(前言: 這篇是響應網友Readandeat發的題目「四月專題: 復活節會做些什麼?」 / "Monthly feature for April: How will you spend your time during Easter?")
在這三至四天長的復活節公衆假期,很多本地人都出了埠旅行,巿中除了做遊客生意的店舖之外,其它都在星期五Good Friday和星期日Easter Sunday休假。我沒有參加什么慶祝節目,就趁此机会休息和娛樂,看了三套不同的电影和話劇。
1.活劇【口是心非】"Duplicity" the movie
這套影片的娛樂成份不錯,有點似Brad Pitt畢彼特和Angelina Jolie 安芝蓮娜祖莉拍擋的【史密夫決戰史密妻】故事,活劇是環繞著Julia Roberts「茱莉亞羅勃茲」和Clive Owen「克萊夫歐文」兩人的愛情和事業之間的矛盾和衝突,全套商業間諜片沒有鎗戰丶爆炸丶暴力, 茱莉亞的接吻鏡頭倒是多得很。
2. 喜劇【藍龍】"Le Dragon bleu" le théâtre
"... Dans La Trilogie des dragons, Robert Lepage propose une interprétation ludique et magique de la mythologie chinoise dans laquelle les trois premiers dragons le vert, le rouge et le blanc symbolisent les trois premières saisons. Avec Le Dragon bleu dragon invisible associé à lhiver et vivant sous la neige, qui représente la mort et la renaissance, et qui se manifeste par la foudre , le cycle est maintenant complété ..." (Source: YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYpC0aYe9ro&feature=related)
3. 悲劇【葉甫蓋尼•奥涅金】"Eugene Onegin" the opera
"... Tchaikovsky’s retelling of Pushkin’s novel is full of yearning, pain, and regret with an achingly beautiful score. The worldly Eugene Onegin has unintentionally captured the heart of Tatyana, a shy country girl, but he condescendingly rejects her feelings. A deadly duel, years of regret and a fateful reunion lead to the realization that he has lost the life that might have been ..." (Source: http://operalyra.ca/en/eugene_onegin)
* "四月專題" http://2weeks1gather.wordpress.com/2009/04/08/monthly-feature-april/
* "The Blue Dragon" National Arts Centre http://www.nac-cna.ca/en/theatre/blue_dragon/video.asp
* "Eugene Onegin 叶甫盖尼·奥涅金 (歌剧)" Wikipedia http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%8F%B6%E7%94%AB%E7%9B%96%E5%B0%BC%C2%B7%E5%A5%A5%E6%B6%85%E9%87%91_(%E6%AD%8C%E5%89%A7)&variant=zh-hant
wow, you should call your blog trilingue now ;)
Perhaps :) But most readers here prefer Chinese and English.
well... I have to admit i can only read chinese and english... so I don't really know what's the second movie about...mm.... but i don't mind you posting them, pretty sure there are ppl enjoy reading them.
Gwenzilla: Please read my next article abt "Le Dragon Bleu" in English :)
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