Friday, August 31, 2012

渥太華河畔: 不列顛尼亞灣沙灘 / Ottawa River: Beach at Britannia Bay


(攝影圖片: 六月在渥太華河畔不列顛尼亞灣沙灘拍攝)

Thursday, August 30, 2012

老豆教仔集: 留得青山在,不怕沒柴燒 / Words of Wisdom: Dead Men Don't Talk

阿B: 做工個班友仔真係無人性,全無道德可言!! 我忍無可忍,一定遲早会公開爆料!!!

老豆: 咁你有乜證據?

阿B: 我在場目睹耳聞,知道大把內幕消息!

老豆: 但係你口講無憑,班同事可以話: It's his words against ours. 你不單止告佢地唔入,而且会被反咬一口!

阿B: 你都有敎我做人要維持正義,唔好同流合污,唔爆料點对得住良心?!

老豆: 你現在證據有限公司,以寡敵众,一時氣憤,公開爆料,最多只会做個無名烈士, dead men don't talk, 於事無補。

阿B: 咁點辦呀?

老豆: 阿仔,留得青山在,不怕沒柴燒。基本上,你有几個短暫或長遠嘅選擇:

(1) 無眼睇,立刻辭職。 Quit and leave now.

(2) 唔辭職,但或者会被同化,或者每日要与众為敵。 Stay there and become one of them, or fight against them every step of the way.

(3) 唔辭職,但堅守原則,搏升級,到有適当時机,用擁有職权,從內部改變人事同組織。Stay there, steer clear of trouble, get promoted into a position of power and authority then change things from within.

阿B: 第三個選擇似乎係好,但如果上層聽信讒言,我升唔到級,又唔係繼續扻頭埋牆?!!

老豆: 阿仔,但係你仍有第一、第二選擇! 總之記住: Dead Men Don't Talk, 留得青山在,不怕沒柴燒!!

Related link: "It's his words against mine"

Photo Credit: Wikipedia / Wild Fire

Monday, August 27, 2012

老豆教仔集: 我後生過陣 ..... / Words of Wisdom: When I was your age ....

阿B老豆: 你d後生仔唔知道世界艱難,我後生過陣 .......

阿B: 老豆,你後生過陣,又唔係好似我一樣咁!!!

阿B老豆: (無言以对)

Saturday, August 25, 2012

First Man On The Moon - Neil Armstrong

A memory:

Watching the broadcast on a B&W TV and taking a glance at the silver moon hanging up high in the night sky of HK, my grandaunt assured me that the Moon Goddess was fooling Armstrong by producing a piece of dirt for him to step on. He never reached the Moon!

An update:

A memorial service for Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon, was held on August 31, 2012, a Blue Moon day.

Armstrong's family statement paid the tribute "For those who may ask what they can do to honor Neil, we have a simple request. Honor his example of service, accomplishment and modesty, and the next time you walk outside on a clear night and see the moon smiling down at you, think of Neil Armstrong and give him a wink."

 (Source: Wikipedia/Neil Armstrong)

Friday, August 24, 2012

試試智能手机 smart phone 的手寫板

我從希臘旅遊回來之後,發覺用了几年的黑莓 BlackBerry 實在是欠缺馬力,螢光幕不能顯示中文,手機又不能用中文輸入,映的相片也只是 low resolution。


沒錯,黑莓是加拿大的Research in Motion 廠出品,但作為消費者,我也要在市場選擇最好、最適用的貨品,所以最後是買了Sony 製的一部智能手机。

我這網誌是用手指在 touch screen 劃寫出來的,手寫板第一次開張試用,成績也算不錯罷!

Sent from Sony

Sunday, August 19, 2012

加拿大軍人 - 記念第二次世界大戰的迪耶普戰役 / Canadian Armed Forces - In Memory of the Dieppe Raid during World War Two 

Canadian Forces Contingent of 55 Marks 70th Anniversary of Dieppe Raid

OTTAWA, ONTARIO–(Marketwire – Aug. 19, 2012) – Today, a Canadian Forces (CF) contingent of 55 members marked the 70th Anniversary of the Dieppe Raid, an important chapter in Canadian military history as it taught Canadians valuable lessons that would earn them success in the D-Day Invasion years later.

“Today we remember a dark but courageous chapter in Canadian military history,” said the Honourable Peter MacKay, Minister of National Defence. “While the outcome of the Dieppe Raid was tragic for thousands of heroic Canadians, the lessons they learned played a crucial role in the success of future military actions. Those who participated in the Dieppe Raid were among the more than one million brace Canadians who served during the Second World War, and whom we shall never forget.”

Attending the ceremony, organized by Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC), were His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada; the Honourable Steven Blaney, Minister of Veterans Affairs; The Honourable Lawrence Cannon, Ambassador of Canada to France; Canadian Veterans who participated in the Dieppe Raid; Canadian cadets and scouts, and French dignitaries including the Mayor of Dieppe, Mr. Sebastien Jumel. A 30-person brass and reed band from Les Fusiliers Mont-Royal, were also front and centre. The Regiment participated in the Dieppe Raid, and has the “Dieppe” battle honour as one of its many Second World War honours. Approximately 500 guests were in attendance.

While in France, members of the CF contingent supported various ceremonies and events lead by VAC and the Town of Dieppe. A Commemorative Event at the National War Memorial in Ottawa is also being held by VAC today. The Chief of the Defence Staff will lay a wreath at the event and there will be a 90-member CF contingent at the ceremony. A CF bugler and piper will play the Last Post, Rouse and Lament.

The Raid on Dieppe, France, on August 19, 1942, was a pivotal moment in the Second World War. The Dieppe Raid was one of the most devastating and bloody chapters in Canadian military history. Of the 4963 Canadian soldiers who embarked from England for the operation, only 2210 returned, and many of them had never even landed in France. Over 900 Canadians were ultimately killed in action, died of wounds or died as prisoners of war.

The Dieppe Raid holds a prominent place in Canadian military history as it helped shape the Allied approach to the successful Normandy landings on D-Day, June 6, 1944.


“......  迪耶普突擊戰,也被稱為迪耶普戰役、瑞特行動或稍後被名為的銀禧行動,是盟軍在第二次世界大戰期間,1942年8月19日攻擊在法國北部海岸被德國佔領下的港口迪耶普。突擊從上午5時正開始,直至上午10時50分盟軍指揮官被迫撤退為止。超過6,000名步兵參與,主要是加拿大,在皇家海軍和皇家空軍隊伍的支援。其目的是奪取和在短暫的時期內保持1個主要港口,既要證明這類行動是可能的,和從俘虜中收集情報和評估材料,同時知道德軍的反應。盟軍也想破壞海防、港口設施和所有的戰略建築物。



1. News Article: The Ottawa Citizen on-line August 19, 2012. 9:43 pm • Section: Defence Watch

2. Photo Credit: Wikipedia Dieppe Raid 迪耶普戰役

Friday, August 17, 2012

最普遍的老年癡呆症 (腦退化症) 阿茲海默病: (三) 無忘我 / Senile Dementia of the Alzheimer Type (SDAT) Part 3: Forget Me Not

Mom: "XXX is my husband's name."

Me: "What about him?"

Mom: "He is your father."

Me: "Of course I know. Why do you keep on repeating his name these days?"

Mom: "Lest I forget."

Photo: My Mom, whose memory is fading, was widowed abt 10 yrs ago.

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Update :

後語:  人未遠去, 樓永不空  She is there with him.


Related Links:  Previous articles posted on Lotusandcedar


For more info:

(1) Wikipedia:  Alzheimer  阿茲海默病  

(2) Wikipedia: Dementia 失智症 / 腦退化症  

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Travel to Greek Islands - Nude Beaches (IMG00989)

People from more "conservative" societies/culture might not feel comfortable with nude beaches. But as far as nature is concerned, it really makes no difference whether a human being is swimming with or without any clothes on.

From a pure naturist's point of view, the introduction of motor boats, spilled oil, beer cans and other man-made objects and wastes into an otherwise pristine body of water is really an insult to Mother Nature. Some nudists include swim wears on that list.

So, if you want to be part of nature on a beach that has no regulations against public nudity, would you be swimming in your birthday suit?

If not, why not :O

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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

宜未雨而綢繆 無臨渴而掘井

昨天國家廣播電視臺的Lang and O'Leary財經論壇報導,45%加拿大人沒有坐安思危,儲備一筆緊急錢以作不時之需。無錯,加拿大經濟是比較美國和歐盟的穩定,但財務專家卻認為加人負債率太高,尤其是一些生活頻撲的升斗市民和中產階級,max out信用咭和信貸額度,先洗未來錢,是楓葉國未來的一個隱憂。

正是前車可鑑,最近西方經濟不景是始於美國房屋抵押貸款條例過寛,阿伯阿嬸付数千元首期便可以買一間數百萬元的物業,楼價愈炒愈高,借上加借,險上加險,最後房屋泡沫爆滅, 阿伯阿嬸負債纍纍,放棄供屋,不動產市場泛濫,連帶多間銀行入不敷出,擠提倒閉,滿盤皆落索。


Friday, August 10, 2012

Travel to Greek Islands - Kynos (IMG01100)

Our sailboat is currently at the main port of the Greek Island Kynos (my approx transcription from Greek). In an hour or so, we will set sail toward Athens with several stops for swimming/snokeling and cave-diving along the way.

I took this photo of a typical fishing boat just outside the cafe.

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Monday, August 06, 2012

Travel to Greek Islands - Mykonos (IMG01097)

The wind has picked up since this morning and the harbour master advise all sailboat skippers to stay put because of the rough sea. We (the crew) are therefore having some down-time in the new port to catch up with our sleep and to detox.

Even tho I am a night-owl back in Ottawa, I am not used to ordering a full-course meal at 10:30 pm, finishing all the eating and drinking past mid-night, and go to bed at 2 am. Some fellow crew members even party all nite till 6:30 am !!!

The weather forecast calls for calm weather tomorrow and we would visit Delos, a famous archaeological site of the Greek Islands.

Photo: I took this pic of the new port of Mykonos yesterday. I was told that during peak season, there would be 6-7 cruise ships each carrying abt 3000 passengers arriving at Mykonos each day !!!

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Sunday, August 05, 2012

Travel to Greek Islands - Paperless Society (IMG01071)

When I first heard that one cannot dispose of used toilet paper into the bowl in the WC, I thought it was just a big joke. Sure sure !!!

Well, the Greeks are serious abt keeping their toilet plumbing system paperless.

Except in modern hotels, you have to put it nicely into the basket/container next to the toilet for non-watery disposal.

Conclusion: The Greeks have a paperless society way before the arrival of computers.

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Saturday, August 04, 2012

Travel to Greek Islands - Octopus Tree (IMG01096)

The Greek chefs always dry their octopus under the sun to rid it of moisture so it won't taste rubbery. And of course, grilled fresh octopus taste sooooo good :)

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Friday, August 03, 2012

Travel to Greek Islands - Antiparos (IMG01094)

I took a photo of the boat launching/loading area next to the restaurant.

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Travel to Greek Islands - Grilled Cuttlefish at Antiparos (IMG01095)

I just finished a 100 metres underground tour of the Cave of Antiparos. It is quite a spacious cavern (5600 m2) with lots of stalagmite hanging from the ceiling.

Currently, I am eating grilled cuttlefish at a seaside restaurant (shown in photo).

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