Saturday, June 19, 2010

香港工專 / Hong Kong Technical College HKTC

This article was originally posted on May 23, 2010 at my other blog site "柏樹冬青耐冰雪 / Strong Cedar". I have now transferred the article here, added a link, and tagged this post under "香港長大 Growing Up in Hong Kong".

I have many fond memories of 觀塘 !!!

".... I was working one summer for the Vita Soy / Pepsi Cola company located there. I also had a link with the old HKTC, having spent many mornings at 7 am practising 功力拳 with [some HKTC] students in the grassy school yard at the back of the old building (if it still exists) ...."

The above are my comments left at Fresh Designer's 2010年5月19日 blog article "觀塘略影: 裕民坊一角!"

Yes, time has passed by quickly, and many of the ppl I practised kung fu with during those early hours at 香港工專 Hong Kong Technical College have moved on. One reached near the pinnacle of the HK society, his profile flashed across TV screens and newspaper. Another had married the former, and she too was in the news several years ago. A few like myself have gone overseas to seek our future. And the rest of the ppl? I have lost track of them all.

As Fresh Designer concluded in his article: "... 當中不少的人和事亦會消失得無影無踪了"

Related blog articles:
* Haricot working for Vita Soy / Pepsi Cola 七十二行: 替『維他奶』和『百事可樂』送水 (一) / 72 Occupations: The Thirst Quencher (Part 1 of 6)
* Fresh Designer "觀塘略影: 裕民坊一角!"


新鮮人 said...


Anonymous said...

HK polytechnique University or HK polytechnic University 前身叫 HK Polyetechnical College, 再前些時叫 "Hong Kong Technical College 工專".

Founded in 1937 as the Government Trade School. Situated in Wood Road, Wanchai, the School was the first publicly funded, post-secondary technical institution in Hong Kong.

After World War II, the School became the Hong Kong Technical College in 1947, offering both full-time and part-time courses. The year 1957 saw the opening of the new premises of the College in Hung Hom.

The Hong Kong Polytechnic was formally established on 1 August 1972, taking over the campus and staff of the Hong Kong Technical College. Its mandate was to provide professionally-oriented education.

Having gained approval from the University and Polytechnic Grants Committee for self-accreditation of degree programmes, the Institution assumed full university status on 25 November 1994, changing its name to The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Today, Poly U is an institution of higher learning and offers more than 130 postgraduate, undergraduate and sub-degree programmes, supported by more than 1,000 academic and research staff members from different parts of the world.









Hong Kong Technical College


Anonymous said...

The links have mistakes

Hong Kong Polytechnic University:
Hong Kong Polytechnic University direct link 連結

香港理工大學 direct link 連結


Haricot 微豆 said...

新鮮人: But as they say, it's not over till it's over. We still have a long way to go ah !!!

Haricot 微豆 said...


Thank you for the info. I learnt quite a bit abt the history of HKTC/HK Polytech U, as I was not a graduate there.

Haricot 微豆 said...

Space: Thank you for the link to Wikipedia. Man, I don't recognize any of the buildings at all !!!! I am glad to learn it has a good reputation around the world!!!

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