵嚷嚷的緊急關頭,閃著紅藍燈的警車到埗,我幫助公安扶那醒了一半的先生上車,他臨行前回頭对我說:『Thanks for your help!』我握著他冰冷的手回答道:『You keep warm, bud!!!」


Other related articles:
* 街頭露宿者追悼會 / Memorial Service for a Homeless Man (July 10, 2008)
* 人情熱 / Body Heat (Jan 18, 2007)
* 街頭露宿者的心声 / Homeless Man Speaks (English - Dec 21, 2006)
* 街頭露宿者的心声 / Homeless Man Speaks (Chinese - Dec 21, 2006)

Photo Credit 攝影圖片:
* Wikipedia: 渥太華 聖碧姬天主教堂 / Saint Brigid's Catholic Church, Ottawa )
* I took the second photo inside St. Brigid's Church the evening of Nov 27, 2010 (note: The church is now called St. Brigid's Centre for the Arts - Home of the National Irish Canadian Culture Centre)
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