Wednesday, September 30, 2009
兩週一聚 (二十三期) 「假如我有魔法或超能力....」 / 2weeks1gather (#23)「If I have magic or super power....」
和住在世界其它戰火漫延丶有天災人禍地方的人比較,我們在香港戰後出世長大的一代算是夠運了,在最近六十多年中,除了發生過兩次暴動,一次和平易手之外,這東方之珠仍燦爍著相当的繁榮光采,大部份市民都有瓦遮頭,日有兩歺或三歺,沒有像一些非洲貧國那樣慘受飢荒的蹂躪,或如中東地區軍隊和恐怖份子對歭火拼。所以如果我有無边法術,我会用它來濟世為懷,滅絕人類向惡好戰之心,帶來世界和平,又会幫助國際健康机構,尋找萬应良方,医療例如乳腺癌等不治之症 (註*)。不過,話得說回來,在現實社会中,我們每人都有「無边法術」,那就是叫做「付諸行動」,因為:
Vision without action is just an illusion // 沒有行動的夢想只会永遠是個幻想。
註*: 每年10月是國際乳腺癌症防治月,請參閱上一篇網誌【粉紅絲帶】
Please also read my next article on the same subject:
* 科技是否必需之魔法道具? / Is Science and Technology a Necessary Evil?
又: 請到「兩週一聚」總部師奶亭処參閱其它網友的魔法或超能力:
Vision without action is just an illusion // 沒有行動的夢想只会永遠是個幻想。
註*: 每年10月是國際乳腺癌症防治月,請參閱上一篇網誌【粉紅絲帶】
Please also read my next article on the same subject:
* 科技是否必需之魔法道具? / Is Science and Technology a Necessary Evil?
又: 請到「兩週一聚」總部師奶亭処參閱其它網友的魔法或超能力:
Monday, September 28, 2009
國際乳腺癌症防治月: 粉紅絲帶 / National Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Pink Ribbon

"... 歷史上第一次將絲帶作為有意義的象徵是在美國軍隊行軍歌曲中曾經提及到的一條黃絲帶。1917年 George A Norton 第一次將這首歌的版權購買下來。這首歌曲的名字是「黃色的絲帶在她的頸上環繞」 。1940年,許多音樂家都嘗試著改寫這首歌曲。 1970年的早期,歌曲系條黃絲帶在老橡 (Tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree)被發行了。在這首歌曲中,一個被困在伊朗的人質的妻子,Penney Laingen, 是第一個將黃色的絲帶作為有意義的象徵物的人。她將黃色的絲帶系在樹枝上來表達她盼望丈夫早日歸來的心情。她的朋友和家人也因為她的忠貞而跟隨效仿。當所有的美國人都看到這絲帶所表達的信息後,絲帶成為了一件傳遞感情的媒介。 1990年,受到絲帶可以作為傳遞感情和信息的媒介的啟發,愛滋病防治的活躍分子決定開始將絲帶作為他們對抗愛滋病毒的標誌。他們將絲帶的顏色定為紅色來表達他們的熱情。在東尼獎頒獎典禮上,著名影星 Jeremy Irons將一條紅色絲帶別在胸口的照片被永遠的定格下來。 托尼頒獎典禮後,絲帶成功地抓住了所有人的眼球並紅遍了美國。美國時代雜誌更將1992年稱作是"絲帶年" Alexandra Penney,1992年女性健康雜誌"Self"的主編,開始著手編輯新一期全國防治乳腺癌運動的年刊。Evelyn Lauder, 雅詩蘭黛Estee Lauder的副總裁,被邀請成為全國防治乳腺癌運動1992年年刊的客串編輯。 Penney和Lauder一起提出一個想法,那就是徵募所有化妝品集團巨頭,說服他們將絲帶在美國紐約每個化妝品商店內發送。 Evelyn Lauder當時還承諾她將會把絲帶成功地傳播到全國各個角落。
Charlotte Hayley,一名和乳腺癌搏鬥了多年的患者,生產了一種桃紅色的絲帶。她在隨售的卡片上說道,」 全國癌症協會每年的資金預算是18億美金,百分之5用作癌症的防治。讓我們戴著這絲帶來喚醒我們的立法者吧。她的留言傳播的非常快,並迅速地引起Penney和Evelyn Lauder的關注。她們主動提出要和Hayley一起合作來拓展她的想法。但是Hayley拒絕了她們的建議並認為她們的建議太過出於商業目的了。
在和Lauder商妥合作機遇後, Hayley和她的律師一起提出了新的絲帶的顏色。新的顏色被定為粉紅色。而粉紅色的絲帶成為了全球防治乳腺癌標誌。..."
十月是加拿大乳腺癌基金会The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation 籌款的日子,在未來數星期,將会有很多步行和賽跑Run/Walk for the Cure,在我住的城巿舉行。而其它國家地方的政府健康部門丶非盈利性組織丶和一些商業机構,亦会同時以各種方法,吸引公眾對乳房健康丶早期乳腺癌診斷丶和治療預防乳腺癌研究的注意力,宣揚這一個年度的國際健康運動。例如在中國,《时尚健康》雜誌將会在2009年10月出版的封面,以毛阿敏、宁静、郝蕾三位女星來打出“粉红丝带,改变生命的力量”的主题 (見攝影图片)。

* Pink Ribbon
* 粉紅絲帶
* National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
*** Updated 20091008 *** More references from Kempton's blog entitled "加拿大研究更新乳房腫瘤的認識 (Canadian researchers show how a breast tumor evolves)":
* B.C. research alters view of breast tumours (CBC News)
* Genetic `typos’ open new doors in breast cancer research (
* Canadian researchers show how a breast tumor evolves (LA Times)
* A cancer evolves: heterogeneity and mutational evolution in a breast tumour (source Nature magazine article)
Photo Credit 攝影图片:
* End Women's Cancers
* 《时尚健康》2009粉红丝带乳腺癌防治运动启动
Saturday, September 26, 2009
潘迪華 (潘宛卿) 唱【第二春】 / Rebecca Pan (Pan Wan Ching) singing "Ding Dong Song"
這首歌是點給小豬姐,小豬姐阿媽,潘迪華歌迷粉絲,及所有時代曲愛好者欣賞 (see ref below)!! 中丶英歌詞如下:
第二春 / Ding Dong Song
曲: 潘迪華, 詞: 易文
I hear the bell go ding dong,
deep down inside my heart;
Each time you say kiss me,
then I know it's time for ding dong to start;
Each time you say hug me, ding dong ding dong;
Each time you say love me, ding dong ding dong;
I hope I don't wait too long,
to hear my bell go ding dong.
I hear the bell go ding dong,
deep down inside my heart;
Each time you say kiss me,
then I know it's time for ding dong to start;
Each time you say hug me, ding dong ding dong;
Each time you say love me, ding dong ding dong;
I hope I don't wait too long,
to hear my bell go ding dong,
to hear my bell go ding dong.
(Source: YouTube
"... 潘迪華(Rebecca Pan,1931年12月29日-)原名潘宛卿,生於上海,祖籍江蘇無錫。她是中國流行音樂樂壇的一個傳奇人物,後又曾因在王家衛電影里客串演出配角而為人熟知。...
... 潘迪華1949年移民香港。18歲就獲得機會錄製流行歌曲,代表作是印度尼西亞民歌《梭羅河畔》(Bengawan Solo)的英語版。1957年正式開始職業歌手生涯,先在夜總會做歌手,至20世紀60年代,其歌唱事業到達頂峰,成為香港60年代著名歌星,此時她仍沿用本名「潘宛卿」。
... 潘迪華自1953年開始拍電影,並啟用「潘迪華」作為藝名。她參演的電影少而精,常扮演精明利落的上海女性,演技精湛,給觀眾留下了深刻的印象。...
1. 《游龍戲鳳》(Look For A Star,2009年) 扮演程仲森(劉德華)母親 導演:劉偉強
2. 《色,戒》(Lust,Caution,2007年)[1] 導演:李安
3. 《天下無雙》(Chinese Odyssey 2002,2002年) 扮演皇后母親
4. 《花樣年華》(In the Mood for Love,2000年) 扮演孫太,導演:王家衛
5. 《海上花》(Flowers of Shanghai,1998年) 導演:侯孝賢
6. 《阿飛正傳》(Days of Being Wild,1991年) 扮演Rebecca,導演:王家衛
7. 《公子多情》(The Greatest Lover,1988年)
8. 《今夜星光燦爛》(Starry is the Night,1988年) 導演:許鞍華 ..."
(Source: Wikipedia 潘迪華 )
(Photo credit 攝影图片:
(Ref: Response to Xiao Zhu's comments posted at "Strong Cedar" )
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
基礎建設(設施)作為國際貿易的競爭力優點 / Infrastructure as an Advantage of International Competitiveness in World Trade
If you have any suggestions, please go to CM's blog site and read his article first.
While one can focus on HK, or southern China, or even the Shanghai-HK link, I have a feeling that the international competitiveness aspect has not been fully considered. All these infrastructure discussions should be re-examined in the bigger context of how infrastructure investment, be they bus services to/from HK, railway network in Canton, or hub-and-spokes airports across China, will increase a country's competitiveness against other countries with cheaper labour cost, little environmental enforcement, corruptions, etc. And, what are China's present competitive advantages over the other BRIC countries anyway? Is that the reasons why China just announced its "green" plan to rely more on wind- and solar-generated energy in the long-term?
In my humble opinion, I would submit that the entry point for the whole discussion should start with international competitiveness, of which infrastructure is just one of the many possible advantages for consideration.
PS1: I have to admit I did not read all the comments and I apologize if I am repeating what others have already said.
PS2: I recall you are always keen on "mobility". Here you talk abt 交流 (quality over quantity). But do you think decision-makers in mainland China really see, define and put a high value on the kind of "quality" Hong Kong people are so proud of and want to offer? Maybe HK should re-examine what it has to offer in your proposal for more exchange and collaborations with mainlanders.
***** Updated 20091009 *****
Photo Captions:
* The first aerial photo above depicts Lantau Island 大嶼山, the largest of Hong Kong's Islands District 離島區 (there are 18 districts and 236 islands). It is one of the main platforms of HK's transportation infrastructure.
* The second photo provides a glimpse of the Hong Kong's International Airport 香港國際機場 that is located at Chek Lap Kok 赤鱲角 on the north side of the Lantau Island off the shore of Tung Chung 大嶼山東涌以北. HKIA is reported to be the world's 12th busiest airport by passenger traffic.
Photo Credit: Wikipedia
* "大嶼山" Lantau Island (top photo above)
* "香港國際機場" (second photo)
Saturday, September 19, 2009
金融風暴 / Stormy Weather
“今不如昔Long Gone Silver”
Long gone are ... the silver bullets that fix our problems
Long gone are ... the silver platters that serve our careers
Long gone are ... the silver linings that come with our jobs
Long gone are ... the silver bullets that fix our problems
Long gone are ... the silver platters that serve our careers
Long gone are ... the silver linings that come with our jobs
(攝影图片Photo Credit: AFP - Hurricane Bill hitting Rockaway Beach, NY City on Aug 23,2009 )
Friday, September 18, 2009
加拿大聯邦選舉 / Federal Election

According to some media reports, a delay of the federal election to after March 2010 would not only give unemployed Canadians an opportunity to receive extended employment insurance EI (if and when the bill passes) and prepare for the economically speaking tough winter ahead, it might even allow many of us to sit down in front of the TVs and enjoy the upcoming winter Olympic Games in B.C.
Also by then, many Canadians would have a better idea as to whether they are going to vote for the women/men or the brand.
Updated: 20090918 17h00
As predicted by the media, the federal government's budget motion was carried earlier today with only the Liberals voting against it. The next confidence-vote opportunity for the oppositions will be October 2009.
Photo Credit:
Canadian Press - Previous coalition partners Bloc Quebecois leader Gilles Duceppe and NDP leader Jack Layton after the introduction of the budget bill on January 27, 2009.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Vienna Teng 唱校園民歌【如果】/ Vienna Tang Singing Campus Folk Song "If"
上星期日聽到這首校園民歌【如果】,覺得很好聽,於是上網找到了Vienna Teng唱得不錯的YouTube錄影,在此供諸同好。
曲Music: 邰肇玫Tai Chou May
詞Lyrics: 施碧梧.Sou Bi Wu
原曲演唱: 施碧梧邰肇玫二重唱
錄影演唱: Vienna Teng
* YouTube:
* Vienna Teng:
曲Music: 邰肇玫Tai Chou May
詞Lyrics: 施碧梧.Sou Bi Wu
原曲演唱: 施碧梧邰肇玫二重唱
錄影演唱: Vienna Teng
* YouTube:
* Vienna Teng:
瑪莉•愛蓮•崔佛斯Mary Allin Travers 1936年11月9日至2009年9月16日
今早新聞報告,Peter Paul and Mary 的主音 Mary Travers 因病逝世, 所以我寫了一篇博文和選了四首歌曲作個fan's的懷念 。// Being a fan of folk singer Mary Travers of "Peter Paul and Mary", I wrote a blog article (mostly in traditional Chinese) and chose four YouTube songs in memory of her passing away on Sep 16, 2009.
"If I Had a Hammer"
"Blowin in the Wind"
"Puff the Magic Dragon"
"Leaving on a Jet Plane"
瑪莉•崔佛斯Mary Travers是我年青時代喜愛的女民歌手之一,她有一副美妙的歌喉,彈得一手柔和的結他,配上一頭長長率直的金髪,額上留海与那尖面兒,怎能令我這年輕人不動心!
在1955年,19歲的瑪莉在讀高中時候,參加了樂團The Song Swappers,替民歌手Peter Seeger皮特•西格灌了數張唱片。在1961至1970年, Mary Travers,Peter Yarrow 和Noel (Paul) Stookey的三人民歌組合“Peter, Paul and Mary”,唱了很多儈炙人口的純民歌,其中有很多首是与Peter Seeger, Joan Baez等反越戰丶愛和平的peace activists作回应,強烈反映了60和70年代年青人对主流社会文化的不滿感和反叛性。PP&M的"If I Had a Hammer" 除了奪得最佳民歌和合唱團獎之外(The Grammys Awards for best folk recording and best performance by a vocal group),也和"Blowin in the Wind"那首歌一樣,成為了美國黑人平权運動Civil Rights Movement的「主題曲」之一,而這三位藝人也曾在1965年,和Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. 在Alabama省的“Selma to Montgomery March”中並肩遊行,並在華盛頓表演來支持馬丁•路德•金的領導,迫使美國主流社会正視「民权運動」,繼續承認種族隔離和歧視政策是違反l964年美國國會(被迫)通過的《民權法案》。
瑪莉•崔佛斯是Peter, Paul and Mary的主音,也是我年青時的偶像,我讀書的時候Mary Travers的歌声是充滿了我的書房和腦子,"If I Had a Hammer", "Blowin in the Wind", "Puff the Magic Dragon". "Leaving on a Jet Plane", "Where Have All the Flowers Gone", "Early Morning Rain"等, 都是我在日常生活獨自哼唱的歌曲。來到渥太華後,可幸亦有一次机会能看Peter, Paul and Mary 真人上台表演,親身去一睹和一聽Mary Travers的美妙歌喉,這或許說也是我的緣份了。
出生在 美國Kentucky省Louisville市的 Mary Travers瑪莉•崔佛斯,星期三在康涅狄格州一間醫院因血癌病復發逝世,終年七十二歲。
We will miss you, Mary !!!
"Mary Travers"
"If I Had a Hammer"
"Blowin in the Wind"
"Puff the Magic Dragon"
"Leaving on a Jet Plane"

在1955年,19歲的瑪莉在讀高中時候,參加了樂團The Song Swappers,替民歌手Peter Seeger皮特•西格灌了數張唱片。在1961至1970年, Mary Travers,Peter Yarrow 和Noel (Paul) Stookey的三人民歌組合“Peter, Paul and Mary”,唱了很多儈炙人口的純民歌,其中有很多首是与Peter Seeger, Joan Baez等反越戰丶愛和平的peace activists作回应,強烈反映了60和70年代年青人对主流社会文化的不滿感和反叛性。PP&M的"If I Had a Hammer" 除了奪得最佳民歌和合唱團獎之外(The Grammys Awards for best folk recording and best performance by a vocal group),也和"Blowin in the Wind"那首歌一樣,成為了美國黑人平权運動Civil Rights Movement的「主題曲」之一,而這三位藝人也曾在1965年,和Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. 在Alabama省的“Selma to Montgomery March”中並肩遊行,並在華盛頓表演來支持馬丁•路德•金的領導,迫使美國主流社会正視「民权運動」,繼續承認種族隔離和歧視政策是違反l964年美國國會(被迫)通過的《民權法案》。
瑪莉•崔佛斯是Peter, Paul and Mary的主音,也是我年青時的偶像,我讀書的時候Mary Travers的歌声是充滿了我的書房和腦子,"If I Had a Hammer", "Blowin in the Wind", "Puff the Magic Dragon". "Leaving on a Jet Plane", "Where Have All the Flowers Gone", "Early Morning Rain"等, 都是我在日常生活獨自哼唱的歌曲。來到渥太華後,可幸亦有一次机会能看Peter, Paul and Mary 真人上台表演,親身去一睹和一聽Mary Travers的美妙歌喉,這或許說也是我的緣份了。
出生在 美國Kentucky省Louisville市的 Mary Travers瑪莉•崔佛斯,星期三在康涅狄格州一間醫院因血癌病復發逝世,終年七十二歲。
We will miss you, Mary !!!
"Mary Travers"
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
兩週一聚 (二十二期) 「重頭一次」之【父親的最後囑咐】 / 2weeks1gather (#22)「Second Chance」【Father's Last Instruction】
後記 Updated Sep 16, 2009:
再想「重頭一次」 / Re-think 「Ctrl+Z Un-do」
如果全世界人人都可以Ctrl+Z, 德國納粹主义者会令阿道夫希特勒死裏逃生,重頭一次進攻波蘭,和防守諾曼第前線;冷戰時代列強國家蘇維埃和美國的鷹派,会發動ICBM導彈,先發制人,核戰再次一觸即發;各地投机者会狂賣 Lehman Brothers 和其它股票,令全世界金融和市場發生大混亂;生不欲來的不來,死不願去的不去; ......
Thursday, September 10, 2009
夜半無人私語時 / Pillow Talks
If pillow can talk, what would it talk about? Let's listen ....
Men's turn-on switch: See "on-off" switch on wall at home (photo #1 below).
Women's turn-on switch: See control panels of nuclear plants, aircraft carriers, space launch centre, etc (photos #2,3,4 below)
攝影图片 #1 :男人需要操作盤 / Photo #1 Men's turn-on switch

攝影图片 #2,3,4: 女人需要操作盤 / Photo #2,3,4, ... Women's turn-on switch

(Photo Credit: Wikipedia - "on-off switch" and "control panel")
Men's turn-on switch: See "on-off" switch on wall at home (photo #1 below).
Women's turn-on switch: See control panels of nuclear plants, aircraft carriers, space launch centre, etc (photos #2,3,4 below)
攝影图片 #1 :男人需要操作盤 / Photo #1 Men's turn-on switch

攝影图片 #2,3,4: 女人需要操作盤 / Photo #2,3,4, ... Women's turn-on switch

(Photo Credit: Wikipedia - "on-off switch" and "control panel")
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Access to Computer Service
I have only intermittent access to computer service. Please be reassured that I am reading your comments and will respond back to you whenever I can. Thank you for your understanding.
Saturday, September 05, 2009
城市人智鬥城巿淙熊 / Will the human outwit the city raccoons?
Two human minds were working hard earlier today to find ways to rid of city raccoons which had moved uninvited into the attic of this dwelling.
After much deliberation, the two decided to first make sure the coons were not inside 'their' home by banging loudly at the entrance way and hoping these nocturnal animals were not heavy sleepers. For practical as well as humanitarian reasons, I do not wish to entomb the coons and smell their death for the rest of the year.
Since nothing stirred inside the nest (other than the agitating broom stick), my friend then proceeded to seal the chewed-up hole with chicken wire by using a (non violent) staple gun. As a further precaution, all tree branches close to the house were trimmed back so the coons will be unable to use them to gain access onto the roof.
Your move, coons (yes, this human sounds confident and competitive)!!!
To read my other articles on raccoons, please click here:
* 屋頂浣熊 / Raccoons in the Attic
* 浣熊 / Raccoon
攝影图片Photo Credit: Wikipedia
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