在12月尾l月初,我們過了一個沒有雪的埾誕和新年,但在最近這數星期間,天氣已回復正常。今天清早看看寒暑表,是攝氏零下20至23度左右,再加一些風速,就相等零下30度。雖然寒氣襲人,但在週末,戶外的溜冰場,就仍是擠滿了打冰棒球的年青人,他們在這裡長大,春夏秋冬,就是不同的季節,適应是理所当然的。但加拿大冬天,对一些上了年紀的亞洲「阿伯阿姆」卻是一個大問題, 他們害怕天寒地凍,又怕雪地滑,易跌跤,於是乎就漸漸形成了一個冬天的「自閉症」習慣,整天在家不出外。如果他們是和子女一起住的,家人也会在週末和他們外逛,但有很多是獨居或沒有親人的,身世也就淒涼。老華僑圈子中,就常駭聞有些上了年紀的,有了「自閉症」之後,不和鄰居出入交談,在家出了意外也沒有人知道,数天之後才被人發現。所以移民一事,我常勸告朋友,要他們想想上了年紀父母的適应能力。年青好動的一代,当然沒有問題,但老年人的「自閉症」,卻不是我們可以容易体会明白的。
(註: 這裡說的老年人「自閉症」,不是過敏兒童或發展障礙兒童的自閉症Autism)
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Friday, January 26, 2007
【烈血暴潮/裂血大風暴】: 為弟弟雪冤 / "Mississippi Burning": Justice for a murdered brother

今早加拿大國家電台,訪問在多倫多CBC的記者 大衛、尼鎮 David Ridgen ,報導他怎樣無意中,幫助重翻42多年前,兩名黑人青年,在密西西比州,被3K黨謀殺的一件未破案。種族歧視組織,現在仍有很多存在,但在1964年美國南部,就更為高層有勢力的人包保。当年兩名疑兇,其中一人占士蕭James Seale ,竟是行政司法長官的副助手,被拘捕之後, 交了保釋,案件就不了了之。其中一個被害者的大哥,自從1964年弟弟遇害,就每日都想和他雪冤,但疑犯的家人卻做謠,說占士蕭已逝世了,其實那71歲的3K黨員,仍是在享受人生。記者 大衛、尼鎮努力不懈,終於追尋疑兇下落,42年之後,本星期美國聯邦調查局拘捕占士蕭,落案控訢,如果綁架殺人罪名成立,最高可被判終身監禁。我們有很多人都看過【裂血大風暴】或【烈血暴潮】(1988), 想不到天網恢恢,疏而不漏,真人真事,那已有63歲的大哥,終於在42年後,可有机会為他19歲的弟弟雪冤了 (黑白照片: 與弟弟兒時在一起 CBC.ca)。
I heard this morning on the radio, an interview with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC's) journalist Mr David Ridgen in Toronto. The broadcaster reported how by coincident he had helped crack a 42-years cold case in which two black teenagers had been randomly murdered by the Ku Klux Klan in Mississippi. While white supremacy groups have been around for quite a while, they were openly active during the Civil Rights Movement period in the deep south. At the time, KKK members were often people in positions of power and authority. In 1964, after the two young men were tortured and drowned and their bodies found, two suspects were arrested and then set free on bonds. Both were subsequently discharged free without trial. One of the two suspects was James Seale who at the time was the Sheriff's Deputy. For the longest time, the older brother of one of the young men had been trying to track down the suspects. But Mr. Seale's family told reporters that James Seale had passed away, while in fact, the 71 years old reputed KKK member was still enjoying life in a near-by town. Mr. Ridgen worked hard and eventually was able to track down Mr. Seale. Forty two years later, the suspect was arrested and indicted by the FBI for kidnapping and murder. The maximum penalty, if found guilty, is life in prison. Some of you might have seen the movie "Mississippi Burning" (1988). What we are witnessing this week is a similar re-enactment of the 1964 story, fast-forwarded to 2007 in real life. The cracking of the cold case also helps bring closure to the 63 years old brother who, after 42 years of searching, might finally see justice done for his 19 years old little brother (B&W photo: "My Brother and I" credit to CBC.ca).
***** Please read my followup to this article: 【烈血暴潮/裂血大風暴】: 為弟弟雪冤之『天網恢恢,疏而不漏』 / "Mississippi Burning": Justice for a murdered brother - the sentencing http://lotusandcedar.blogspot.com/2007/08/mississippi-burning-justice-for.html
Thursday, January 25, 2007
留學生的故事: 銀龍奨學金 (三) (四) / Visa Student Story: The Silver Drag on Scholarship (Part 3 & 4)
讀者注意,我剛剛完成了以上之英文譯本,有興趣者請往下列処閱讀 / Attention readers, I just finished the English versions of the above-mentioned articles. If you are interested, please click below:
(三) / Part 3: ".......... 那兩年來積聚的隱屈眼淚,就隨著爹啊那兩字,像堤崩洪水一樣, 從她心深処湧出來。/ She was no longer able to hold back the two years of dammed up emotions that burst out of her heart like a deluge......"
(四) / Part 4: ".......『吾家有女初長成,養在深閨人未識』,可惜的就已是珠胎暗結,又沒有人肯付那個責任。/ “In this house lives my precious maiden. On the family way the secret pearl hastens.” Unfortunately, no one wanted to be responsible for this secret pearl in his daughter’s belly......"
(三) / Part 3: ".......... 那兩年來積聚的隱屈眼淚,就隨著爹啊那兩字,像堤崩洪水一樣, 從她心深処湧出來。/ She was no longer able to hold back the two years of dammed up emotions that burst out of her heart like a deluge......"
(四) / Part 4: ".......『吾家有女初長成,養在深閨人未識』,可惜的就已是珠胎暗結,又沒有人肯付那個責任。/ “In this house lives my precious maiden. On the family way the secret pearl hastens.” Unfortunately, no one wanted to be responsible for this secret pearl in his daughter’s belly......"
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
馬拉松、行山、跑步之訓練 / Training for Marathon, Trail Running or Hill Walking
呼吸: 無論是跑馬拉松、行山、越野滑雪、賽單車(自行車),游泳等,吸氣要經胸而入腹,氣不要淺而要入深,那才可以輸入更多的氧氣,由紅血球吸收,運行到四肢細胞。音樂有節拍,呼吸最好也有韻律,我游「自由式」是123在左面呼吸,然後123在右面呼吸,跑步也是單数韻律,令左右均勻平衡。
跑勢: 這和游冰及越野滑雪一樣,氣力都应是用來推動自己向前,看到有很多人身体四肢,又高又低,又左又右,効率就大打折扣。跑步不要像免子地上下蹦跳,膝頭也不是向外側,而是向前提,肘不要左右開弓,手是前後輪轉,而不是左右擺動。
身勢: 由頭尖頂經丹田到双腳成一直線,腰背頸直,上身不要折腰向前或向後曲,這和「自由式」的流線形有異曲同工之妙。
剛柔: 運動和做事一樣,除了效率外,也要硏究有效的情度。死硬的蠻力,卻總不及剛中帶柔,柔中帶剛的好。所以在韻律來說,跑步的肌肉在应用之間,有一瞬間是完全放鬆,那才可以有效地帶來敏捷和發勁力。
丹田: 這是內力發動中心,所以全身是由丹田(小腹)帶領向前,不是胸口衝線帶前的想法。氣由口入胸,下聚丹田,然後下股及腿部至腳底發放出去。
主動: 肌肉主動是由大帶小,腰腹(丹田)帶動股部、大腿、膝頭、小腿、腳眼、腳板。很多人行山跑步,依靠較小的小腿肌肉來作主動,就会很容易累。
以上是数年來,我從馬拉松、行山、跑步訓練得來的個人經驗和意見。其實再想一想, 節拍韻律、均勻平衡、効率、有效情度、剛中帶柔、柔中帶剛等基本概念,在生活其它方面,也是可以应用的。
呼吸: 無論是跑馬拉松、行山、越野滑雪、賽單車(自行車),游泳等,吸氣要經胸而入腹,氣不要淺而要入深,那才可以輸入更多的氧氣,由紅血球吸收,運行到四肢細胞。音樂有節拍,呼吸最好也有韻律,我游「自由式」是123在左面呼吸,然後123在右面呼吸,跑步也是單数韻律,令左右均勻平衡。
跑勢: 這和游冰及越野滑雪一樣,氣力都应是用來推動自己向前,看到有很多人身体四肢,又高又低,又左又右,効率就大打折扣。跑步不要像免子地上下蹦跳,膝頭也不是向外側,而是向前提,肘不要左右開弓,手是前後輪轉,而不是左右擺動。
身勢: 由頭尖頂經丹田到双腳成一直線,腰背頸直,上身不要折腰向前或向後曲,這和「自由式」的流線形有異曲同工之妙。
剛柔: 運動和做事一樣,除了效率外,也要硏究有效的情度。死硬的蠻力,卻總不及剛中帶柔,柔中帶剛的好。所以在韻律來說,跑步的肌肉在应用之間,有一瞬間是完全放鬆,那才可以有效地帶來敏捷和發勁力。
丹田: 這是內力發動中心,所以全身是由丹田(小腹)帶領向前,不是胸口衝線帶前的想法。氣由口入胸,下聚丹田,然後下股及腿部至腳底發放出去。
主動: 肌肉主動是由大帶小,腰腹(丹田)帶動股部、大腿、膝頭、小腿、腳眼、腳板。很多人行山跑步,依靠較小的小腿肌肉來作主動,就会很容易累。
以上是数年來,我從馬拉松、行山、跑步訓練得來的個人經驗和意見。其實再想一想, 節拍韻律、均勻平衡、効率、有效情度、剛中帶柔、柔中帶剛等基本概念,在生活其它方面,也是可以应用的。
Sunday, January 21, 2007
馬拉松賽: 「個人最佳」目標 / Marathon Race: Personal Best (PB)
這几年來,為了保持身心健康平衡,除了夏天在湖游泳,冬天在山滑雪之外,每年之春和秋季,都有訓練和參加馬拉松。加拿大賽跑有分短、中、長和特長距離,通常短就是100公尺至10公里,中大約是半個馬拉松21.1公里,長就是42.2公里,特長就是超馬拉松,有髙至l80公里或以上。我是業餘賽者, 不是精英之輩, 選擇參加馬拉松,目標是自己定的「個人最佳」時間,和職業選手和賽事的國際水凖不同。為什么我選擇自定的「個人最佳」為目標呢?我覺得我們生出來,就不是一定奧運的品質,十項全能。不幸的就是有些父母、師長、甚至個人,很多時有一個不實際的祈待,希望子女、學生、或自己每事都是名列前矛。沒有錯,人望高処,但這個高処的水準,是否現實? 我也有我的一技之長,但在馬拉松賽跑方面, 「個人最佳」Personal Best (PB),对我來說,就是最實際的目標和表現了。
In the last few years, in order to keep myself physically and mentally fit, I do a lot of open-water swimming in the summer and skiing in the winter, and every spring and fall, I train and participate in running marathons. Now, running races in Canada are categorized mostly by distance: short, medium, long and ultra-long. Usually, short means 100 metres to 10 kilometres, medium is around the half-marathon 21.1 km mark, long is 42.2 km, and ultra marathon may exceed 180 km. I am an amateur runner and not part of the elite. I choose the marathon distance with the goal of achieving my Personal Best (PB) time record, which is quite different from any professional or international race standards. Why do I choose Personal Best (PB) as my goal? I feel most of us are not born Olympians with decathlon abilities. Unfortunately, many parents, teachers, and even individuals themselves actually have that type of false expectations. They do expect their children, students, and themselves to excel in every aspect of life, with no exception. Sure, many people want to achieve, but the question is whether their goals are set too high and unrealistic. I am good at many things, but as far as the marathon is concerned, Personal Best (PB) is my most realistic goal and performance measure.
In the last few years, in order to keep myself physically and mentally fit, I do a lot of open-water swimming in the summer and skiing in the winter, and every spring and fall, I train and participate in running marathons. Now, running races in Canada are categorized mostly by distance: short, medium, long and ultra-long. Usually, short means 100 metres to 10 kilometres, medium is around the half-marathon 21.1 km mark, long is 42.2 km, and ultra marathon may exceed 180 km. I am an amateur runner and not part of the elite. I choose the marathon distance with the goal of achieving my Personal Best (PB) time record, which is quite different from any professional or international race standards. Why do I choose Personal Best (PB) as my goal? I feel most of us are not born Olympians with decathlon abilities. Unfortunately, many parents, teachers, and even individuals themselves actually have that type of false expectations. They do expect their children, students, and themselves to excel in every aspect of life, with no exception. Sure, many people want to achieve, but the question is whether their goals are set too high and unrealistic. I am good at many things, but as far as the marathon is concerned, Personal Best (PB) is my most realistic goal and performance measure.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
人情熱 / Body Heat
這星期天氣回寒,凌晨水銀是攝氏零下十五度,我在溫暖的家內,就想到那街頭露宿者 Tony 東尼的処境狀况。上了他的網格一看,透過他的友人說,他前天就差點凍死了!可幸有另兩個女露宿者,見他冷至發藍,就立即幫助他,給他人体溫暖。人與人的關係,在這個北國的寒冬,有時就是如此溫暖。
Old man winter has returned back to his old-self this week. The mercury is minus 15 degrees C in the morning. Inside my cozy home, I had been thinking about Tony, the homeless person, and wondered how he was doing out there in the cold. I soon found out from his blog, through his friend's writing, that he had almost frozen to death the other night!! Fortunately, two homeless women noticed he was turning blue and quickly provided him with their body heat. There is something about their care that warms up even the coldest winter night of this northern country.
Old man winter has returned back to his old-self this week. The mercury is minus 15 degrees C in the morning. Inside my cozy home, I had been thinking about Tony, the homeless person, and wondered how he was doing out there in the cold. I soon found out from his blog, through his friend's writing, that he had almost frozen to death the other night!! Fortunately, two homeless women noticed he was turning blue and quickly provided him with their body heat. There is something about their care that warms up even the coldest winter night of this northern country.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
畫家: 古斯塔夫 克林姆 / Artist: Gustav Klimt (Part 1 of 7)
和網友「小朱」交談討論上星期【留學生的故事:銀龍獎學金】一文,令我聯想起一個我頗喜愛的畫家,他的名字是古斯塔夫 克林姆 (1862-1918) ,他是歐洲維也納分離派的始創人。我覺得他所繪的畫,对女性的身體、感情、愛慾等有一個像夢幻、神話和裝飾性的花紋美,但在顏色鮮艷、華麗的主題或背景裡,總帶有一點憂愁和悲覌的意味,告訢我們女性的的生命,也就是人類的生命,一方面是充滿青春活力,熱情和期待將來,但仍是脫離不了生老病死,悲欢離合的階段。我回想故事中阿伯女兒的生命和遭遇,再看看克林姆的作品,心中總覺得有一個共鳴。
(附註資料: 「小琇の物語 」二零零六年十二月四日的【分離派 Klimt (克林姆)】)
The dialogue and exchanges with Xiao Zhu on last week's article "Visa Student Story: The Silver Dragon Scholarship" bring back memories of last year's art gallery exhibition of the paintings by one of my favourite artists Gustav Klimt (1862-1918). He was the founder of the European style known as "Wiener Secession". Much of his art depicts the female bodies, emotions, and desires in a dreamy, mythical and ornamental manner. And yet behind the colourful main characters and the decorative background, there is always this sense of melancholy and loss. It is as if Klimt is trying to remind us that human existence comes from women's vitality, youthfulness, passion, and expectations; and all these coexist with birth, aging, sickness, and death, as well as happiness, sadness, togetherness and separation. When I reviewed the female character in the Silver Dragon story and then looked at Klimt's paintings, I could not help but find inside me a strong emotional response to life's dichotomy.
(Reference blog article: 「小琇の物語 」"分離派 Klimt (克林姆)" posted on 2006-12-04)
(附註資料: 「小琇の物語 」二零零六年十二月四日的【分離派 Klimt (克林姆)】)
The dialogue and exchanges with Xiao Zhu on last week's article "Visa Student Story: The Silver Dragon Scholarship" bring back memories of last year's art gallery exhibition of the paintings by one of my favourite artists Gustav Klimt (1862-1918). He was the founder of the European style known as "Wiener Secession". Much of his art depicts the female bodies, emotions, and desires in a dreamy, mythical and ornamental manner. And yet behind the colourful main characters and the decorative background, there is always this sense of melancholy and loss. It is as if Klimt is trying to remind us that human existence comes from women's vitality, youthfulness, passion, and expectations; and all these coexist with birth, aging, sickness, and death, as well as happiness, sadness, togetherness and separation. When I reviewed the female character in the Silver Dragon story and then looked at Klimt's paintings, I could not help but find inside me a strong emotional response to life's dichotomy.
(Reference blog article: 「小琇の物語 」"分離派 Klimt (克林姆)" posted on 2006-12-04)
Saturday, January 13, 2007
人力資源管理: 口服,心服 / Human Resources (People) Management
做人上司監督,怎樣才可以令僱員不只口服,而且是要心服呢? 老實說,如果我有一個十全十美的方法和答案,那每年值一億多美元的人事管理行業,就大多要關門大吉了。正是一樣米(麥)養百樣人,每人品性、文化、背景不同,怎能一概而論? 最多只可以概括來說:
口服: 總管可以行軍立令,不准這樣,也嚴禁那樣,但壓力越高,反抗力越強,正是:『唔怕官,最怕管!』反之,又不可以不聞不問,任由發展。或許試用以下例子: 愛玩劍術的人說,握劍就像握一隻小鳥,太緊那鳥就被握死,劍受牽制,就不能自由發渾那內在的潛力;但握劍太鬆,那小鳥就会飛走,劍也就脫手而飛。換句話說,人事管理,立例管制,是需要,但控制也要有適当的限度。僱員有足夠的思想空間建設做事,他們就多会口服。
心服: 這方面就需要多年人事管理,閱人處世,積聚來的經驗才可成功。主要來說,心服和尊敬,是由僱員决定,不是由「波士」决定。以权力或職位,要求迫壓得來的,那只是口服: "OK Boss!" "If you say so, Boss!" 在科枝專業行業來說, 總管一定要「有料」,才可以受僱員尊敬,「無料」而又要裝「有料」話事的,就大失人心了!
正如我說,人力資源管理,沒配藥處方,也沒有食譜製法, 秘訣就是怎様在一個工作環境的大前提之下,找出一個人與人工作相処的關係。
口服: 總管可以行軍立令,不准這樣,也嚴禁那樣,但壓力越高,反抗力越強,正是:『唔怕官,最怕管!』反之,又不可以不聞不問,任由發展。或許試用以下例子: 愛玩劍術的人說,握劍就像握一隻小鳥,太緊那鳥就被握死,劍受牽制,就不能自由發渾那內在的潛力;但握劍太鬆,那小鳥就会飛走,劍也就脫手而飛。換句話說,人事管理,立例管制,是需要,但控制也要有適当的限度。僱員有足夠的思想空間建設做事,他們就多会口服。
心服: 這方面就需要多年人事管理,閱人處世,積聚來的經驗才可成功。主要來說,心服和尊敬,是由僱員决定,不是由「波士」决定。以权力或職位,要求迫壓得來的,那只是口服: "OK Boss!" "If you say so, Boss!" 在科枝專業行業來說, 總管一定要「有料」,才可以受僱員尊敬,「無料」而又要裝「有料」話事的,就大失人心了!
正如我說,人力資源管理,沒配藥處方,也沒有食譜製法, 秘訣就是怎様在一個工作環境的大前提之下,找出一個人與人工作相処的關係。
Friday, January 12, 2007
冲動派長門人 / Mr. Anger Management
今天早上,進入辦事処,準備計劃做甲、乙、丙等事項,那知第一個長途电話会議,就要把那計劃取消了。原因是一個分部的同事,他真可說是冲動派的長門人,面皮簿,防守姿態強,其他同事,对他省工作有小些批評的,他就小事化大事,大事變危機,你一言,他一語,火藥氣味濃厚,电話筒也冒煙。最後,上級領導人大叫各位冷靜,大家同意,讓我代表總和分部,將各人論點綜合分析,作一個公平的部告。我不是總裁,但相信冲動派長門人,可能又被暗記了一個小過。其實打工做人,冲動魯莽,利少弊多,不是叫同事免開他的金口,不聞不問,而是要以事論事,不攻人身,那才是專業人仕的好榜樣。或許遲點会找一個適当的机会,和冲動派長門人談談, 這对机構和他個人也有幫助的。
This morning, I arrived at the office with the intention of finishing tasks A, B and C. However, my plan was blown to pieces after the first teleconference. One of the participant Mr. Anger Management, who was thin-skin and defensive, just would get fired up by the slightest remarks about his regional work from other provincial colleagues. So, comments became arguments, and arguments turned into crisis, and one could almost smell the gun powder and see smoke coming out of the telephone. Alas, our leader intervened and told everyone to cool it. In the end, everyone agreed that I should represent headquarters and branches collectively to define and analyze the issues at hand and write an unbiased report. Now, I can't speak for the President of the organization, but it is likely that Mr. Anger Management would have a blemish on the former's report card. In my opinion, being overly temperamental and rash is a real disadvantage at the workplace. I am not suggesting that Mr. Anger Management should shut up and shut out. Rather, he should focus on the issue at hand rather than launching an attack against the messenger of "bad" news. Addressing the issue rather than the person is a fundamental trait of being a true professional. Perhaps later, I will find an opportunity to have a long talk with him for his own sake as well as for the good of the organization.
This morning, I arrived at the office with the intention of finishing tasks A, B and C. However, my plan was blown to pieces after the first teleconference. One of the participant Mr. Anger Management, who was thin-skin and defensive, just would get fired up by the slightest remarks about his regional work from other provincial colleagues. So, comments became arguments, and arguments turned into crisis, and one could almost smell the gun powder and see smoke coming out of the telephone. Alas, our leader intervened and told everyone to cool it. In the end, everyone agreed that I should represent headquarters and branches collectively to define and analyze the issues at hand and write an unbiased report. Now, I can't speak for the President of the organization, but it is likely that Mr. Anger Management would have a blemish on the former's report card. In my opinion, being overly temperamental and rash is a real disadvantage at the workplace. I am not suggesting that Mr. Anger Management should shut up and shut out. Rather, he should focus on the issue at hand rather than launching an attack against the messenger of "bad" news. Addressing the issue rather than the person is a fundamental trait of being a true professional. Perhaps later, I will find an opportunity to have a long talk with him for his own sake as well as for the good of the organization.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
君子好求 / Courtship
以下是節錄自2006年12月25日,在http://lifestyle.sympatico.msn.ca 登載的一段文章,報道男人在那処找尋到結婚对像:
24% 在學校讀書地方
23% 在工作職業地點会議等
18% 在舞会,婚讌或其它交際場合
18% 是朋友介紹相識
6% 其它
6% 酒吧
4% 宗教有關的地方和活動
1% 網絡上結交
24% 男學生讀書不專心,左顧右盼。
23% 與女同事特別合作。
18% 也有交際应酬,不是呆在家上網;)
18% 圈子內朋友同意,此君不是呆驢子,可值得推薦。
6% 幸運的呆驢子。
6% 可能男女兩人,当時都是醉眼昏花。
4% 愛情與宗敎是交义還是分义?
1% 還用我多說!
24% 在學校讀書地方
23% 在工作職業地點会議等
18% 在舞会,婚讌或其它交際場合
18% 是朋友介紹相識
6% 其它
6% 酒吧
4% 宗教有關的地方和活動
1% 網絡上結交
24% 男學生讀書不專心,左顧右盼。
23% 與女同事特別合作。
18% 也有交際应酬,不是呆在家上網;)
18% 圈子內朋友同意,此君不是呆驢子,可值得推薦。
6% 幸運的呆驢子。
6% 可能男女兩人,当時都是醉眼昏花。
4% 愛情與宗敎是交义還是分义?
1% 還用我多說!
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
留學生的故事: 銀龍奨學金 (四) / Visa Student Story: The Silver Dragon Scholarship (Part 4)
数天之後,大學校園唐人仔圈子,流傳了一個新聞,就是「銀龍」歺館的老板,願出一個獎學金,給一位年青、有上進心的男留學生,不獨免費供他讀大學,還可以立即移民,在加拿大定居做工,当然要面試,和詳談其中某種條件。於是,唐人仔之間,大家見面,一開口就是:『喂,你有沒有申請那「銀龍獎學金」?』那間一直做西人生意的小歺館,在数星期之內,突然客似雲來,擠滿了新食客,都是年青的留學生。『嗯,怎么你也來這裡吃歺?』『噢,想試試這裡的北美唐人歺口味罷,你呢?』『聽說這老板想請人, 我是有興趣來見工呀。』正是學無止境,有上進心的留學生是多的。
未滿一個月,「銀龍」老板嫁女,請客擺酒,簡單的婚讌,那兩個新人也頗双襯,那新娘或許是害羞關係,眼總是望著地下,那新郎倒是風灑自如, 樣子眉貌,有點南洋人的風味。約半年多左右,台山阿伯孫兒出世,滿月之日,他特別在家安了妻子的神位,也買了一些水果茶點放在靈前,他與女兒、孫兒、和女婿一家,在他亡妻的遺照前鞠躬。用膳之後,女兒忙著喂奶嬰兒,他的女婿也識事做人,幫助他収拾碗碟,清理厨房。当脕台山阿伯,夢見了他和愛妻,仍是年輕初婚時的情景, 對於未來,充滿了年青人的希望,懷抱著無数的憧景和美夢。
That night, Albert closed up shop and dragged his tired body back home. He closed the door behind him and just as he was about to get a beer from the kitchen (a bad habit he picked up since his wife had passed away), someone or something suddenly stepped out of the dark living room. Being caught by surprise, he thought for a moment that it was his dead wife's ghost coming back for him to join her in the Great Void. He rubbed his eyes, refocused, and his wife’s face changed back slowly to that of his daughter. However, he could not figure out what exactly she was saying except her hysterical cries for Mom and Dad. After some time, he finally understood her message. The news struck Albert like a thunder bolt out of nowhere. Embracing his daughter tightly in his arms, he did not know what to say or do.
He seemed to recall a poem that went something like: “In this house lives my precious maiden. On the family way the secret pearl hastens.” Unfortunately, no one wanted to be responsible for this secret pearl in his daughter’s belly. As an old dog of a man, Albert did not know much about “woman business”. But he had overheard his wife and her friends’ horror stories about women using coat hanger and poison to induce an abortion; and there was no way that he would subject his daughter to that kind of risk and torture. The sleepless night turned into morning and he was in no shape or mood to attend to his restaurant business. He made a phone call to Number One Chef and asked him to look after the shop. Pacing back and forth in the living room, he finally came up with an idea. He talked to his daughter and they both agreed it was a viable option.
Several days later, a rumour started to surface among visa students at the university campus. Let it be known that the owner of the Silver Dragon Restaurant was prepared to offer to a hard-working young man, a scholarship “package” that included full reimbursement of his university tuition fee, immediate sponsorship to apply for landed immigrant status, as well as a job and a place to stay – all subject to an interview and a discussion of certain conditions. Soon after, students would greet and ask each other "So, are you interested in the Silver Dragon Scholarship?" Within weeks, the little Chinese restaurant that used to serve "western customers" was suddenly filled with young Asian men. "Oh what a coincident, you like eating here?" said one young man to another. "Hmm, yeah, I just want to try some North American Chinese food for a change. And you?" replied his colleague. "Oh, yes, I mean no. I heard the owner wants to hire someone. I am interested and want to find out what the job is about. That's all." And, so it goes. There was no limit with the ambition of these young men to receive a good education and getting ahead.
Slightly less than a month later, there was a wedding banquet at the Silver Dragon. It was a rather simple ceremony with little fanfare. The bride and bridegroom looked like a well-matched couple. The bride, perhaps being shy, kept her gaze down at the floor most of the time. The bridegroom on the other hand was very much at ease. One would guess from his facial feature that he was from South East Asia. About six months later, Albert's grandson was born. As part of the baby's one-month-old ceremony, he installed a shrine of his life-long partner, put some fruit and other offerings in front of her picture, and asked his daughter and her husband, along with the baby, to kow-tow and pay respect to his beloved wife. After the ceremony and meal, the son-in-law helped him put the dirty dishes away and clean up the kitchen without being asked, while the daughter was busy breast-feeding the baby. That night, Albert had a vivid dream of he and his wife going back in time. They were just a young married couple then, full of hope for the future, with so many dreams and promises awaiting them.
数天之後,大學校園唐人仔圈子,流傳了一個新聞,就是「銀龍」歺館的老板,願出一個獎學金,給一位年青、有上進心的男留學生,不獨免費供他讀大學,還可以立即移民,在加拿大定居做工,当然要面試,和詳談其中某種條件。於是,唐人仔之間,大家見面,一開口就是:『喂,你有沒有申請那「銀龍獎學金」?』那間一直做西人生意的小歺館,在数星期之內,突然客似雲來,擠滿了新食客,都是年青的留學生。『嗯,怎么你也來這裡吃歺?』『噢,想試試這裡的北美唐人歺口味罷,你呢?』『聽說這老板想請人, 我是有興趣來見工呀。』正是學無止境,有上進心的留學生是多的。
未滿一個月,「銀龍」老板嫁女,請客擺酒,簡單的婚讌,那兩個新人也頗双襯,那新娘或許是害羞關係,眼總是望著地下,那新郎倒是風灑自如, 樣子眉貌,有點南洋人的風味。約半年多左右,台山阿伯孫兒出世,滿月之日,他特別在家安了妻子的神位,也買了一些水果茶點放在靈前,他與女兒、孫兒、和女婿一家,在他亡妻的遺照前鞠躬。用膳之後,女兒忙著喂奶嬰兒,他的女婿也識事做人,幫助他収拾碗碟,清理厨房。当脕台山阿伯,夢見了他和愛妻,仍是年輕初婚時的情景, 對於未來,充滿了年青人的希望,懷抱著無数的憧景和美夢。
That night, Albert closed up shop and dragged his tired body back home. He closed the door behind him and just as he was about to get a beer from the kitchen (a bad habit he picked up since his wife had passed away), someone or something suddenly stepped out of the dark living room. Being caught by surprise, he thought for a moment that it was his dead wife's ghost coming back for him to join her in the Great Void. He rubbed his eyes, refocused, and his wife’s face changed back slowly to that of his daughter. However, he could not figure out what exactly she was saying except her hysterical cries for Mom and Dad. After some time, he finally understood her message. The news struck Albert like a thunder bolt out of nowhere. Embracing his daughter tightly in his arms, he did not know what to say or do.
He seemed to recall a poem that went something like: “In this house lives my precious maiden. On the family way the secret pearl hastens.” Unfortunately, no one wanted to be responsible for this secret pearl in his daughter’s belly. As an old dog of a man, Albert did not know much about “woman business”. But he had overheard his wife and her friends’ horror stories about women using coat hanger and poison to induce an abortion; and there was no way that he would subject his daughter to that kind of risk and torture. The sleepless night turned into morning and he was in no shape or mood to attend to his restaurant business. He made a phone call to Number One Chef and asked him to look after the shop. Pacing back and forth in the living room, he finally came up with an idea. He talked to his daughter and they both agreed it was a viable option.
Several days later, a rumour started to surface among visa students at the university campus. Let it be known that the owner of the Silver Dragon Restaurant was prepared to offer to a hard-working young man, a scholarship “package” that included full reimbursement of his university tuition fee, immediate sponsorship to apply for landed immigrant status, as well as a job and a place to stay – all subject to an interview and a discussion of certain conditions. Soon after, students would greet and ask each other "So, are you interested in the Silver Dragon Scholarship?" Within weeks, the little Chinese restaurant that used to serve "western customers" was suddenly filled with young Asian men. "Oh what a coincident, you like eating here?" said one young man to another. "Hmm, yeah, I just want to try some North American Chinese food for a change. And you?" replied his colleague. "Oh, yes, I mean no. I heard the owner wants to hire someone. I am interested and want to find out what the job is about. That's all." And, so it goes. There was no limit with the ambition of these young men to receive a good education and getting ahead.
Slightly less than a month later, there was a wedding banquet at the Silver Dragon. It was a rather simple ceremony with little fanfare. The bride and bridegroom looked like a well-matched couple. The bride, perhaps being shy, kept her gaze down at the floor most of the time. The bridegroom on the other hand was very much at ease. One would guess from his facial feature that he was from South East Asia. About six months later, Albert's grandson was born. As part of the baby's one-month-old ceremony, he installed a shrine of his life-long partner, put some fruit and other offerings in front of her picture, and asked his daughter and her husband, along with the baby, to kow-tow and pay respect to his beloved wife. After the ceremony and meal, the son-in-law helped him put the dirty dishes away and clean up the kitchen without being asked, while the daughter was busy breast-feeding the baby. That night, Albert had a vivid dream of he and his wife going back in time. They were just a young married couple then, full of hope for the future, with so many dreams and promises awaiting them.
Monday, January 08, 2007
留學生的故事: 銀龍奨學金 (三) / Visa Student Story: The Silver Dragon Scholarship (Part 3)
時光易轉,就在台山阿伯女兒十四歲的時候,那和他同艱共苦的妻子突然因病逝世,中年喪偶,阿伯只能嘆命,雖有續弦之心,但生意纏身,華埠僧多粥少,又那有机会、時間、和心情去找另一個上年紀的拍檔。那時北美中國熱,李小龍、打功夫、吃唐歺等大行其道,連帶作用,歺館的生意也忙了起來,客仔也对唐人有多點認識和敬意(多謝李小龍),也不像以前,大声呼喝企枱, 侮辱叫唐人做「查理」(Charlie Chan 是早期荷里活淩辱中國人的影片)。台山阿伯,愈做愈忙,週末為甚,做午和晚兩個歺期, 凌晨一時收市埋數,和伙記吃完之後,回家攪這攪那,早上三時才睡,見和管教女兒的時間就少了。
阿伯的女兒,畧曉台山話,是地道的CBC Canadian Born Chinese「土生女」,沒禮貌的唐人就叫她做「竹星女」。母親去了世之後,父親又忙生意,就開始和一羣在「波楼」好打billiard 的留學生來往,年輕人無所事事,十六歲體內荷爾蒙盛發,又沒有人照管,沒多久她就懷了孕。起初,她還希望或許是「大姨媽」事忙,遲了來探訪,但希望和事實是兩回事。她和那年輕經手的,兩個在情感和理性方面都未成熟,將事隠瞞了一段時期,到了最後,那留學生說:「我在這裡讀大學都是讀不成的了,父親說我還是年青,要我返回南洋,跟他學做生意, 我實在不能和你結婚的。」阿伯的女兒聽後, 哭得像個淚人兒,那年青人安慰她,但沒啥用処,反而被攆了出門。在這一日間,她是由一個天真的女孩,轉變成了一個現實的懷孕少女。在那脕上,女兒等候她父親至凌晨收工收家,一看見他進門, 她迎上去,只能說到:『爹啊......』那兩年來積聚的隱屈眼淚,就隨著爹啊那兩字,像堤崩洪水一樣, 從她心深処湧出來。在淚流滿面之際,她才察覺父親在這兩年,也添了不少白頭髪。自她母親去世後,這還是第一次父女之間,她願意和這「陌生」的父親,作一個正面的交談。
下續 ..... ....Part 4
Time flew by quickly. When Albert's daughter was 14 year-old, his partner who had shared his hard life over the years, fell ill and died suddenly. Losing his wife in mid-life, Albert could only accept his karma. The thought of remarrying did cross his mind, but with the high men to women ratio in Chinatown and the encumbering restaurant business, he neither had the time, the energy nor the mood to search for another companion in his age group. At that time, North America was infatuated with China and it was a fad to watch kung fu movies by the iconic Bruce Lee and to order Chinese food for supper (sweet and sour chicken balls, chow main, fortune cookies, and all that stuff). Albert's little Chinese restaurant was doing great business. The clientele changed from those who yelled at waiters and said rudely: "Hey, Charlie, bring me some egg rolls, chop chop!!" (Charlie Chan being the inscrutable evil-looking movie character stereotyped by Hollywood) to a more sophisticated and younger crowd who actually tried to better understand and respect the Chinese culture (thank-you Bruce Lee). The business kept Albert extremely busy, especially during the lunch and dinner meal-time on weekends. It also kept him away from his daughter. Every night, he would see the last customer out at 1 am, close the cashier, eat a midnight meal with the workers, and then head home. By the time he finished fiddling here and there around the house, it would be 3 am when he hit the sack. He seldom saw or talked to his daughter.
Albert's daughter understood a little bit of the Toi-Shan dialect but could hardly speak it. She was in many ways a typical CBC or Canadian Born Chinese. Some might even deride her as being a "bamboo" - open to both cultures but blocked inside (i.e. belonging to neither). After the passing away of her mother and with his father being so occupied with his business, the daughter started hanging out in the pool hall with a group of foreign students. Young, unoccupied, and with hormones acting up inside her body, the unsupervised teenage girl soon found herself pregnant. At first she was hoping that her "auntie's monthly visit" (a.k.a. period or menstruation) was just a bit late. But she soon realized wish and reality are two different things. The unmarried couple were immature emotionally and mentally and they did not tell anyone for a quite a while. In the end, the young man told the girl "I am not doing well here at school and my father wants me to go back to my home in South East Asia while I am still young and to start learning how to run a business with him. I will not be able to marry you." Upon hearing what her lover said, she was devastated and cried like a baby. The young man tried in vain to comfort her and was told to get out. On that day, Albert's daughter lost her childhood innocence and became a more mature and realistic young woman. She waited till the wee hours of the morning for the father to come home from work. As soon as she saw him coming through the door, she went up and could only say "Dad, ..." before she broke down. She was no longer able to hold back the two years of dammed up emotions that burst out of her heart like a deluge. Through her teary eyes, she noticed her father's hairs had turned greyer in the past two years. She also realized that it was the first time since the death of her mother that she was willing to approach this "stranger" for a daughter to father talk.
(to be continued ....Part 4 )
阿伯的女兒,畧曉台山話,是地道的CBC Canadian Born Chinese「土生女」,沒禮貌的唐人就叫她做「竹星女」。母親去了世之後,父親又忙生意,就開始和一羣在「波楼」好打billiard 的留學生來往,年輕人無所事事,十六歲體內荷爾蒙盛發,又沒有人照管,沒多久她就懷了孕。起初,她還希望或許是「大姨媽」事忙,遲了來探訪,但希望和事實是兩回事。她和那年輕經手的,兩個在情感和理性方面都未成熟,將事隠瞞了一段時期,到了最後,那留學生說:「我在這裡讀大學都是讀不成的了,父親說我還是年青,要我返回南洋,跟他學做生意, 我實在不能和你結婚的。」阿伯的女兒聽後, 哭得像個淚人兒,那年青人安慰她,但沒啥用処,反而被攆了出門。在這一日間,她是由一個天真的女孩,轉變成了一個現實的懷孕少女。在那脕上,女兒等候她父親至凌晨收工收家,一看見他進門, 她迎上去,只能說到:『爹啊......』那兩年來積聚的隱屈眼淚,就隨著爹啊那兩字,像堤崩洪水一樣, 從她心深処湧出來。在淚流滿面之際,她才察覺父親在這兩年,也添了不少白頭髪。自她母親去世後,這還是第一次父女之間,她願意和這「陌生」的父親,作一個正面的交談。
下續 ..... ....Part 4
Time flew by quickly. When Albert's daughter was 14 year-old, his partner who had shared his hard life over the years, fell ill and died suddenly. Losing his wife in mid-life, Albert could only accept his karma. The thought of remarrying did cross his mind, but with the high men to women ratio in Chinatown and the encumbering restaurant business, he neither had the time, the energy nor the mood to search for another companion in his age group. At that time, North America was infatuated with China and it was a fad to watch kung fu movies by the iconic Bruce Lee and to order Chinese food for supper (sweet and sour chicken balls, chow main, fortune cookies, and all that stuff). Albert's little Chinese restaurant was doing great business. The clientele changed from those who yelled at waiters and said rudely: "Hey, Charlie, bring me some egg rolls, chop chop!!" (Charlie Chan being the inscrutable evil-looking movie character stereotyped by Hollywood) to a more sophisticated and younger crowd who actually tried to better understand and respect the Chinese culture (thank-you Bruce Lee). The business kept Albert extremely busy, especially during the lunch and dinner meal-time on weekends. It also kept him away from his daughter. Every night, he would see the last customer out at 1 am, close the cashier, eat a midnight meal with the workers, and then head home. By the time he finished fiddling here and there around the house, it would be 3 am when he hit the sack. He seldom saw or talked to his daughter.
Albert's daughter understood a little bit of the Toi-Shan dialect but could hardly speak it. She was in many ways a typical CBC or Canadian Born Chinese. Some might even deride her as being a "bamboo" - open to both cultures but blocked inside (i.e. belonging to neither). After the passing away of her mother and with his father being so occupied with his business, the daughter started hanging out in the pool hall with a group of foreign students. Young, unoccupied, and with hormones acting up inside her body, the unsupervised teenage girl soon found herself pregnant. At first she was hoping that her "auntie's monthly visit" (a.k.a. period or menstruation) was just a bit late. But she soon realized wish and reality are two different things. The unmarried couple were immature emotionally and mentally and they did not tell anyone for a quite a while. In the end, the young man told the girl "I am not doing well here at school and my father wants me to go back to my home in South East Asia while I am still young and to start learning how to run a business with him. I will not be able to marry you." Upon hearing what her lover said, she was devastated and cried like a baby. The young man tried in vain to comfort her and was told to get out. On that day, Albert's daughter lost her childhood innocence and became a more mature and realistic young woman. She waited till the wee hours of the morning for the father to come home from work. As soon as she saw him coming through the door, she went up and could only say "Dad, ..." before she broke down. She was no longer able to hold back the two years of dammed up emotions that burst out of her heart like a deluge. Through her teary eyes, she noticed her father's hairs had turned greyer in the past two years. She also realized that it was the first time since the death of her mother that she was willing to approach this "stranger" for a daughter to father talk.
(to be continued ....Part 4 )
Friday, January 05, 2007
留學生的故事: 銀龍奨學金 (二) / Visa Student Story: The Silver Dragon Scholarship (Part 2)
話說台山阿伯年輕時,單身來加投靠親戚,節衣縮食,歷盡艱苦,終於用「企枱」賺來的錢,又經父母之命,媒妁之言,回港娶了一個「工廠妺」妻子,帶回楓葉國,兩口子又生了一個女嬰,生活也頗愉快。数年後,他親戚年過半百,也想返鄉下落葉歸根,就半賣半送那小歺館給阿伯。起初時,他不懂生意之道,「頭厨」又和「二厨」不和,有一次險些兒鬧出六國大封相,「二厨」拿箸菜刀由後面冲出來, 嚇得那些在歺房進食的「墨叔」和「麥田鬼」(企枱術語,即黑人和農夫) 雞飛狗走,也有一些顧客籍這机会,拒絕付賬和「黑頭」(即不給花利貼士)。經此一役,阿伯和「頭厨」講数,年尾不止双糧,歺館利潤,做厨的也有好几個「巴仙」,「二厨」也被攆走。自此之後,生意也逐漸回復正常,但真正來說,歺牌仍是北美式的所謂唐歺,客仔大都是普羅大众西人,唐人客就少之又少了。
究竟在這北美華埠,阿伯的歺館、家庭、生活、和前途会怎樣,請聽下回分解 ...... Part 3
From our last episode, Albert our main character had come over to Canada and started working for a close relative in the Chinese restaurant business. With determination, he saved all his wages and tips working as a waiter and managed to have enough money to bring back a HK "factory girl" through his parents and a match-maker. Upon return to Canada, they gave birth to a baby girl. Life for Albert and his family was hard but joyful. Several years later, his relative who was by then a half-century man, decided to return to his root, his village in China. He half-sold, half-gave the restaurant to Albert. At first, Albert had no clue about operating a business. To make things worse, #1 Chef and #2 Chef never got along well. It was so bad that at one point, #2 was chased out of the kitchen with a cleaver in his hand. That scared the heck out of the customers in the dining room. Of course, some took advantage of the commotion and either took off without paying or refused to leave any tips behind. After the incident, Albert negotiated with #1 Chef to make sure he stay by offering him double wage for the last month of the Chinese Lunar Calendar plus a percentage cut of the restaurant's year-end profit. He then fired #2 Chef and from then on, things seemed to have settled down and business was back on track. But let's face it, the restaurant was still your typical greasy spoon serving North-American type Chinese food. Most of the clientele were regular neighbourhood customers and there were not too many Chinese people eating there.
Stay tuned as to what was going to happen to Albert's restaurant, his family, life and future in Canada in our next episode.
.... to be continued Part 3
究竟在這北美華埠,阿伯的歺館、家庭、生活、和前途会怎樣,請聽下回分解 ...... Part 3
From our last episode, Albert our main character had come over to Canada and started working for a close relative in the Chinese restaurant business. With determination, he saved all his wages and tips working as a waiter and managed to have enough money to bring back a HK "factory girl" through his parents and a match-maker. Upon return to Canada, they gave birth to a baby girl. Life for Albert and his family was hard but joyful. Several years later, his relative who was by then a half-century man, decided to return to his root, his village in China. He half-sold, half-gave the restaurant to Albert. At first, Albert had no clue about operating a business. To make things worse, #1 Chef and #2 Chef never got along well. It was so bad that at one point, #2 was chased out of the kitchen with a cleaver in his hand. That scared the heck out of the customers in the dining room. Of course, some took advantage of the commotion and either took off without paying or refused to leave any tips behind. After the incident, Albert negotiated with #1 Chef to make sure he stay by offering him double wage for the last month of the Chinese Lunar Calendar plus a percentage cut of the restaurant's year-end profit. He then fired #2 Chef and from then on, things seemed to have settled down and business was back on track. But let's face it, the restaurant was still your typical greasy spoon serving North-American type Chinese food. Most of the clientele were regular neighbourhood customers and there were not too many Chinese people eating there.
Stay tuned as to what was going to happen to Albert's restaurant, his family, life and future in Canada in our next episode.
.... to be continued Part 3
Thursday, January 04, 2007
留學生的故事: 銀龍奨學金 (一) / Visa Student Story: The Silver Dragon Scholarship (Part 1)
話說某年某日,在加拿大西部的某個華埠,有間叫『銀龍』的歺館,老闆是台山阿伯,他年輕時離鄉別井,過洋來楓葉國,投靠親戚開的歺店,初做洗盤碗(又叫洗大餅),後來升做「巴士仔」(即是收拾碗碟,開茶奉煙的後生),鹹水英文畢業合格之後,升做「企枱」,他將每日辛苦賺來的時薪和「花利 」,全部放入『來佬銀行』,那時『孿宝电話公司』專利,長途电每分鐘收三加元,等於港幣十八元,故此他連打個「喊線」返鄉下的費用也不捨得用,懷鄉想念家人深切時,就靠紙、筆、墨寫他的心声,貼上平郵士担,放入郵箱,船期巧合的話,寄後兩星期到達彼岸家人,收啟後答覆回郵又是兩星期,一來一回, 就是一個月只能通訊一次了。
... 下續 Part 2
(This is a story that has not been verified and it's up to the readers to decide whether it is true, fictitious or just a coincidence.)
It was told on a certain day and a certain year, in a certain Chinatown out west, there was this Chinese restaurant called "The Silver Dragon". Now the present owner was an old timer called Albert from the Chinese town Toi-Shan. He had left his home village when he was young and came over to Canada working for a close relative, the previous owner. He started from the bottom as a dishwasher, then worked his way up to become a busboy, then finally when his "Chinkish" (sorry about the racial slur, but the story was set in the bad old days) became passable, he was promoted to become a waiter. He put every cent of his hard earned wages and tips into the Royal Bank. At the time, Ma Bell still had an iron grip on the long-distance business and it cost about three Canadian dollars a minute to call home, which would be equivalent to eighteen HK dollars. Albert never called home and when he felt really homesick, he would pick up a pen and a piece of paper, wrote, put a stamp on the envelope and mailed his message home. If he was lucky, the next slow boat to China would deliver his letter in about two week's time to his family. It would take another two weeks for the reply to come back to him. Each "instant" message had a turn-around time of one month !!
.... to be continued / click here Part 2
話說某年某日,在加拿大西部的某個華埠,有間叫『銀龍』的歺館,老闆是台山阿伯,他年輕時離鄉別井,過洋來楓葉國,投靠親戚開的歺店,初做洗盤碗(又叫洗大餅),後來升做「巴士仔」(即是收拾碗碟,開茶奉煙的後生),鹹水英文畢業合格之後,升做「企枱」,他將每日辛苦賺來的時薪和「花利 」,全部放入『來佬銀行』,那時『孿宝电話公司』專利,長途电每分鐘收三加元,等於港幣十八元,故此他連打個「喊線」返鄉下的費用也不捨得用,懷鄉想念家人深切時,就靠紙、筆、墨寫他的心声,貼上平郵士担,放入郵箱,船期巧合的話,寄後兩星期到達彼岸家人,收啟後答覆回郵又是兩星期,一來一回, 就是一個月只能通訊一次了。
... 下續 Part 2
(This is a story that has not been verified and it's up to the readers to decide whether it is true, fictitious or just a coincidence.)
It was told on a certain day and a certain year, in a certain Chinatown out west, there was this Chinese restaurant called "The Silver Dragon". Now the present owner was an old timer called Albert from the Chinese town Toi-Shan. He had left his home village when he was young and came over to Canada working for a close relative, the previous owner. He started from the bottom as a dishwasher, then worked his way up to become a busboy, then finally when his "Chinkish" (sorry about the racial slur, but the story was set in the bad old days) became passable, he was promoted to become a waiter. He put every cent of his hard earned wages and tips into the Royal Bank. At the time, Ma Bell still had an iron grip on the long-distance business and it cost about three Canadian dollars a minute to call home, which would be equivalent to eighteen HK dollars. Albert never called home and when he felt really homesick, he would pick up a pen and a piece of paper, wrote, put a stamp on the envelope and mailed his message home. If he was lucky, the next slow boat to China would deliver his letter in about two week's time to his family. It would take another two weeks for the reply to come back to him. Each "instant" message had a turn-around time of one month !!
.... to be continued / click here Part 2
Monday, January 01, 2007
有朋自遠方來,不易樂乎! / Friends from far away !
每年聖誕新年,有很多親朋戚友,都從世界各地,或加拿大其他省份領域,回埠渡假,正是:『有朋自遠方來,不易樂乎!』我和他們有些分別一年,有些兩三年以上,大家寒喧一番之後,自然談及過去和將來。人生的路途,有平坦的,也有艱苦的,有幸有不幸,真有點像擲骰子: 有一個老朋友的孫兒患上了血癌,另一对年青新婚的生了第一個嬰孩。中年的教師友人会繼續在非洲做義工,做一班一百個學生的老師。退了休的公務員現在教会做,負責流浪者的聖誕新年餐。我以前街坊小狼隊的「兒童」,現都變了「中童」,但很多還隱約有孩子時的輪廓。離過婚的某先生,又再次婚姻觸礁,過節也沒有心情......等等。最後一班朋友走了之後,屋子靜了下來,在收拾杯碟之際,有時間之時想想,生活很多時雖是平庸,但或許,沒有大起大落,也就是福氣罷。望望窗外閃爍的聖誕串燈,雖已有一兩顆燒焦了,但總括來說,還可以有多個愉快的新年,希望在人間!!!
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