Friday, December 03, 2010

解釋第二輪量化寬鬆措施(QE2) +資本主義危機 / Quantitative Easing II (QE2) Explained + Crisis of Capitalism

Below are two videos with very different perspectives on the recent financial crisis. Video 1 assigns most of the blame to the US Government in general and the Federal Reserve in particular. Video 2 postulates that perhaps ".... it is time to look beyond capitalism towards a new social order that would allow us to live within a system that really could be responsible, just, and humane ...."

I don't necessarily agree/disagree with either view, but do find both videos well-made and quite entertaining. Enjoy !!!

Video 1: Quantitative Easing II (QE2) Explained

Video 2: Crisis of Capitalism

* Video 1: "Quantitative Easing Explained" (or watch the YouTube clip posted by Malekanoms )
* Video 2: "Crises of Capitalism"
* Quantitative Easing: "Wikipedia/Currency War"


The Inner Space said...


Haricot 微豆 said...

Space: Haha, funny !!

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