影響和說服力 / The Power of Influence and Persuasion
I am using ths blog post (ref: http://www.lotusandcedar.blogspot.com May 8, 2007) as my first "knol-how" article.
What this knol article is abt: 維護大家的信任, 靠公德 For those who have the power of influence and persuasion, they have a responsibility to maintain public trust by attesting to their strong moral fabric within the legal framework of the society.
What this knol article is abt: 維護大家的信任, 靠公德 For those who have the power of influence and persuasion, they have a responsibility to maintain public trust by attesting to their strong moral fabric within the legal framework of the society.
In our society, we are often bombarded by TV programs that portrait itself as reality; advertisements that tell us to shop till we drop; and opinions that are presented as the truth, and nothing but the truth. At the same time, we learn from our judicial system that some people at the top rung of our society, who once had the power of influence and persuasion, are being prosecuted for fraud and inappropriate behaviours that, surprise surprise, were largely driven by greed.
There is no doubt that one of the most valued competencies of CEOs and senior executives is their ability to exert the power of influence and persuasion. They all have the skills and techniques to rally the troops, secure buy-in from stakeholders, and fuel the fire of our desire to take actions. Ironically, these same people are also the most discipline when it comes to keeping their own emotions in check. Strategies and decisions are often based on cold calculated logic that is devoid of any so-called irrational thinking.
However, what often seems to lack in these modern day executives is what I call the value-and-ethic factor which, if used properly, will complement their leadership competencies and, more importantly, guide their ambitions in the achievement of personal and organizational goals. Here I am not talking about charity or philanthropy, but rather the corporate responsibility of protecting the public good and societal assets. For those who have the power of influence and persuasion, they have a responsibility to maintain public trust by attesting to their strong moral fabric within the legal framework of the society. Public trust is a society asset, without which, our cohesion will weaken.
燃燒別人的情緒, 靠技巧;
冷卻自己的思想, 靠修養;
維護大家的信任, 靠公德。
(Reference/Acknowledgement: The above was written based on some high-profile stories on the front-pages of Canadian newspaper in 2007, as well as a chance review of three articles “我對直銷的一些想法” posted on June 28, 2006 by the authour of “The Bryan Way ” (無名小站 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/bryanwang). I took the liberty of quoting the first two lines from the said blog and added the third line here to round-out my thoughts.)
There is no doubt that one of the most valued competencies of CEOs and senior executives is their ability to exert the power of influence and persuasion. They all have the skills and techniques to rally the troops, secure buy-in from stakeholders, and fuel the fire of our desire to take actions. Ironically, these same people are also the most discipline when it comes to keeping their own emotions in check. Strategies and decisions are often based on cold calculated logic that is devoid of any so-called irrational thinking.
However, what often seems to lack in these modern day executives is what I call the value-and-ethic factor which, if used properly, will complement their leadership competencies and, more importantly, guide their ambitions in the achievement of personal and organizational goals. Here I am not talking about charity or philanthropy, but rather the corporate responsibility of protecting the public good and societal assets. For those who have the power of influence and persuasion, they have a responsibility to maintain public trust by attesting to their strong moral fabric within the legal framework of the society. Public trust is a society asset, without which, our cohesion will weaken.
燃燒別人的情緒, 靠技巧;
冷卻自己的思想, 靠修養;
維護大家的信任, 靠公德。
(Reference/Acknowledgement: The above was written based on some high-profile stories on the front-pages of Canadian newspaper in 2007, as well as a chance review of three articles “我對直銷的一些想法” posted on June 28, 2006 by the authour of “The Bryan Way ” (無名小站 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/bryanwang). I took the liberty of quoting the first two lines from the said blog and added the third line here to round-out my thoughts.)
張貼者: 微豆 Haricot 11:59 下午 位於 http://lotusandcedar.blogspot.com/2007/05/power-of-influence-and-persuasion.html
Supplementary information:
根據【維基百科】:"...... knol 是Google公司的一個計劃,目的是要建立一個類似維基百科或大眾百科(Citizendium)的網站,讓網友可參與編寫知識性內容。「knol」是 Google 自創的新詞,取自 Knowledge(知識),是「一個知識單位」的意思(A unit of knowledge)。每一篇文章亦可以用 knol 來稱呼。此計劃於2007年12月13日發表,在內部測試期間,與 Gmail 初期一樣,需要以邀請的方式才可加入;於2008年7月23日,knol 完全開放給大眾使用。其平台採用Solvitor和Crowd Favorite創建的基於Wordpress的Annotum。2011年11月,Google公司宣布knol在2012年4月30日後不能查看,用戶只能下載自己的文章或者導出到Wordpress.com;10月1日後將不能再訪問 。...."
According to Wikipedia/knol: "..... Lower-case, the term knol, which Google defines as a "unit of knowledge", refers to an article in the project. Several experts saw Knol as Google's attempt to compete with Wikipedia,while others pointed out the differences between the projects. Knol is a Google project that aims to include user-written articles on a range of topics.
The project was led by Udi Manber of Google, announced December 13, 2007, and was opened in beta to the public on July 23, 2008 with a few hundred articles mostly in the health and medical field. Knol has no policies regarding sources or neutrality. Some Knol pages are opinion papers of one or more authors, and others describe products for sale. Some articles are how-to articles or explain product use. Other people can post comments below an article, such as to refute opinions or reject product claims.
On January 16, 2009, Google announced that Knol had grown to 100,000 articles, and users from 197 countries visit Knol on an average day. Since then, the Public Library of Science (PLoS) Currents: Influenza and the Harvard University-sponsored forum for Healthcare Information Technology (HIT) Platform have utilized Knol-based collections for rapid exchange of research.
On November 22, 2011, Google announced that Knol was phased out in favor of Annotum. It would be closed on April 30, 2012 and all content would be deleted by October 1, 2012...."
The project was led by Udi Manber of Google, announced December 13, 2007, and was opened in beta to the public on July 23, 2008 with a few hundred articles mostly in the health and medical field. Knol has no policies regarding sources or neutrality. Some Knol pages are opinion papers of one or more authors, and others describe products for sale. Some articles are how-to articles or explain product use. Other people can post comments below an article, such as to refute opinions or reject product claims.
On January 16, 2009, Google announced that Knol had grown to 100,000 articles, and users from 197 countries visit Knol on an average day. Since then, the Public Library of Science (PLoS) Currents: Influenza and the Harvard University-sponsored forum for Healthcare Information Technology (HIT) Platform have utilized Knol-based collections for rapid exchange of research.
On November 22, 2011, Google announced that Knol was phased out in favor of Annotum. It would be closed on April 30, 2012 and all content would be deleted by October 1, 2012...."
燃燒別人的情緒, 靠技巧;
冷卻自己的思想, 靠修養;
維護大家的信任, 靠公德。
我没事了。但是,马国的网民还在悲愤 @@
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