Thursday, December 27, 2012

My Belated Responses to Your Comments with Thanks !!!

Below are my belated responses to comments you have posted on the linked articles :

新鮮人: 每逢佳節~ ~思親呀!! on 聖誕快樂 / Joyeux Noël

Best Actor, SBB, 啤酒花™_J: Merry Xmas & Happy NY everyone!!! ps: Unpardonned turkey now seeing higher authourity. on 聖誕快樂 / Joyeux Noël

SBB: Season's Greetings 2U2!!! on 渥太華風雪夜 / Snowy Night in Ottawa

SBB: This particular human and the turkey had fulfilled their roles in nature's carnivorous food chain. on 渥太華風雪夜 / Snowy Night in Ottawa

Michelle: I put my bike away as soon as the roads become too icy and snowy. With snowbanks and dim light conditions, the cyclists risk being run over by motor vehicles. on 渥太華風雪夜 / Snowy Night in Ottawa

新鮮兄: >> .... 未到五點天就全黑, 樂覌一點看,十二月二十一日是日長夜短的開始!! Wikipedia: ".... 至點(亦稱二至點)可以是太陽在一年之中離地球赤道最遠的兩個事件中的任何一個,英文的字源(solstice 來自拉丁文的太陽(sol)和保持直立(sistere),因為在至點時太陽直射的地球緯度是他能抵達的最南或最北的極值,而至點所在之日是一年之中日夜長短差異最大的一天 ...." >> ... ... 街上空無一人 個個回家做節也!! on 渥太華風雪夜 / Snowy Night in Ottawa

SBB: Thanks, I watched the video clip觀看片段 re climate change. I note it is abt -10 deg C outside my house !!! on渥太華風雪夜 / Snowy Night in Ottawa

新鮮兄: 日本文化也有其優美友善的一面,但「軍國主义」不是其中一部份。 on 中日關係: 南京大屠殺/ China-Japan Bilateral Relations: Nanking Massacre 1939-12-13

SSB There is a big difference btwn denying to have committed a crime vs saying the crime was a big lie that was deliberately fabricated by the victims. on 中日關係: 南京大屠殺/ China-Japan Bilateral Relations: Nanking Massacre 1939-12-13

新鮮人: 多是: 有情人終不能成眷屬 :( on 眼淚的味道 / Tastes of Tears

SBB: Yes, photo was taken in Venice, Italy. Also, I watched the YouTube clips: 曾經有一份真誠的愛錢擺在我的面前,但是我沒有珍惜,等到了失去的時候才後悔莫及,塵世間最痛苦的事莫過於此,如果上天可以給我一個機會,再來一次的話,我會跟那個女孩說­我愛她!如果非要把這份愛加上一個期限,我希望是...一萬年 Was the statement supposed to be funny or serious? on 眼淚的味道 / Tastes of Tears

新鮮兄: >> …. 由愛情昇華到感情 無錯,由拍拖談情說愛(講講吓) ,昇華到較有深度的感情,的确是可以令關係「長春」ever green 但有很多在社会有名望的男人(多數是男人),仍然受不住誘惑,「偷食」露光之後,又对妻子家人道歉,但到底,他們的愛情究竟有沒有昇華到感情呢? : There was even a movie called: In praise of older women (which I saw *_^) on在家賢婦,出外貴婦,床上蕩婦; 在家男僕,出外闊客,床上丈夫

Wordy: >> .... 小小一個環節 真的,索一髪可以動全身。 >> ... 個人的取捨 完全同意! on 人生苦短 時光如白駒過隙

SBB: >> .... yakuza I checked Wikipedia/Yakuza: ".... 流氓(日語:ヤクザ,英語:Yakuza)是日本社會裡從事暴力或有組織犯罪活動的人士或團體,統一稱為極道(ごくどう)。流氓(ヤクザ)的名稱是來自日本紙牌遊戲花札(玩法一說是「おいちょかぶ」)的一個最壞組合「八九三」。日本政府和警方通常把它們指為暴力團,又公告了所謂的指定暴力團,山口組是其中之一。..." ".... Rituals Yubitsume, or the cutting of one's finger, is a form of penance or apology. Upon a first offence, the transgressor must cut off the tip of his left little finger and give the severed portion to his boss. Sometimes an underboss may do this in penance to the oyabun if he wants to spare a member of his own gang from further retaliation. Its origin stems from the traditional way of holding a Japanese sword. The bottom three fingers of each hand are used to grip the sword tightly, with the thumb and index fingers slightly loose. The removal of digits starting with the little finger moving up the hand to the index finger progressively weakens a person's sword grip. The idea is that a person with a weak sword grip then has to rely more on the group for on 人生苦短 時光如白駒過隙

新鮮兄: 日以繼夜的痛楚,对睡眠身心都有很大負性影響,是会令人非常疲倦。不過臨睡前吃一片止痛餅,情况又改善了很多。 Link: Finger food for an ill-tempered eel in French Polynesia on 人生苦短 時光如白駒過隙

SBB: It's funny to watch (as a human). Yes, the dog is just being conditioned to carry out an order by his/her master. on 訓練牧羊犬聽得多,牧貓狗?? / You've heard of training a sheep dog. But a dog that shepherds cat?

SBB: 一個國家從革命建國,工業發展,社会改進, 至國泰民安,掦威海外,每一個階段都需要不同資歷的領導人。 海歸派或許有很多新意見,但他/她未必就能將這些維新政策廣泛地令村鎮官民接受和實施。土生土長的保守派可能深知階級關係, 官腔民意但他/她未必就能打破墨守成規的傳統思想,令社会進入新的紀元。 我個人相信選擇每一個階段的領導人之過程应該是 merit-based 至於「插間」或「變節」這一回事,那就是視乎一個人的信仰原則,海歸或非海歸似乎不是主要因素。 on 新中國的接班人 / PRC Under New Management


新鮮人 said...

人 ~ 不可能也不必要時常太客觀和理性的,

我時常講沒有東西是絕對的 ,
日本當然有好的文化 ,
你會發覺日本人依然以中國為最大的假想敵 ,
其實可能是大意 ,
這樣只可能會令中 國陷入另一次被侵略的危機而不自知,

Haricot 微豆 said...


>> …. 間中"瘋狂"一下
記得以前有一位女強人的座右銘是: I work hard but also play hard.

>> … 不要再大意,… 不要太純真。

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