Saturday, March 23, 2013

十年樹木,百年樹人 / Our Spring Visit to the Sugar Bush - Fulton's Pancake House

Back when my father was still alive, three generations of our family would visit Fulton's Pancake House, Pakenham, Ontario in the early spring when the maple tree sap was running. Today, only K and I were there.

But the place was just like many years ago. There were the young families with their babies and toddlers in tow, the grandparents who were happy to fuss over the little ones, and young lovers who dreamed of a possible future together.

十年樹木,百年樹人 .... It takes time but the disappearing older generations are being replenished by new ones.

Photo Credit:
* Top: Facebook cover photo of Fulton's Pancake House.
* Bottom: I took this photo of an old maple tree while walking in the maple tree forest earlier today.

Reference: 【十年樹木,百年樹人】出處



the inner space said...

【普天頌讚】 百年樹人歌
To study truth through days and months

研求真理 日就月將 博聞疆記多方
以藏以修 以息以游 觀摩切磋自強
琢玉成器 求學知道 立身志潔行芳
啟發智能 增高信仰 為神彰顯榮光

十年樹木 百年樹人 坐言今後起行
獻身天國 改造社會 無慚基督精兵
寰宇蒼生 待擾孔亟 為眾樂愿犧牲
不枉所學 不負所志 不虛度此一生

Anonymous said...

寰宇蒼生 待擾孔亟 為眾樂愿犧牲

援字打錯成擾字 抱歉 抱歉

研求真理 日就月將 博聞疆記多方
以藏以修 以息以游 觀摩切磋自強
琢玉成器 求學知道 立身志潔行芳
啟發智能 增高信仰 為神彰顯榮光

十年樹木 百年樹人 坐言今後起行
獻身天國 改造社會 無慚基督精兵
寰宇蒼生 待援孔亟 為眾樂愿犧牲
不枉所學 不負所志 不虛度此一生


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