Saturday, December 29, 2012
2012聖誕節火鳮歺有感 / Thoughts on Xmas Turkey Dinner
嗜悲兄聖誕節前夕在這網誌提到,我家的雪柜裏有一隻沒有被赦免unpardoned 的火鳮。我不信神信佛,也不吃齋吃素,赦免不赦免不是由我作主,况且火鳮前數天早已在屠房被宰,所以聖誕那日我家照常以焗火鳮歺做節。
不過,嗜悲兄的留言,令我想起孟子說的: 『…..惻隱之心,人皆有之 …. 我固有之也,弗思耳矣。』
無錯,世人隨俗慶祝耶穌誕生,火鳮族年年無辜受宰, 從動物權利支持者價值覌角度來看,那實在是不公平。
但看看其它例子: 吃魚趐是对鯊魚殘忍,但多倫多唐人歺館律司在法庭推翻了禁魚趐的議案,魚趐仍是合法食品。在加拿大,吃狗肉是犯法,所以沒有人公開販賣狗肉。火鳮雖然也是熱血動物,但每年感恩節、聖誕節,火鳮族都被殺被宰。
難道沒有法律保障,我們对公平的看法,就像在戲院看3D電影,但沒有立體眼鏡的幫助? 而沒有群體社会法律支持,公平与不公平是不是只可由個人的價值覌來定斷呢?
弗思耳矣 !!!
附一: 孟子曰: 『….. 惻隱之心,人皆有之;羞惡之心,人皆有之; 恭敬之心,人皆有之;是非之心,人皆有之。惻隱之心,仁也;羞惡之心,義也;恭敬之心,禮也;是非之心智也。仁義禮智,非由外鑠我也,我固有之也,弗思耳矣。…..』
附二: Wikipedia / Animal Rights: "….. 動物權利,或稱動物解放,是人發起的保護動物不被人類作為佔有物來對待的社會運動。這是一種非人類本位出發的社會思潮,其宗旨不僅要為動物爭取被更仁慈對待的權利,更主張動物要享有精神上的基本「人」權,比如,和人類一樣免受折磨的權利,換句話說,動物應該被當作人同等看待,而不僅僅被當作人類的財產或工具,無論在法律層面或是精神層面。…."
Friday, December 28, 2012
Gatineau Park's Wolf Trail #62: Closed by NCC to skiing, hiking & snowshoeing

As mentioned in my previous blog article entitled: Running 19 km in Ottawa + Snowshoeing 8 km on Des Loups / Wolf Trail in Gatineau Park, my friend and I snowshoed Wolf Trail on Mar 4, 2012. We parked at the Blanchet parking lot P13 at the west end of Meech Lake, climbed abt 200 metres up & did the 8 km loop in approx 2 hours (actual running/walking time was 1h20). The snow condition was excellent back in March and following the trail markers was not difficult (see photo above).

However, with heavy snowfall and an unexpected injury, a couple found themselves lost and stranded on Wolf Trail in the middle of a chilly night on Dec 27/28, 2012. They were rescued and evacuated by helicopter. A few days later, two groups of ppl found themselves lost and going in circle in the same area. As the daylight faded, they had to call for rescue on their cell phone. The National |Capital Commission NCC has now barricaded the trail head as well as parking lots P12 and P13 and is warning XC skiers/hikers/snowshoers not to enter the closed area (See reports from the Ottawa Citizen below).
I must admit that over the years, I have had my share of outdoor sports-related incidents and near-disasters:
* XC Skiing: Lost during a whiteout blizzard in Flin Flon, Manitoba
* Backcountry Skiing: Avalanche in Mount Assiniboine Provincial Park, BC
* Rock Climbing: 35-ft leader-fall in Bon Echo Park, Ontario
* Day Hike: Lost in Killarney Provincial Park, Ontario .... etc
None had required emergency evacuation until I ran into the ill-tempered eel that bit my finger to the bone in the French Polynesia (Please read: 旅遊南太平洋大溪地及 它法屬波利尼西亞島嶼 (二) / Travel to Tahiti & Other Polynésie française Islands in the South Pacific Ocean (2) )!!!
I am still seeing physio 3X a week !!!!!
Couple spends chilly night stranded in Gatineau Park
By Robin Levinson, Ottawa Citizen December 28, 2012

OTTAWA — A couple of adventurers were saved by an off-duty rescue worker after they became stranded in Gatineau Park on Thursday night in the middle of a snowstorm. Adrian Beaudin, a member of the volunteer group Search and Rescue Global 1, was snowshoeing with a friend in Gatineau Park at about 9:30 p.m. Thursday when he came across two people in the P13 parking lot. They told him that their friends, a 43-year-old man and a 32-year-old women, had become lost while hiking on the Wolf Loop, trail No. 62. The trail, in a steep and rugged section of the 360-square-kilometre park near the west end of Meech Lake, had been closed by the National Capital Commission because of the danger of downed trees and falling ice left over from a storm that hit the region on Dec. 21.
But Beaudin said it can be almost impossible in winter to see which trails are open and which are closed. Beaudin and his friend began hiking Wolf Loop themselves, calling out for the lost couple. The pair searched for three hours in the dead of night along debris-covered trails before finding the couple at about 12:30 a.m. “The trail was really hard to follow,” he said. The man had injured his leg and the woman was feeling the effects of the –15 weather. Beaudin tried to light a fire but his matches were wet. He and his friend gave the couple dry clothes and some food and water. Although the rescuers knew the way back to the main trail, by this time the man and woman were too weak to make the three-hour hike back to the parking lot. Beaudin and his friend decided to stay. “My buddy and I had a choice and we chose to stay up with them,” Beaudin said.
As a trained search-and-rescue volunteer, Beaudin knew what to do. Beaudin, who by day works in technology, called 911 and was able to give dispatchers the stranded party’s global positioning system (GPS) co-ordinates from his cellphone. At about 1:30 a.m., he communicated with the MRC des Collines police and NCC using amateur radio, he said. He said that as a member of Rescue Global 1, he’s worked with the NCC and MRC des Collines several times. “There was no panic,” he said. While they waited for help to arrive, Beaudin talked to the couple to keep them calm. He asked them what they did for a living, and what they planned on doing when they got home. No snowshoeing, they told him.
It wasn’t until 4:45 a.m. that the main rescue party from Search and Rescue Global 1 (SG1) was able to reach the four. The rescue team built a fire to warm the stranded snowshoers, then worked with the MRC des Collines and NCC to get the couple and Beaudin and his friend out of the park. Lawrence Conway, a spokesman for SG1, said the couple handled themselves well throughout the ordeal. They stayed put and called out for help. “The way they reacted was perfect,” he said.
Around 6 a.m., the woman, Beaudin and his friend were taken out of the bush on snowmobiles to emergency response vehicles in the P11 parking lot, approximately two kilometres away. The injured man was airlifted out by a Sûreté du Québec helicopter, which then took him and the woman to hospital in Hull, where they were treated for hypothermia. Beaudin and his friend were checked by paramedics but were not hurt.
Read more:
Updated 20121231:
NCC closes P12, P13 after spate of Gatineau Park rescue missions
By ROBIN LEVINSON, Ottawa Citizen December 31, 2012
Snow has turned Gatineau Park into a winter wonderland that can be as dangerous as it is beautiful. The NCC has closed P12 and P13 parking after three separate groups of adventurers got stranded in the bush in the past few days. This photo was taken Sunday on Ridge Road.
Photograph by: Drew Gragg , The Ottawa Citizen
OTTAWA — Gatineau Park is closing down trailheads near Meech Lake after three separate groups of snowshoers got lost while exploring the woods this past weekend.
Parking lots P12 and P13, which give hikers access to closed trails, are shut down. Police will also be patrolling the roads near the trailheads to ensure people are not trying to sneak onto the forbidden paths.
Many of the park’s trails are closed because of recent heavy snowfalls and debris littering the paths, forcing snowshoers to make their own way in the wintry woods.
“You could get lost for days on end,” said Lawrence Conway, who co-ordinates rescue missions for Search and Rescue Global 1.
Conway and his team of volunteer wilderness rescuers were called in twice this past weekend to bring lost hikers out of the woods.
Conway said there was a sign and caution tape warning would-be hikers to stay off trail 62, but that clearly some hikers overestimated their ability to navigate the woods.
“Maybe a little too much self-confidence,” he said.
On Sunday, two separate groups of adventurers got lost on trails 62 and 40. They eventually found each other, and used their cellphones to call for help. The NCC called the MRC des Collines, who worked with Rescue Global 1 to locate the hikers.
Rescue teams were able to reach them within four hours using their phone’s GPS co-ordinates and no one had to be taken to hospital.
But not all lost trekkers are so lucky. On Thursday, a couple got lost on trail 62. The man, 43, injured his leg and eventually had to be airlifted out of the park by a Sûreté du Québec helicopter. Both he and his friend, a 32-year-old woman, had to be treated in hospital for hypothermia after spending more than 10 hours stranded overnight. in the park. The cost of these search and rescue missions is high, said Jean Wolff, a spokesman for the NCC. Helicopters, hospital stays and police hours add up, but Wolff said the greatest cost could be people’s lives. The trails are dangerous not only for hikers, but also for rescue teams, who had to travel on foot in the dead of night to reach the lost adventurers. “There’s so much snow you can no longer see the paths,” Conway said. “People aren’t appreciating the risk associated with their little adventures.” Parking lots P12 and P13 will remain closed until the trails nearby are safe for travellers.
Parking lots P12 and P13, which give hikers access to closed trails, are shut down. Police will also be patrolling the roads near the trailheads to ensure people are not trying to sneak onto the forbidden paths.
Many of the park’s trails are closed because of recent heavy snowfalls and debris littering the paths, forcing snowshoers to make their own way in the wintry woods.
“You could get lost for days on end,” said Lawrence Conway, who co-ordinates rescue missions for Search and Rescue Global 1.
Conway and his team of volunteer wilderness rescuers were called in twice this past weekend to bring lost hikers out of the woods.
Conway said there was a sign and caution tape warning would-be hikers to stay off trail 62, but that clearly some hikers overestimated their ability to navigate the woods.
“Maybe a little too much self-confidence,” he said.
On Sunday, two separate groups of adventurers got lost on trails 62 and 40. They eventually found each other, and used their cellphones to call for help. The NCC called the MRC des Collines, who worked with Rescue Global 1 to locate the hikers.
Rescue teams were able to reach them within four hours using their phone’s GPS co-ordinates and no one had to be taken to hospital.
But not all lost trekkers are so lucky. On Thursday, a couple got lost on trail 62. The man, 43, injured his leg and eventually had to be airlifted out of the park by a Sûreté du Québec helicopter. Both he and his friend, a 32-year-old woman, had to be treated in hospital for hypothermia after spending more than 10 hours stranded overnight. in the park. The cost of these search and rescue missions is high, said Jean Wolff, a spokesman for the NCC. Helicopters, hospital stays and police hours add up, but Wolff said the greatest cost could be people’s lives. The trails are dangerous not only for hikers, but also for rescue teams, who had to travel on foot in the dead of night to reach the lost adventurers. “There’s so much snow you can no longer see the paths,” Conway said. “People aren’t appreciating the risk associated with their little adventures.” Parking lots P12 and P13 will remain closed until the trails nearby are safe for travellers.
Source: The Ottawa Citizen 20121231
Thursday, December 27, 2012
My Belated Responses to Your Comments with Thanks !!!
Below are my belated responses to comments you have posted on the linked articles :
Best Actor, SBB, 啤酒花™_J: Merry Xmas & Happy NY
everyone!!! ps: Unpardonned turkey now seeing higher authourity. on 聖誕快樂 / Joyeux Noël
SBB: This particular human and the turkey
had fulfilled their roles in nature's carnivorous food chain. on 渥太華風雪夜 / Snowy Night in Ottawa
Michelle: I put my bike away as soon as the
roads become too icy and snowy. With snowbanks and dim light conditions, the
cyclists risk being run over by motor vehicles. on 渥太華風雪夜 / Snowy Night in Ottawa
>> .... 未到五點天就全黑, 樂覌一點看,十二月二十一日是日長夜短的開始!! Wikipedia: ".... 至點(亦稱二至點)可以是太陽在一年之中離地球赤道最遠的兩個事件中的任何一個,英文的字源(solstice) 來自拉丁文的太陽(sol)和保持直立(sistere),因為在至點時太陽直射的地球緯度是他能抵達的最南或最北的極值,而至點所在之日是一年之中日夜長短差異最大的一天 ...." >> ... ... 街上空無一人 個個回家做節也!! on 渥太華風雪夜 / Snowy Night in Ottawa
SBB: Thanks, I watched the video clip觀看片段 re climate change. I note it
is abt -10 deg C outside my house !!! on渥太華風雪夜 / Snowy Night in Ottawa
新鮮兄: 日本文化也有其優美友善的一面,但「軍國主义」不是其中一部份。 on 中日關係: 南京大屠殺/ China-Japan Bilateral Relations: Nanking Massacre 1939-12-13
SSB: There is a big difference btwn
denying to have committed a crime vs saying the crime was a big lie that was
deliberately fabricated by the victims. on 中日關係: 南京大屠殺/ China-Japan Bilateral Relations: Nanking Massacre 1939-12-13
SBB: Yes, photo was taken in Venice, Italy.
Also, I watched the YouTube clips: 曾經有一份真誠的愛錢擺在我的面前,但是我沒有珍惜,等到了失去的時候才後悔莫及,塵世間最痛苦的事莫過於此,如果上天可以給我一個機會,再來一次的話,我會跟那個女孩說我愛她!如果非要把這份愛加上一個期限,我希望是...一萬年 Was the statement supposed to
be funny or serious? on 眼淚的味道 / Tastes of Tears
>> …. 由愛情昇華到感情 無錯,由拍拖談情說愛(講講吓) ,昇華到較有深度的感情,的确是可以令關係「長春」ever green。 但有很多在社会有名望的男人(多數是男人),仍然受不住誘惑,「偷食」露光之後,又对妻子家人道歉,但到底,他們的愛情究竟有沒有昇華到感情呢? 又: There was even a movie called:
In praise of older women (which I saw *_^) on在家賢婦,出外貴婦,床上蕩婦; 在家男僕,出外闊客,床上丈夫
SBB: >> .... yakuza I checked
Wikipedia/Yakuza: ".... 流氓(日語:ヤクザ,英語:Yakuza)是日本社會裡從事暴力或有組織犯罪活動的人士或團體,統一稱為極道(ごくどう)。流氓(ヤクザ)的名稱是來自日本紙牌遊戲花札(玩法一說是「おいちょかぶ」)的一個最壞組合「八九三」。日本政府和警方通常把它們指為暴力團,又公告了所謂的指定暴力團,山口組是其中之一。..." ".... Rituals Yubitsume, or the cutting of one's
finger, is a form of penance or apology. Upon a first offence, the transgressor
must cut off the tip of his left little finger and give the severed portion to
his boss. Sometimes an underboss may do this in penance to the oyabun if he
wants to spare a member of his own gang from further retaliation. Its origin
stems from the traditional way of holding a Japanese sword. The bottom three
fingers of each hand are used to grip the sword tightly, with the thumb and
index fingers slightly loose. The removal of digits starting with the little
finger moving up the hand to the index finger progressively weakens a person's
sword grip. The idea is that a person with a weak sword grip then has to rely
more on the group for on 人生苦短 時光如白駒過隙
新鮮兄: 日以繼夜的痛楚,对睡眠身心都有很大負性影響,是会令人非常疲倦。不過臨睡前吃一片止痛餅,情况又改善了很多。 Link: Finger food for an
ill-tempered eel in French Polynesia on 人生苦短 時光如白駒過隙
SBB: It's funny to watch (as a human). Yes,
the dog is just being conditioned to carry out an order by his/her master. on 訓練牧羊犬聽得多,牧貓狗?? / You've heard of training a sheep dog. But a dog that
shepherds cat?
SBB: 一個國家從革命建國,工業發展,社会改進, 至國泰民安,掦威海外,每一個階段都需要不同資歷的領導人。 海歸派或許有很多新意見,但他/她未必就能將這些維新政策廣泛地令村鎮官民接受和實施。土生土長的保守派可能深知階級關係, 官腔民意但他/她未必就能打破墨守成規的傳統思想,令社会進入新的紀元。 我個人相信選擇每一個階段的領導人之過程应該是 merit-based。 至於「插間」或「變節」這一回事,那就是視乎一個人的信仰原則,海歸或非海歸似乎不是主要因素。 on 新中國的接班人 / PRC Under New Management
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
聖誕快樂 / Joyeux Noël
聖誕快樂 / Joyeux Noël
(I took this photo on top of the hill overlooking Hakahau Bay, Ua Pou, Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia on Oct 23, 2012, 19h18, Ottawa date/time)
Friday, December 21, 2012
渥太華風雪夜 / Snowy Night in Ottawa
Video credit: CBC
Video credit: CBC
Thursday, December 13, 2012
中日關係: 南京大屠殺/ China-Japan Bilateral Relations: Nanking Massacre 1939-12-13
友人在12月13日來伩提到: 日本從未正式道歉和願意承擔南京大屠殺的罪行,更有很多政府官員和軍國主義者根本就否認流血事件之發生,要把學校的歷史敎授課程完全篡改,讓下一代日本人相伩南京大屠殺是中國人的謊話。
但紏正過往歷史暴行,為受害人伸張正義,卻不是一件直接簡單的事情。君不見亞美尼亞人至今仍要與土耳其算帳(維基百科: 土耳其政府於1915年至1917年間,對其轄境內亞美尼亞人進行的種族屠殺,其受害者數量達到150萬之眾。)。以色列人在二次大戰被以阿道夫•希特勒為首的軸心國家軍隊屠殺,同盟國戰勝後幫助以色列人建國,但至今二次大戰的後遺症仍令中東局勢緊張, 烽煙四起,戰火瀰漫。
從直接簡單的角度來看,如果中國政府能令日本屈膝,肯公開為侵華時犯的罪行道歉及賠罪,那当然會令中國軍民士氣大振,領導人在國內的聲望亦將會有大幅度的提高。但從外交政策角度來看,我相信中囯的最後目標是多層面的,例如: 海底資源擁有及開發權、南中國海軍事控制、中美日菲台越等多邊関係,而怎樣達到每個目標的手段、方法(軍事,外交,明爭,暗斗等),那就是戰略。
Here are two YouTube videos from the Nanking Massacre deniers ......
1. Anti-Japanese Education in China
As you may know, public sentiment against Japan in China is ve......
2. なぜ南京大虐殺は捏造されたのか?
We Japanese know that there are several 'self-confessed ex-Jap......
Photo credit: Wikipedia / Nanking Massacre
Sunday, December 09, 2012
眼淚的味道 / Tastes of Tears: Behind the Venetian Mask
Boys are taught not to shed tears
Brave men you will be to feel no fear
But deep in the abyss of your heart
Emotion has carved out a part
And in the darkest moment of the night
When nobody else is in sight
You know you have cried
Disguised by a muffled sigh
But can you tell the difference my dear lad
The tastes of your tears: happy and sad?
Photo credit: This photo was taken by Lotusandcedar on February 23, 2006 in San Marco, Venice, VN, IT, using an Olympus
Friday, December 07, 2012
在家賢婦,出外貴婦,床上蕩婦; 在家男僕,出外闊客,床上丈夫
新鮮人最近在網誌提到『一個抽煙卻很有味道的女人』,文章描寫得淋漓盡致,色、香、味俱全: “.... 胸口最上兩顆鈕永遠解開,黑色貼身長褲,腳上配黑色光得發亮二吋高跟鞋 ....”,正是: 徐娘半老,風韻猶存,讀後令人怦然心動,想入非非真,会為那些十九歲年青人的童貞擔心!!
從一個血氣方剛的男兒漢眼中來看,有濃厚女人味道,有男歡女愛經驗的 cougars 的确是会比一些乳臭未亁的丫頭來得較吸引。不過,有性感魅力的女人,未必就是一個男人的理想伴侶。還記得簡而清在天天日報提過「三婦」標凖: 『在家賢婦,出外貴婦,床上蕩婦。』但這個世界有又多少個謂標凖「十全十美」的女人呀?
再者,現代社会注重平等,假如男仕們有「在家、出外、床上」標凖,那么女人又沒有夢想男人的標凖呢? 例如: 「男僕、闊客、丈夫」?
Link: 新鮮人: 煙消雲散: 吸煙的女人
Photo credit: Wikipedia / Jacob de Gheyn II - Neptune and Amphitrite
Wednesday, December 05, 2012
人生苦短 時光如白駒過隙
以下是我讀完網友 wordyhylau 【睡與起】一文之後的感想:
攝影图片 Photo credit: I took this photo of Moorea Island basking in the morning sun before boarding a plane heading to the Marquesas islands north of Tahiti. I was fairly tired that morning, having spent several sleepless nights at the Taaone Hospital where the surgeon had reattached the severed nerves and tendons of my little finger.
其實在週末,我是可以找机会偷鳮去cat nap作貓午睡的,但晝伏夜出,冷落了枕边人,那又何苦呢?再者,我未有打算參加友人最近組成的超馬拉松ultra marathon、148公里距離的長跑隊, 實在是沒有訓練短睡或不睡之必要。
在這24/7科技時代,時光荏苒,買少見少,人生苦短如白駒過隙,但暫時來說,睡眠仍是人類不可缺少的基本需要。 睡與起
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