Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My Responses to Your Comments (UPDATED May 5, 2009: All Jazzed Up !!)

Updated May 5, 2009 01h05:

I just got off the plan after spending abt 10 days at the 40th New Orleans Jazz Festival !!! You may say I am all "jazzed up" :)


From now till May 5th, I will continue to read your comments but might not be able to provide feedback on a timely basis. Rest assured that I will respond back as soon as I can.

Friday, April 24, 2009

猜字謎 / Chinese Word-Puzzle

"美女展覽": 猜國家名

(Note: This is a puzzle I learnt from a teacher in primary school - no disrespect to the country implicated :)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

旅遊古巴攝影圖片系列:雙體風帆遊艇 / Cuba Travel Pictures: Cruising on a Catamaran

在古巴首都夏灣拿La Habana以東,有一個旅遊區叫Varadero,由此可乘雙體風帆遊艇往離岸的小島遊覽,通常船在上午起航,之後遊客隨意在艇上晒太陽和吹海風,又可沿途在珊瑚礁游泳。船票包括午膳和飲品(酒類除外),中午在大西洋小島沙灘上開歺,有燒魚丶龍蝦丶烤鳮丶炒飯等,用膳後遊客在白沙碧海天堂自由活動二小時多,下午三時左右風帆啟航直返回Varadero碼頭,餘興未盡的可往附近看海豚表演(these are all dolphins in captivity - no chance to free Willy here!!),晚上可在本地酒店住宿,或坐旅遊巴士返回夏灣拿。

註: 以上屬本地旅遊,所以外籍人仕可以在到埗古巴之後,才購票參加,不需在海外預先辦理。但切記在到古巴後,立刻向酒店查詢價錢丶地點丶時間等資料,以免向隅。

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

人貂相遇 / When Man and Mink Crossed Path




Photo Credit and related link:
* Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Mink

Sunday, April 19, 2009

靈魂之窗: 加拿大士兵与阿富汗女孩 / Canadian Forces Soldier - Windows to the Souls: Karine Blais & Sharbat Gula in Afghanistan

Two lives: One extinguished, the other one still burning.
Two souls: Haunting eyes staring, the stories unfold.

It was a dark day in April,
For the brave and adventurous Blais.
An explosion north of Kandahar,
Brought tears to Valcartier.

A proud and young Canadian,
Who shared the burden of war,
That had made Gula orphan,
The "Afghan Girl" of '84.

Their lives were different;
Their paths never crossed.
Karine's rising to heaven;
Sharbat's God hasn't called.

For whom the bell tolls?
Asked the departing soul.
Pray stop the dark rainfall!
Echoed the mother of four.

Photo Credit:

* Karine Blais: Photo released to media by the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces
* "The Afghan Girl": National Geographic, USA

* "CTV News: ... Trooper Karine Blais, 21, was killed by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan on Monday April 13, 2009 .."
* "National Geographic: The Afghan Girl - June 1985"
* "National Geographic: A Life Revealed - April 2002"

Related links: Fallen soldier Captain Nichola Goddard
* http://www.calgarysun.com/2012/02/02/new-calgary-school-named-after-fallen-soldier-nichola-goddard


About the weekly series "周日名采": Vince 出題目「靈魂之窗」,請到 Alex 處看其他文章.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

古巴旅游: 2009全美洲高峰会議 / Cuba Travel - OAS Summit 2009

寫這網誌的時候,OAS(Organization of American States)眾國元首仍在千里達托巴哥(Trinidad & Tobago)開全美洲高峰会議(Summit 2009),美國对古巴長達47年的封鎖禁運令(embargo)能否解凍,將会是談判項目之一,就讓各位对外交政策(international / foreign affairs policy)有興趣的讀者拭目以待吧。以下新聞是節錄自法新社(Agence France-Presse).

AFP http://www.afp.com/afpcom/en/taglibrary/activity/web/multimedia/afp-online-news

"... On Friday (April 17, 2009) , Obama and Chavez enjoyed a cordial handshake before the US president seized an extraordinary overture from Cuba to propose talks aimed at breaking the half-century of hostility between Washington and Havana. Obama said he wanted to establish "a new beginning" with Cuba, and would recognize past US "errors." But he said he required reciprocal gestures from Castro. "I am prepared to have my administration engage with the Cuban government on a wide range of issues -- from drugs to migration and economic issues to human rights, free speech and democratic reform," Obama said. The offer came the day after a surprise overture from Castro, who said he now stood ready to discuss "everything" with Washington -- including specifically the hot-button issues of human rights, press freedom and political prisoners. The conciliatory language raised the prospect of the United States considering an end to its 47-year-old embargo on Cuba ..."

Photo Credit 攝影圖片Wikipedia:
* Seal of the Organization of American States OAS http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organization_of_American_States

古巴旅遊: 夏灣拿飛机場攝影圖片 / Cuba Travel Pictures: Havana Airport


古巴旅遊: 飛机攝影鳥瞰圖片 / Cuba Travel Pictures: Aerial Views

最上第一幅是古巴首都夏灣拿 (Cuba capital La Habana/Havana),之下第二至四幅,是隨飛机沿北海岸線向東航而攝(我相信是Matanzas/Varadero區域的鳥瞰图),遠処可見滾白浪的沙灘,清澈的藍海,和好几個弄潮兒。

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

「兩週一聚(十二)」之【我怕成功之母】 / 2Weeks1Gather #12【My Fear of Failure】

以前小學畢業之前,父母見我這「家庭黒羊」black sheep of the family,好食懶非,前途堪慮,於是特地請了一位年紀比我大數年,入了「皇仁書院」Queen's College就讀的成功高才生,及其光榮父母,來我家吃飯,指點我這隻迷途羔羊。在「大人」寒喧一番,酒過數巡之後,話題「無意中」扯到讀書一事,成功之母就趁机会打開話題,对着我說: 『聽講你都就快畢業啦,有無想到**選擇**那一間男校讀中學呢?』十隻眼睛望著這边來,我結結巴巴地說不出話兒來,想到:『係人選擇我?定係我選擇人?』成功之母驕傲地望着她的兒子,她是期望我說:『我都要學妳個仔,選擇入「皇仁書院」讀!!』老父見我滿臉通紅,支吾以对,就替我打完場,对众人說:『唉!! 我個「乞兒仔」,又蠢丶又懶到出骨,成日出街,好似無尾飛陀咁,點似你地阿XX咁聰明,入到「皇仁書院」讀啦!!』(成功兒頭頂立即現出聖環,光輝照在成功母的笑臉上。)老父跟着对我說:『重唔多謝世伯丶伯母指點?!!你快D去請教阿XX,學習吓人地讀書心得丶成功要訣。』年紀比我大的阿XX向我投以抱歉的眼光,我倆就趕忙離開那窘人的場面,另找地方互相硏討丶交換心得云云!!


後語: 但惡夢是不是当年所發生的窘事而留下的萌芽種子?還是我自己人生旅程中, 唱不盡丶唱不完的回魂曲?這複雜的七情丶六欲丶Freudian丶Jung 問題,我又不知道怎樣解答了。



「羅拔·莱帕赫」的話劇【藍龍】 / "The Blue Dragon" - A Play by Robert Lepage

1. Summary of the "Dragons Trilogy" and "The Blue Dragon":
(Source: YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYpC0aYe9ro&feature=related; French-English translation by lotusandcedar)

"... In the "Trilogy of the Dragons", Robert Lepage offers a fun and magical interpretation of the Chinese mythology in which the first three dragons (green, red and white) symbolize the first three seasons. With his recent production of The Blue Dragon, the cycle of the four seasons is now complete. The Blue Dragon is associated with winter and represents death and rebirth. It is invisible, lives under the snow, and manifests itself by lightning..."

2. "The Dragons Trilogy":
(Source: http://lacaserne.net/index2.php/theatre/the_dragons_trilogy/ )

"... In the beginning, there was nothing - or almost nothing. Six actors (including the director who had brought them together), two set designers and a producer, looking for the road to the Orient. A vacant lot turned into a parking, where imagination and memory would have to start digging.

In the beginning, there were three Chinatowns : one in Quebec City, in the 1930s, the backdrop to the Green Dragon symbolizing Springtime and Water; another in mid-20th Century Toronto, backdrop to the Red Dragon of Earth and Fire; a third, flourishing in Vancouver in the 1980s, where the autumnal and aerial White Dragon would deploy. There was an imaginary China, made of myth and a mess of miscellaneous rubbish : Tao, Yi King, Mah Jong, Tai Chi, Chinese laundries and Chinese Food, Tintin and the Blue Lotus, ying, yang, “chin chin”, and Made in Hong Kong. There was the story of aunt Marie-Paule, married to a Chinese man, a mother who had served in the CWACs, a parking watchman in his booth, and a glass sphere that played a Japanese melody.

In the beginning, there are Françoise and Jeanne. They are twelve and they are inseparable. They play shop with shoeboxes, using them to build a whole street, with boutiques and all. There is Lépine, the undertaker… There is Jeanne’s father’s barber shop, where she becomes fascinated with young Bédard’s red head, and where their eyes meet… There is old Wong’s laundry, where, on a cold night, William S. Crawford arrives, an Englishman hoping to set up shop in Quebec City…"

3. "The Blue Dragon":
(Source: http://lacaserne.net/index2.php/theatre/the_blue_dragon/)

"... Québécois director Robert Lepage’s characters are often travellers drawn to the revealing encounter with the other, the exotic, the unknown. Yet in all the stories Lepage has told through opera, film, or theatre, only one of his characters has ever gone away for good— Pierre Lamontagne, the central figure in The Dragons’ Trilogy, who departs as the play closes to study art in China.

Twenty years later, Lamontagne resurfaces in Shanghai’s Moganshan 50, a former industrial complex converted into an arts centre, now the heart of the contemporary Chinese art scene. Here he meets Claire Forêt, a Montreal ad executive, drawn like so many others to take advantage of the Chinese economic miracle. Claire, who had known Pierre in another life at art school, casts a decidedly western eye on his current existence. Through the shock of their rediscovery and confrontation, their common past opens an unexpected door to the future for both. Enter Xiao Ling, a Chinese artist exhibiting at Pierre’s gallery. As she faces wrenching choices, the young woman awakens hopes long buried in Claire. In the effervescent paradox that is modern China, the collision of these three characters brings about fundamental changes for each.

Co-written by Robert Lepage, winner of the 2007 Europe Theatre Prize, and his collaborator Marie Michaud (who also co-authored The Dragons’ Trilogy), and performed by Lepage, Michaud, and dancer Tai Wei Foo, The Blue Dragon bears all the hallmarks of Lepage’s original, brilliant, and highly visual style. As always, Lepage relies on the one inexhaustible resource the theatre possesses—the audience’s intelligence. ..."


I really enjoyed the show at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa. Robert Lepage is famous for his stage setting and I was very impressed by all the light, sound and actions. Tai Wei Foo's dancing is beautifully choreographed and has a dream-like effect on stage. The story is fairly straight forward until the very end when the audience is presented with a surprising twist to the story. After watching "The Blue Dragon", I now really want to see "The Dragon Trilogy" !!

* "Robert Lepage" Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lepage,_Robert
* "Robert Lepage" La Caserne, Centre of Creation http://lacaserne.net/index2.php/robertlepage/
* "The Blue Dragon" La Caserne, Centre of Creation http://lacaserne.net/index2.php/theatre/the_blue_dragon/
* "The Blue Dragon" National Arts Centre http://www.nac-cna.ca/en/theatre/blue_dragon/video.asp

Monday, April 13, 2009

【復活節看的三套: 活劇丶喜劇丶悲劇】 / 【Easter Holiday Shows: "Duplicity", "Le Dragon Bleu", "Eugene Onegin"】

(前言: 這篇是響應網友Readandeat發的題目「四月專題: 復活節會做些什麼?」 / "Monthly feature for April: How will you spend your time during Easter?")

在這三至四天長的復活節公衆假期,很多本地人都出了埠旅行,巿中除了做遊客生意的店舖之外,其它都在星期五Good Friday和星期日Easter Sunday休假。我沒有參加什么慶祝節目,就趁此机会休息和娛樂,看了三套不同的电影和話劇。

1.活劇【口是心非】"Duplicity" the movie
這套影片的娛樂成份不錯,有點似Brad Pitt畢彼特和Angelina Jolie 安芝蓮娜祖莉拍擋的【史密夫決戰史密妻】故事,活劇是環繞著Julia Roberts「茱莉亞羅勃茲」和Clive Owen「克萊夫歐文」兩人的愛情和事業之間的矛盾和衝突,全套商業間諜片沒有鎗戰丶爆炸丶暴力, 茱莉亞的接吻鏡頭倒是多得很。

2. 喜劇【藍龍】"Le Dragon bleu" le théâtre
"... Dans La Trilogie des dragons, Robert Lepage propose une interprétation ludique et magique de la mythologie chinoise dans laquelle les trois premiers dragons le vert, le rouge et le blanc symbolisent les trois premières saisons. Avec Le Dragon bleu dragon invisible associé à lhiver et vivant sous la neige, qui représente la mort et la renaissance, et qui se manifeste par la foudre , le cycle est maintenant complété ..." (Source: YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYpC0aYe9ro&feature=related)

3. 悲劇【葉甫蓋尼•奥涅金】"Eugene Onegin" the opera
"... Tchaikovsky’s retelling of Pushkin’s novel is full of yearning, pain, and regret with an achingly beautiful score. The worldly Eugene Onegin has unintentionally captured the heart of Tatyana, a shy country girl, but he condescendingly rejects her feelings. A deadly duel, years of regret and a fateful reunion lead to the realization that he has lost the life that might have been ..." (Source: http://operalyra.ca/en/eugene_onegin)


* "四月專題" http://2weeks1gather.wordpress.com/2009/04/08/monthly-feature-april/
* "The Blue Dragon" National Arts Centre http://www.nac-cna.ca/en/theatre/blue_dragon/video.asp
* "Eugene Onegin 叶甫盖尼·奥涅金 (歌剧)" Wikipedia http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%8F%B6%E7%94%AB%E7%9B%96%E5%B0%BC%C2%B7%E5%A5%A5%E6%B6%85%E9%87%91_(%E6%AD%8C%E5%89%A7)&variant=zh-hant

Thursday, April 09, 2009

摩洛哥烹飪 / Moroccan Cookery / La Cuisine Marocaine (translated from French to English)

(La version française disponible au: http://lotusandcedar.blogspot.com/2009/04/moroccan-cookery-la-cuisine-marocaine.html )

When I was in Morocco, I ate all the time. The Moroccan meals were so fantastic, delicious and irresistible: Traditional harira soup with lentils or chick-peas, couscous with seven vegetables, chicken tagine with pears, meat tagine with onions and tomatoes, seafood pastilla, and many other familiar dishes.

For desserts and pastries, my favourite was bastella. One can serve it in two ways: either with milk (traditional way of preparation), or with a very light pastry cream.

Regarding the menu price at a restaurant, a complete meal (table d'hôte) usually costs less than dishes ordered separately (à la carte). But, think twice if you are on a diet!!

People who would like to learn how to cook Moroccan food may take cooking classes offered locally. For me, I was member of a program organized by Ms. Diane Seed who is a chef living in Rome, Italy. During the one week program, I was able to learn many techniques and methods of Moroccan cooking.

Well, enjoy your meal!!!

For more information, please visit Diane Seed's“Adventures Gourmet” websites at:
* Outside Italy: Marrakech, North India, South India, Greek Island Idyll Sifnos;
* Within Italy: Rome, Puglia, Amalfi Coast, Sicily.

* Diane Seed Cooking School and Gourmet Tours http://www.italiangourmet.com/cookingschool.php
* "Morocco" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morocco
* "Moroccan Cuisine" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuisine_of_Morocco

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

摩洛哥烹飪 / Moroccan Cookery / La Cuisine Marocaine

(English version: http://lotusandcedar.blogspot.com/2009/04/moroccan-cookery-la-cuisine-marocaine.html)

*** (Updated 2009-04-13) Acknowledgement: Michelle, thank you for your input !! ***

Quand j'étais au Maroc, j'ai mangé pendant des heures. Les repas marocains étaient fantastiques, délicieux et irrésistibles: La harira classique aux lentilles, la harira aux pois-chiches, le couscous aux sept légumes, le tajine de poulet aux poires, le tajine de viande aux oignons tomates, la pastilla aux fruits de mer, et les autres plats familiaux.

Pour les desserts et pâtisseries, ma préféré est la bastela au lait. On peut garnir cette bastela de deux façons: soit au lait (préparation classique), soit avec une crème pâtissière très légère.

En ce qui concerne le prix du restaurant, un repas complet coûte, comme d'habitude, moins cher que les plats séparés à la carte. Mais, soyez prudent(e) si vous êtes au régime !!

Pour les gens qui aiment faire la cuisine Marocaine, vous pouvez suivre des cours locaux. Moi, j'étais un membre d'un programme organisé par Mme. Diane Seed, une cuisinière qui demeure à Rome en Italie. Pendant une semaine, j'ai appris beaucoup de techniques et méthodes de la cuisine Marocaine.

Alors, bon appétit !!!

Pour plus des renseignements, veuillez visiter le site web de Diane Seed "Gourmet Adventures":
* Outside Italy: Marrakech, North India, South India, Greek Island Idyll Sifnos;
* Within Italy: Rome, Puglia, Amalfi Coast, Sicily.

* Diane Seed Cooking School and Gourmet Tours http://www.italiangourmet.com/cookingschool.php
* Le Maroc http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maroc
* La Cuisine Marocaine http://www.cuisine-marocaine.net/

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

旅遊古巴: 2009 攝影圖片系列 / Travel to Cuba: 2009 Photo Album

題目: 【姊妹情】 / Sisterly Love

(地點:古巴北岸在大西洋海中的「白沙灣礁島」Cayo Blanco)

Monday, April 06, 2009

後悔的春雪 / Belated Love


Sunday, April 05, 2009

愛滋病殺人犯 / HIV Murderer

加拿大第一個被控以愛滋病殺人的Johnson Aziga,被裁審員判决第一級謀殺罪名成立。據加拿大國家廣播公司CBC報導: 罪犯年52歲,性別男,在1996年知道有愛滋病之後,拒絕聽從衛生部指示,在性交前不告訢女方他有傳染病,在沒有警告情形之下与他發生性行為的11個受害者中(包括他寫字楼同事和在酒吧識的女朋友),兩人因受染而死亡,四人未有症狀,其她的都似乎已被愛滋病菌蠶食至死亡边沿。

這是加拿大法庭,第一次判决以愛滋病殺人的先例。根據本地法律,因aggravated sexual assault,而令他/她人死亡的罪行是屬最嚴重的第一級謀殺first degree murder,罪名成立是会被判終身監禁,25年內不能申請假釋出獄。

* "Ontario man found guilty in HIV murder trial" CBC, April 4, 2009 http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2009/04/04/aziga-verdict.html#socialcomments
* "Murder: Canada - First and Second Degree" Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder#Canada

Saturday, April 04, 2009

猜字謎 / Chinese Word Puzzle



Friday, April 03, 2009

智慧的应用: 典範轉移 / Thinking Outside of the Box: Paradigm Shift

"When the rate of change inside ... is exceeded by (that) outside ... , the end is near !!" Jack Welch

As a follow-up to my Mar 28 and Mar 30, 2009 posts 【傳統与傳統智慧 / Convention & Conventional Wisdom】, I would like to further explore how we can broaden our horizon beyond conventional thinking. For those who have heard the "Paradigm Shift"典範轉移 story, please bear with me. This is how the story (or urban myth) goes:

A Swiss had invented the digital watch but he was ridiculed by Switzerland's watch/clock industry. According to "conventional wisdom", a watch MUST have a dial with numbers and handles. Anything different is NOT a watch. The inventor was so discouraged that he did not patent his invention. The Japanese saw the new device at a trade show, took the idea (not stole, since it had not been patented), and commercialized the digital watch. The rest is history. Switzerland's once-famous watch/clock industry was wiped out. The lesson learnt: Think outside of the box !!! When there is a paradigm shift, those who fail to make changes will be left behind.

I would like to end this article by showing you what I mean by conventional and non-conventional thinking.

1. Conventional perspective: A three-dimensional object (apparently)

But, behold !!! (Please click 2.1 and 2.2 below)

2. Non-conventional Thinking: The 4th dimension 四維空間 !!!

2.1 Simple Rotation of a 4-dimensional hypercube: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/55/8-cell-simple.gif - Animated 3-dimensional projection of a 4-cube performing a simple rotation about one orthogonal plane / 超正方體三維投影動畫(單旋轉)

2.2 Double Rotations of a 4-cube:
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/55/Tesseract.gif - Animated 3-dimensional projection of a 4-cube performing a double rotation about two orthogonal planes. / 超正方體三維投影動畫(雙旋轉)

So, the next time you hear someone says "Yes, we can!!", ask that person whether we are doing more of the same (i.e. making ONLY conventional and transactional changes) or something more different (i.e. implementing ALSO non-conventional and transformational changes).


* 【傳統与傳統智慧 / Convention & Conventional Wisdom】Parts 1 & 2
* "Thinking Outside the Box" Wikipedia
* "Paradigm" Wikipedia
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradigm / 【典範轉移】
* "Tesseract" (4-cube ) Wikipedia
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesseract / 【超正方体】 http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E8%B6%85%E6%AD%A3%E6%96%B9%E4%BD%93&variant=zh-hant

Further Readings:
For those who are interested in S&T (science and technology), you might wish to review the following articles.
* "Fourth Dimension" Wikipedia
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourth_dimension / 【四维】 http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%9B%9B%E7%BB%B4&variant=zh-hant
* "
Space Time Travel": Black Hole, Einstein's Relativity Theory, etc. (with video clips) http://spacetimetravel.org/

***** Updated 20091009 *****
* "Cybernetics"
* "Sociocybernetics"

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