Wednesday, August 14, 2013

2003年美加大停電 / The 2003 Big Blackout in Northeast America

On August 14, 2003, a cascade failure of the power grid along the northeastern seaboard of America plunged many US and Canadian cities into darkness and complete chaos. Our household was among the 55 million people affected by the power outage.

I remember driving my family to Gatineau across the Ottawa River looking for food because Hydro Quebec was not affected by the power outage. After supper, while crossing the Champlain Bridge, I was suddenly struck by the darkness that was once the City of Ottawa. There were no street lights. Whole neighbourhood was submerged in darkness. I had difficulties finding my own street as all the familiar landmarks disappeared. Except the occasional flickering of flashlight through some windows, every house looked almost the same and I had no idea where home was.

Eventually we managed to find our way back to where we live and spent the night under the faint glow of some candles I had found in the basement. Within the next few days, electricity in the national capital region was mostly restored and we were back to an electricity-dependent civilization.

Photo Credit: Wikipedia ".... Ottawa-Gatineau is a special case in that it is divided by a provincial boundary and the Ontario and Quebec grids are not synchronously connected. Gatineau had power. One may have seen the drastic cutoff of areas still having power when they were crossing the Portage Bridge between Gatineau and Ottawa – the cutoff was at the provincial line. Street lights on the bridge were still lit on the Quebec side of the structure ...."

Related Link: The 2013 Big Blackout in Northeast America







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