Sunday, April 05, 2009

愛滋病殺人犯 / HIV Murderer

加拿大第一個被控以愛滋病殺人的Johnson Aziga,被裁審員判决第一級謀殺罪名成立。據加拿大國家廣播公司CBC報導: 罪犯年52歲,性別男,在1996年知道有愛滋病之後,拒絕聽從衛生部指示,在性交前不告訢女方他有傳染病,在沒有警告情形之下与他發生性行為的11個受害者中(包括他寫字楼同事和在酒吧識的女朋友),兩人因受染而死亡,四人未有症狀,其她的都似乎已被愛滋病菌蠶食至死亡边沿。

這是加拿大法庭,第一次判决以愛滋病殺人的先例。根據本地法律,因aggravated sexual assault,而令他/她人死亡的罪行是屬最嚴重的第一級謀殺first degree murder,罪名成立是会被判終身監禁,25年內不能申請假釋出獄。

* "Ontario man found guilty in HIV murder trial" CBC, April 4, 2009
* "Murder: Canada - First and Second Degree" Wikipedia


Anonymous said...


新鮮人 said...


Haricot 微豆 said...

Gwen: Yes, many people would agree with you !!!

Haricot 微豆 said...

新鮮人: Obviously, he was fit for trial. The guilty verdict of first degree murder implies that the man was quite aware of what he was doing and that his actions had not been influenced by mental illnesses and the likes.

anmary said...


有關這篇報導的男人... 真的很賤...

Haricot 微豆 said...


聽說受害者及死者親屬,將会上庭宣讀victims' statements。希望法官会判以嚴刑,令他永世不得翻生!!

新鮮人 said...


Haricot 微豆 said...



1. General comments:

If a person is deemed "insane" (including having mental illnesses and disorder) by medical professionals, then the judicial system might find the accused not guilty by reason of insanity (NGRI). That was the case with the "Greyhound Bus murder" that happened in central Canada not long ago. The accused was found to be mentally ill at the time.

In the USA, there were two sample cases in which the accused were found not guilty of the more serious charge of 1st/2nd degree murder based on a "partial" insanity argument:

(a) Dan White who had killed Milk and Mosone was found guilty of voluntary manslaughter based on the argument of "diminished capacity" (the Twinkie defense) i.e. He could not have controlled his actions.

(b) Lorena Bobbitt, who had cut off his sleeping husband's penis at home with a carving knife and threw it out of the window of her moving car, was found NGRI due to an "irresistible impulse" to attack her husband. i.e. She was not liable for her action.

It is true some defense lawyers might submit and present the insanity argument on behalf of clients to avoid the more serious charges of 1st/2nd degree murder and man slaughter. A court will usually rely on the relevant opinions of the expert witness as opposed to an unsubstantiated "claim" made by the defense team. However, the defense may choose to cross-examine the Crown's expert witness, or even present expert witness of their own if the court so agree. Indeed, there are cases in which the judge and jury have to weigh diametric opinions from expert witnesses from both sides.

This is a long-way to say: Yes, there have been successful cases in which the accused was found not guilty of 1st/2nd degree murder by reason of insanity, including the argument of "心理產生不平衡".

2. Specific Comments:

However, in the "HIV murder" case, the prosecutor successfully charged the accused with aggravated sexual assault, which automatically carries the penalty of 1st degree murder under Canada's Criminal Code. He was also deemed not mentally ill.

新鮮人 said...


Haricot 微豆 said...

新鮮人: 我明白,法律有時是很technical的,所以有人会走「法律隙」。

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