Thursday, April 05, 2007

自閉症作家唐娜、威廉姆斯的【此地無人】/ Donna Williams' "Nobody Nowhere - The Extraordinary Autobiography of an Autistic"


以上是我最近重讀唐娜、威廉姆斯的【此地無人】之後, 有感而發寫出來的一段翻譯。她的原文如下。

Shattered dreams, broken glass,
Echoes of a shattered past,
Too many names strewn about,
The kind that one can live without,
They're the shadows here, within,
That tear apart personality.

(Williams, D. "Nobody Nowhere" ISNB 0-385- 25372-9. p35)


Donna Williams came from a dysfunction family in which the parents fought and bickered and there were plenty of alcohol abuse and beating incidents. The poison environment along with her physiological and psychological pre-dispositions have caused the little girl to become an autistic child. Twenty six years later, as an adult woman, she "woke up" and decided to fight her autism, rediscover her "self" and try to be integrated back into this complicated human society. The book "Nobody Nowhere" is a first-person account of her struggle.

(其它資料: 自閉症兒童家長指南 / Other info: Guide to parents with autistic children


vicky said...

Very good translation!

xiao zhu said...

Really curious to know about how she "woke up", and most importantly, how she transitted to integrate into the reality.

Haricot 微豆 said...

Vicky: Thanks !!

Haricot 微豆 said...

Xiao Zhu: I am not a medical professional so I can only speculate that Donna Williams "woke up" slowly and came to realize she needed to break the glass walls/mirrors around herself. She did say in the book she had had multiple personalities to help her survive for 26 years but ironically they were also the ones that tried to keep her there in the autistic state. Her transition back into a relatively more "normal" self/person was not without pain and anguish. There were people who helped her along the way, but in the end she was the one who had to fight off her own "demons" (including the multiple personalities). In fact, both Donna Williams' books "Nobody Nowhere" and Somebody Somewhere" were about her battle against autism.

xiao zhu said...

Thanks for your sharing. I'll go and find the books.

Haricot 微豆 said...

Xiao Zhu: You might want to google the titles. Some companies/dealers might sell the two books as a package for a cheaper price.

xiao zhu said...

Noted with thanks :)

Anonymous said...

haricot, your presentation suggests that donna "got better" but in fact she did not conquer her autisim she only (only? still an incredible feat) learned what it was and how to communicate what it was to "others". she was an unusually high functioning autistic and incredibly talented and brave, but probably to this day she experiences extreme pain from stimulation, including from communication. i listened to a radio interview with her at the time her books were published. she would only read her written responses to questions sent to her before the interview. even to do that, she had to sit in a corner, facing the walls, and pretend that the "interviewer", who was just reading the questions she had already seen and prepared answers to, was not there.

Wo_木土人_od said...

I read the book about 10 years ago and can't recall much. Since the book was written so long ago, now we know that autism is not an acquired development disorder but to do with some neurological stuff before birth.
It is a good book though. I learn to view from my clients' perspectives after reading.

Haricot 微豆 said...

Wo_木土人_od: My apology for the late response. While I am not a professional like you, I too benefit a lot from reading her book (and also the next one "Somebody, Somewhere").

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