在2009年5月24日,我完成了由2003年開始的第十二個馬拉松賽。如以往一樣,我是沒有 DNF (Did Not Finish),但這次成積卻未如理想,主要是因為在秋季和冬天的訓練期間去了摩洛哥丶古巴丶和美國紐奧連斯旅遊丶大快活,功力失修退化。
五月馬拉松是我這業餘「損手」今年第一個賽事,之後是七月加拿大國慶的Run for Canada 10 K,九月的加拿大陸軍半馬拉松賽 Canada Army Half-Marathon Race,和十月的渥太華秋季全馬拉松 Ottawa Fall Colour Marathon。我是有信心完成所有賽事,能夠cross the finish line,但時速快慢就在乎這個夏天的訓練恒心了。再者 .....
『Hello! Yes, speaking. 怎麼? 阿「乜水」想拉隊七月去蘇格蘭? 我又去呀!!! ....』
Related Links: For a marathon account of my epic marathon journey, please see:
* 11th marathon (written after the race): 2008年: 馬拉松丶半馬拉松丶10K賽跑 ∕ 2008: Marathon, Half-marathon, 10K Races http://lotusandcedar.blogspot.com/2008/10/2008-10k-2008-marathon-half-marathon.html
相信你都志在參與的樂趣,不會或不要太在乎成績,right? 我連數公里都跑不到,我對你的行動已十分敬佩啦!!
Gwenzilla: You are right. Participation is more important, and finishing would be nice.
Hey, you too can do it. Start with running (plus walking if you wish) over a distance of 5K, then 10K, etc
苏格兰 - must go isle of skye and lands end!!!
JessiCa: 最重要不是嚕嚕囌囌那種人!! 謝謝您的鼔勵 !!!
啤酒花™_J: Thanks for the recommendations --> ideas for future planning.
哈哈,so true!!!我自從跑完十公里後,就愈來愈少練習,而家要我跑唔係唔得,但好辛苦囉 :(
”『Hello! Yes, speaking. 怎麼? 阿「乜水」想拉隊七月去蘇格蘭? 我又去呀!!! ....』”
蘇格蘭??? A must go trip lar and don't forget to spend sometimes in Ireland. The flight from Scotland to Ireland just costed me 0.01 pounds (tax excluded) last time. Let me know if you like to have more information about that. Nice trip you are and bring us more good pictures soon. XD ~
根據一些賽跑雜誌說,休息三天会開始失去training effect; 休息三星期之後,要用双倍訓練時間(約六星期)來回達以前水凖云云。
如果您隔天有20至30分鐘的aerobic 運動, 我相信您是可以保留您10k的基底。
我也記得看過您在蘇格蘭和愛爾蘭旅行時映的照片和video (esp the one you took inside the church),風景很美,多謝您的提議!! 您知不知道在那兩地普通(三粒星)酒店價錢大約是多少?
等我weekend搵搵d資料,給你作參考也好 =)
Haricot, here you go =)
Edinburgh @ Scotland
STAY: Edinburgh B&B
Webpage: http://edinburghbears.blogspot.com/
Charge: 32pounds/room/night (2007)
TOUR: West Highland Lochs and Castles
Rabbie's Trail Burners Ltd, 207 High St / Royal Mile, Edinburgh, EH1 1PE Scotland (Tel. +44 (0)131 226 3133) http://www.rabbies.com/west_highland_lochs_castles_1day_tour.asp
Rosslyn Chapel / Mon -Sat 9.30am - 6pm / Adults £7
- By Bus from Edinburgh bypass: take "Straiton Junction" A701 to Penicuik/Peebles. Follow A701 to the sign for Roslin (3 miles) once in Roslin Village the Chapel is signed.
- By Bus:Lothian Buses service 15 (not15A) http://www.rosslynchapel.org.uk/
Dublin City @ Ireland
1) CityLink: buses depart from Dublin City Centre “Supermac’s” on O’Connell Street every hour on the hour from 9.00am until 8.00p.m. / Cost: A monthly return ticket from Dublin city center to Galway costs €16.
2) Bus Eireann: buses depart from Busáras (Central Bus Station) in Dublin City Centre. Their buses depart daily every hour from 07.00 until 21.00. / Cost: The fare for a monthly return ticket to Galway costs €16.50
Burren and Cliffs of Moher
Connemara Park
據說「呼吸管道敏感」有可能是exercise induced,但可用inhaler 療理。
Thank you so much for putting the pkg together. I have visited the websites and find the info very useful for trip planning. Thanks again !!!
More here ….
Cheap EURO Region Flight (love this most )
Accommodation Ireland-Budget & Luxury Hotels Ireland-B&B Accommodation
Summer package to Europe is on fire, but need to watch out the swine flu here. A nice trip you are =)
Thank you again for the additional info. Swine flue is now officially a world epidemic and is indeed an issue for travelers.
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