Saturday, March 29, 2008
說文解字:【鏡花水月】与【守得雲開】 / Commentaries on "The Floating World" and "Rainbow After a Storm"
三月十九日凌晨,以【伴】回应了小豬(Xiao Zhu Lai Le)三月十七日【絆】的一篇,以下的說文解字背景資料,是我感性理性融合的副產品也。
1. 小豬【絆】所暗示的【鏡花水月】一句,似乎是源自李汝珍【鏡花緣】第一回:『女魁星北斗垂景象,老王母西池賜芳筵』。原文節錄:
2. 根據「奇摩知識∕中囯文學」知識份子【水晴】在2005年解釋:
3. 【伴】是作者在讀了【絆〕之後,在地球另外一面的回应和感想。第一和二句,是映射華人在北美的地位成敗,是会和中國的國際信譽有連帶關係, 【三國誌】有云:『萬事俱備,只欠東風』。第三和四句,是借喻有些人心靈的空虛。「雲長」可指白雲或關羽。「白髪催」丶「萬念空」是有濃厚的彿敎消極意味。但整篇【伴】的結論,卻是非常積極,因為「守得雲開」就可以「見月明」是也!!
4. 作者用:『以此伴君見月明』(而不是『以此伴卿見月明』)來回应【鏡花水月】提到的『市帼英雄』。当然,『雲開月見,水淨珠明』就是希望給【絆】作者「小豬 ∕ 珠」一個熱烈的鼓勵!!
1. 小豬【絆】所暗示的【鏡花水月】一句,似乎是源自李汝珍【鏡花緣】第一回:『女魁星北斗垂景象,老王母西池賜芳筵』。原文節錄:
2. 根據「奇摩知識∕中囯文學」知識份子【水晴】在2005年解釋:
3. 【伴】是作者在讀了【絆〕之後,在地球另外一面的回应和感想。第一和二句,是映射華人在北美的地位成敗,是会和中國的國際信譽有連帶關係, 【三國誌】有云:『萬事俱備,只欠東風』。第三和四句,是借喻有些人心靈的空虛。「雲長」可指白雲或關羽。「白髪催」丶「萬念空」是有濃厚的彿敎消極意味。但整篇【伴】的結論,卻是非常積極,因為「守得雲開」就可以「見月明」是也!!
4. 作者用:『以此伴君見月明』(而不是『以此伴卿見月明』)來回应【鏡花水月】提到的『市帼英雄』。当然,『雲開月見,水淨珠明』就是希望給【絆】作者「小豬 ∕ 珠」一個熱烈的鼓勵!!
Friday, March 28, 2008
埠仔生涯原是夢: 回憶馬尼托巴省弗林弗倫市 / Life is but a dream in the City of Flin Flon, Manitoba
以前住在離溫尼伯(Winnipeg)北800公里的一個埠仔弗林弗倫(Flin Flon)的時候,日間在鑛產公司(mining company)的鋅精煉廠(zinc refinery)和銅熔爐廠copper smelter開工,夏天放了工後行返職員宿舍(staff house),煩勞廚房阿嬸替我包好一份晚膳,跳上那半生銹但机件還可的Dodge牌van仔,風馳電掣駕車往郊區,不夠十五分鐘,就遠離那空氣污濁丶塵埃滿佈的重工業地帶,將工作煩惱放諸腦後,投歸回大自然的懷抱,優悠自在地在湖中划獨木舟,垂餌釣那肥美的彩虹鱒魚(rainbow trout)。有收獲而又興之所至的時候,我会將鮮魚用湖水洗淨,然後在湖边生火,享受美味的BBQ fish。冬天工餘時間,我会到弗林弗倫滑雪会的ski lodge找朋友去越野滑雪(cross-country skiing),在那沼澤叢林的深処,我不知留下了多少足跡和腳印。
(Photo Credit攝影圖片:
這是熔煉廠825呎高的煙囪,內裏有升降机和爬梯,我上上落落都不下百次多,很明顯,我是不畏高的。Here are some of my favourite lines to people who wanted to climb the Main Stack with me: (1) It's not the fall that kills, it's the sudden stop!! (2) He/she who overestimates himself/herself will find the ground coming up too fast (Royal Robin). (3) Any fall from higher than 30 feet, the end result will be the same.)
(Photo Credit攝影圖片:
這是熔煉廠825呎高的煙囪,內裏有升降机和爬梯,我上上落落都不下百次多,很明顯,我是不畏高的。Here are some of my favourite lines to people who wanted to climb the Main Stack with me: (1) It's not the fall that kills, it's the sudden stop!! (2) He/she who overestimates himself/herself will find the ground coming up too fast (Royal Robin). (3) Any fall from higher than 30 feet, the end result will be the same.)
Thursday, March 27, 2008
卡伦•卡彭特 / Karen Carpenter
I get the blue from "Fresh Coffee Shop" 新鮮人 who is playing "Rainy Days and Mondays" on his blog site.
I love the voice of Karen Carpenter. It's sad she died of eating disorder at 34. Here is one of my favourites: "Yesterday Once More".
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
冰壺運動 / Curling
(攝影图片Photo credit: World Curling Federation
An exciting game was being played out yesterday (March 25th) at Vernon, British Columbia, Canada, where the women's teams from China and Canada were competing in the World Women's Curling Championship sanctioned by the World Curling Federation 世界冰壺運動聯合會. In the 10th end, it was a 7-7 tie. The Canadian skip had the hammer rock, but missed her draw and China won 9-7 !!!
I look forward to seeing the next game :)
An exciting game was being played out yesterday (March 25th) at Vernon, British Columbia, Canada, where the women's teams from China and Canada were competing in the World Women's Curling Championship sanctioned by the World Curling Federation 世界冰壺運動聯合會. In the 10th end, it was a 7-7 tie. The Canadian skip had the hammer rock, but missed her draw and China won 9-7 !!!
I look forward to seeing the next game :)
Monday, March 24, 2008
『... 化作春泥更護花 ...』 / “Ching's life” (commentary)
The YouTube video "Ching's Life" was made by the sister of Lee Ching, a person with disability, who had committed suicide in HK about a month ago. We are still far away from a just and civil society and people with disabilities are still fighting an uphill battle.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
2008年世界花样滑冰(溜冰)锦标赛 / 2008 World Figure Skating Championships
我上篇有關花样滑冰(溜冰)的文章登了之後12個小時,瑞典哥德堡(Goteborg, Sweden)新聞報告: 加拿大十一年的「乾旱」,終於靠25歲Jeff Buttle的金牌潤澤了!!! 上一次楓葉囯男子單人冠軍Men's Singles Championships,是Elvis Stojko在1997年取得。
攝影图片/Photo Credit: Associate Free Press AFP - Sat Mar 22, 1:26 PM
男子單人冠軍: 加拿大Jeff Buttle
女子單人冠軍: 日本Mao Asada
Saturday, March 22, 2008
花样滑冰(溜冰)之冠 - 贝尔曼旋转 / The Queen of the Figure-skating Pose - Biellmann Spin
(以上相片: 美麗的贝尔曼旋转A full Biellmann Spin)
(以上相片: 双人花式比賽,舞孃是跳贝尔曼旋转)
(以上相片: 2005-06, 2006-07俄羅斯Junior Championships兩年冠軍Arina Martinova)
(以上相片: 男A half Biellmann Spin半個贝尔曼旋转)
(以上相片: 女One-handed Biellmann Spin單手贝尔曼旋转)
(以上相片: 双人花式比賽,舞孃是跳贝尔曼旋转)
(以上相片: 2005-06, 2006-07俄羅斯Junior Championships兩年冠軍Arina Martinova)
(以上相片: 男A half Biellmann Spin半個贝尔曼旋转)
(以上相片: 女One-handed Biellmann Spin單手贝尔曼旋转)
以下是看了San Wen Ji 的The King of the Dance Pose 之後在那処的留言:
我昨天在青年会做stretching的時候,也試了用左或右腳金鸡獨立,但双手卻是向後捉著提起了的另一隻腳,有點像 figure skating 的 "Biellmann Spin" (named after the Swiss skater Denise Biellmann),当然平衡和技術就和图示的世界溜冰競手爭得遠了!!我会把数幅有關图片登在網誌上,給您看看參考。
攝影图片Photo Credit: Wikipedia
(1) 中文:
(2) English:
我昨天在青年会做stretching的時候,也試了用左或右腳金鸡獨立,但双手卻是向後捉著提起了的另一隻腳,有點像 figure skating 的 "Biellmann Spin" (named after the Swiss skater Denise Biellmann),当然平衡和技術就和图示的世界溜冰競手爭得遠了!!我会把数幅有關图片登在網誌上,給您看看參考。
攝影图片Photo Credit: Wikipedia
(1) 中文:
(2) English:
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
旅遊南美洲秘魯 (六) / Travel to Peru, South America (Part 6)
Here is the video I posted on my YouTube account. Enjoy !!!
Title: Peru Dancers
Description: The national dance marinera performed to musica criolla - a flirtation betwn a man and woman who circle each other in a rhythmic courtship (ref: Lonely Planet).
I am not an expert on Peruvian dance. Any additional info or comments on the subject matter will be appreciated.
旅遊南美洲秘魯 (五) / Travel to Peru, South America (Part 5)
(以上八張攝影图片Photographs above: 秘魯太平洋沿岸美麗的黃昏 / Beautiful sunset along Peru's Pacific coast)
我在秘魯首都區內,利馬丶San Isidro丶和Miraflores三個城市附近攝了一些錄影图片(video clips)。但由於Blogger資訊速度和存儲量有限度,我費了近20分鐘才完成upload,登上一段30秒左右有關飛行傘(paragliding)的的短片上網。
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
旅遊南美洲秘魯 (四) / Travel to Peru, South America (Part 4)
在秘魯旅行的時候,請了一個畢業人類學(Anthropology)和考古學(Archaeology)的先生做職業導遊(certified tour guide),他对秘魯本地的歷史丶風土丶和人情很有研究,根據他說,秘魯的原住人(aboriginals),是在大約二萬五千年前,由亞洲經過白令海峽(Bering Strait)未成之前的陸地,南下定居的「類似現代人」(Homo sapiens sapiens)的後裔。
在歐洲人未發現南美之前,原住人經歷了石器和骨器時代,又如中國歷史一樣,在公元前3000-6000BC左右開始,由搜獵的游牧散民(hunter-gatherers),漸漸變為集体的村莊農民(horticulturists and village peasants),又經過数千年的文化朝代轉變,直至公元十六世紀左右,「白人」發現了新大陸,就將所有佔領之土地資源,歸納為殖民地統治。所以今時今日,南美洲除了巴西說葡萄牙文之外,祕魯和其它國家的主要官方語文是español,無論是言語丶宗教丶和風土人情,都很受西班牙文化影響。
但8000千多年的文明,就不因為朝代的的轉變而喪失,反之,考古學家是不停地在秘魯發掘到無價的古物和遺跡,最近被例入為世界七大奇跡(Seven Wonders of the World)之一的馬丘比丘,「印加失落的城市」(Machu Picchu, the lost city of the Inca),就是一個好例子。
Monday, March 17, 2008
旅遊南美洲秘魯 (三) / Travel to Peru, South America (Part 3)
攝影图片Photograph above: Paragliding on top of sea cliffs in Miraflores, Peru
攝影图片Photograph above: The LarcoMar Shopping Centre that sits on top of the sea cliffs in Miraflores, Peru
Thursday, March 13, 2008
旅遊南美洲秘魯 (二) / Travel to Peru, South America (Part 2)
攝影图片Photograph: Fountain, Plaza de Armas, Lima
攝影图片Photograph: Palacio Arzobispal (Archbishop's Palace), Plaza de Armas, Lima
攝影图片Photograph: People walking about, enjoying the warm summer night
我在上一篇談及拉丁美洲(Latin America)國家,例如阿根廷丶智利丶烏拉圭丶和巴西等的近代史和政治穩定性,秘魯也不例外,十多年前,沒有人会預料遊客会有一天重返利馬(Lima),而市民亦可在入夜後,扶老携幼,在中央廣場乘涼。在1990年代的秘魯是充滿內戰血腥和恐懼,大約60%的領土是被反政府游擊隊控制,当年主要組織有仿毛澤東主义(Maoist)的「光明之路」(Sendero Luminoso, or Shinning Path)和親馬列主義的「圖帕克-阿馬魯革命行動」(MRTA),而政府則探取最強硬的不談判政策,派軍隊全力鎮壓,被殺者中有罪或是無辜的實在是不計其数。在1996年12月,MRTA突襲在利馬市的日本領事館,將慶祝日王生辰的800多賓主挾持作人質,要求政府釋放被囚遊擊隊員。当任的總統「藤森謙也」(Alberto Ken'ya Fujimori)拒絕要求,在事件僵持百多天的時間中,加拿大也有協助談判營救被擄不同國藉的外交官和本地人。翌年4月,秘魯軍警進攻大使館,挽救餘下的72個人質,所有16個遊擊隊全被鎗殺,1個人質死亡。
11年之後的首都商業和遊客中心,在治安方面,和以前實有天淵之別,我到過的地區,遊客和本地人都沒有恐懼之色,很多金舖手飾店門囗都沒有武裝守衛,公園和大亍入夜後,情侶一双一对,也有很多父母帶孩子和家庭成員出來玩耍乘涼,和90年代的動簜內戰光景大不相同。有一個做導遊的告訢我,她在90年代畢業旅遊系之後,秘魯沒有遊客業可言,她找不到工作,只能在城巿靠做散工和侍应養活家庭。根據她說,当時秘魯內陸住在森林和髙原的土著,也有很多為了逃避戰乱,移居到利馬,所以現在城巿人口超越8百萬,很多貧窮的仍住在山坡上的 shanty town,有點像二次大戰和平後的香港「木屋區」。我和導遊都同意: 市民需要的是国家太平,有工作和有入息。
正是: 人民安定,經濟繁榮。
(下續 To be continued)
11年之後的首都商業和遊客中心,在治安方面,和以前實有天淵之別,我到過的地區,遊客和本地人都沒有恐懼之色,很多金舖手飾店門囗都沒有武裝守衛,公園和大亍入夜後,情侶一双一对,也有很多父母帶孩子和家庭成員出來玩耍乘涼,和90年代的動簜內戰光景大不相同。有一個做導遊的告訢我,她在90年代畢業旅遊系之後,秘魯沒有遊客業可言,她找不到工作,只能在城巿靠做散工和侍应養活家庭。根據她說,当時秘魯內陸住在森林和髙原的土著,也有很多為了逃避戰乱,移居到利馬,所以現在城巿人口超越8百萬,很多貧窮的仍住在山坡上的 shanty town,有點像二次大戰和平後的香港「木屋區」。我和導遊都同意: 市民需要的是国家太平,有工作和有入息。
正是: 人民安定,經濟繁榮。
(下續 To be continued)
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
旅遊南美洲秘魯 (一) / Travel to Peru, South America (Part 1)
2008年的亞洲太平洋經濟合作組織(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, APEC)領袖會議,將会於11月在秘魯共和國(República del Perú)舉行,我雖然已和這檔案分了手好几年,但好奇心重,又对南美洲的國家有特別留戀,所以在二月尾自己買了机票,飛往秘魯的利馬市(Lima),作為期14天的私人旅行。
雖然有很多人認為旅遊南美洲是不大安全,但探訪過的几個國家和地方,我都未察覺有特髙的危險性。在遊阿根廷(República Argentina)的時候,發動政變的軍政府(military junta)已下臺多年,骯髒戰爭(Guerra Sucia)已成過去,市民被綁架失踪(desaparecidos)也不再發生,首都布宜諾斯艾利斯(Buenos Aires)的探戈(tango)夜總会旦旦笙歌,其門如市。在智利(República de Chile)之時,民選總統薩爾瓦多•阿連德(Salvador Allende)被殺害多年之後,叛軍獨裁者首腦奧古斯托•皮諾切特(Augusto Pinochet)自己也被迫走回幕後參政,政治和市場都逐漸走向正常,雖然社会貧富懸殊仍是大問題,但政治恐懼陰影已不存在。在烏拉圭東岸共和國(República Oriental del Uruguay),那処是南美繁榮的渡假勝地和金融都会,治安甚好,我探訪時看到很多從歐洲來的豪客,揮金如水。我唯一有少許介心的是巴西(República Federativa do Brasil)人囗密度高的大城市,在旅遊聖保羅(São Paulo)和贝洛奥里藏特(Belo Horizonte)的時候,沒有見到有荷槍實彈軍警站立守崗的地方我就不会去。但旅遊是有一定的冒險性,接受与不接受是個人的經驗和决定。
攝影图片Photograph: 在秘魯首都利馬市中廣場(Plaza de Armas)的保護公安警員和警犬与一個小孩合攝。
(下續 To be continued)
雖然有很多人認為旅遊南美洲是不大安全,但探訪過的几個國家和地方,我都未察覺有特髙的危險性。在遊阿根廷(República Argentina)的時候,發動政變的軍政府(military junta)已下臺多年,骯髒戰爭(Guerra Sucia)已成過去,市民被綁架失踪(desaparecidos)也不再發生,首都布宜諾斯艾利斯(Buenos Aires)的探戈(tango)夜總会旦旦笙歌,其門如市。在智利(República de Chile)之時,民選總統薩爾瓦多•阿連德(Salvador Allende)被殺害多年之後,叛軍獨裁者首腦奧古斯托•皮諾切特(Augusto Pinochet)自己也被迫走回幕後參政,政治和市場都逐漸走向正常,雖然社会貧富懸殊仍是大問題,但政治恐懼陰影已不存在。在烏拉圭東岸共和國(República Oriental del Uruguay),那処是南美繁榮的渡假勝地和金融都会,治安甚好,我探訪時看到很多從歐洲來的豪客,揮金如水。我唯一有少許介心的是巴西(República Federativa do Brasil)人囗密度高的大城市,在旅遊聖保羅(São Paulo)和贝洛奥里藏特(Belo Horizonte)的時候,沒有見到有荷槍實彈軍警站立守崗的地方我就不会去。但旅遊是有一定的冒險性,接受与不接受是個人的經驗和决定。
攝影图片Photograph: 在秘魯首都利馬市中廣場(Plaza de Armas)的保護公安警員和警犬与一個小孩合攝。
(下續 To be continued)
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
几近破記錄的三月大風雪 / Near record snow-fall during the March 2008 winter storm
Photograph above 攝影图片: The snow pile was higher than this man who must be close to 6 feet tall.
I was lucky to be able to squeeze in between two snow storms and flew back last Thursday from Peru back to Canada without having to stay for hours at the airport staring at the hundreds of cancelled flights on the screen. Of course, what followed was hours of non-stop shovelling out in the cold trying to clear the 54 cm of snow fallen on the driveway and the roof. Now, 54 cm might not sound a lot, but when one considers that 411 cm have been deposited by Mother Nature, that the city is only 33 cm short of the all time record winter snowfall, and that an average house lot is about 34x18 metres, they all add up. Already the roof of one house in the neighbourhood had caved in because of the weight on top and the family of four barely had time to escape unharmed.
On the bright side, a lot of skiers like myself just took to the hills whenever we finished shovelling and were able to get out of the driveway and the clogged streets. As of now, most of the major roads are open but the sidewalks of many residential areas are still jammed with heavy snow and are out of bound to pedestrians. It will take the municipal crew another 4 to 5 days of around-the-clock hard work to get the city back to normal. As to the city budget, well, the 68 million set aside this year for snow removal and maintenance is almost gone, just like the snow that will melt away when spring comes. We hope.
I was lucky to be able to squeeze in between two snow storms and flew back last Thursday from Peru back to Canada without having to stay for hours at the airport staring at the hundreds of cancelled flights on the screen. Of course, what followed was hours of non-stop shovelling out in the cold trying to clear the 54 cm of snow fallen on the driveway and the roof. Now, 54 cm might not sound a lot, but when one considers that 411 cm have been deposited by Mother Nature, that the city is only 33 cm short of the all time record winter snowfall, and that an average house lot is about 34x18 metres, they all add up. Already the roof of one house in the neighbourhood had caved in because of the weight on top and the family of four barely had time to escape unharmed.
On the bright side, a lot of skiers like myself just took to the hills whenever we finished shovelling and were able to get out of the driveway and the clogged streets. As of now, most of the major roads are open but the sidewalks of many residential areas are still jammed with heavy snow and are out of bound to pedestrians. It will take the municipal crew another 4 to 5 days of around-the-clock hard work to get the city back to normal. As to the city budget, well, the 68 million set aside this year for snow removal and maintenance is almost gone, just like the snow that will melt away when spring comes. We hope.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
En route home
Air Canada left Lima at 02h40 this morning and the flight to Toronto took about 7 hours 20 min. See you !!!
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