Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My Responses to Your Comments Oct 31-Nov 24 inclusive (With Thanks !!)

"「兩周一聚: 我有一部時光機」之【紅髪女孩】/ 【The Red Hair Girl】: Bi-we...":

新鮮人 + Michelle: I was going to leave the story at just that, but perhaps a sequel is in order.

Xiao Zhu: Thanks !!

Mugen: As people say, the story writes itself (spooooky !!)

啤酒花™_J: Here is another pic from the backyard !!

imak: The next installment will be the last :)

The Man Who Loves Everton: I will take your suggestions into consideration with some upcoming stories in the 兩周一聚 series. Thx !!!

Hyacinthus: There is no doubt in the story that Ken loves his wife.

"「兩周一聚: 我有一部時光機」之【紅髪女孩 (續集) 】 / 【The Red Hair Girl ...":

The Man Who Loves Everton: Yep !! That was a Halloween special for everyone. Glad you enjoy the story :)

Michelle: Thx !! Oui, le Canada est un pays bilingual :)

新鮮人: To tell you the truth, I don't really know the name of the wild berries in the picture.

Hyacinthus: "... 物競天擇 ..." Now that is an interesting perspective you have introduced into this story !!! It is my understanding that in the animal kingdom, nature usually favours the female whose role is to reproduce the species (that's why women generally live longer than men!!). The role of the male is just to "facilitate" the procreation process. If that's the case, maybe the red-head should have lived on. Perhaps that will be a sequel for next Halloween ;-)

啤酒花™_J: What you are inferring - a designed universe - is different from the evolutionary world 物競天擇 as seen by Darwin. However, I do find the classic line poetic: There is a time/season for everything.

啤酒花™_J: Hold your horses !! I am not sure if those wild berries are edible and I am not willing to bet my life on it (for fear of being eliminated in the Darwinian process).

"秋日隨筆: 民風 ∕ Fall 2008: Thoughts on Civil Society":

: 為了要減消這"背道而馳"的逆勢,我相信教育是很重要,就像近十年的環保運動一樣。

: "... 紐約人還是比港人更有跌序和禮貌 ..." My concern is that when these people with poor manner go overseas and behave as if they are in HK, their behaviours really make EVERYONE of Chinese/Asian origin look bad.

Inner Space: I agree, for many people, HK is a place to seek wealth and fortune.

imak: You have a very good point: "... 文明是從生活中表現出來 ..." I wish people can become rich and more civilized at the same time.

"秋日隨筆: 黑与白 ∕ Fall 2008: Black and White":

樸老: 我同意這是和『修身、齊家、治國、平天下』的意思有很大關連。

Inner Space: 有些不幸事情的發生是人為,但也有些是環境迫成,在某種情形之下,或許禍魁和受害者在壓力之下的心智運用,正誤與否,在当事人眼中就未必是那么黑白分明。I can appreciate where you are coming from.

Michelle: Vous avez raison. C'était le Keyboard plutôt que le logiciel qui m'a posé problème au Maroc.

And ... I was told there are Internet cafés (altho not the one I was in) that provide clients with English-version keyboard and software.

"Low Speed Internet":

Inner Space: You are always up-to-date on info. Yes, it comes to abt a buck an hour.

imak: You are right. There are other parts of the world where Internet cafés do not exist.

: Thanks !! I have been a bit tied up with other things upon my return from Morocco and am slowly getting back into blogging.

"Road to Morocco: Through my Own Eyes":

新鮮人: 我現正在整理相机memory cards的攝影图片 :)

"Back from Morocco":

啊澤: Thanks for your comments. It is one of the more exotic places I have visited. More articles and pics to come !!!

"旅遊摩洛哥 - 【北非諜影】 (1942) / Road to Morocco - “Casablanca":

新鮮人: The B&W version of the movie is a classic. I have watched it many times.

Space: Your article is better than the one in Wikipedia !!! ps: I also left a message there.

Space: I have to admit that it's hard to think of replacing the actors and actresses in a classic movie like Casablanca - 先入為主 ?!!

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